The small gangs and small factions around Shushan, as well as some small towns, will soon become the territory of the Rising Sun Cult.

The entire world, except for the partial southern border where the Moon Worship Sect is located, has been completely enveloped by the power of the Rising Sun Sect.


The scenery of Mount Shu is pleasant and the environment is beautiful. Liu Xu and the girls lived here for more than half a month, flirting, admiring the scenery, and having a great time.

There have been new actions on the side of Baiyue.

The original water monster was taken by Liu Xu as a mount, and Baiyue found a fire monster from somewhere, ready to destroy the earth and recreate people just like the original book.

I have to say, this guy is very ambitious.

As for the Nuwa Temple, there are also frequent changes.

Liu Xu had had enough fun, had enough fun, and took all the girls, and walked slowly to the southern border.

A huge transparent flying sword with condensed spiritual power landed at his feet, stretching for dozens of miles.

Liu Xu carried the girls and shuttled through the clouds.

Ling'er lay lazily in Liu Xu's arms, whispering with Liu Xu, discussing the topic of prenatal education.

Her crystal clear and moist skin is rosy in the white, exuding a mature maple love.

Ling'er has become more and more beautiful since she was pregnant with the baby.

A thin gauze was draped over Ling'er's body, and Ling'er's softened body fell into Liu Xu's arms, kneading as soft as water.

The jade arms gently wrapped around Liu Xu, and the two kissed each other with warmth like water.

"Daddy, Ling'er misses Sister Anu." Ling'er lay in Liu Xu's arms and said softly.

"Anu, she was playing in Nanjiang recently! It caused a lot of trouble for Baiyue. Don't worry, we will meet soon."

"Is Anu all right?"

Liu Xu was stunned, then suddenly smiled and said, "How could something be wrong with Anu? There are so many masters protecting her personally. I don't know how many times she has destroyed various altars and ceremonies of the Moon Worship Sect. In fact, the really unlucky person is Pay homage to the moon!"

Liu Xu couldn't help but feel some sympathy for Baiyue.

Liu Xu knew Anu's mischievous character.

If Anu hadn't just played for fun and didn't take it seriously, I'm afraid the Moon Worship Sect would have disappeared long ago.

Ling'er nodded reassuringly.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1397 Agreed Code Words, Couldn't Die

After sneaking a few glances behind Liu Xu, she found that the girls were not paying attention, so she quietly said to Liu Xu, "Daddy, she is kicking me."

Ling'er spoke softly, and a blush floated on Ling'er's beautiful face.

"What, kick you?" Liu Xu glanced at the women behind him.

Lin Yueru was discussing swordsmanship with Yin Li and how to become a qualified heroine.

As for Caiyi, she played the image of a virtuous wife, embroidering mandarin ducks playing in the water with stitches and stitches.

Wan'er didn't understand anything in the Demon Locking Tower, so she stood beside Caiyi to observe and study carefully.

After making sure that no one noticed his little trick, Liu Xu slowly came back to his senses and stared at Linger.

Her delicate, shy face, crystal clear skin...

Liu Xu swallowed, and threw out a phantom spell, which was quickly covered with his hands that were kind and unclothed.

Belts scattered.

Just over a month pregnant, how could you kick someone?

This is some kind of code word agreed upon between Liu Xu and Ling'er!

Time is precious, you must hurry up if you cheat.


In half a day, Liu Xu and the others arrived in southern Xinjiang.

The long sword dispersed, and Liu Xu and the girls landed from the sky.

Ling'er blushed and stood next to Liu Xu, trying not to let the girls see the clue.

After all, the relationship between the two has not been made public yet!

Ling'er has a thin skin, so she probably won't say anything until the relationship between the girls reaches a certain level.

Everyone was walking on the border of southern Xinjiang, and suddenly saw a standing sculpture in the distance...

"Isn't this Shi Gonghu?" Liu Xu asked suddenly.

The girls were stunned.

Shi Gonghu is like a statue, with serious expression and deep eyes.

One of his hands was gently hanging by his side, and there was a strange wave of aura on it.

This is a powerful spell.

As long as Shi Gonghu moves slightly, it will be wiped out in an instant.

Shi Gonghu remained motionless, for fear of triggering the spell.

