Compared with the weak law that she displayed personally, I don't know how many times stronger it is.

Nuwa looked at Liu Xu in shock, thought for a while, and said, "You... are the will of the world?"

After speaking, he looked at Liu Xu in disbelief.

Liu Xu was also stunned.

Nuwa, actually regarded him as the will of the world?

Also, no one knows the origin of Liu Xu's identity.

For all people, comprehension of the law is already the limit, and control is impossible.

Individuals cannot override the entire world.

Except Liu Xu.

Coughing dryly, Liu Xu said, "If you understand me as the will of the world, that's fine. After all, the world has surrendered to me."

He waved his hand lightly.

Immediately, the entire fairy sword world rippled with enthusiastic law fluctuations, as if echoing Liu Xu.

The law has permeated the whole world, and after comprehending the law, Liu Xu can already control the world initially.

"Okay, that's the end of the sideshow, Nuwa, if you've used all your tricks, then don't struggle any more. Be obedient and grab your hands."

After the words fell, Liu Xu's body once again rippled with divine power of laws.

The laws were blocked layer by layer. Liu Xu used the power of this world and the laws of Zhu Xian's world to superimpose the two. Faced with this terrifying power, Nuwa couldn't even move her body.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1406 Rope Shun Nuwa, Unify Southern Xinjiang

With Liu Xu at full strength, Nuwa couldn't resist at all.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Nu Wa asked in horror.

Nuwa, who is a god, showed such a frightened expression for the first time.

In the bright eyes, the watery ripples made people unable to help but feel pity.

Nuwa's fair and clear face looked pitiful, and the exquisite female Qiao's body was twisted and swayed left and right under the force of the law.

After the fight stopped, Liu Xu suddenly discovered that Nu Wa's body and appearance were also top-notch!

Liu Xu carefully looked at Nuwa, that holy face that one couldn't bear to desecrate, and the alluring female Qiao's body wrapped in light gauze, were all extremely beautiful.

Nuwa's body twisted continuously, and the temptation became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something strange, Liu Xu raised his head, looked at Nuwa in surprise and said, "Damn, isn't it, you are still a virgin?"

Nuwa resisted fiercely, shouting while resisting: "You, what are you doing!"

Liu Xu, who really didn't plan to do anything, couldn't help but want to do something when he saw Nuwa in such a state.


A strong rope tied Nuwa's five flowers, and then stretched out one end, holding it in Liu Xu's hand.

Nuwa's cultivation was suppressed by Liu Xu's law. Now Nuwa is no different from ordinary people.

However, in order to tame this proud mother of the earth, Liu Xu still adopted the method of binding.

Of course, Nuwa's clothes are disheveled and her pretty face is reddish. It is obvious that Liu Xu has eaten a lot of tofu.

Just like this, Liu Xu led Nuwa, walking leisurely, admiring the fire scene on both sides of the road.

After the death of Baiyue, the fire monster seemed to be even more rampant.

Large areas of fire have almost dyed the entire southern border red.

All the people were running and crying in the fire.

Looking at the miserable scene on both sides, Nuwa's expression was gloomy, she glanced at Liu Xu, and finally couldn't help but said, "How long are you going to wait?"

Liu Xu turned his head and scrutinized Nuwa's figure for a few times, with a squinting expression on his face, "It depends on you! Call me a good husband from now on, and I'll go Save people, otherwise, there is no way."

Liu Xu led Nuwa and continued to walk forward.

Occasionally, one or two civilians who were fleeing for their lives suddenly glanced at the tied-up Nuwa, showing a look of surprise.

Nuwa was really ashamed in front of the people she created.

As Liu Xu was walking, he said sarcastically, "Ah, speaking of Nuwa, you are really cruel. For the sake of your own face, you actually abandoned your own people. I am impressed."

"Nuwa, you abandon your own people and practice Taoism by yourself, are you worthy of me? Really."

"Look, Nuwa? The fire monster is heading west again."


Under Liu Xu's cynicism, Nuwa was extremely ashamed and indignant, but now she is under the control of others and can only let Liu Xu insult her.

Liu Xu walked over from time to time, and touched Nuwa's body twice with his salty pig's hand, which made Nuwa even want to commit suicide.

Proud Nuwa, when was she treated like this?

Coupled with the spread of the fire and the sufferings suffered by her own people, Nuwa finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said to herself, "Anyway, it's just a title. People who practice Taoism don't need to pay attention to these details."

"Okay. I promise you, Liu Xu." Nu Wa said with a firm heart.

"What? What did you call me?" Liu Xu picked out his ears, pretending not to hear.

Nuwa bit her lips lightly, her face flushed, she hesitated for a long time, and then she slowly opened her mouth, and said to Liu Xu: "Msg, Mrs.... You, hurry up!"

Liu Xu smiled smugly.

Walking to Nuwa's side, Liu Xu kissed Nuwa's beautiful face, feeling extremely excited.

"Okay, my wife has spoken, so I'll go. But before I leave, my husband needs a few words of encouragement from my wife."

"Sanggong, you... you are so handsome."


Liu Xu set off again.

The fire beast that is wantonly destroying southern border has been remembered by all the people of southern border.

Liu Xu appeared in everyone's eyes openly and aboveboard, with the image of a savior.

He stretched out his hand, and strands of spiritual energy condensed into a crystal long sword.

Liu Xu faced the entire southern border and said, "I, Liu Xu, the leader of the Rising Sun Sect, will eradicate you, a monster today."

A sword fell.

Under Liu Xu's sword energy, the huge body of the fire monster was instantly wiped out.

The people in the entire southern border stared wide-eyed. Although the figure in the sky could not be seen clearly, everyone heard the words just now.

This man is the leader of the Rising Sun Sect.

Liu Xu's performance is not over yet.

Shen made a move, and the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, and the heavy rain poured down in the blink of an eye.

All the fires in southern Xinjiang were extinguished in just a few minutes...


Incredibly powerful.

This is the style that Liu Xu wants to show, and the people in the whole southern Xinjiang are in a daze.

After all, such a god-like character cannot be seen at any time. Looking at Liu Xu, everyone forgot to cheer and run.

I know, a bewitching and loud voice came from the sky.

"Believe in the rising sun, and you will live forever."

The entire southern border was boiling again in an instant.

Facing this mysterious leader who saved everyone, even those who were once the backbone of the Moon Worship Sect couldn't help cheering loudly.


"Believe in the rising sun, and you will live forever."

"Believe in God, and you will have eternal life."

"Believe in the Lord, you will have eternal life."

"Liu Xu, Liu Xu, I love you like a mouse loves rice..."

Wave after wave of sound rippled across the southern border.

The entire southern border fell into a frenzy.

Endless power of faith surged towards Liu Xu, and Liu Xu was immersed in the rapid increase in strength, feeling extremely comfortable.

Since then, the entire world has only one belief: the Rising Sun Sect.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1407 Nuwa Pregnant, Temple Beauty Contest

"How is it? I'm doing well, right?"

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