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Chapter 1398 Anu Royal Phoenix, worshiping the moon in southern Xinjiang

Southern Xinjiang gradually became turbulent.

There are millions of people in the entire southern border, and the power of faith provided is quite considerable.

Liu Xu, of course he won't let it go.


On this day, Liu Xu was thinking about the number of people in the harem.

"Daddy... I'm back."

A light and lively voice came from the sky.

A delicate and agile girl smiled lightly in the air.

She was wearing a set of emerald green clothes, and her shining eyes were light and moving. The girl stood on the back of a phoenix, holding a rope with both hands to tie the phoenix firmly.

One can tell at a glance that this proud phoenix was forcibly forced by a girl to become a mount...

"Daddy, Daddy, Anu misses you so much."

The girl lightly jumped down from the air, and streams of aura surrounded her body, falling gently from the air.

I haven't seen him for a few months, but Anu's Taoism has increased again, and he has reached the middle stage of the state of emptiness.

Inheriting Liu Xu's talent is extraordinary.

The bell rang on Hao's wrist, making a tinkling sound.

Anu gently floated down from the air, the wind blew, and the skirts of his clothes trembled, like a fluttering fairy.


Shouting again, Anu threw herself into Liu Xu's arms and hugged Liu Xu tightly.

"My little Anu, you are finally back." Liu Xu hugged Anu lovingly and said with a smile.

He made a move, stroked the little girl's messy hair, and smiled.

This daughter, like a pistachio, is naughty, but this is the real Anu.

Looking at the phoenix struggling in the air, Liu Xu can probably know the source of Anu's recent fun.

"Daddy, this mount of Anu is very beautiful, right?" Anu said proudly.

"Well, Anu, how did you find Phoenix? There are not many Phoenixes in this world!" Liu Xu asked suspiciously.

Although Liu Xu's Taoism is boundless, he has been paying attention to Anu, but he just pays attention and doesn't pay much attention.

Anu said proudly: "It was discovered near the Nuwa Temple. Anu took advantage of her inattention and subdued her with the Immortal Binding Curse. Hehe, I am amazing!"

After finishing speaking, Anu stretched out his hand and pulled gently, and the phoenix reluctantly fell from the air...

"Little Phoenix, I'll give you some meat."


"And apples."

"woo woo woo woo……"


This is a juvenile phoenix, Liu Xu came to a conclusion after observing it.

Anu, a little girl, did bad things with good intentions, and didn't even know about Fenghuang's food, so she just forced her to eat like this.

Liu Xu felt that this phoenix would soon suffer from food poisoning...


Anu's return can be regarded as something to be happy about.

Ling'er and Anu hadn't seen each other for a long time, and the two sisters chatted happily.

Before Anu left, she didn't know what Linger had said, so she mischievously touched Linger's lower abdomen, and then looked at Liu Xu. In her crystal clear eyes, Liu Xu actually saw some kind of light that was eager to try.

Fortunately, Ling'er pulled the girl away, and Liu Xu was spared.

Anu, a little girl who can't hide anything, Liu Xu really didn't dare to accept her rashly.

If the little girl spreads it everywhere, Liu Xu's reputation will suffer.


After a few days, autumn gradually entered.

However, the weather in southern Xinjiang is abnormally getting hotter and hotter.

In the southeast corner of the sky, there are often strange red halos, brilliantly dyeing a large area of ​​the sky red.

The closer you get there, the higher the temperature.

The climate in southern Xinjiang has become hotter than summer.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. At the beginning, many people just thought it was an abnormal climate, but later on, the weather became hotter and hotter, and even several forest fires broke out.

Many cultivators began to speculate that evil spirits were at work.

The news spread more and more widely, and in the end, the whole southern border knew about it.

Finally, one day, with the roar of a beast, monstrous flames began to rage across the southern border.


The huge fire monster appeared in the southeast corner of Southern Border.

Residents within a hundred miles can see the huge body when they look up, the dense scales are fiery red, like a flame is burning.

The fire monster opened its bloody mouth, and flames shot out one after another.

Trees were burned, houses were burned, and white mist rose from the lake.

The fire started raging.



"Help, help..."

Countless people were running around madly, and were burned to ashes under the flames of the fire beast.

Southern Xinjiang fell into panic.

At the same time, five shining stars suddenly appeared in the sky.

Even though it was daytime, these five stars were extremely bright. Even under the hot sunlight, the five stars were still so eye-catching.

The brilliance of the stars sprinkled down, covering the entire land.

The power of the earth is restricted by the strongest ever.

Exceeded, any time.

The power of the stars completely suppressed the power of the earth.

The fire was raging and irresistible.

Losing the power of the earth, the vitality of the entire earth quickly perishes under the endless flames...

The flames became more and more raging, and the whole land was desolate.

Finally, a man in fluttering white clothes with dull and intelligent eyes slowly ascended into the air, looking down on the earth like a god.

Behind the man, five dazzling spirit beads bloomed with light, reflecting each other with the five stars in the sky.

Baiyue suppressed the long-lost excitement in his eyes, looked at the monstrous fire in front of him, and said deeply: "It's time for the stupid race to perish."

Reshape the earth and recreate man.

This is the ideal of worshiping the moon.

The fire raged and burned.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon floated high in the sky, admiring his masterpiece.

The raging fire has just ignited in a corner of Nanzhao Kingdom. The ultimate goal of worshiping the moon is to ravage the entire land, and there is still a long way to go.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1399 Paying attention to the gods, flying star Tang Yu

Worshiping the moon has plenty of time to wait slowly, not just waiting for the demise of the earth.

The person who once terrified him, Baiyue, is also waiting.

The energy on the shoulders that destroys Bai Yue's body all the time is suppressed by Bai Yue for the first time.

The power of the stars makes Bai Yue's strength skyrocket.

This is the source of confidence in worshiping the moon to breed "creating man", a feat like a god.

Worshiping the moon, looking at the devastated land, waiting.


Days passed in the blink of an eye.

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