"Master, you can kill me, but don't kill me again. Master..."

Li Xiaoyao struggled desperately, fighting for the last chance of life.

Baiyue hesitated for a while, looking at Li Xiaoyao, he didn't expect that his apprentice had completely different ideas from his own.

After more than ten years of teaching, Baiyue felt that he had failed.

"The human heart is the most unreliable thing. There are momentary impulses and momentary madness." Baiyue said to Li Xiaoyao, as if recalling her past, "However, feelings are false after all, and the dedication of true feelings may only be temporary. It’s just a trick to fool people. Disciple, you still can’t see through after all.”

Baiyue shook his head, and clapped his hands in the air.

A huge light enveloped Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao struggled desperately, but it was useless.

He kept telling himself that he wanted to wake up Empress Nuwa and save the earth, but facing Baiyue's palm, Li Xiaoyao could only be impatient and couldn't dodge it.

How to do?

Li Xiaoyao even planned to use the final killer move.

At this critical moment, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared between Li Xiaoyao and Bai Yue.

A familiar and unforgettable shadow appeared to both of them.

Liu Xu.

Liu Xu, who once made Li Xiaoyao extremely fearful, has now become his savior.

Nuwa hasn't come out yet, how could Li Xiaoyao be finished so quickly?

Liu Xu has laid out the game for so long, but he doesn't want to make a fool of it.

He also slashed at Li Xiaoyao with his palm, but the difference was that it was not a killer move.

Li Xiaoyao's body was sent flying by Liu Xu, and after rolling several times in the air, Liu Xu aimed at the gourd on Li Xiaoyao's waist and flicked it lightly.

The gourd streaked across a trail like a meteor, and headed for Nuwa Temple.


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Chapter 1402 Absolute strength, scared to worship the moon

One of the necessities needed for the arrival of Nu Wa has arrived.

The current Li Xiaoyao is truly worthless.

Liu Xu hit Li Xiaoyao to Baiyue's feet with a backhand palm, and said with a smile, "Okay, Li Daxia's mission has been completed, Baiyue, if you want to kill him, then kill him!"

Baiyue looked at Liu Xu cautiously, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

He looked at Liu Xu several times, but he didn't even look at Li Xiaoyao.

After a long time, Baiyue asked: "How did you appear just now?"

Liu Xu's figure flickered, and he changed hundreds of positions in front of Baiyue in an instant. Every change, Baiyue could not control and be unpredictable.

While quickly completing the teleportation, Liu Xu said, "Here, that's how it appeared!"

With that said, he quickly appeared in front of Baiyue, and once again showed off his profound Taoism.

Liu Xu shook his fingers lightly, and a sharp sword energy pierced Li Xiaoyao's palm at Baiyue's feet.

Just as Baiyue wanted to intercept him, Liu Xu came a hundred meters away in an instant, his face not flushed, and his breath out.

If he could instantly pierce Li Xiaoyao's palm at Baiyue's feet, he could also instantly pierce Baiyue's heart.

This is the message Liu Xu conveyed.

"Is this impossible?" Baiyue looked at Liu Xu in horror and incomprehension.

"Impossible things may not happen. It stands to reason that you should be excited to see unknown Taoism!" Liu Xu said.

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and a sharp sword energy rushed towards Baiyue's shoulder.

Baiyue was just about to intercept, this sword energy, as if traveling through space, did not touch Baiyue's moves at all, and quickly passed through Baiyue's interception, with a "chi la", hit Baiyue again. The mouth of the month.

Baiyue spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Liu Xu in horror.

"How did this happen? How did this happen? I have the power of the stars, and my Taoism is already comparable to the Dao realm. How could it be? How could it be?" Baiyue was terrified, and he didn't even have time to heal his injuries, he just stared blankly , looking at Liu Xu opposite.

Liu Xu looked at Baiyue, smiled without saying a word, playing with this cognitively impaired person like a cat catching a mouse.

Before Nu Wa came, worshiping the moon was a good warm-up.

