Liu Xu came to Nuwa's side, feeling very happy.

With a flick of his fingers, the aura ropes on Nuwa's body were broken one after another.

Without the support of the rope, Nu Wa, who had no cultivation base, suddenly lost her footing, fell towards Liu Xu, and fell directly into his arms.

The two leaned close together, and Nuwa's pretty face suddenly looked like a red apple.

Breathing hurriedly, Nuwa was so weak that she was about to faint.

As the mother of the earth, when did she receive such treatment?

Pushing Liu Xu feebly, Nuwa said, "You, let go..."

Liu Xu chuckled, and stuck his mouth in the past...

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Next time, call me by my name again. This is the punishment. Do you hear me?"

Nvwa Nuqiao trembled, and said softly, "Yes, Mr. Liu..."

With a "snap", Liu Xu enforced the family law on Nuwa.

"Temporary changes are not counted, and punishments will be increased."

Nuwa was ashamed and angry, but she felt a strange feeling in her body, she said softly: "I know, I know, Mr. Xiang..."

"Your husband is your husband, what do you mean by 'my husband'? Then you will be punished."

Liu Xu's salty trotters attached again...

In this way, Nu Wa slowly passed the difficult and shameful years under Liu Xu's training.


After half a year.

The main hall of the God Envoy.

Carved beams and painted buildings, resplendent.

The main hall of the envoy, which symbolizes legend and authority, is the most luxurious place in the world.

Liu Xu was lying on a chair, hugging left and right.

Lin Qing'er and Ling'er leaned against Liu Xu's Yuexiong respectively, whispering to Liu Xu.

The two daughters, Chunlan and Qiuju, each have their own merits.

Liu Xu put his arms around the two girls, feeling at ease.

Now apart from having sex with all the girls every day, I am practicing, enlightening, and living a comfortable and comfortable life.

The entire world has become the territory of the Rising Sun Cult, and the crazy power of faith of the believers has greatly accelerated Liu Xu's practice.

"Father, why is sister Yueru gone these few days?" Linger asked in a low voice, leaning on Liu Xuyuexiong's mouth.

The hair fluttered gently, elegant and indifferent.

Liu Xu said: "Yueru is back home, of course you won't see it. Old man Lin Tiannan was promoted to the head of the Rising Sun Church, this girl went back to celebrate."

Under Liu Xu's treacherous scheme, the two women did everything they had to do.

But despite this, the two women were still a little shy when they were with Liu Xu.

In contrast, Anu and Yuan Qing are more open.

At this moment, an elegant voice came from a distance.

"Sir, the results of the beauty pageant for the female officials of the temple are out, do you want to take a look?"

A woman, dressed in white, is graceful and luxurious.

The woman's appearance is extremely holy, compared to Ling'er and Qing'er, she is exactly the same.

Even, because of this holy and inviolable breath, it is even more fascinating.

Walking in lightly, her gait was light, the woman's slender waist swayed slightly, her lower abdomen bulged slightly, obviously like Ling'er, she was pregnant.

This is the mother of the earth, Nuwa who was "kidnapped" by Liu Xu more than half a year ago.

In more than half a year, Liu Xu had already captured Nuwa by virtue of his superb means, and the real "Nuwa made a man" project started between the two, with remarkable results.

"Hello, Sister Nuwa." Linger and Lin Qinger said at the same time.

When they saw Nu Wa, both women were slightly embarrassed.

Liu Xu put his arms around Ling'er and the two daughters, and said: "Well, my little lady, tell me, my husband, listen!"

Nuwa picked up a small book and read it softly.

As a result of the beauty pageant in the main hall of the God Envoy, a total of 263 people reached the standard.

One name after another came from Nuwa's mouth.

Every time a name is reported, Nuwa uses Taoism to create an image of the woman for Liu Xu to admire, and then Liu Xu, a licentious and innocent male master, will assign them future work...

"... Fifth place, fourth place, tied, Ding Xianglan, sister Ding Xiulan." Nuwa said softly.

