But this time, Liu Xu felt desperate for no reason.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, Liu Xu thought to himself: "It's over, it's over, this time my buddy really fell."

He could even imagine the lead girl's lines, she might say something like this: "Sisters, first eunuch this bastard, and then throw it into the frying pan..."

At this moment, Liu Xu was in despair and sadness. He never imagined that he had been in the world of prostitution and thieves for many years, picking countless flowers. He was a generation of idols. In the end, he still couldn't escape the tragic ending that all flower picking thieves should have.

But the thing that surprised Liu Xu immediately happened. A group of beautiful women wearing all kinds of classic and seductive translucent tulle floated over, and they all shouted emotionally: "Mr. Xiang..."

And when Liu Xu opened his eyes, he suddenly found himself lying on a cosmic super invincible bed that was [-] meters long and [-] meters wide. Although the bed was soft and comfortable, he found that he was still in the same state. Large print is tied to the bed.

This made Liu Xu terrified, and when Liu Xu raised his eyes to scan the beauties in neon clothes around him, he almost spit out his eyeballs in shock.

The stunningly beautiful woman in the lead is actually Lin Chaoying!

Why is Lin Chaoying here?

Next, Liu Xu saw Huang Rong, Li Mochou, Mu Nianci, Li Shishi, Hua Zheng, Lin Yu, and... Please listen to the next chapter.

Liu Xu was puzzled by the scene in front of him.

He was thinking, could it be that Lao Tzu fell asleep and fell asleep again?

No, it should be Shattered Void!

So Liu Xu was not ashamed to ask: "What are you doing?"

Lin Chaoying smiled coquettishly, and said softly, "Master, can you play a little game with our sisters?"

Liu Xu's heart blossomed at the close-range "Sang Gong", and seeing the pleading eyes of all the girls, Liu Xu immediately gave in, and nodded involuntarily: "Okay, no problem……"

After finishing speaking, before Liu Xu could react, Lin Chaoying tightly covered his eyes with a black cloth.

At this time, Liu Xu was still thinking, maybe it was just a little fun game, it was no big deal.

He didn't know that these girls were always beyond his expectations. As soon as his eyes were blindfolded, Liu Xu found out in horror that all his clothes had been stripped off, not even his underwear left.

I would like to declare here that during the process of being undressed, Liu Xu resisted. Unfortunately, his limbs were all tightly bound, and the resistance was really useless!

Mental strength!

World law!

The power of the prehistoric!

Liu Xu tried everything, but it was useless...

Ahem, I thought it would be fine, but something more terrifying happened.

The next second after his clothes were stripped off, Liu Xu discovered in infinite panic that he was being ridden by someone...

It's okay to be bullied like this, the key is that they keep asking: "Do you know who it is now?"

"Huang Rong?"


"Hua Zheng?"


"Mei Wanying?"

"Guess again!"

"Lin Yu?"

"Give you another chance!"

"Master Li?"

"Oh, it's right this time, congratulations, you got a chance to be punished."


Get a chance for punishment if you get the answer right?

It's really a city that knows how to play and see you for a long time.

Liu Xu was completely dumbfounded.

Isn't he in the world of fairy sword?

And it was a bulldozer all the way, it was rare for Long Aotian to push Lord Earth just once, ready to shatter the void.

As a result, when he woke up, he saw the daughters of Lin Chaoying. Did he time travel by himself, or was the world of Immortal Sword just a dream?

Just when Liu Xu was in a daze, all the girls left, and when they left, they took off the black cloth that covered his eyes.

A graceful fairy in white clothes came on the clouds and floated slowly to Liu Xu's side.

This fairy sister seemed a little hesitant and shy, with her back to Liu Xu, as if she was in a battle between heaven and man.

Liu Xu was thinking, which one is this?

At this moment, the fairy in white turned around.

Liu Xu burst into tears, and she finally knew what the so-called "punishment" was?

Staring at the fairy in white who was only three feet away from him with infinite pain, Grandma Sun!


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1409 All the bad ones are killed...


With a scream, Liu Xu woke up.

Liu Yifei was taken aback, and retracted the little hand that was dangling in front of Liu Xu's eyes.

Just now Liu Xu came to knock on the door, but when he opened the door, he was stunned.

"Are you okay?" Liu Yifei asked.

"No, it's okay!" Liu Xu has had too many time-traveling experiences, so his nerves are not too thick. He took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality, "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Oh! Come in, come in!" Liu Yifei let the door open, and Liu Xu walked into the cabin, closing the door behind his back.

