At [-]:[-], the night was dark, and everyone dispersed slowly. After all, there were still people who wanted to sleep, and it was not good for others to continue smoking and chatting loudly.

Ran's mother wanted Liu Xu to stay overnight and asked Liu Xu and Ran Jing to sleep in the same room, but the two disagreed at all, saying that they had to go back to the villa tomorrow if they had something to do.

The taxi took Liu Xu and Ran Jing back to the villa.

Because she knew that Liu Xu's "Qigong" was helping her, Ran Jing drank a lot today, and when she got drunk, she became very excited and kept talking while sitting in the car.

Ran Jing started talking about things from childhood, focusing on showing off her prestige among the children in the community, and then said that since elementary school, she was chased by bad boys.

At that time, Ran Jing didn't think about it at all, so she refused, and was threatened by the bad boy.

Ran Jing had a heart since she was a child. She gathered the boys in the community and cried out. As a result, a group of people took sticks to protect Ran Jing from going to school.

In junior high school, Ran Jing became more and more beautiful, and Guo Haizao was also very attractive. She was often harassed, and the teenagers in the community often helped.

Liu Xu asked with a smile, "Have you ever had a crush on a boy before?"

"Yes, I just moved a little bit, and then my mother strangled him to death. But when I saw him later, I suddenly felt that my mother's eyes were better than mine." Speaking of this, Ran Jing was a little shy, but she continued to brag about herself history of beauties.

Ran Jing counted down the men and boys who toasted Liu Xu one by one, and she remembered them all clearly.

In the end, she suddenly burst into tears and said with tears: "I am not a bad woman, I have never seduced them, I just treat them as good friends and brothers. They are good friends, not the type I like. I have a man I like a little bit, but my good sister likes it. I can take away any woman's man, but I can't do anything to the man she likes. I swore to protect Nian Nian for the rest of my life. "

Ran Jing threw herself into Liu Xu's arms and cried. He patted Ran Jing's back lightly, considering whether to tell him about his history of beauties, but quickly gave up on the idea of ​​death.

Crying and crying, feeling drunk, Ran Jing lay her pillow on Liu Xu's lap and fell asleep.

Street lamps and moonlight shone into the car and fell on Ran Jing's fair face.

Liu Xu lowered his head, gently brushed the hair off her face with his hands, and then slowly wiped away her tears.

Ran Jing seemed to feel very comfortable, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she smiled all over the city.

When they arrived at the villa, Liu Xu carried Ran Jing upstairs, washed up and went to bed.

The next day, while eating breakfast, Ran Jing was a little unnatural, and secretly asked herself after the meal if she said something wrong after she was drunk.

Liu Xu said that she was like a dead pig when she was drunk, and she didn't say a word except humming.

Ran Jing rolled her eyes and returned to normal.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1414 Yifei, I think your breasts are not small!

Three days have passed while waiting, but Liu Xu has not been idle, and has done several important things.

First, I bought the love apartment, and now I am the new landlord of everyone including Hu Yifei.

Second, opened a Fengshui company, the owners of the company are Bai Suzhen and Wang Xiaoya.

Thirdly, Liu Xu terminated the contract with Singularity, paid a million liquidated damages, and repurchased the copyright of "Fights Break Sphere", and all future chapters will be free.

After buying the love apartment, Liu Xu moved there because...

It's time for the plot of iPartment to officially kick off.

Everyone is young, and Liu Xu got to know everyone within two days.

Besides, Liu Xu, Hu Yifei, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, and Chen Meijia all know each other, Lin Wanyu and Qin Yumo have also met each other, and the comic copyright of "Fights Break Sphere" is also authorized to Du Jun's company. Guan Gu miraculously came to draw, which basically created the characters of the plot, and he knew all the characters.

Love Apartments.


The door of the room opened, and Hu Yifei walked in aggressively.

"Yifei, are you back from class?" Liu Xu smiled and said hello to Hu Yifei who had just entered the door.

"I'm really pissed off!" Hu Yifei threw the bag in her hand on the sofa, wrapped her hands in front of Yue Xiong, and said angrily.

"What's wrong?" Liu Xu asked suspiciously.

"I was in class today, and when I saw a student sleeping, I scolded him severely and taught him how to find a job if he doesn't study hard now!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "Guess what he said?"

Liu Xu shook his head.

"He actually said that when recruiting, Tsinghua University and Peking University were not as good as Boda University. I was really pissed off! I didn't rely on Yuexiong University to become a teacher!" Hu Yifei said through gritted teeth.

