The huge spiritual energy was overwhelming, colliding with the flying stars, and Li Xiaoyao's sword energy was free and unrestrained, somewhat similar to Jiu Jianxian.

An explosion occurred between the two, and the strong air wave shook Li Xiaoyao back step by step.

What surprised Li Xiaoyao even more was that Tang Yu's flying star actually forcibly defeated his sword energy and pushed straight towards him.

Compared with the original Tang Yu, how much stronger is it?

Li Xiaoyao couldn't help being startled, he clenched the hilt of his sword, and secretly shouted: "Wan Jian Jue."

Crazy and surging sword energy exploded in front of Li Xiaoyao, and a scorching, dazzling light rushed forward ferociously.

Li Xiaoyao accepted the teaching of the Wine Sword Immortal, and naturally learned all of the Dionysian Curse.

The majestic sword energy slashed towards the flying star, and the two collided violently, shaking the ground.

"Xianfengyun body step."

Li Xiaoyao moved forward quickly, the situation was serious, Li Xiaoyao had no time to do more delays, and had to resolve it quickly.


Li Xiaoyao quickly changed his moves, and the combination of Xianfengyun's body steps and changing swordsmanship made it even more powerful.

He quickly rushed to Tang Yu in front of him.

However, what surprised Li Xiaoyao was still behind.

Tang Yu stood there without moving.

A huge five-pointed star suddenly condensed in front of Tang Yu's body, rushing straight forward.



The huge flying star overwhelms everything, covers everything, the most concise move, even Li Xiaoyao learned it after watching it once.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao couldn't believe the power he exerted.

"Li Xiaoyao, your aptitude is much, much better than mine. I, Tang Yu, are indeed not as good as you. No matter how strong a move is, you only need to watch it once, and you can learn it. I will never be able to match this talent."

"However, it is precisely because you are too smart and talented. Focusing on the move itself, but ignoring many other elements. At the beginning, my foster father only called me the unique move of Flying Star. I must have hoped that I could get to this point. !"

"The way of martial arts, how can you only look at the appearance? Li Xiaoyao, you lost."

Calm words came out of Tang Yu's mouth.

After that huge flying star, dozens of flying stars appeared quickly.

Not just flying stars.

Tang Yu's moves are no longer limited to form.

The random combination of aura, all kinds of sudden, ways.

Square, round, isolated, sword-shaped...

The overwhelming attacks rushed towards Li Xiaoyao.

"Why, how could this be?"

Li Xiaoyao looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Endless attacks rushed towards Li Xiaoyao, and even the fire that filled the sky seemed so weak.

Tang Yu, who had already lost his arms, became so powerful.

There's no time for surprises, though.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the Nuwa Temple, which was still far away, feeling extremely anxious.

At this time, there is no hesitation.

Li Xiaoyao took a deep breath, and his aura continued to rise, until he reached the Kongming Realm, and his strength was at full strength.

The long sword in his hand was also trembling anxiously.

"Everyone is drunk, I am alone."

"The Dionysian Curse!"

A terrifying move was issued.

The whole world was eclipsed in an instant.

Li Xiaoyao's Taoism is no different from that of Jiu Jianxian back then.

Even, if worshiping the moon does not have the power of the stars, Li Xiaoyao still has a great hope of winning.

Tang Yu's comprehension and understanding of the essence of martial arts far surpassed Li Xiaoyao's, and Li Xiaoyao's cultivation was a head higher.

The moves of the two collided fiercely in the middle, the burning flames all around were extinguished one after another, the trees were uprooted, and the earth shook.

A dazzling light exploded between the two of them.

"Flying star..."

What finally caught the eye was a huge sword aura colliding with a five-pointed star.

Light up, the whole sky.



ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1401 Breaking up between master and apprentice, awakening Nuwa

The earth was in a mess.

At the place where the two fought, a huge pit appeared.

They lay on the ground one after another, their clothes torn.

Li Xiaoyao struggled for a while, then slowly stood up from the ground, propped himself up, and walked slowly towards Tang Yu who was opposite.

Tang Yu Tang Yu, who lost two arms, was weaker after all.

If he still had his arms, he might still be able to compete with Li Xiaoyao. Tang Yu, who didn't have arms, was too disadvantaged.

Tang Yu looked at Li Xiaoyao weakly, and said, "Come on, kill me!"

Li Xiaoyao smiled bitterly: "Kill you? How could I kill you? Maybe you don't believe what I say, but I will prove it with actions."

Tang Yu looked puzzled.

Li Xiaoyao didn't explain too much, turned around, dragged his injured body, and ran forward quickly.

Go to Nuwa Temple.

Without delay.

At this moment, a familiar feeling came from Li Xiaoyao's body, which was the feeling he had trained countless times.

Li Xiaoyao's whole body suddenly couldn't move, and his whole body froze.

A large area of ​​spiritual energy around was shaking slightly, completely blocking Li Xiaoyao's actions.

A voice that Li Xiaoyao dared not face the most, faintly, gently, came from behind.

"My apprentice, what are you doing?"

The figure of Baiyue suddenly appeared, and with a light palm, Tang Yu, who was seriously injured on the ground, was wiped out...

"Master, Master..." Li Xiaoyao swallowed and shouted.

Baiyue stood in the sky, and the five spirit beads shone behind him.

His eyes are still so deep, full of curiosity.

However, at this moment, there was a rare disappointment.

"My good apprentice, you seem to have not followed the instructions of your master!" Bai Yue said lightly.

He stared at Li Xiaoyao, as if he wanted to see through him.

Li Xiaoyao trembled, and quickly adjusted his emotions, not letting himself show his feet, and said with a smile: "Master, what are you talking about? My admiration for you is the rolling water of the Yangtze River, and a mountain is higher than a mountain." , Master, look, I..."

Li Xiaoyao was stunned suddenly.

In Baiyue's eye sockets, a few drops of tears flowed out inexplicably.

Ever since he was a child, Li Xiaoyao had never seen his master like this.

The master has always been omnipotent, this is Li Xiaoyao's impression.

But at this moment, this month worship made Li Xiaoyao feel that something was wrong.

"Why did you lie to me? Why did you hide it from me? Li Xiaoyao, do you really deny being a teacher for everything you have done?" There was a bit of confusion in Baiyue's dazed eyes, "Destroy the earth together with my teacher. Recreating humans. We want to create a brand new world. A world without any barriers or contradictions. Create a perfect race. Li Xiaoyao, why are you doing this?"

Li Xiaoyao was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

Baiyue treated him with all her heart, and taught him everything she had learned. She didn't even hide her plans to destroy human beings. It can be said that she is like a master like a father.

To some extent, he is sorry for this teacher.

Looking at Li Xiaoyao who bowed his head and said nothing, Baiyue sighed in disappointment, and said, "I didn't expect that my apprentice is also a ignorant mortal. Forget it, everything will start all over again. Good boy Son, you and your fourteen brothers, go together!"

Bai Yue raised his hand.

Li Xiaoyao's face suddenly changed.

Although he knew that his master's personality was extremely twisted, Li Xiaoyao never expected that he could attack him so calmly.

Li Xiaoyao exerted all his strength, but he couldn't move at all under the aura of worshiping the moon.

In the battle with Tang Yu just now, Li Xiaoyao consumed almost [-]% of his strength, how could he resist?

Baiyue's palm was gradually raised, and streams of spiritual energy gathered in the palm.

Li Xiaoyao was thinking a lot, and hurriedly shouted: "Master, master, stop. True love exists, and the ends of the earth exist. Although this world is not perfect, it has the value of its existence. Master, what you did was wrong .”

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