She stretched out her finger and volleyed a little.

The two delicate beauties with plump bodies are completely different from the many beauties who participated in the election before.

These two girls have been carefully trained by Liu Xu.

Liu Xu nodded, thinking secretly.

"Well, the two of you should go to bed on the fifteenth day of every month!"

Nuwa nodded, as if she was used to it, she didn't care about Liu Xu's taking concubines, picked up the notebook, and continued to mutter: "The third place, Baihe Village, Han Mengci."

After finishing speaking, another image of a delicate beauty appeared in front of Liu Xu.

Xiaojiabiyu, exquisite and lovely, Han Mengci's pure eyes, like the water in the south of the Yangtze River, are penetrating and bright.

"Well, let's arrange for her the day after tomorrow!" Liu Xu said.

Nuwa continued to read: "Second place, Shushan, Yinli."

The image of a bewitching and captivating woman appeared in front of Liu Xu.

Yin Li has a voluptuous temperament, a dashing and heroic posture, and an exquisite figure, full of beauty.

She has completely recovered her daughter's body.

Liu Xu couldn't help asking: "The number one..."

Nuwa smiled coquettishly, with a mysterious dimple, tapped her finger in the air, and a familiar figure appeared in front of Liu Xu.

She was dressed as a heroine, with big and energetic eyes, a curvaceous figure, exquisite curves, and fair skin, as if water could pop out with a flick of the finger.

"First place, Miss Lin Jiabao, Lin Yueru. It is said that on the day she returned home, she was tied up by his father involuntarily, and sent to the beauty pageant's envoy branch..."

Liu Xu was completely speechless.

Lin Yueru, still can't escape the fate of being tied up by her father!

However, old man Lin Tiannan probably doesn't know that he already succeeded...

"Daddy, I thought of it." Ling'er said happily suddenly.

"Ling'er, what did you think of?"

"I thought of the child's name." Anu clapped his hands and said, "I miss sister Yueru these days, why not call it 'Yiru'!"

"Okay, good name."

"Daddy, Anu is pregnant, Anu has..."

"Anu, you ate too much and your stomach is bulging."

"No, Anu wants to have a baby too, Anu wants to."

"Anu, you are so naughty, I really dare not let you get pregnant."


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1408 Mengye Zhenye, Zhuang Zhou Mengdie

When he woke up and found himself in a magnificent palace, Liu Xu didn't panic.

On the contrary, he was very calm, his body shook and he shouted loudly: "Chao, Ma Han, Zhang Long, Zhao Hu!"

After saying this, Liu Xu really wanted to beat himself up, no matter how much he role-played, he couldn't play Bao Qingtian, so he immediately changed his words: "Come on!"

Before the words were finished, several gusts of wind rushed towards Liu Xu.

What a strong inner force!

Liu Xu was horrified, and at the same time scolded his mother in his heart: "It's actually one person who sneaked up, but a group of people?"

In this way, Liu Xu still looked around and listened to all directions, and keenly discovered that it was several colored ribbons that were attacking him.

In the midst of this flash, Liu Xu was still thinking, which sect in the martial arts world is good at hurting people with this kind of ribbon, and each of them is so powerful?

Well, there seems to be such a plot in Tony Leung's old version of Knights of the Knights.

Surprised but surprised, Liu Xu didn't panic. Just at the very moment, he used the white crane soaring into the sky, and his whole body rose vertically from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, like Chu Liuxiang in a certain movie, he shuttled between several ribbons in slow motion like a butterfly.

In the end, Liu Xu stepped on the top of one of the ribbons, made a trick of the swallow three times, and disappeared in an instant.

Just as Liu Xu wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, a few colored ribbons that fell from the sky suddenly bound him tightly with infinite oppressive force.

Liu Xu fell heavily to the ground, the more he struggled, the tighter the ribbon was tied.

Smelling the tangy fragrance, Liu Xu's heart trembled.

It stands to reason that there should be many beauties around with the fragrant wind blowing.

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