"Mr. Zeng, what's wrong with you?" Guan Gu asked miraculously.

"That website has too many downloads because of this song." Zeng Xiaoxian said with a look of tears, "The server crashed."


While eating breakfast, Liu Xu, who was drinking porridge, suddenly spit out the porridge from his mouth.

Damn it, just yelling a song in the bathroom will make it popular?


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1418 Lack of entertainment for all

After dinner, Liu Xu sat on the sofa alone, staring out the window in a daze.

What a time of lack of entertainment for all!

Liu Xu can already imagine what kind of upsurge the filming of "A Thousand Bone of Flowers" will cause.

Suddenly, he found a figure standing behind him, it was Hu Yifei.

Liu Xu looked back at Hu Yifei, and said with a smile, "Yifei, what's the matter?"

Hu Yifei folded her hands in front of her face, lowered her head, and said with some embarrassment: "Liu Xu, I was drunk last night, didn't I do anything out of the ordinary?"

"No!" Liu Xu shook his head and said.

"Oh, then I'm relieved!" Hu Yifei said shyly.

Liu Xu chuckled and didn't answer.

"Liu Xu, that song just now was so beautiful!" Hu Yifei remembered the song "Mice Love Rice" that Liu Xu sang in the bathroom.

"Do you like it?" Liu Xu raised his head and said, "If you like it, I'll sing it for you again!"

"Okay!" Hu Yifei excitedly took out her phone, turned on the recording function, and waited for Liu Xu to start singing.


After Liu Xu sang the song with great emotion, Hu Yifei also recorded the song with a full face of satisfaction.

When the two walked out of the room, Liu Xu saw that there was only Lu Zhanbo in the living room, and he was playing games.

"Zhanbo, what are you doing?" Liu Xu walked over and asked.

"I'm playing "Legend of Sword and Fairy"! The effect and graphics of this game are really good." Lu Zhanbo said without raising his head, apparently fascinated by the game.

Liu Xu walked over and looked at the computer screen. In his opinion, the picture quality and effect were not very good. Liu Xu had played all the gorgeous games before, but thinking about it, this world is different from the previous world. Different.

"Zhanbo, where are Mika and the others!" Hu Yifei patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder and asked.

"In the bar downstairs!"

"Oh!" Hu Yifei responded, and then walked downstairs to the bar with Liu Xu.

When the two came to the bar, they saw Lu Ziqiao, Chen Meijia, Zeng Xiaoxian, Tang Youyou, Guan Gu Qiji, Lin Wanyu and others chatting happily there.

"Yifei and Liu Xu are here!" Chen Meijia shouted immediately when she saw Hu Yifei and Liu Xu waving their beautiful hands.

The two walked over and sat down.

"Liu Xu, do you know that the song just now caused a lot of excitement on the Internet, and now the Internet is looking for the creator!" Lin Wanyu said with a smile.

"Si Guoyi (Japanese, means great)!" Optics Valley said with great admiration.

"It's really nice, I've used it as a ringtone!" Tang Youyou said, shaking her phone.

"Liu Xu, I didn't expect you to be a great talent!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"That is, it is much better than someone else, and he dares to call himself a teacher without any real material!" Hu Yifei said sarcastically at Zeng Xiaoxian next to him.

Everyone knew that this certain person was Zeng Xiaoxian, and they were no strangers to the two who liked to quarrel.

"Hey, Ziqiao, what are you looking at without making a sound?" Lin Meijia asked, looking at Lu Ziqiao, who had been fascinated by her phone.

"Read the novel!" Lu Ziqiao said without raising his head.

"Zi Qiao, you're not still watching "Knight War", are you?" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a cheap smile.

"Who told you that I watched "War of Knights"?" Lu Ziqiao raised his head and said, "I'm watching "Fights Break the Sphere."

"Fights Break Sphere?" Everyone was stunned.

Looking at everyone's reaction, Lu Ziqiao asked suspiciously, "You guys don't know this book? It's super popular on the Internet now! It's also super nice!"


"Really, no, you can search and see for yourself!" Lu Ziqiao replied.

Everyone immediately took out their mobile phones and lowered their heads to search for the novel "Fights Break Sphere". They fell in love with Chapter 1 and were attracted by this novel, and they all lowered their heads to read the book.

Because Liu Xu took back the copyright, all the chapters of Dou Po Cang Qiong published on the Internet are free, so everyone was so fascinated by it, and they all praised: "This novel is really a masterpiece! "

"Yes!" Hu Yifei also said in admiration: "The writing is great, and the world view must be great. Now it is just the tip of the iceberg!"