After Liu Xu entered the room, he sat on the sofa, and Liu Yifei poured him a glass of water.

The two sat opposite each other without speaking, and the atmosphere was a little delicate.

In the end, although the two did not have sex, Liu Xu knew that as long as he spoke, Liu Yifei was destined to become his woman.


After returning to life, life is going on as usual, but the only thing that makes Liu Xu feel very uncomfortable is that he missed Nuolan's live broadcast and had to change to the next episode, and after Liu Xu came back from this time travel, he found that raising ghost gourd gone.

Damn, it's really beeping the dog, the last time I came back to raise the ghost gourd, but I forgot about it in the end.

This time, the Zhuxian sword in Liu Xu's consciousness space regenerated and changed into Wuchen sword.

Li Xiaoyao's strongest ultimate weapon is described in the game as: "The ancient sword, with unparalleled power, refers to the collapse of the sky and the earth."

Now that Wuchen Sword has been obtained, Legend of Sword and Fairy should not be Nankeyi Meng.

Liu Xu stood up and stretched, but Ran Jing called and said that the family was preparing, and asked him to go early and help together, don't always think about eating ready-made ones, but was scolded by her mother, and finally Hee hee smiled and hung up.

Last time I agreed to go to Ran Jing's house to eat, but it was delayed because of Liu Yifei's incident. Now that Liu Xu is back, I naturally have to make up for it.

Liu Xu left Azure Cartier with his things, and entered the Baihe Community with his things.

Soon someone recognized Liu Xu.

"Brother Landlord is here? Our family will also have a barbecue tonight, you must come and try it." A young man said with a smile: "I will toast you then."

"Okay." Liu Xu nodded.

Liu Xu walked all the way, and many people greeted him, even some children put their hands to their mouths like a trumpet, and shouted mischievously: "Thank you, landlord!"

Then, laughing and joking around.

When they went upstairs, seeing Liu Xu got so many things, Ran's mother scolded loudly, but Ran Jing said that the landlord was polite, and then introduced Liu Xu to her father.

Ran's father was a little thin, taciturn, and his personality was completely different from Ran's mother, but it could be seen from his eyes that he thought Liu Xu was very good, and it was obvious that Ran's mother was always nagging in his ears.

After entering the room, Liu Xu said with a smile: "I can do anything, assign tasks to me!"

Ran's mother pretended to be unhappy and said: "There is no reason for you to do it? You go and sit down, drink tea and play chess with Lao Ran. Go, or Auntie will be unhappy!"

Ran Jing was about to reach out to push Liu Xu, but found that her hands were a little dirty, so she bumped into him sideways, but twisted her waist, and her little butt was firmly pressed against Liu Xu's thigh.

"Go quickly, don't get in the way!" Ran Jing didn't think there was a problem with this movement at all, and after pushing twice in a row, she realized that her mother's gaze was a little wrong. She blushed and walked into the kitchen quickly.

Ran's mother gave Liu Xu an encouraging look, and also went to work in the kitchen.

Liu Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and thought to himself: "How can there be such a mother."

However, he felt that Ran's mother had a really good personality. If he became her son-in-law, his married life would definitely be happier.

In fact, Liu Xu thinks that his mother-in-law is good, and his father-in-law is mostly good and bad...

He killed all the bad ones, such as Juggernaut or something.

The mother and daughter didn't want to intervene, Liu Xu didn't force it, and took out the tea he bought to brew.

Ran's father didn't like to talk, and he didn't know much about wine and tea, but he liked to play chess. After drinking tea for a while, Ran's father took out the chessboard.

"Come on, let's kill a game." Father Ran said.

"Okay." Liu Xu nodded.

Hearing the sound of placing chess pieces, Ran Jing said loudly in the kitchen: "My dad is very good at playing chess. He once participated in an amateur chess competition in the province and was the runner-up! My dad said that the man I will marry in the future, Chess skills can't be too bad, otherwise I can't play with him. The landlord has absolutely no hope of marrying me, I guess the landlord is not as good as me, when I played chess, I killed all the boys in the class."

After being praised by his daughter, Ran's father couldn't help showing a faint smile.

But Ran's mother said: "Don't listen to Lao Ran, marrying your daughter is up to me! What's the use of a girl playing chess? Hurry up!"

Liu Xu said with a smile: "My level is very average. I watched other people play chess when I was young. I haven't played chess for many years. Uncle might as well let me play chess!"

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