"Of course, I am destined to..." Liu Xu replied arrogantly, "A man who is a god!"

In the fan entertainment circle of this world, Liu Xu doesn't need to be modest at all, he is completely a fairy who turns stones into gold.

"However, the fire of fighting against the sky is also to thank all the book fans for their support. I would like to thank you all for supporting me and friends who support fighting against the sky. Thank you!" Liu Xu said gratefully.

After all, Dou Break Cang Qiong helped him dig out the first pot of gold in his life.

"In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that Dou Po Cang Qiong has started to publish physical books. Friends who are interested can buy them for collection, and the adaptation of the film and television is also in production. I believe that I will be able to share with you soon. We meet." Liu Xu threw another bomb...

Hearing this news, those book fans of Dou Po Cangong were excited and excited for a while, and they all decided to buy back the physical book of Dou Po Cangong as soon as it was published, and they were also very much looking forward to the film and television works of Dou Po Cangong.

"Okay, it's time to interact with the audience!" Zeng Xiaoxian said at this time: "Who will be the first lucky audience?"


Originally, this late-night show that no one cared about was now extremely popular, and the phone calls kept coming in, which caught Lisa a little by surprise.

"Hello, hello, who are you?" Zeng Xiaoxian answered a phone call and asked.

A clear female voice came from the microphone and said: "I am a die-hard fan of Dou Break Qiong, and I want to talk to Da Da!"

On the other end of the phone, the girl who spoke didn't give Zeng Xiaoxian any face and kicked him away.

Liu Xu smiled lightly and said, "Hi, I'm Cucumber!"

"Daddy, I will be your girlfriend and have a baby for you!" The voice on the other end of the phone was very enthusiastic, and Liu Xu couldn't resist the enthusiasm.

"Thank you for your support, I will definitely finish writing this book!" Liu Xu said.

"Okay, the next audience!" Zeng Xiaoxian could only speak nonsense.

"Hello, Cucumber, may I ask why you chose Cucumber as your pseudonym? Is it because you like cucumbers?"

"No!" Liu Xu shook his head, and said solemnly: "Novels sell very well, and they are all vegetables and fruits, such as potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, etc..."

"The next listener!"

"Great, why is Cucumber angry?"

"Probably because it has been used too many times!"

"Next person!"

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, Lisa outside the recording studio held up a sign to indicate that the phone of the radio station had been disconnected, the system crashed, and the phone could no longer be connected.


When Zeng Xiaoxian saw this sign, he was so angry that he vomited blood. After finally having such an opportunity, the system crashed.

At this time, Lisa Rong also received a call from the director: "Hey, director, what's the matter?"

"What's going on? Why is the listening rate of Zeng Xiaoxian's "Your Moon My Heart" so high tonight? And it's ridiculously high, reaching [-]%!" The director asked in confusion. .

"Director, it's like this. For some reason, Zeng Xiaoxian invited the author of Fight Break the Sphere to come over for an interview, so there is such a situation!" Lisarong explained.

With Liu Xu's current popularity, he can't lose to those first-line stars at all.

"Ah? The author of Fights Break the Sky?" The director was very pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly said: "Quick, remember to keep him, I'll be right there, I want his autograph!"

"Understood, Director!" Lisa Rong couldn't laugh or cry when she heard that, she didn't expect that at such an age, the director is also a fan of Fighting the Sky, it's understandable to chase ghosts and blow lights!

Because of the failure of the phone, the interaction with the audience was directly skipped, and the radio station received a lot of complaints.

Soon, the show will come to an end.

"Here, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all my friends with a song, and thank them for their support!" Liu Xu said at the last moment.

Hearing that Liu Xu was going to sing, Zeng Xiaoxian also looked at Liu Xu in surprise, is he going to sing the song "Mice Love Rice" again?

"Our Cucumber is going to sing, Brother Xian is here to report!" Zeng Xiaoxian took the opportunity to say: "I wonder if you guys know the song sung in the bathroom that became popular a while ago?"

Zeng Xiaoxian paused for a while, and then said: "The name of that song is "Mice Love Rice", and the singer is actually our cucumber!"

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian's words came out, the people listening to the radio were all shocked. The song uploaded by Lin Wanyu to the Internet some time ago became popular. It also came from the mouth of the cucumber.

Immediately, all the fans adored Liu Xu to a higher level, and they looked forward to the song he will sing later.

"Actually, that song is my impromptu work. Please bear with me if there are many shortcomings!" Liu Xu said with a slight smile.

"And the song I'm going to sing today is "The Most Dazzling National Style". Thank you for your support of Fighting the Sky! Thank you." Liu Xu said affectionately.

The most dazzling national style?

Why haven't I heard this song?

