"Let's talk about the next game first," Ran's father said.

After setting up the chess, the two of them started to play. The start was very formal, and the horse jumped first.

Ran's father's chess skills are extremely sophisticated, Liu Xu Bi Jing hasn't played for many years, and he fell short in the beginning.

It is true that Liu Xu is not good at chess, but after all, his mental strength is extraordinary, and his brain has a strong thinking ability.

Every time he takes a step, Liu Xu will see all kinds of possibilities behind him, and he will never make any low-level mistakes, and at the same time, he will guarantee that he will not be eaten by Ran's father.

However, Ran's father is an old chess player who has been playing chess for many years. He soon discovered that Liu Xu can count the backward moves, but he can't make choices, and he doesn't have a big picture.

When he reached the middle game, Liu Xu realized that he was about to be checkmate in five moves, and he had no countermeasures to resolve it, so he voluntarily surrendered.

"Oh? Do you know what's going to happen behind me? Let's go and see." Ran's father looked up at Liu Xu in surprise.

So Liu Xu took Ran's father's black chess and walked up, thinking exactly the same as Ran's father.

"That's right, you have a good brain, but you don't play too much, come on, have another game!" Ran's father said.


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Chapter 1410

In the second round, Liu Xu survived the middle round, and was checkmate by Ran's father in the endgame.

In the third game, the two stalemate in the endgame, but Liu Xu finally lost due to lack of experience.

In the fourth game, after Ran's father said "draw", he couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Ran's father asked suspiciously: "Xiao Liu, tell the truth, didn't you let me go just now?"

"Really, I'm a very fast learner." Liu Xu had no choice but to boast brazenly.

"Your chess style is indeed very naive. At the beginning, you simply walked around, but now it is a little bit better. I feel that you are not playing chess with experience and chess skills, but relying purely on calculation ability to force a draw."

"Maybe, they say I have a good brain." Liu Xu said with a dry smile.

"One more round."

In the fifth game, it was still a draw, but Ran's father played with great difficulty, even though he had thought about the longest move for five minutes, he still hadn't made it.

In the sixth game, Ran's father finally showed the strength of the province's amateur chess runner-up, forcing Liu Xu into a complete disadvantage, and was suppressed from the beginning. Father, finally turned the tide, caught a slight mistake of Ran's father, and won the first victory.

"I lost." Ran's father sighed softly, dropped the chess piece in his hand, and carefully recalled the chess game just now.

"What? Dad, you lost?" Ran Jing ran over from the kitchen, raised her hands, greasy hands, and her black eyes were very wide.

"Well, this young man Xiao Liu is a bit evil." Ran's father smiled bitterly. He had played chess all his life, but he had never encountered such a strange thing.

"Didn't he cheat to steal your son?" Ran Jing looked at Liu Xu suspiciously.

"Hey, do you think I look like that kind of person?" Liu Xu put on an unhappy look.

"You don't look like you, you are! Dad, you must have made a mistake this time. Let's play another game! If it's impossible, our father and daughter will play together, and I won't believe that we can't beat him!" Ran Jing was a little ashamed. In her eyes, her father But the great chess landlord, from childhood to adulthood, anyone who can play chess in the yard is obedient, which makes her very face-saving, but she didn't expect to be overthrown by Liu Xu.

Ran's mother didn't stop Ran Jing, but said with a smile: "Anyway, it's almost finished, Xiao Jing, you wash your hands and play together. I said that Xiao Liu is good at everything. This chess skill can even beat Lao Ran. Marrying Xiao An is absolutely No problem! Old Ran, do you count what you said back then?"

Ran's father smiled in a rare way, but Ran Jing blushed, twisted her waist, ran back to the kitchen to wash her hands, and shouted at the same time: "I don't believe it! I'll come too, you two wait for me!"

After a while, Ran Jing ran to her father and sat down, then made a fierce look, stared at Liu Xu, and said, "Dad, get down quickly, I will kill her with my eyes!"

"Xiao Jing, you are so beautiful today." Liu Xu looked at Ran Jing in amazement and praised while setting up the cannon.

"Ah? Really? Of course!" Ran Jing immediately couldn't help laughing, her face full of pride.

In the end, Ran Jing realized that this trick didn't work, so she played chess seriously.

"Dad, let's go here, you can't do that!"

"Ah, how did you take this step? Oh, it's the right way."

"Haha, landlord, your car is gone! Your car is gone!"

Liu Xu couldn't help but said: "Watching chess without talking is a real gentleman!"

"It's a villain to die, and besides, I'm a beautiful little girl watching chess, not a gentleman!" Ran Jing said with a smile.

Ran's father was smiling. It was wrong for Ran Jing to do so, but it was more important for her daughter to be happy than playing chess, so she didn't reprimand Ran Jing and let her mess around.

With Ran Jing, who is so playful and cute, playing chess is even more interesting. Liu Xu often argues with her, but he is not soft on the chessboard.

This is the seventh game of chess. Liu Xu has gradually developed his own style of chess, and has basically grasped Ran's father's style of chess, and has become more comfortable.

When it came to the endgame, Liu Xu had the upper hand and showed such momentum that Ran Jing's father and daughter didn't speak for a long time.

Ran's father took a step, Liu Xu jumped out, and it was about to be an afterthought. Ran Jing suddenly pushed Liu Xu's hand away, and put Ran's father's cannon back to its original place.

"No regrets!" Liu Xu said.

"I don't, I won't! I don't want to see Dad lose!" Ran Jing said reluctantly, but for some reason, a blush flashed across her face.

Ran's father smiled and put down the chess piece in his hand, and said, "Xiao Liu has won. If you go to the professional team to study for a few years, you will definitely come back with a national championship. It's a pity that your ambition is not here, it's a pity."