Big wave?

Liu Xu aimed at Hu Yifei's Yuexiong Department, no wonder Hu Yifei was so angry!

In the iPartment, Hu Yifei's Yuexiong department is the smallest.

"What are you looking at?" Hu Yifei saw Liu Xu aiming at her Yuexiong Department, and immediately said threateningly, "Do you want to try my flash?"

"No, no, no!" Liu Xu quickly waved his hand.

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian came back, seeing Hu Yifei's angry look, he was inexplicably happy, and said with a cheap smile: "Yifei, who made you angry, tell me, I will give him a big reward!"

"Zeng Xiaoxian!" Hu Yifei glared at Zeng Xiaoxian and shouted, "Flick!"

"Hoo! Boo!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was ejected!

"Huh!" After Hu Yifei went back to the room, Zeng Xiaoxian got up and walked towards Liu Xu, asking, "Liu Xu, why is Yifei crazy?"

Liu Xu told Zeng Xiaoxian what happened, and Zeng Xiaoxian burst out laughing when he heard it.

"Mr. Zeng, what are you laughing at?" Lu Ziqiao asked Zeng Xiaoxian's cheap laughter as soon as he entered the door.

"Zi Qiao, I know what Yifei's pain is!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a laugh.

"What is it?" Lu Ziqiao immediately leaned over and asked.

"Mr. Zeng, think clearly!" Liu Xu said while looking at Zeng Xiaoxian with a half-smile.

When Zeng Xiaoxian heard it, he swallowed the words that came into his mouth. He didn't want to be hit by Hu Yifei's bullet any more.

Lu Ziqiao looked at Liu Xu, then at Zeng Xiaoxian, eagerly shook Zeng Xiaoxian's shoulders and said, "Teacher Zeng, speak up!"

"What?" Chen Meijia, Lu Zhanbo, and Lin Wanyu all appeared.

"Nothing!" Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head.

"There seems to be some gossip?" Tang Youyou and Guan Gu came over curiously.

"Teacher Zeng, please ask for blessings!" Liu Xu stood up from the sofa with a smile and walked back to the room.

"Liu Xu, Liu Xu, I didn't say I would suffocate!" Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly called Liu Xu to stop, but he didn't stop.

"Mr. Zeng, what exactly is Hu Yifei's pain?" Lu Ziqiao asked again.

"I can't tell!" Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head.

The pain of Hu Yifei, the elder sister of the apartment, suddenly aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Zi Qiao, in such a situation, Conan-kun will definitely be tortured to extract a confession!" Guan Gu said miraculously, holding his chin.

In an instant, everyone looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, as if he would be torn apart if Zeng Xiaoxian didn't say anything.

Zeng Xiaoxian curled up and shouted loudly: "Ah!"

In the end, Zeng Xiaoxian still couldn't stop the crowd from extorting a confession through torture, and told about Hu Yifei and Yuexiong's childhood, and everyone laughed after hearing it.

Liu Xu returned to the room and received a call from Yang Ying.


"where are you?"

"I'm in Shanghai."

"Modu? You come back to me immediately."

"I'm not going back."


"You don't sleep with me."


After finishing the pleasant conversation with his wife, Liu Xu walked out of the bedroom, just in time to see Hu Yifei throwing a fit.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, flick!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was bounced away sadly again, but when everyone saw Hu Yifei getting mad, they found excuses to leave.

Seeing this, Liu Xu walked to Hu Yifei's side, and said, "Okay, Yifei, don't be angry, let's go, let's go to the bar for a drink!" Then he took Hu Yifei's little hand and walked outside the apartment door.

Hu Yifei just let Liu Xu pull him out in a daze.

As soon as Hu Yifei left, everyone in the apartment appeared again, looking at the backs of Liu Xu and Hu Yifei.

"It's still Liu Xu's charm!"

“It’s still the most attractive of the landlord!”

"If Teacher Zeng dragged Yifei's hand, it would be miserable!"

The bar downstairs is exactly the same as the one on TV. The waiters in the bar are all handsome and beautiful.

"Two bottles of cocktails!" Liu Xu snapped his fingers smartly, and the waiter handed them the freshly opened wine.

"Yifei, is it worth getting angry about such a trivial matter?" Liu Xu glanced at Hu Yifei and said, "I think your Yuexiong is not small!"


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1415 Little aunt is so hot?

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