"Don't worry, just listen to me."

"The death I'm talking about means that your physical body in this world dies, but your soul still stays in this world. As long as you want, you can stay forever, until the day you are willing to go to the underworld to reincarnate."

"I understand what you mean."

Ding Xiaoyu was a little confused at first, but now she understands.

Liu Xu has the ability to help her soul stay in this world. In this way, her identity of Hanging Sword will be changed from the obvious to the dark, and no one will know who the "Hanging Sword" is anymore, because the real "Hanging Sword" "already dead.

However, the Hanging Sword will still exist, and she becomes a real sword of Damocles.

Xia Dongqing opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.


When he returned to the love apartment, he found that the apartment was completely quiet. He probably listened to his own program last night, and now he went back to catch up on sleep.

Liu Xu was also very sleepy, so he went back to his room and fell asleep on the bed.

After waking up, he heard Zhang Wei's unrestrained laughter just as he walked out of the living room.

"Wa hahaha!"

At this time, Zhang Wei's vacant smile sounded in the room, and he ran out in a burst of excitement.

Seeing Liu Xu, Zhang Wei said excitedly: "Liu Xu, I got it, I got it!"

"What did you get? Xiaomi or Huawei?" Liu Xu asked suspiciously.

"I got the physical book of "Fights Break Sphere"!" Zhang Wei said proudly.

As soon as Zhang Wei finished speaking, Liu Xu saw Chen Meijia and Lin Wanyu walking out of the room dejectedly.

"Aren't these people crazy? They disappeared as soon as they went public!" Chen Meijia pouted.

"Yeah, it's sold out all at once!" Lin Wanyu said unhappily.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1430 Your Yida

It turned out that "Fights Break Sphere" was released!

It seems that it has been prepared for a long time!

The book has been printed, the contract is signed, and it can be released immediately.


What if you don't sign a contract?

Dude, there is a market in China called the piracy market.

If you don't sign a contract, you will earn less at worst.

Liu Xu asked, "What's the matter? Is it hard to get it?"

"That's right, it was sold out by book fans as soon as it was released!" Chen Meijia said, "This publishing house has too few issues!"

This can't be blamed on the publishing house. Although Director Bai knew that the physical book of Fighting the Sky would be very popular, he didn't expect it to be so popular. He has already printed [-] copies, but they were sold out quickly. India and China.

"I thought it was such a difficult task!" Liu Xu said disapprovingly: "I am the author here, are you afraid that you won't be able to get the physical book?"

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Director Bai's number.

Director Bai happily answered Liu Xu's call this time, and said, "Mr. Liu, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's like this. I want ten sets of the physical books of Fighting the Sky. Can I ask Director Bai to send them over then?" Liu Xu asked.

"Of course it's no problem!" Director Bai agreed with a smile.

Liu Xu hung up the phone and said with a smile: "Look, isn't this resolved? Is there a need to rush to buy it?"

"Ah? Then I'm at a loss? I snatched it just now!" Zhang Wei suddenly turned into a bitter face, "Liu Xu is here for free, why should I come? No, I have to go back immediately. Already!"

With that said, he ran back to his room to return the goods.


This Zhang Wei is still so stingy!

Liu Xu took out his mobile phone and began to browse Weibo.

The social revelations of the hanging sword are still going on, and it is still a sword hanging over the head of the society.

Some people on the Internet say that Xuanjian is not dead. The most widely circulated saying is that Xuanjian is a public account among journalists, and the people need to know the truth.

Where there is a need, there is, Hanging Sword.

The mission of journalists is to let the common people know the truth, no matter how cruel or beautiful the truth is, no matter what the outcome is, this is their persistence.

In the face of reality, perhaps each of us will forget our own dreams and our most steadfast original intentions, but if everyone in this society is afraid to take the first step to make changes, then what hope is there for our society?

If one of us takes a step, we should complete the rest of the journey together.

This is the responsibility that every citizen should have, and the enthusiasm that every Chinese should have.

Liu Xu looked at the comments on the Internet, and seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be talking to someone.