Is it also sung by Cucumber?

"Cucumber, may I ask, is this song your original work?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"Yes! It's an impromptu work, don't take it for granted that it doesn't sound good!" Liu Xu said with a smile, and then there was silence, and Liu Xu was ready to sing.

Liu Xu took a deep breath and began to sing slowly.

the vast horizon is my love

The flowers are blooming at the foot of the green hills


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1427 The most dazzling national style

Liu Xu sang affectionately, and the fans listening to the radio were all moved.

Many people sang along with the radio. This song is not only beautiful but also magical.

Just kidding, the Brainwashing Divine Comedy is not for bragging.

As the last note fell, Liu Xu finally finished singing. Seeing that both Zeng Xiaoxian and Lisa Rong had been successfully brainwashed by his song, he was slightly taken aback.

"Okay, that's it for today's show, see you next time!" Zeng Xiaoxian also finished the recording of the show, and walked out of the studio with Liu Xu.

As soon as Liu Xu walked out of the broadcast hall, Lisa Rong walked over quickly and said excitedly: "Liu Xu, I never thought you could write not only novels, but also songs, and your singing is so beautiful, I admire you so much!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lisa Rong at this time, how could he still be the unreasonable and domineering boss before?

At this moment, she is simply a nympho girl!

"Lisa Banyan!"

"Call me Little Rongrong!"

"Little...cough, Rongrong, thank you for your support!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

"I will always support you!" Lisa Rong said firmly: "It's getting late now, let me treat you to breakfast!"

After speaking, he dragged Liu Xu out of the studio, leaving Zeng Xiaoxian in a daze.

"Liu Xu, Lisa, what about me!" Zeng Xiaoxian yelled at the backs of the two, but it was the two backs who responded to him.

When the director arrived, Liu Xu had already left. Hearing that he and Lisa Rong had gone out, the director had to ask Lisa Rong to get Liu Xu's autographed photo.

It's obviously over for supper now, but it's too early for breakfast...

The only cafe.

Lisa Rong and Liu Xu were sitting in the coffee shop. Lisa Rong stirred the coffee very ladylikely, and asked softly, "Liu Xu, where do you live now?"

"It's in the love apartment!" Liu Xu said directly without hiding anything.


No wonder Zeng Xiaoxian was able to invite Liu Xu, Lisa Rong continued to ask: "Then do you have a girlfriend?"


Liu Xu, who was drinking coffee, almost spit out, but fortunately he held back, this Lisa is too straightforward!

"No!" Liu Xu shook his head, he didn't lie, all Liu Xu has is his wife and girlfriends...

"That's great!" Lisa Rong said excitedly.

If you don't have a girlfriend, then you have a chance.

The next day, Cucumber was completely popular, because Liu Xu sang the original song affectionately on the radio last night, and now those book fans admire and support him even more.

And the "Most Dazzling National Style" sung by Liu Xu last night also became popular on the Internet, even more popular than the previous "Mouse Loves Rice".

Liu Xu's popularity has skyrocketed, but not many people know that Liu Xu is a cucumber.

It can be said that Liu Xu has become famous with this song. Not only has he become a god-level task in the Internet literary world, he has also become a rookie in the music world because of this song.

When a netizen uploaded this song to the Internet, it immediately occupied various charts, and the number of downloads exceeded one million.

Liu Xu was still at a loss for all this.


Xia Dongqing's life in the No. 444 convenience store has been pretty good recently, and the boss Zhao Li is also very kind to him.

However, Xia Dongqing always felt that this was a bit weird, and Zhao Li treated him a little too kindly, not at all like a boss's attitude towards an employee.

Sometimes, Xia Dongqing would think of Liu Xu, that magical man.

Seeing the bus coming, Xia Dongqing hurried over, fearing that if she was a step too late, someone else would preempt her.

After getting in the car, Xia Dongqing finally managed to grab a seat with untold hardships and sat down.

Suddenly, Xia Dongqing saw a very familiar person in front of him, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

"Xia Dongqing, we meet again." Liu Xu turned his head to look at Xia Dongqing, and chuckled lightly. In fact, he had already noticed it when Xia Dongqing got into the car.

"Liu Xu, I didn't expect you to be here!" Xia Dongqing was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

Through Zhao Li, Xia Dongqing also vaguely knew something about Liu Xu. He knew that Liu Xu would not be able to take the shuttle bus under normal circumstances.

"Tell me, I just finished recording the show and I'm ready to go home!" Liu Xu laughed.

"Why does Zhao Li seem to be a little afraid of you?" Xia Dongqing touched her head and said thoughtfully.

"This question is a bit complicated, and you will know it later." When Liu Xu said later, he naturally referred to the time when the demon king's soul in his body woke up.

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