"Yes!" The woman nodded: "The author's real name is Liu Xu!"

Liu Xu?


Liu Xu is actually the author of "Fights Break Sphere"?

Lu Ziqiao was shocked and stood there blankly.

"Is Liu Xu living here?" The woman continued to ask.

"Yes!" Lu Ziqiao hurriedly greeted her with a smile and let the beauty enter the apartment.

Hu Yifei and the other four saw a beautiful woman walking in, so they asked, "Beauty, who are you, and who are you looking for!"

"My name is Guan Juer, I'm here to find Liu Xu!" Guan Juer said with a slight smile.

"It turns out that Liu Xu is the author of "Fights Break the Sphere", and this beauty came to talk to Liu Xu about the copyright issue." Lu Ziqiao quickly explained.

As soon as Lu Ziqiao's words came out, everyone was stunned, and their faces were full of surprise. I didn't expect that they didn't even know that they lived with the author.

"Liu Xu, come out, the beauty is looking for you!" Lu Ziqiao said, patting on the door of Liu Xu's room.

Upon hearing this, Liu Xu hurriedly said goodbye to the readers, then walked out of the room and asked, "That beauty?"

"Hey! There!"

Following Lu Ziqiao's guidance, Liu Xu couldn't help being stunned.

Guan Juer.

Ode to Joy?

Why did Guan Juer in Ode to Joy come to the love apartment...

"You are Liu Xu, the author of "Fights Break Sphere", right?" Guan Juer stepped forward with a slight smile and said, "I am your new editor, Guan Juer, and I am here to talk to you about the copyright of "Fights Break Sphere" question!"

Doesn't Guan Juer work for a multinational Fortune 500 company?

How did he become his new editor?

"I'm done, please sit down." Liu Xu smiled, it seems that Singularity still doesn't give up!

It is rare for a website to produce such a masterpiece, how dare you neglect it?

The other party forcefully redeemed the copyright, but Singulato did not want to give up, but Liu Xu had already made his position known, so this matter was finally pushed to Guan Juer, a newcomer who had just stepped into the workplace.

"Mr. Liu is joking!" Guan Juer said with a smile, and then took out a contract from his bag and handed it to Liu Xu, "Mr. Liu, we have considered your question of free full text, which we have absolutely no objection, but we hope that other copyrights can be entrusted to us to represent."

Liu Xu knows that other copyrights include publishing rights, film and television adaptation rights, and animation adaptation rights. He thinks that the surrounding related industries...

Originally, he didn't intend to continue the business, but since Guan Ju'er has appeared, he has to take care of it anyway.

"Okay, I promise you." Liu Xu flipped through the contract, and signed his name gracefully.

Seeing that Liu Xu had signed the contract, Guan Ju suddenly felt relieved. He thought that he would return for nothing, but Liu Xu agreed to sign the contract so readily.

If this matter is messed up, Guan Juer doesn't have to mess around, she is a newcomer in the internship period, and the company will fire her if she says she will, so she has no worries at all.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1420 Leave a way out for other men

"Thank you Mr. Liu, happy cooperation!" Guan Juer picked up the contract, shook hands with Liu Xu, exchanged contact information and left.

She was in a hurry to report the good news to the boss. She believed that the job of becoming a full-time employee should be fine after this.

After Guan Juer left, Hu Yifei and others immediately surrounded Liu Xu.

"What are you going to do?" Liu Xu had a frightened expression.

"Liu Xu, you are not only rich, but also talented, you really...won't you let other men live!" Tang Youyou's face was filled with admiration, and her eyes were full of little stars.

"Yes, leave a way for other men to survive!" Lin Wanyu nodded repeatedly.

"Liu Xu, I didn't expect you to be the author of "Fights Break the Sphere"?" Zhang Wei, who had just moved in, heard that Liu Xu was the author of "Fights Break the Sphere". I’m still following it, it’s so well written!”

"Liu Xu, tell me quickly, what happened to Xiao Yan afterwards?"

"Yeah, can I be with Xun'er in the end?"

"Can Yao Lao be resurrected?"

"Actually, I think Xiao Yan's long-legged cousin is pretty good too..."

"Liu Xu, are you not enough friends like this?" Lu Ziqiao put Liu Xu's shoulders on his shoulders, "You don't even tell me this, if all the beauties outside know that I am the author of "Fights Break the Sphere"... a buddy , then it will be much easier for me to pick up girls."

"Lu Ziqiao, I sprayed you to death with a sip of salt soda! I just want to pick up girls all day long!" Chen Meijia went crazy, "Don't let me know that you use my cousin's name to pick up girls outside, or you can try my Tathagata God Palm."

"No, no!" Lu Ziqiao smiled resentfully. In front of Chen Meijia, he was a little unable to straighten up. Ever since he knew her "relationship" with Liu Xu, now seeing Chen Meijia, he seemed to be pumped. Like the spine, he is simply a severely paralyzed person.