The Nuwa Temple in the distance, when the gourd fell, received the huge power inside.

Nuwa not only broke Liu Xu's seal, but even seemed to have an extremely huge force gradually awakening from the Nuwa temple.

A force that enveloped the entire earth seemed to come from afar from another world.

"It seems to be speeding up." Liu Xu felt the omnipotent power, looked at Baiyue opposite, and said with a smile.

Worshiping the moon is just that Taoism is comparable to Taoism, but in terms of state of mind and perception of Taoism, it is not as good.

In Liu Xu's eyes, he was still extremely weak.

Kong has great strength, but doesn't know how to use it. This is the moon worship in Liu Xu's eyes.

Liu Xu crossed his hands and made the same movement as Baiyue on the opposite side.

Immediately, spiritual energy surged, and the entire space was imprisoned.

Bai Yue's body was suddenly unable to move.

It was obviously a move of worshiping the moon, but now that Liu Xu has used it, it is stronger than this deity.

The five spirit beads behind Baiyue erupted with dazzling light, reflecting the five stars in the sky, and sprinkled silvery brilliance.

The momentum of worshiping the moon skyrocketed again.

With this power, Baiyue struggled to break away from Liu Xu's aura blockade.

He moved quickly, trying to escape.

"I can't run away." Liu Xu said with a smile.

The spiritual power oscillated, and the spiritual power of the space instantly permeated the entire world.

Bai Yue obviously walked away from Liu Xu, but under the distortion of space, Bai Yue suddenly appeared in front of Liu Xu.

"The gap in realm cannot be made up by external force."

Liu Xu shook his fist while talking.

Above the fist, the space was frozen, and when he swung this fist, Bai Yue's body could not move at all.

He looked at Liu Xu helplessly, and punched his chest.


Bai Yue's body flew upside down in the air like a broken kite.

The whole person rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

However, all the meridians in the whole body have been broken under Liu Xu's punch.

The power of the stars slowly healed Baiyue's injury, but the speed was far behind.

As the worship of the moon weakened, the five spirit beads seemed to gradually dim, and the power of the stars in the sky that suppressed the earth gradually weakened.

Correspondingly, the aura over Nuwa Temple is getting stronger and stronger.

Liu Xu suddenly said: "It turns out that the power of the earth has been suppressed by you, so Nuwa can't show up! This...is one of the reasons!"

After saying something that Baiyue couldn't understand, Liu Xu was finally ready to end the fun.

Several sword auras emerged around him, Liu Xu's favorite and best at is the sword!

Baiyue's eyes widened suddenly, and she said to Liu Xu, "Tell me, tell me... Does love exist? What is love? What is love? Is everything I do right or wrong?"

Liu Xu was also speechless looking at Baiyue's demented eyes.

Maybe this person is really sick!

This kind of question that ordinary people don't even think about, he actually studies it as a philosophy of life.

The sword intent around him was fierce again, Liu Xu's thoughts moved a little, and a sword energy suddenly shot out.

Baiyue didn't even see how the sword appeared, Yuexiong's mouth was already pierced.

"Tell me...you, you have profound knowledge, you must, you must know..."

Baiyue looked at Liu Xu with pleading eyes, Liu Xu suddenly had an illusion, as if he had become a heinous devil, and Baiyue was a kind philosopher...


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1403 Nuwa came to the world, as graceful as a fairy

Pointing up slightly, Liu Xu's fingers were entangled with tiny sword blades, and said, "Actually, you have been doubting this question yourself! You know best whether there is such a thing, but you have been You are running away. Forget it, you are still a character. After I control the world, I will let you be a philosopher in my next life, bye..."

Liu Xu's finger popped out lightly.

Baiyue seems to be lost in memory, his eyes are gentle and sad.

Liu Xu's sharp sword quickly pierced Baiyue's body, and the strong sword energy directly crushed Baiyue's body into powder...

The crushing strength is even a bit ridiculous.

Just like that, the moon worship was solved quietly.

Worship the moon, there is no power to fight back.

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