Worshiping the moon is far more advanced than him. This spell is not so easy to break.

From time to time, disciples around him came up to ask for their health, shaded Shi Gonghu, gave him snacks, and so on.

Shi Gonghu remained motionless.

In fact, he is not afraid of death.

From the moment he came out of the mountain to deal with worshiping the moon, Shi Gonghu had made up his mind to sacrifice.

And the reason why he refused to die for so long, and even resisted defecation and the wind and rain, was that he had to wait for the person who released his pigeons!

That cheater who claims to be the father of Nuwa's successor!

Well, Liu Xu almost forgot about this...

Obviously, it was agreed several months ago that Shi Gonghu would wait at the border in southern Xinjiang. He even prepared the cheerleading squad and the red carpet for celebration.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for several months, Liu Xu did not show up.

Shi Gonghu was always shy, and the Nanman King was always very stingy when it came to retiring old comrades.

After Shi Gonghu went bankrupt, he already owed a whole lot of debt...

Well, that's not the point.

The point is that Shi Gonghu wants to confirm whether this person is not coming.

Southern Xinjiang, is there no hope?

For the sake of southern Xinjiang, for these people, Shi Gonghu can endure everything.

Standing still for two months and eighteen days even in the wind and rain.

Now, finally seeing Liu Xu slowly approaching, Shi Gonghu burst into tears.

As if seeing the bright dawn, Shi Gonghu cried out with a "wow": "You are finally here!"

The disciples behind Shi Gonghu were full of snot and tears, very sad.

Of course they know a thing or two about the teacher's pain.

Not to mention the wind and rain, even when farting, you have to bear it, who can bear it.

"Yes! Old man Shi, I'm here." Liu Xu waved his hand in greeting.

Shi Gonghu stretched fiercely, thumped Yuexiong, and stamped his feet, as if he wanted to instantly last night the amount of activity he had spent in the past few days.

The aura in his hand began to vibrate violently, and the spell of worshiping the moon was activated.

But Shi Gonghu didn't realize it, and exhaled heartily.

"The old man can finally move, more than two months, more than two months..."

Staring at Liu Xu with tears in his eyes, Shi Gonghu's sad eyes made Liu Xu feel very embarrassed.

Liu Xu coughed twice, and said, "Well, I was playing all the way, and I forgot the time."

"It's good if you can come, it's good if you can come! Sir, the crisis in southern Xinjiang depends on you. Old man, don't suffer at last." Shi Gonghu waved his hand violently, and the cloud of spiritual energy in his hand accelerated to flow, and his whole body Under the gaze of all the disciples, it dissipated bit by bit...

A heroic sacrifice.

Shi Gonghu went eagerly...

Liu Xu stared blankly at Shi Gonghu's location, and said, "Actually, I'm going to tell you that I can undo this spell. Why are you in such a hurry to die? It's so strange..."

Shi Gonghu's disciples were stunned, shouting "teacher" and "foster father", crying bitterly...

Elder Shi's subordinates were recruited by Liu Xu.

The barbarian king, under Liu Xu's status as the leader of the Rising Sun Sect, obediently gave up his throne, let Liu Xu live in the palace, and swore to be loyal to the Rising Sun Sect and never betray him.

The intricate forces in southern Xinjiang gradually became clear and gradually divided into two factions: the Moon Worship Sect and the Rising Sun Sect.

However, Liu Xu did not immediately deal with Baiyue.

Destroying the moon worship is just a blink of an eye.

This time, Liu Xu will repeat the old trick again, and wait until the fire beast is summoned by the moon worship, and when the whole southern Xinjiang is ravaged by fire, he will act heroically to save the people of southern Xinjiang from danger.

In that way, faith will be enough!

Therefore, Liu Xu was not in a hurry, and stayed in southern Xinjiang first to do some preparations.

Several batches of missionaries of the Rising Sun Sect have entered southern Xinjiang one after another, and began to conquer the last unoccupied piece of land; craftsmen have also arrived in southern Xinjiang one after another. Liu Xu plans to build a The Temple of God's Envoy; there are also many dead men cultivated by the Rising Sun Sect, who have begun to assassinate the top leaders of the Moon Worship Sect...

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