"I won't play with you anymore! Landlord, you don't know how to pity me, a beautiful woman!" After Ran Jing finished speaking, she ran out in a panic.

Liu Xu was a little strange, but Ran's father kept smiling unexpectedly.

Ran's mother sneaked in, with a happy and weird smile, and whispered in Liu Xu's ear: "When Ran Jing was young, she was often chased by boys in the neighborhood and nearby, and she said she would only marry a man who was better at chess than her father. As a result, boys in the neighborhood started a craze for playing chess, and everyone in the neighborhood knows about it.”

After Ran's mother finished speaking, she returned to the kitchen with a smile.

Liu Xu suddenly realized, no wonder Ran Jing wanted to play tricks, no wonder she blushed.

"Mom, what did you just say?" Ran Jing asked in a low voice in the kitchen.

"I didn't say anything." Ran's mother said with a smile.

"Don't lie to me, you're sure to speak ill of me again! Am I your biological daughter? Ever since you met the landlord, you've been talking about it all day long. You just treat her as your son."

"Work harder, let him be my son-in-law, won't he be considered half a son?" Ran's mother said loudly on purpose.

"I can't stop talking nonsense!" Ran Jing hurriedly covered her mother's hand with her hand.

Liu Xu pretended not to hear, and continued to chat with Ran's father about chess.

Ran's father had a good temper, and he was not angry at all because of the loss. He set up another game of chess, pointing out Liu Xu's shortcomings while playing.


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Chapter 1411 The Goddess Others Chased Over Those Years

Not long after, at six o'clock in the afternoon, the weather was a little cooler, and everyone went downstairs with various tools.

Because of the imminent relocation, many old neighbors in the community gathered together and started to barbecue. There are more than [-] ovens as far as the eye can see, and it has become a barbecue street.

Both Ran's father and Xiao Cui have barbecue experience, and they are in charge of the barbecue, while Ran Jing's mother and daughter and Liu Xu are in charge of chatting and eating.

Not long after, some people brought skewers, and some people did not know where to get scorpions, cicada larvae, silkworm chrysalis, bee chrysalis and other weird fried skewers.

Liu Xu was not afraid, but Ran Jing's mother and daughter were so frightened that they refused to eat.

"Gorlian Zerg has eaten it."

Liu Xu tasted a few skewers and felt very good.

Because every family has prepared wine, when night falls, everyone is almost done drinking, so they toast and fight for wine everywhere.

Liu Xu was the first stop for these people. More than a dozen young people came here in groups, each carrying two bottles of beer.

Liu Xu took a glance and found that the atmosphere was not right.

Ran Jing stood up suddenly, put her hands on her hips, glared at those people, and said, "What do you want to do? Tell me! Don't think I don't know what you are thinking!"

Everyone laughed immediately, and the leader joked, "It's really enviable to protect the landlord brother like this before you get married!"

"What are you talking about, you are not tenants, what are you called landlord brothers." Ran Jing looked at them vigilantly. "Go, go! It's none of your business here, don't make trouble!"

One person said to Liu Xu: "Brother Landlord, we all have one characteristic in common. Guess what it is?"

Liu Xu glanced at these people, there were seventeen of them, ranging in age from [-] to [-] or [-]. Liu Xu vaguely guessed, but he wasn't sure, so he said with a smile, "Tell me."

"All of us like Ran Jing, or have a crush on, or have chased after, or have liked, or have always liked." The man said.

Liu Xu said with a smile: "Before Ran Jing told me that she was the district belle in the community, the campus belle in school, and... the most beautiful stewardess in the airport. I still didn't believe it, but now I half believe it."

"You're smart." Ran Jing could never resist other people's compliments, and immediately smiled triumphantly.

The man said again: "You're right. We can say that we grew up with Xiao Jing. Although some people don't see her much, they all know her name in this community and have always admired her. How many of us The two buddies agreed that if Ran Jing marries someone in the future, we will definitely come and make trouble. Fortunately, no one has succeeded in chasing her, but unfortunately, a landlord brother has appeared. "

Just as Liu Xu was about to explain, he glanced at Ran Jing and noticed that her expression was gloomy, and realized that Ran Jing would be embarrassed if she said she had a girlfriend, so he smiled and said, "And then?"

"We are dissatisfied with others, but we are convinced by the landlord brother. He can hug our community from being demolished and get more compensation for us. We should thank you first. Come on, everyone, raise the wine and drink it dry Drink it up, if you can't, drink it slowly!"

I saw seventeen young people holding up wine bottles together, and without waiting for Liu Xu's consent, they raised their heads and drank.

Liu Xu saw that they were all drinking, and it was not good for him not to drink, so he reluctantly took out a new bottle of wine.

Ran Jing hurriedly looked for the bottle opener.

Because I was slow in finding it, just as I was about to hand it to Liu Xu, I saw Liu Xu lightly picked it up with his thumb, and with a soft "bang", the bottle cap flew out, and then he started gurgling down the bottle.

Whether it was the people nearby or those who were drinking, their eyes widened when they saw this scene. Everyone has seen beer bottles opened with chopsticks, lighters, teeth or by the table, but they have never seen a beer bottle opened with one hand and thumb.

What Liu Xu took was obviously new wine, but he opened the bottle cap with his thumb, which is too awesome.

Ran Jing walked over in disbelief, took out a bottle of new wine from beside Liu Xu, tried to pry it with her thumb, but grinned, cut her hand, and quickly put it in her mouth.

Many people laughed.

While Liu Xu was drinking, Ran Jing handed him the bottle in her hand and said, "I don't believe it, you have the ability to open this!"

Liu Xu took the beer bottle with his left hand, picked it up with his thumb, and the bottle made a soft "bang" sound. The cap drew a parabola and landed on Ran Jing's head.

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