"Actually, I didn't know it would be so popular when I wrote this novel, so I didn't tell you guys." Liu Xu turned the back of his head and smiled mischievously. It can't be said that he just wrote casually!

"Oh, I see!"

Everyone nodded for a while, expressing their support for Liu Xu's creation.

"Mr. Zeng, as the vice-chairman of the residents' committee under the iPartment, shouldn't you express your gratitude for the emergence of such a talented person as Liu Xu?" Lu Zhanbo said.

Zeng Xiaoxian saw that everyone was looking at him, touched his wallet, and finally said bravely, "That's a must, I'll treat you tonight, Brother Xian!"

"Okay! Teacher Zeng is really rich!" Lu Ziqiao said with a cheap smile, "Tonight we will hold a "Break the Sky Carnival Night" at the bar downstairs. What do you think?"


Zeng Xiaoxian almost stopped, carnival night?

How much does that cost!

Liu Xu knew that Zeng Xiaoxian had no money, so he took the initiative to say, "My new book also has a lot of support from you, and if you want to treat me, I will treat you too!"

"Not good! Yesterday..." Tang Youyou hesitated to speak, and Liu Xu was the last one to pay for her welcome party yesterday.

"That's great, thank you so much! Liu Xu!" Lu Ziqiao jumped up happily when he heard Liu Xu's treat, who cares who it is?

The most important thing is to be able to hold carnival parties, meet beautiful girls, make friends with beauties...

Besides, others don't know how rich Liu Xu is. He has been to his villa and seen Lu Ziqiao, Liu Xu's golden house.

When Zeng Xiaoxian heard Liu Xu say this, he immediately cast a grateful look at Liu Xu, then smiled cheaply, and said, "Then why are you so embarrassed? Since Liu Xu is so enthusiastic, we don't have to be polite, you say yes!"

Am I enthusiastic?I just said it casually, besides, my brother's enthusiasm is not for you.

"It's okay!" Liu Xu smiled and waved his hands and said, "Tonight we will hold a carnival party at the bar downstairs, Zi Qiao, you are in charge, and Teacher Zeng, you assist!"


As for the party, Lu Ziqiao was the one who had the most experience and the most excited one, and Zeng Xiaoxian was also very happy, as long as he didn't need to pay for it.

Lin Wanyu and Chen Meijia also ran into the room excitedly, starting to prepare for tonight's party, and Lu Zhanbo happily followed Hu Yifei out of the apartment.

"Liu Xu, you are such a good guy in China!" Guan Gu gave a thumbs up miraculously, and said in that crappy Mandarin.

"What's good in China? It's a good landlord in China!" Tang Youyou next to him gave Guan Gu a magical look and said with a smile.

"Yes yes yes, good landlord in China!"

Liu Xu was happy to see everyone, with a smile on his lips, and followed him out.

Bar downstairs.

"Everyone, the bar will not close tonight, and we will hold our "Fights Break Sphere" carnival night, everyone, let's have fun and cheer up!"

At this time, Lu Ziqiao stood in the middle of the bar and yelled, and opened a bottle of champagne after the yelling.

"Fights Break the Sky? What do you mean?" One person didn't seem to read novels, and was very puzzled by the word "Dou Breaks the Sky".

"Damn it, you don't know about Dou Po Cang Qiong?" The people around looked at him with disdain, this guy doesn't know about Dou Po Cang Qiong, is he still from this world?

"Do you support "Fights Break Sphere"!"


"Are you fans of "Fights Break Sphere"?"


"Then get up!" Lu Ziqiao's ability to enliven the atmosphere is still very strong, instantly enlivening the atmosphere of this carnival night.

Liu Xu knows that "Fights Break Sphere" has a lot of fans, which is why he redeemed the copyright as soon as he was not short of money, and then gave them all for free to repay the fans, but the lively atmosphere in the bar still scared him. jumped.

In a word, this is an era of lack of entertainment for the whole people, and Fighting the Sky is a masterpiece that kills all people.

Everyone in the bar also began to respond to Lu Ziqiao and started to carnival, and beauties such as Hu Yifei and Chen Meijia also joined in one after another.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1421 Hu Yifei's breasts are really big

Liu Xu, the author of Fights Break the Sphere, was dragged to the middle of the dance floor to revel many times. Of course, everyone didn't know that he was the author of the masterpiece.

Although it was a sleepless carnival night, at two o'clock in the morning, most of the people in the bar had left, and Zeng Xiaoxian and others were also very drunk. Only Lu Ziqiao, the prodigal son of love, was not drunk and was having a carnival alone.

If you don't go home at [-]:[-] in the morning, it's not a good thing.

"It's two o'clock in the morning, ready to go back!" Liu Xu shouted to everyone.

The drunk cats didn't react at all, Liu Xuwei, Guan Gu Miracle, Lu Ziqiao and others helped the drunk cats go back.

Liu Xu supported Hu Yifei, who was drunk. This was the third time Hu Yifei was drunk.

"I didn't expect Hu Yifei to be so calm!" Liu Xu muttered as he walked.

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