If someone else said such things to Hu Yifei, it is estimated that a pounding meal would be indispensable.

That is to say, Liu Xu can avoid misfortune.

Hu Yifei took the wine glass, drank half of the bottle in one breath, and said drunkenly: "Liu Xu, you don't understand, what do women hate the most? People say that Yuexiong is young..."

"What do you hate most about being bullied? What about being ugly? What about bad personality?" Liu Xu muttered in a low voice.

"Is my Yuexiong young? Just kidding!" Hu Yifei still frowned while speaking.

To be honest, Hu Yifei's moon part is not too small, and probably has a B cover, but compared to Chen Meijia, it is still a bit small, but it is just right for Hu Yifei's figure.

"Yifei, in my opinion, your figure is really great!" Liu Xu said with a slight smile.


Hu Yifei drank the remaining half bottle of wine, her face flushed red immediately, and she was very drunk. She put one hand on Liu Xu's shoulder and said, "Liu Xu, you are the most knowledgeable!"

"Hehe!" Liu Xu smiled.

Hu Yifei was drunk, and finally Liu Xu dragged the drunk Hu Yifei back to the apartment.

"Meijia, Wanyu, come and help, Yifei is drunk!" Liu Xu greeted the two of them after returning to the apartment.

Chen Meijia and Lin Wanyu hurried over to help, dragged the drunk Hu Yifei back to the room and Liu Xu also returned to his own room.

The next day, Liu Xu woke up.

look at the time...

"Ah! No, I promised Lu Ziqiao to pick him up at the airport yesterday."

Liu Xu got up quickly, washed up, took the car keys in a hurry, and went out.

"The newly bought car is still..."

Liu Xu started the Lamborghini he just mentioned, and before he even had time to get the license plate, he put up a temporary license plate.

Because this car is a limited edition worldwide, it's a pity not to have a good license plate.

Along the way, Liu Xu once again felt what turning heads was.

"Wow... that car looks familiar!"

"Yeah, so cool!"

"No, I seem to have seen that car somewhere!"

"Car show?"

"National husband seems to have a car like this..."


Liu Xu raced all the way, and arrived at the airport in the magic city in less than half an hour.

I glanced at the time, there were still more than ten minutes, but fortunately I was not late.

Time just passed by little by little.

When Liu Xu was bored, he just walked around in this waiting room, looking east and west.

Time passed by bit by bit.

Liu Xu was waiting silently at the exit.

Not long after, I saw a beautiful girl appearing in the crowd.

She is tall and slender, with high heels and long flowing hair. She is so outstanding in the crowd. What is even more bloody is that she is wearing a miniskirt, with most of her beautiful legs exposed. A pair of flesh-colored The silk stockings made those slender legs more rounded and straight.

"Little aunt is so hot?"

Liu Xu's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and he couldn't help but add his mouth. This Tang Youyou, dressed so hotly, it's clear that he is plotting against his brother!

Lu Ziqiao didn't have time to pick her up, so she must have called Tang Youyou and said that she would pick her up on his behalf.

When Tang Youyou walked out, Liu Xu also captured some details. Some of the male compatriots who followed him also sneaked glances at Tang Youyou's body from time to time, her buttocks, waist, legs, Yuexiong...

Beauty is like this, wherever she goes, it is easy to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Liu Xu just smiled, he couldn't beat all those men who sneaked at Tang Youyou!

Besides, they were just watching, and they didn't do anything out of the ordinary. No matter how shameless Liu Xu was, he would definitely not be able to do such a thing.

This is modern times, not ancient times, or a different world...

Soon, Tang Youyou came out from the safe passage.

She was dressed in cool clothes, with a bit of nobility and elegance in her sex appeal.

"Tang Youyou wants to be a star and act. Do you want to help her?" Liu Xu muttered to himself.

"Are you Liu Xu? I'm Tang Youyou! Oh, by the way, do my clothes look good?"

Tang Youyou came to Liu Xu, spread his hands, and carried the white handbag in his hands.

Liu Xu put away the A4 paper with Tang Youyou's name on it, and admired her curvaceous and attractive body generously, especially those slender legs in flesh-colored stockings.

Tang Youyou is not a woman who sells Yuexiong, so her whole body, except for her appearance, is the most attractive pair of long legs.

Nodding his head, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Looks good, a pretty girl, she looks good in anything she wears."

