With a light leap, Liu Xu leaped into the air, and at the same time urged endless sword energy to cut off all the thunder in the sky.

"There are more." Nuwa smiled lightly, and seemed to be interested, the remaining two spirit beads shone lightly around her body, and strong breaths spread out.

The fire spread, and the dark white flames could burn even the space, roaring towards Liu Xu; there were also extremely cold ice arrows, shooting towards Liu Xu densely.

Each sword contains a different sword intent, a different artistic conception of water, whether hard or soft, elusive.

The attacks of the Fire Spirit Orb and the Water Spirit Orb were equally astonishing.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Shui Lingzhu is the best to use, not bad."

Stretching out a finger, a huge lightsaber condensed in front of Liu Xu. The powerful sword intent seemed to be able to crush everything. It collided with the raging fire and ice arrows on the opposite side, raising a monstrous mist...


"Five spirits of heaven and earth, listen to my orders."

In the hazy mist, Nuwa's voice suddenly emerged.

The five different attacks that were just dispersed by Liu Xu suddenly shone with dazzling light.

The five spirit beads suddenly formed a formation, which appeared around Liu Xu.

The five elements of the whole world are gathering here one after another.

Nuwa's attack just now was just a test, the purpose was to trap Liu Xu with the five spirit beads.

"This is the power of the whole world, you can't resist it. People who fool the people, today is the day for you to be punished." Nuwa looked at Liu Xu and said softly.

The five spirit beads were shining brightly around Liu Xu's body.

The five elements of the whole world, under the command of Nu Wa, rushed towards Liu Xu.

Nuwa tapped her jade hand lightly, and waves of spiritual power rippled on Nuwa's body.

Nuwa used the five spirit beads as the cornerstone, and used the five basic elements of the whole world to build a large formation.

A formation that can even destroy the world.

The five attributes mutually generate and restrain each other, and countless kinds of visions are born during this period.

There was a violent storm, thunder and lightning, and countless attacks rushed towards Liu Xu, endlessly.

Liu Xu couldn't help admiring it too.

This level of attack, if Liu Xu's own cultivation base alone resists, he is not an opponent.

After all, Nu Wa mobilized the power of the entire fairy sword world, which is extraordinary.

No matter how strong Liu Xu's cultivation is, he can't consume the foundation of this world.

Well, it's time to come up with the so-called BUG.

Liu Xu's spiritual power swept out.

Countless attacks rushed towards Liu Xu, and the power of the five basic elements could destroy almost everything.

However, when he reached three meters around Liu Xu's body, all the attacks suddenly stopped.

The wind stopped blowing, the thunder and lightning seemed to hit some invisible barrier, the fire gradually extinguished, and the ice arrows broke one after another.

Even countless strong spiritual powers were blocked...

A transparent barrier formed by mental power blocks all attacks.

Liu Xu's thoughts moved slightly, and his mental power turned into an invisible big hand, grabbing around.


The mental power surged, and the formation was instantly destroyed. The five elements in the whole world were vulnerable to Liu Xu's mental power attack.

The five spirit beads flew into the sky, and Liu Xu's spiritual power, which was almost undoubtedly equal, instantly condensed into five sharp short swords, which quickly shot towards the five spirit beads with virtual reality.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1405 Power of Law, Will of the World


Five explosions appeared at the same time, and Liu Xu's mental power completely destroyed the five spirit beads.

Liu Xu's body flickered slightly, and he appeared in front of Nuwa in an instant.

The mental power was surging, and an undeniable majesty suppressed Nuwa.

Liu Xu showed a triumphant smile.

Nuwa was extremely shocked by this spiritual strength that surpassed almost everything.

Using illusory spiritual power to greatly suppress or even destroy real objects, this kind of practice is unprecedented.

Nuwa resisted the huge mental pressure, and the soft gauze was fluttering, pouring out, saying: "You, it's too early to be happy."

Nu Wa finally came up with the last trick.

A series of laws rippled from Nuwa's body.

The mountains, rocks, plants and trees in this world echoed one by one, and Nuwa and the whole world seemed to merge into one in an instant.

However, when a critical point was about to be reached, there were many incompatible laws rippling from Nuwa's body.

Nuwa and this world once again repel each other.

The law of fire, the law of thunder, the law of space, the law of fate...

"Knew it!"

Liu Xu's voice sounded again.

Looking at the intertwined laws on Nuwa's body, some in this world and some never seen before, Liu Xu finally confirmed a long-standing conjecture in his heart.

"You really left this world. You must have left after you made people out of clay! You broke through the barriers of the world and left this world."

"Half of the laws you are using now belong to this world, and the other half should be what you learned from the outside world, right? In the Nuwa Temple, there is only a wisp of divine thought you left behind, which is your connection link back to this world , but also allows you to keep an eye on the world.”

"Am I right, Nuwa?"

After Liu Xu finished speaking in one breath, he looked at Nuwa.

Nvwa Nvqiao trembled, looked at Liu Xu in surprise, and said, "You actually know this?"

"Of course, it's easy to guess." Liu Xu said with a smile.

Nu Wa had a bad premonition, always feeling that the man in front of her would not be that simple.

However, the power of the law still gave Nu Wa a lot of confidence.

Law is the most fundamental force.

It's just because the current Nuwa doesn't completely belong to this world, so it must be resolved quickly.

The rejection of the world is very powerful.

No longer chatting with Liu Xu, Nu Wa immediately mobilized the power of law and launched an attack.

The space froze in an instant, and one after another fire laws rushed towards Liu Xu. Nuwa's figure was constantly changing its position in the air, attacking Liu Xu, and at the same time resolving the huge repulsion that the world had against her all the time.

"The law of time."

"Elemental law."

"The law of water."


Nuwa seized the time, and in an instant, she used her strongest strength.

Surrounded by the power of law, Nuwa stared at him carefully, holding her breath, feeling a bad premonition.

Liu Xu's joking voice suddenly came from the front: "Let me see how the real power of law is displayed."

While speaking, the whole world seemed to shake for a moment.

The law that Nu Wa displayed was suddenly extremely suppressed.

In particular, the laws belonging to the world of Immortal Sword were completely suppressed.

Nuwa suddenly found that the rejection between herself and the whole world was getting bigger and bigger, and even everything in the whole world was gradually alienating her.

The whole world is suppressing her, together with Liu Xu's aura.


Liu Xu's voice came from the front.

He stretched out his hand and pointed lightly.

In an instant, the boundless fire spread.

The powerful law of fire is so strong that Nuwa can't believe it.

The law of water, the law of space, and the law of time are vulnerable to the mere single law of fire.

The raging fire seemed to contain the power of the entire world.

Nu Wa transported countless spiritual qi, and the laws rushed over like a wave, and all the laws were fully displayed.

However, Liu Xu wiped out all the attacks with a single law of the fire system.


Nu Wa frowned, and suddenly discovered something.

The law that Liu Xu used was the law of fire.

But in the face of Liu Xu's law attack, Nuwa felt a sense of déjà vu.

It seems that Liu Xu is not a person, but the world.

Liu Xu's law of fire contains the power of the whole world.

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