Liu Xu didn't speak, but his eyes made Xia Dongqing beside him a little nervous. This guy might have some thoughts about him, right?

Thinking of this, Xia Dongqing's eyes became a little uncomfortable, and he was secretly vigilant, as if guarding against grandma wolf.

This look is as wrong as it needs to be.

After Liu Xu regained his senses, he also noticed something wrong in Xia Dongqing's eyes. As a time traveler, if he didn't know what the eyes meant, then he would have time traveled in vain.

This made Liu Xu feel depressed for a while, but he couldn't tell clearly that he was not what he thought just now.

"I, I'm at the stop." The more Xia Dongqing thought about it, the more frightened she became. After the bus stopped, he hurriedly got up.

As a result, I made mistakes in my busy schedule.


A woman was bumped by Xia Dongqing, and he hurriedly apologized, but when Xia Dongqing saw the woman in blue clothes clearly, he was stunned, dazed, and shocked.

Xia Dongqing saw an incredible scene.

He saw the blue-clothed woman in front of him trapped in a closed place. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get out. She could only shout hoarsely and in vain: "Help... help..." Then, death... …


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1428 Hanging Sword Ding Xiaoyu

Xia Dongqing would never have thought that he would see this scene today. This scene was a sign that this woman was about to die, and he could see it with his eyes.

This damn ability came out again.

Xia Dongqing was a little dazed at this moment, his body tilted involuntarily, and he sat down again.

"Liu Xu, I'm already at the stop. Why did you pull me back again?" Xia Dongqing was a little anxious. The car hadn't started yet, so he thought of standing up again.

But Liu Xu's next sentence made him sit down and stop thinking about it.

"Don't you want to save this woman?" Liu Xu chuckled, and he grasped Xia Dongqing's weakness.

"You, how did you know?!" Xia Dongqing said in shock with her head lowered.

"Hey, there are really not many things I don't know in this world." Liu Xu chuckled. He really didn't say big things. As a time traveler, he still belongs to the kind of omniscience. God can predict the future.

"You can really save her?" Xia Dongqing still couldn't believe it. After being in contact with Zhao Li for a long time, he also knew some things, such as death, which no one can escape.

"Hey, there are still many things I can do. Saving her is just a small thing for me." Liu Xu didn't care. To this world, he was that butterfly with wings fluttering. Everything will change because of his appearance, just like the woman in blue in front of me

Ding Xiaoyu.

She also has another name on the Internet——Hanging Sword.

The sword of Damocles, no one knows when this sword will fall.

Therefore, many people do not want her to live.

However, there are also many people who hope that she can survive.

However, it is a pity that after today, this woman known as "Hanging Sword" will disappear from this world, and she will die.

Because of her existence and her revelations, many people went to jail, and many people's interests suffered losses.

Therefore, she must die.

Because the people at the top of this world can't tolerate her.

There is no place for her to stand in this vast world, so she can only die.

And what Liu Xu has to do is to keep her alive, because only a living hanging sword is the real sword of Damocles, which can make those who harbor evil intentions feel terrified.

"What do you think of my proposal?" Liu Xu looked at Xia Dongqing.

"You are sure... Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you are sure or not. Since I met her, I will save her and not let the tragedy happen." Xia Dongqing thought of her childhood, and Liu Xu raised her eyebrows at Xia Dongqing. Thumbs up, "Sure enough, it's a man."

The bus stopped and the light rain went down, so did Liu Xu and Xia Dongqing.

"Huh? Liu Xu, why don't you follow up! If you dawdle any longer, we will lose you." Seeing Liu Xu walking slowly behind, Xia Dongqing was anxious both in her heart and on her face. up.

"What are you in a hurry for? If you keep up like this, she will definitely think that we are liars. Maybe she will call the police. If that's the case, our plan will be ruined. Don't we tell the police: Uncle police, we I can see ghosts, and I saw that she was going to be killed today, and we followed her to save her." Liu Xu was not in a hurry, "If you say that, who will the police believe? We were sent to a mental hospital."

What Liu Xu said made Xia Dongqing completely speechless, and asked in a low voice, "Then what should we do?"

"Wait, we'll have a chance when she comes out of the company." Liu Xu took out his phone, clicked on Weibo, and read the news on his own.

Seeing Liu Xu like this, Xia Dongqing had no choice but to play with Liu Xu on the phone.


"Xuanjian, 1047 followers, [-] Weibo, Happiness Orphanage charges high fees, doesn't care about the elderly, nurses are rude, forwarded [-] posts."

"Zhaozhou Chemical Factory is suspected of illegally discharging sewage and beating people. Evidence will be released later."

"Hanging Sword's identity is exposed..."


Xia Dongqing was dazzled by the news on Weibo, all of them were about Hanging Sword.

At this time, Ding Xiaoyu had already returned to her work unit.

After chatting with her colleagues, her boyfriend Xu Ning came over. Before Xiao Yu could speak, Xu Ning immediately asked, "Ding Xiaoyu, you are the hanging sword on Weibo."