"Perhaps, your choice is the most correct one. I hope you can continue on this road and become a real hanging sword, a blade of judgment, so that this world can truly stand upright and have a sense of justice." God."

After putting away his mobile phone, Liu Xu found that the shower gel he used was gone, so he decided to go downstairs to buy a bottle, so he walked out of the apartment and went to the supermarket downstairs.

When Liu Xu was choosing shower gel in the supermarket downstairs, he suddenly saw a beautiful woman.

Her long curly hair is draped over her shoulders, and she is wearing a pink off-the-shoulder chiffon skirt with a cute bow at the waist, and layers of lace are embellished on the beautiful skirt.

This is a standard beauty.

Liu Xu took a closer look, it was Qin Yumo!

Isn't this Hu Yifei's high school classmate?

Liu Xu looked at Qin Yumo and smiled when he was choosing something, that sweet smile made Liu Xu a little stunned and lost his mind.

Suddenly, as soon as Qin Yumo turned around, he saw Liu Xu who was peeking, and subconsciously retracted his head.

He and Qin Yumo knew each other, but they only met once, and the friendship was very shallow. Although this line is broken now, it is not a pity.

When Liu Xu looked up again, he found that Qin Yumo was no longer there.

Liu Xu took the shower gel and went to the cashier to pay the bill. The waiter smiled and asked, "Do you have a membership card, sir? You can get a [-]% discount!"

Liu Xu touched his pocket and found that he had forgotten his membership card, and said, "Sorry, I forgot!"

"Swipe mine!"

At this time, a Qianqianyu handed over a supermarket membership card. Liu Xu looked up and said to Qin Yumo with a smile, "Why is this so embarrassing?"

"it does not matter!"

"Then thank you!"

Seeing Liu Xu's smile, Qin Yumo lowered his head in shame.

"I heard it's good for teeth!"

Liu Xu saw that Qin Yumo bought a box of Yida.


Qin Yumo bought another box.

After paying the bill, Qin Yumo took only a box of Yida and left the cash register.

Liu Xu picked up Yida and shouted at Qin Yumo with a smile, "Hey, this is your Yida!"

"No, this is your Yida!" Qin Yumo said with a smile, and walked out of the supermarket.

Liu Xu looked at Yida in his hand and smiled slightly.

When he returned to the apartment, he found that everyone in the apartment was gone. He probably went to the bar. Liu Xu put down the shower gel in his hand, chewed two more Yida, and went out.

When Liu Xu came to the bar, he saw everyone sitting on the sofa and chatting.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, it's hard for someone to fall in love with you, so let's get married!" Lu Ziqiao said jokingly, looking at the dejected Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Teacher Zeng, what's the matter?" Liu Xu walked over and asked.

"Liu Xu, do you know? Teacher Zeng's ex-girlfriend Laura proposed to Teacher Zeng!" Tang Youyou said excitedly.

"Mr. Zeng, you should be content, Laura is pretty good!" Zhang Wei leaned on Zeng Xiaoxian's shoulder and said, "Now the ratio of males and females is seriously imbalanced, it's a blessing for Laura to see you!"

"Are you kidding, my brother Xian will no one want?" Zeng Xiaoxian tossed his hair and said with a stinky face, "Why am I a show host and a public figure, okay?"


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1431

"Hey, Teacher Zeng, narcissism plus brain damage is self-harm!" Lu Ziqiao said meaningfully from the side: "I just have my Linda!"

"Zeng Xiaoxian, I think Laura is not bad!" Hu Yifei also said.

"Mr. Zeng, when did Laura propose to you?" Liu Xu asked, "Why don't I know there are so many episodes of iPartment?"

"Hey, it's not that Brother Xian is so charming!" Zeng Xiaoxian said very smugly.

The following are Zeng Xiaoxian's memories.

After Liu Xu and Lisa Rong left, Zeng Xiaoxian walked out of the radio station building alone.

As soon as he walked out of the door, a black BMW stopped in front of Zeng Xiaoxian.

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