"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed, and a few drinkers stopped in a hurry, almost spitting out.

"Landlord, you bastard, dare to tease me!" Ran Jing took the bottle cap off her head, threw it on the ground, and stomped her feet.

The scene of opening the bottle cap with a thumb was deeply imprinted in these people's minds, and they were even more convinced by Liu Xu.

Not everyone can drink it. The youngest ones stop after a few sips and drink slowly one sip at a time.

After the two parties finished drinking, some put down the bottle, and some threw it directly into the flower bed, making a crackling sound. Anyway, it will be demolished, and the place will be flattened soon, so everyone doesn't care.

"Thank you, thank you, but even if you are the landlord brother, you can't just take Ran Jing away like this! Our love for Tiantian is no worse than you! We have watched Ran Jing for so many years, and it is more tormented than you! We people , Half of them fought for Ran Jing!"

Liu Xu was about to say something, but he sighed lightly and didn't speak.

Ran Jing said that the reason why the people here are close is because they all moved back collectively in a large courtyard, so some families have a good relationship.

Moreover, these people are basically in the same school in elementary school and junior high school, and they are neighbors and classmates, and their relationship is even deeper.

Ran Jing lowered her head slightly and did not speak.

"Among us, the status is not all bad, like Xiaowei, whose family earns several million a year; and Leilei, whose father is also a cadre in the district. However, no one can catch up with Ran Jing, she is right We didn't feel it. I have never been able to figure out what she likes. I was there when I was fighting snakes that day. I saw Ran Jing holding your hand and seeing her look at you. I suddenly understood that she likes you. This way, to be precise, I like you."

"Wang Yi, don't talk nonsense!" Ran Jing became furious and glared at the man.


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Chapter 1412 Talented and Beautiful, Dare to Marry

Liu Xu's heart skipped a beat and he didn't speak.

Ran's mother narrowed her eyes with a smile, which was her favorite scene to see.

"This demolition, I don't know how long it will take to reunite. Some people, who have given up thinking about it, will start a family and start a business, and keep their love for Ran Jing in their hearts. Auntie said in the community that you are not bad in all aspects. The famous landlord brother, we will definitely not be able to compete with you, not to mention, we all know Ran Jing's character, if she likes someone, she will not let go even if she dies."

"So, landlord, you snatched Ran Jing from seventeen or more of us, we don't blame you. We congratulate you, because you can make Xiao Jing happy, which is something we can't do. So, today we congratulate you two and come here to toast specially! Landlord brother, dare you drink!"

Liu Xu suddenly realized that no matter how nice and moving these people's words were, they could not conceal their sinister intentions of drinking.

Ran Jing burst out laughing, and scolded, "You bastards, I was almost moved by you. I talked about it for a long time, so it was because of this! Let me tell you, the landlord is not an ordinary person. You made a wrong idea to drink him!"

In the end, Ran Jing's arrogant appearance was even more misleading.

Liu Xu held up the newly opened wine and said, "I drink it, but it's not for Ran Jing, it's for you, thank you for protecting Xiao Jing! With her character, there must be many troubles, and there are many men who want to hit her. Before that, you were the ones who protected her, but from now on, I will come!"

Holding the wine bottle, Liu Xu pointed at Wang Yi's and touched it. Then the two smiled at each other, raised their heads together, and gulped down the bottle together, their Adam's apple rolling up and down.

Ran Jing looked at Liu Xu, her heart trembled, a blush flashed across her face, and she called the supermarket in the neighborhood, asking them to send two boxes of beer.

Ran's mother was a little worried, and said: "You children, just drink ten bottles, and if you get sick from drinking, what will we Xiaojing do for the rest of our lives?"

Ran Jing looked at her mother helplessly. Her ears were callused when she heard such words, and she didn't bother to argue, and said, "Don't worry, I've seen the landlord drink a lot. It's absolutely fine."

"Really?" Ran's mother already regarded Liu Xu as a half-son-in-law in her heart.

"Really, can I harm him?" Ran Jing said.

Ran's mother smiled with satisfaction.

Seventeen people came over one by one, and Ran Jing helped open the bottle cap and handed the wine to Liu Xu, who drank from the bottle.

Seventeen people, no more and no less, all toasted a bottle of wine, and Liu Xu drank the whole seventeen bottles of beer in one breath, standing upright, without shaking his body, his face was slightly red, and he was very lightly drunk.

"Awesome!" Many people gave Liu Xu a thumbs up. Some people can drink 17 bottles of beer, but few can drink 17 bottles in one breath, and even fewer people hardly get drunk after drinking.

After finishing the last bottle, Liu Xu threw the bottle into the middle of the grass and said with a smile, "After drinking, can I go to the bathroom?"

"Of course!"

"The host is great!"

"I used to think that the two of you were like a flower planted on cow dung, and now I think so too, except that Ran Jing is the one in the fat field."

Everyone laughed, and Ran Jing gave that person a blank look.

Liu Xu wanted to go upstairs, walked a few steps, and said to Ran's mother, "Auntie, can you give me the key?"

Ran's mother froze for a moment, and said: "I forgot to bring it. Ran Jing, you have the key, take Xiao Liu upstairs, he drinks so much, what if he falls down, go quickly, and help him!"

As she spoke, she winked at Ran Jing.

Ran Jing was extremely reluctant to be controlled by her mother, and saw her mother bring the keys when she went downstairs, but she glanced at Liu Xu, walked over involuntarily, took his arm, and said, "Landlord, let's go!"