Xiao Xin stopped in her tracks, she was dumbfounded all of a sudden, she turned around and asked, "Hanging Sword? Xiao Yu, are you Hanging Sword?"

Xiao Yu said calmly, "Who? Who are you talking about? Did you admit the wrong person?"

Xu Ning didn't like her, he yelled anxiously: "Come on, you're a serious matter! You go to Weibo to see, you have been fleshed out by everyone, and you are crazy to upload on Weibo! Editor-in-chief I know it all!"

In the office, Xiaoyu sat anxiously opposite the editor-in-chief.

Looking at the Weibo on the screen, the editor-in-chief read meaningfully: "Xuanjian, 1047 fans, [-] Weibo, the Happiness Welfare Institute charges high fees, and treats the elderly Regardless of asking, the nurse was rude and forwarded [-]."

Xiao Yu couldn't help but said: "Editor-in-Chief, this is my computer!"

"The Zhaozhou City chemical factory is suspected of illegally discharging sewage and beating people. Evidence will be released later. Hey, Xiao Yu, you said that you got married with fake relatives a few days ago. Did you go to Zhaozhou?" The editor-in-chief ignored her with a face There was still an amiable expression on it, and asked.

Seeing that the editor-in-chief didn't seem to be very angry, Xiao Yu relaxed a little, and nodded embarrassingly.

"Hanging sword?" The editor-in-chief stood up, "A sword hanging over society, right? Hehehe..."

Suddenly, he was furious: "It's a sword hanging over my head now!"


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1429 Two kinds of help

Ding Xiaoyu lost her job like this, but she didn't regret it.

Even if she was asked to choose again, Xiao Yu would still do it, and she didn't regret it.

Xiao Yu walked aimlessly on the road, she didn't know what to do next.

"Your identity has been exposed?"

At this moment, two young men came up suddenly and looked at her with smiles on their faces.

Ding Xiaoyu couldn't help but took a few steps back, her identity had just been revealed and at this moment someone came to her door, and she felt a sense of vigilance in her heart.

"Hehe, you are so nervous. We have no malicious intentions. We just came here to help you. I just don't want to see a sharp sword break like this." Liu Xu said.

"What do you mean by that?" Ding Xiaoyu was puzzled.

"Hehe, do you think those people will let you go after you exposed those things?" Liu Xu tilted his head, his eyes seemed to be looking the other way, "Maybe they are already on their way now."

Xia Dongqing and Ding Xiaoyu followed Liu Xu's gaze thoughtfully. Two men in black were sneaking behind them, staring at them.

When they found Ding Xiaoyu looking at them, they immediately turned their heads away, pretending to be talking.

Xia Dongqing didn't find any problems, but how could Ding Xiaoyu, who is a reporter, not feel it!

"Hehe, I didn't expect this day to happen to me. These people still don't want to kill me!" Ding Xiaoyu looked desolate, and there was no trace of hope on her face.

"Did you just admit defeat like this? This is not Xuanjian's character!"

"Hehe, Hanging Sword, only the sharp sword hanging above the head is the real Hanging Sword, and I, the 'Hanging Sword' whose identity has been exposed, has lost the qualification to be a Hanging Sword." Ding Xiaoyu smiled miserably. It must be so bitter.

From the moment her identity was exposed, Ding Xiaoyu vaguely knew that her fate was already doomed.

"What if I can save you?" Liu Xu looked at Ding Xiaoyu, wanting to know her attitude.

Ding Xiaoyu shook his head, expressing that he didn't believe Liu Xu's words. The people who wanted to kill her were definitely those big companies and powerful forces. Liu Xu didn't seem to have much ability, so how could he help her.

But for Liu Xu's kindness, Ding Xiaoyu is still grateful.

"Don't believe me, how about this, let me get rid of the two followers in front of me first, and let you see my strength." Liu Xu didn't care, and walked directly to the two men in black behind.

When the two men in black saw Liu Xu approaching, they naturally knew that their identities had been exposed. They wanted to run away, but how could Liu Xu give them this chance.

Three attacks, five divisions, and two were eliminated by Liu Xu. Although Liu Xu did not kill these two people, they also lost the ability to continue to do evil.

"Let's go, let's find a quiet place to talk." Ding Xiaoyu followed Liu Xu away dumbfounded. She was thinking that this man might really be able to help her.

"I can provide you with two kinds of help, you can choose." Liu Xu took a sip of coffee and looked at Ding Xiaoyu.

"Tell me." The shock in Ding Xiaoyu's eyes still persisted, because just now, in order to convince her, Liu Xu showed his ability, which is the power of Taoism.

She didn't expect that there were really such a group of people in this world who possessed terrifying superpowers.

"The first one is that I will help you solve the current problem directly, but your identity of Hanging Sword will no longer be available, and you will even be unable to engage in this industry in the future."

Ding Xiaoyu frowned and didn't speak, as if he was thinking about something.

"The second is that you do what those people think—real death."

"Death?!" Ding Xiaoyu hadn't spoken yet, but Xia Dongqing, who was standing beside her, couldn't bear it anymore. This is not helping people, is it clearly letting them die?

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