"That's right, I just said that this novel is good, and the author even announced that the full text of Fighting the Sky is free, it's so amazing, I even rewarded more than a thousand yuan." Lu Ziqiao said proudly: " I'm still the First League!"

Liu Xu was stunned for a while, and looked at Lu Ziqiao in disbelief. It was a miracle that this guy was worth more than a thousand dollars.

"What's the matter, I'll reward it too!"

"Me too!"

"What's there to be proud of, look who is the number one fan now?" Hu Yifei said with a smug smile.

Looking at Lu Ziqiao, the first fan of the book became Xiao Feifei: "Yi Fei, is this little Feifei you?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Hu Yifei said with a smile.

"No!" Lu Ziqiao shook his head and said.

Liu Xu saw that everyone was offering rewards, and wanted to tell them: "Actually, my brother has already terminated the contract. Even if you offer a reward, Brother Qian won't get it. You should just give it to me."

Everyone chatted for a while before preparing the apartment. When they just walked to the gate, they saw a person coming out of the toilet in the bar.

Everyone took a closer look, and it was still an acquaintance.

When Liu Xu saw that person, he was very puzzled. Why did Zhang Wei always play in the bathroom of the bar?

"Zhang Wei, what a coincidence!" Zeng Xiaoxian greeted with a smile.

"Zhang Wei Zhang Yida, why did you come out of the toilet again?" Lu Ziqiao asked with a smile.

"Hehe!" A rippling smile appeared on Zhang Wei's face, "Isn't this fate! I saw you in a toilet! Hey, who is this?"

Zhang Wei suddenly found that Liu Xu was very strange, but he knew everyone else.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1419 Ode to Joy, Guan Juer

"Come on, let me introduce you!" Hu Yifei took the initiative to introduce: "This is Liu Xu, the landlord and tenant of our love apartment."

"Hehe, Liu Xu, hello!" Zhang Wei took the initiative to shake hands, then pulled Liu Xu aside, and said in a low voice, "Liu Xu, I have no place to live right now, I wonder if I can live in a love apartment Woolen cloth?"

"Of course!" Liu Xu replied without hesitation.

He is still very familiar with Zhang Wei.

Although a bit stingy, he is still a very kind and gentle person.

In the end, Zhang Wei successfully moved into the love apartment. Now Lu Zhanbo, Lin Wanyu, and Hu Yifei live in 3601, Guan Gu Miracle, Tang Youyou, Zeng Xiaoxian live in 3602, Chen Meijia, Lu Ziqiao and Liu Xu live in 3603, and Zhang Wei will live in it when he joins. At 3603.

After returning to the apartment, Liu Xu went back to his room and opened the Singularity website.

Although it has been announced that the full text is free, the rewards and leader cannot stop at all.

At this time, Chen Meijia, Lin Wanyu, Hu Yifei, Tang Youyou and other four daughters were playing flying chess in the living room.

"It's so boring, I really hope that "Fights Break Sphere" will be updated soon!" Tang Youyou said with a bored face.

"Yes! But the author updates tens of thousands of words a day, which is amazing!" Lin Wanyu also said.

"This author must be a handsome talent!" Chen Meijia said with a face full of narcissism.

"Ding dong ding dong!"

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"Ziqiao, go to the door!" Chen Meijia shouted at Lu Ziqiao who was on the sofa.

"Why me?" Lu Ziqiao was very dissatisfied, but when she saw that Chen Meijia would make a Tathagata's palm at any time, she ran to open the door angrily.


As soon as the door opened, Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up.


A woman stood there slim and tall, holding a briefcase in her hand, her big watery eyes gave off a pure and lovely feeling, her pink and tender cheeks looked like freshly ripened apples, and she wore round glasses. She looks very elegant, with thick black eyebrows like willow leaves, she looks mature and elegant, with a light blush on her face, more beautiful, beautiful and mixed together, a black and white professional attire makes people think about it.

Seeing the beauty, Lu Ziqiao couldn't hold it back: "Excuse me, beauty, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Liu!" The woman said, her voice was very pleasant.

Looking for Liu Xu?

Lu Ziqiao brushed the hair on his forehead, leaned against the door, put on a posture that he thought was handsome, and said in a low voice: "Beauty, are you looking for Liu Xu to rent a house? My name is Lu Ziqiao, and it's him." My iron buddy..."

The woman smiled slightly, shook her head, and continued, "I'm looking for Mr. Liu to ask him to reconsider the issue of the copyright of "Fights Break Sphere."

When Lu Ziqiao heard it, she shuddered and almost fell to the ground. She looked at the beauty in disbelief and said, "You said the author of "Fights Break the Sphere" is in the iPartment?"

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