"If you like, I will drive the car for you." Liu Xu smiled and said.

"I don't dare to drive it. What if it crashes? If it crashes, I won't be able to pay for it if I sell it." Tang Youyou stuck out her tongue... and said with a smile: "Can you tell me, what do you do? ?”

"Me? Hehe, I'm unemployed now, but I've done a lot of things in the past. I've written novels, made movies, and worked as a doctor and teacher..." Liu Xu laughed.

"No way! With these kinds of professions, can you buy a luxury car?" Tang Youyou was stunned, and then suddenly said: "I see, you are a rich second generation, with billions of dollars!"


And now, Liu Xu finally understands that he should keep a low profile!

It seems that I chose the wrong car. This Lamborghini is suitable for drag racing, but not suitable for picking up girls.

Then, Liu Xuyi connected several calls, Chen An'an, Mo Xianxin, Gu Linaza...

After hanging up the phone, Liu Xu noticed that Tang Youyou's face had changed, and asked casually, "What's wrong?"

"Are you married?" A look of surprise flashed across Tang Youyou's eyes.

"Uh..." Liu Xu shook his head and said, "No, but he has a girlfriend."

Although Yang Ying is his wife, she hasn't slept with her yet, so she'll reveal her identity to the public after she has slept.

Damn Lu Ziqiao actually introduced a man with a girlfriend to my old lady, but...

Tang Youyou was stunned when she heard the words, but she quickly figured it out, how could such an excellent man like Liu Xu be single?It's weird not having a girlfriend.

But he has a girlfriend, and he is still playing with his own ideas?

Tang Youyou is not the cute girl in the original book. She can tell what Liu Xu thinks about him at a glance.

"You must be thinking, I have a girlfriend, why would I still treat you... right?" Liu Xu immediately opened his mouth to express Tang Youyou's thoughts.

"Yeah." Tang Youyou could only pursed her lips, nodded in a low voice, and responded.

"Because my girlfriend doesn't care about me, and I have more than one girlfriend, hehe, I know that if I say this, you will definitely despise me as a caring man, but I don't think so. Friends, they are all serious, they all want to give them a happy future, not just for fun, and they love me very much, so they can accept that I have many girlfriends, how should I put it, is the modern version of Wei Xiaobao!" Liu Xu explained shamelessly.

Anyway, we are still friends now, and it doesn't matter if we don't go any further.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1417 Rats Love Rice

I was here to paozi!


It turned out that Liu Xu turned out to be the legendary, modern version of "Wei Xiaobao".

Seeing that Tang Youyou didn't speak, Liu Xu stopped talking and concentrated on driving. After driving the car out of the passage leading to the airport, he said, "Yuyou, should we go back to the place where we live now, or go play first?" Playing? It's still early, and I can take you around this magic city."

Tang Youyou came back to her senses, her eyes turned, she fell on Liu Xu, and said, "Let's go back to the place where I live first! I'm a little tired after flying for so long."

The rustiness of these words can be seen.

The boat of friendship capsizes as soon as it is said to capsize.


The next day, Liu Xu woke up with a headache.

In the evening, in order to welcome Tang Youyou into the love apartment, everyone held a warm welcome party for her at the bar.

The result is that everyone is drunk.

After stretching, Liu Xu went to the bathroom, ready to take a bath.

While taking a bath, Liu Xu couldn't help singing Na Ying's "Mice Love Rice".

I hear your voice

a special feeling

keep me thinking

dare not forget you again

I remember someone

forever in my heart

Even if I can only think of you like this

If one day

The ideal of love will come true

I will redouble my efforts to treat you well

never change...

no matter how far the road is

will make it happen

I will gently in your ear

tell you tell you

I love you

loving You

like mice love rice



Liu Xu is not a professional singer, but he has listened to Douyu and Panda TV a lot, and he can still sing popular songs to a similar degree.

Just like that, Liu Xu sang while taking a bath.

At this time, everyone in the love apartment woke up.

Tang Youyou woke up, her eyes were dazed, and she heard Liu Xu's singing just as she walked into the living room.

Immediately, she was fascinated by the singing, ran outside the bathroom without saying a word, and listened quietly there.

"Yuyou, what are you doing?" Guan Gu woke up miraculously, and saw Tang Youyou standing outside the bathroom with a puzzled expression on his face.

Tang Youyou made a "shh" gesture, and Guan Gu also reacted miraculously.

This song is so good!

"Si Guoyi, a nice song!" Guan Gu was also fascinated by the magic.

After a while, Chen Meijia from next door also came over. Seeing Guan Gu and Tang Youyou standing outside the bathroom, and hearing Liu Xu singing, she was quickly fascinated.

Not long after, Hu Yifei, Lu Zhanbo, Lin Wanyu and others all came over to see how Liu Xu was doing, and they were all fascinated by the song.

They had never heard such a beautiful song.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao walked over and saw Hu Yifei and a row of people standing outside the bathroom listening to the song quietly.

"Zi Qiao, shut up, if you talk again, I'll spray you to death with salt soda!" Chen Meijia glared at Lu Ziqiao, and then quietly listened to Liu Xu's singing.

"Why haven't I heard this song?" Zeng Xiaoxian also noticed the song and became fascinated...

Finally, there was such a funny scene.

Liu Xu was singing in the bathroom, while Hu Yifei and others were standing outside, listening to the song quietly.


As soon as Liu Xu opened the door, he was stunned. Looking at the people gathered outside the bathroom, he looked at the bathroom behind him, and asked suspiciously, "Are you... all going to use this bathroom?"

"Liu Xu, did you sing that song just now?" Hu Yifei asked impatiently.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Liu Xu asked blankly.

"Liu Xu, you sing really well. I didn't expect you to have such a talent to compose such beautiful songs!" Chen Meijia said with a look of admiration, twinkling stars in her eyes.


Oh, yes, the entertainment industry in this world is extremely lagging.

"Liu Xu, keep singing, I'll record it to pick up girls!" Lu Ziqiao took out her phone and said impatiently, "Such a song full of affection will definitely be a girl killer!"

"Lu Ziqiao, you are shameless!" Chen Meijia said angrily.

"I knew it a long time ago, so I recorded it!" Lin Wanyu pouted regretfully.


At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian remembered with a cheap laugh, waved the mobile phone in his hand, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, Brother Xian, I am prepared and have already recorded Liu Xu's song."

When everyone heard this, they all rushed towards Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Teacher Zeng, quickly pass it to me!"

"Zeng Xiaoxian, don't run, leave your phone behind!"

"I want this song!"


After a period of scrambling, Zeng Xiaoxian's mobile phone was divided by everyone, and finally everyone's mobile phone had the song "Mice Love Rice" that Liu Xu sang just now.

In order to punish Zeng Xiaoxian for not cooperating just now, Hu Yifei deleted the recording on his phone after everyone finished copying it.

Zeng Xiaoxian was very angry, but thinking of Hu Yifei's violence, he had no choice but to beg Hu Yifei to send the song back to him.

"Yifei, Xiaofeifei, Yifeifeifei... Pass that song to me!" Zeng Xiaoxian begged Hu Yifei all over the apartment.

Hu Yifei has been holding her hands in front of Yuexiong, with a cool look, and has no response to Zeng Xiaoxian's plea.

"Mr. Zeng, I've uploaded this song on the Internet, you can download it yourself!" Lin Wanyu said with a smile.

"Good man!" Zeng Xiaoxian was grateful for a while, and just hurriedly ran into the room to download, but after a while he came out dejected.

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