Speaking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help but scratched Tang Youyou's legs fiercely again. The miniskirt only covered half of her beautiful legs, and most of her beautiful legs wrapped in silk stockings were exposed.

Looking at it this way, the sincerity is a little unbearable. The scale is so faintly visible that it makes people daydream again and again. The average man may have to secretly swallow his saliva.

Tang Youyou took Liu Xu's eyes into his eyes, and generously let him see his proud figure, dressed so hotly, it was intended for this kid to see, if this kid is not attracted, that is the biggest failure !

My nephew said that this Liu Xu is a man who lives in a villa and drives a luxury car...

However, Lu Ziqiao was a little unreliable, Tang Youyou made up his mind and had to observe carefully.

"Just look good, let's go!" Tang Youyou said with a smile, her voice was extremely sweet and moving.

Liu Xu withdrew his gaze, and then he remembered that they were still at the exit of the station, with so many people watching, it was king to dodge quickly.

"Okay, don't stand still, let's go!" He said with a smile.

At the same time, Liu Xu also found that among the people walking away, there were many envious and jealous eyes.

Fortunately, there was no one who didn't know what to do and who came to find fault with Liu Xu.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1416 The Modern Version of Wei Xiaobao

Hey, I lost an opportunity to perform in front of beautiful women.

Liu Xu secretly sighed.

"Okay." Tang Youyou nodded and said with a smile.

Seeing Liu Xu, she was still very excited. After all, according to Lu Ziqiao's words, Liu Xu is not only rich, but also handsome and humorous. This kind of diamond king and old five can't be found even with a lantern what!

Since Tang Youyou didn't have any big or small bags to salute, but only a handbag, Liu Xu had nothing to help.

Tang Youyou took two steps forward, and Liu Xu walked side by side with him.

Although the two have just met, they are very familiar after chatting, and get along like good friends who have known each other for many years.

Walking to the parking lot of the airport, Liu Xu took out the car keys, came to his luxurious super sports car, and opened the door.

Tang Youyou saw Liu Xu's car, and opened his mouth slightly. This kid is really awesome!

The cars he drives are all Lamborghinis worth millions.

Tang Youyou also knows something about cars, especially famous cars.

After all, it is a mixed crew, there are many celebrities and big names, and they have seen expensive luxury cars.

So Tang Youyou couldn't help but continued to look at Liu Xu's car again. Soon, she found that this Lamborghini was very different from the Lamborghini she had seen before.

In terms of grade, at first glance, this car seems to be more high-end.

"Get in the car!" Liu Xu waved.

Tang Youyou nodded, walked around the front of the car, and got into the car through the door on the other side.

Seeing Tang Youyou got into the car, Liu Xu closed the door and said with a smile, "Put on your seat belts, and we can set off."

"Okay!" Tang Youyou nodded, and put on the seat belt.

Liu Xu immediately started the car and drove out from the parking lot. When he drove out, he naturally attracted a lot of attention.

You know, the price of a Lamborghini is definitely expensive. Even many bosses who run companies at home can't afford this kind of luxury car. If it is big enough, it will be a BMW and Mercedes-Benz worth over one million.

"Mr. Liu, your car is a little different to me. Which model is it?" Tang Youyou asked, and took out the phone, logged on to the Internet, and started to search, "Haha...you don't think I This is a copycat version assembled by myself!"

"That's not true, this quality... If it's a copycat car, it must surpass the original one!" Tang Youyou giggled, since he got into this car, he felt that ordinary luxury cars couldn't compare at all.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "By the way, you can just call me by my name. Ziqiao and I are buddies, and you are her little aunt, that is..."

"I'm not your little aunt!"


"That's my friend! I'll call you Yoyo, just call me Liu Xu."

Soon, Tang Youyou's eyes couldn't help but move, and her throat moved slightly. She finally found the answer on the Internet.

This car is actually a limited edition worldwide!

And the price was even frighteningly exaggerated, thirty-eight million.

Nearly half a billion luxury cars!

Buying a car with tens of millions is really a luxury, and multiplying it by two, you can buy a luxurious private jet.

Tang Youyou became a little curious about Liu Xu's identity.

"I didn't expect that your car is a limited edition, no wonder I haven't seen it much. I didn't expect that besides filming, I can get in such a luxury car. I'm so lucky!" Tang Youyou turned off the phone screen and smiled said.

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