In the entire Nanzhao Kingdom, more than half of the land has been set ablaze.

People came to flat places or pools of water one after another to avoid this unprecedented catastrophe.

Everyone hopes that a god will suddenly appear to relieve this great disaster.

At this time, no matter what kind of vicious person, even a murderous monster, if they solve this catastrophe, they will be admired by all people immediately.

The ending that Liu Xu expected was infinitely close.

However, the time has not yet come.

Liu Xu's mental power opened up, and the whole southern border was reflected in his mind. In this fire, Liu Xu had something more to pay attention to.

Under the exploration of spiritual power, nothing in the whole southern border could escape Liu Xu's observation.

A young man with a gourd hanging from his waist and a sharp sword in his hand was running in the flames.

"Li Xiaoyao." Liu Xu said softly.

With a flash, he suddenly disappeared in place. As the planner of a big show, Liu Xu felt that it was better to observe closely.


"Quicker, quicker."


"Can not give up."


In the midst of the fire, Li Xiaoyao galloped like lightning, running fast.

The fire all over the sky, the fire monsters that are destroying everything, and Li Xiaoyao's master are not important at this moment.

Li Xiaoyao tightly held the gourd around his waist and ran wildly.

The speed is not even slower than Yujian.

Li Xiaoyao knew that all of this was done by his master, and he strongly disagreed with all of this, but he did not stop Baiyue.

As an apprentice taught by Baiyue, Li Xiaoyao knows very well how strong this master is.

Even worshiping the moon with all the power of the stars now, in a sense, is no longer something that ordinary people can deal with.

Only the gods can deal with the gods.

Only Nuwa.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Li Xiaoyao growled.

Looking at the gourd on his waist, Li Xiaoyao seemed to have finally found some comfort from the wailing voice.

It took a lot of time, and even after sucking all the monsters in the monster lock tower into the gourd, the energy was still insufficient.

After Li Xiaoyao left the Demon Locking Tower, he didn't even care about his injuries, and immediately started looking for all kinds of treasures. After nearly a month of hard work, he finally completed the mission entrusted by the Nuwa Empress.

Just send this gourd to Nuwa Temple, and everything will be done.

Nu Wa will return to the earth.

"Nuwa Empress, will save all living beings." Li Xiaoyao continued to comfort himself.




Successive explosions suddenly exploded in front of Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao moved quickly, narrowly dodging the enemy's attack.

He stretched out his fingers lightly, and the sword behind his back was unsheathed awe-inspiringly.

Although he didn't know who it was, Li Xiaoyao didn't have the time to waste it.

"Don't stop me."

A hasty sword was slashed out, and the sharp sword energy hit the air with creaking noises.

The sword energy rushed forward, and after Li Xiaoyao was taught by Jiu Jianxian, his Taoism went to a higher level.

After going through all kinds of hardships, Li Xiaoyao's cultivation level is much higher than that in the original book.

Busy on the road, Li Xiaoyao casually used a sword with [-]% of his strength, which was enough to kill a master of Void Return Realm.

However, something that surprised Li Xiaoyao even more happened.

A five-pointed star, shining brightly, was so familiar and shocked Li Xiaoyao so much.

The intense flame was burning vigorously, but it couldn't stop the bright light.A deep and familiar voice sounded from the depths of the flames.

"Flying star."

In the bright light, a vague figure loomed.

The shining five-pointed star, like a real shooting star, rushes forward quickly, hastily, and indomitably.

As the flying star surged forward, it rapidly grew in size.

The flames on both sides quickly faded and extinguished like ocean waves.

The indomitable flying star knocked away Li Xiaoyao's sword energy and continued to move forward.

Li Xiaoyao shouted: "Fourteen, fourteen, it's me! Fourteen, so you didn't die. You didn't die! Too..."

"Too disappointed, aren't you? Li Xiaoyao, today, I, Tang Yu, won't be fooled by you again."


The flying star moved forward all the way, and a large area of ​​flames around it was extinguished one after another.

Li Xiaoyao jumped lightly, avoided Tang Yu's attack, and landed again.

He turned his head and looked at Tang Yu opposite him in surprise.

Tang Yu's two sleeves were empty.

The two arms were chopped off when Li Xiaoyao was controlled by Liu Xu that day.

Tang Yu looked at Li Xiaoyao quietly, with hatred and contempt on his face.

"Li Xiaoyao." Tang Yu said coldly.

The anger in his eyes could already kill people.

"Fourteen, it's great that you're fine. There are so many things that I don't have time to explain to you. I have important things to do. If I don't hurry up, this world will be over." Li Xiaoyao said anxiously, continuing to rush forward with.

Tang Yu smiled contemptuously.

He flicked his sleeves lightly, his aura shook, and another shining flying star shot out, the halo circulated and surged.

Although Tang Yu lost both arms, after going through a series of tribulations, he actually comprehended the realm of martial arts that even his adoptive father Shi Gonghu could not reach.

This is the state of returning to the basics and returning to the truth, regardless of form and appearance.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1400 Brothers fight against the wall, never die

Both arms were broken, but Tang Yu's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

Li Xiaoyao raised his sword and chopped off Tang Yu's flying star, his arm was numb.

Li Xiaoyao said loudly: "Fourteen, why are you stopping me? What happened? What happened in the Demon Locking Tower that day?"

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "Shut up, don't call me Fourteen. Xiaohu and I don't have a friend like you. Li Xiaoyao, what are you still pretending? Baiyue controls the fire monsters to set fire to destroy the entire earth, And you, what are you doing? Where are you running in such a hurry?"

Li Xiaoyao was taken aback, and said, "I'm trying to stop Master's plot."

"Haha...hahaha...Li Xiaoyao, do you really think I'm a fool? Let me tell you, I will never be deceived by you again." Tang Yu laughed wildly, her tone unprecedentedly firm.

His whole body was full of spiritual energy, with awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

"I, Tang Yu, will eradicate you here today."

Tang Yu's firm voice lingered in the flames and lingered for a long time.

Looking at Tang Yu's determined face, Li Xiaoyao knew that this misunderstanding could not be resolved for the time being.

In a daze, Li Xiaoyao had the illusion that someone was secretly observing and planning everything from behind.

Inexplicably passed out, then Xiaohu died, and Tang Yu turned his back.

Later I heard that the Demon Locking Tower also fell down.

How could these be such a coincidence?


"Flying star..."

While Li Xiaoyao was pondering, Tang Yu who was opposite made another move.

The galloping meteor flashed and crashed into Li Xiaoyao, which was stronger than any previous move.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the raging fire in the distance. In the flames, many people were struggling.

His hand holding the sword tightened a little more.

"Knock down Tang Yu, and explain it slowly afterward."

"The situation is urgent, and there is no time to discuss it in detail."

"Empress Nuwa, I'm sure she will know everything. When the time comes, right and wrong will be known for themselves."

After thinking everything through, Li Xiaoyao finally decided to make a move. The long sword in his hand burst into bright light, and he shouted, "Fourteen, I'm sorry."

A sword fell.

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