The two walked upstairs together, and many of them made introductions in low voices.

"A man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance is really a good match."

"Yeah, Ran Jing is the only one in our community who can match the landlord brother. This young man is really good. If I were ten years younger, I would definitely kick our guy out and chase him like hell!"

"Compared to Xiao Jing, ten years younger is not enough for you, and you have to go to Korea for plastic surgery, which may not be enough."


Happy laughter echoed in the community.

In the corridor, Liu Xu said with a smile: "I blocked seventeen bottles of wine for your future husband, and I may have to block more later, how can you thank me?"

"I'll skip your meal." Ran Jing said angrily.

"Ah, this thank you is too heavy, I can't bear it, you can change it to a lighter one." Liu Xu half-jokingly said that under the stimulation of alcohol, his mood also changed.

"It's good that you know! This beautiful woman really has nothing to say to you! If you get married in the future, kick me away and don't invite me to dinner, I will never end with you!" Ran Jing said.

"At that time, you may not like to pester me to invite you to dinner, you will only think of other men, alas, I am so sad when I say that! We Eighteen Arhats had a drink today and became eighteen spare tires , What a painful realization!" Liu Xu sighed.

Ran Jing lightly patted Liu Xu on the shoulder, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "What is the eighteenth spare tire, how can you talk like that. In the current situation, I am your spare tire! Who should I ask for reasoning? "

"Nonsense, you are not a spare tire, you are a goddess." Liu Xu said.

"Jiu! In your eyes, Sister Shen is a goddess, Niannian is a goddess, Xueqi is a goddess, when have I been a goddess? What is a goddess? A goddess is a hook hand, you will be obedient immediately, and I say you want to marry You, are you willing to marry me?" Ran Jing said.

"Yes! Do you dare to marry?" Liu Xu asked.

"If you dare to marry, I will marry you!"

"If you dare to marry, I will marry you!"

The two looked at each other, and then laughed together.

"I'm home." Liu Xu said.

Ran Jing hurried to open the door, helped Liu Xu to the bathroom, opened the door, and was about to help him in.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1413 History of Beauty

"Okay, I'm not the legendary retired high-ranking official, I have to be supported there." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Go, go, you think I'm willing to help you!" Ran Jing immediately let go of her hand.

Liu Xu went in and closed the door, then started to turn on the water.

After a while, Liu Xu came out.

Ran Jing hesitated for a moment, blushed and took Liu Xu's arm, supporting him.

Liu Xu wanted to refuse, but he felt the delicateness and touch from Ran Jing's arm, so he didn't speak.

Liu Xu was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, while Ran Jing was wearing a sleeveless skirt. Their arms rubbed against each other like ears rubbing against each other.

"Landlord, your arms are so cool, and your skin is also very good. You drink more magic water than us, and you are definitely no worse than us." Ran Jing's tone was a little envious.

"I practice, so my body is a bit special." Liu Xu said.

After walking a few steps, Ran Jing said in a low voice, "Thank you for saving me face by not saying that you already have a girlfriend."

Liu Xu immediately looked at Ran Jing pretending to be terrified, and said, "Have you been controlled by aliens? Tell me, what is your purpose for coming to our earth! If you are Ran Jing, shouldn't you say, 'The landlord was arrested My beauty conquers, are you reluctant to say that you have a girlfriend?"

Ran Jing chuckled, lightly punched Liu Xu's arm, and said, "Just laugh at me! But, how does it feel to snatch Ran Jing's beauty in front of everyone?"

"The sense of accomplishment is really extraordinary! These seventeen bottles of wine are not in vain at all!" Liu Xu said honestly.

"You can talk! It's your good fortune to be mistaken for chasing after me." Ran Jing began to smear her again.

The two walked out of the corridor arm in arm, and they looked like a couple in the eyes of everyone.

"Wow, Dad, your grilled chicken legs are delicious, did you handcuff them for me?" Ran Jing smelled the chicken legs and immediately transformed into an foodie, rushing to get them.

Ran's father smiled and handed her a chicken leg, and said, "One is yours, and the other is Xiao Liu's."

Ran Jing picked up two chicken legs, compared them, picked the bigger one, and handed the smaller one to Liu Xu.


Everyone was drinking while grilling. Many people got drunk and ran over to toast Liu Xu. Liu Xu would not refuse anyone who came.

What Liu Xu didn't expect was that not only people from this community came to toast, but also people from nearby communities who had received favors came to toast in groups. However, they didn't take turns to toast like the [-] people, but stand up.

More and more people are toasting, after all, Liu Xu made each family get a different amount of compensation, and the conditions for demolition and resettlement are more favorable.

Liu Xu had no choice but to bite the bullet and drink, and soon he would go upstairs to release the water, and every time Ran's mother asked Ran Jing to help her.

The two of them didn't object, they kept going up and down the stairs arm in arm.

As a "district flower", Ran Jing was not spared, and many people came to toast.

Knowing that she couldn't drink, Liu Xu deliberately sent true energy into her body to keep her awake.

Ran's mother sees the needle, and when she sees that Ran Jing is going upstairs, she asks Liu Xu to see her off.

Liu Xu couldn't refuse, so he took Ran Jing's arm and sent her upstairs.

Until ten o'clock in the evening, for four hours, Liu Xu kept drinking and eating skewers. The two went up and down the stairs arm in arm for more than ten times. The long-term skin-to-skin contact made the two closer.

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