Zeng Xiaoxian just wanted to curse, but when he saw that the driver was actually his ex-girlfriend Laura.

Laura got out of the car, walked in front of Zeng Xiaoxian, and said affectionately, "Xiaoxian, how have you been recently?"

"Eat well, sleep well, and stay healthy!" Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily.

He loves and hates Laura, and his feelings are very complicated.

"Xiaoxian, I was wrong!" Laura took the initiative to hold Zeng Xiaoxian's hand, "Xiaoxian, let's get back together, let's get married!"

"Ah?" All this happened so suddenly that Zeng Xiaoxian felt a little overwhelmed, "You... what are you talking about? You want to marry me?"

"Yes!" Laura nodded and said, "I figured it out, you are the best for me, I decided to get back together with you."

"I...I didn't think about getting back together with you!" Zeng Xiaoxian looked like a bitter melon, and he didn't want to look back.

"I don't care, I'm going to marry you!" Laura said domineeringly.

"I don't have any flowers!"

"Hey, here it is!" Laura took out a bunch of flowers from the car and handed it to Zeng Xiaoxian.

"I don't have a diamond ring!"

"This is a diamond ring!" Laura handed a ring box to Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian stared at the flowers and the ring in a stunned manner, and suddenly felt like crying without tears, why does Laura hate marriage so much?

"I don't care, the ring and flowers are given to you. If you don't propose to me in three days, I will propose to you!"

Saying that, Laura handed over the flowers and the diamond ring to Zeng Xiaoxian, and then left.


"Tell me, should I propose or not?" Zeng Xiaoxian had a bitter face.

"Teacher Zeng, there must be something wrong with this matter!" Guan Gu dragged his chin miraculously, looking like he was thinking, "Laura suddenly found you, and suddenly wanted to marry you, there must be something wrong, and only Mr. Conan can solve it." gone."

"Yes, Mr. Zeng, do you know why Laura suddenly wants to marry you?" asked Lu Ziqiao, the prodigal son of love.

Zeng Xiaoxian was silent for a moment, then shook his head again. "How do I know!"

"Then do you want to marry her?" Liu Xu asked again.

For a moment, Zeng Xiaoxian fell silent.

Yes, your own decision is the most important.

Whether to get married or not is up to you.

"Teacher Zeng, summon the courage of your man!" Zhang Wei said encouragingly.

"Teacher Zeng, we will support you in making your decision!" Lin Wanyu also said.

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded and said thoughtfully, "I understand!"

After solving Zeng Xiaoxian's problem, everyone chatted happily again, but Liu Xu noticed that Hu Yifei had been staring at him, so he asked with a smile, "Yifei, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Liu Xu, I just have a question in my mind!" Hu Yifei looked up at Liu Xu and said.

doubt?What doubt?

"What question?" Liu Xu asked curiously.

"Liu Xu, what's going on in your brain, why are you so talented?" Hu Yifei asked, blinking her bright eyes.

"Hee hee, natural!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

Everyone was blank-eyed.

"Okay, since everyone is so happy, let's have a carnival tonight!" Liu Xu stood up from the sofa and said.

"Okay, yeah!" Lu Ziqiao was the most excited, and immediately walked into the middle of the bar, and started to organize the party for tonight.

When everyone heard about the carnival, they were very excited to join the party.

They found that since Liu Xu came, everyone's living conditions have improved a lot, and carnivals are held from time to time. They are really well-deserved good landlords in China.

Chen Meijia and others all went to play, but Hu Yifei was still sitting there. Liu Xu looked at her and seemed a little unhappy.

Liu Xu said to Hu Yifei: "Yifei, why don't we go for a walk?"

When Hu Yifei heard Liu Xu's words, she immediately became nervous, her face flushed slightly, and her heart was pounding like a deer.

I refuse it?Or agree?

Hu Yifei was still hesitating.

Seeing that Hu Yifei was silent, Liu Xu took the initiative to walk over and grabbed her hand, and pulled Hu Yifei out of the bar.

Hu Yifei blushed, and let Liu Xu hold her hand.

The two walked quietly down the street holding hands like this.

Hu Yifei's heartbeat never stopped, and she didn't feel that way when she was dating Shen Linfeng.

After walking for a while, Liu Xu turned to Hu Yifei and said, "Yifei!"

Hu Yifei blushed, looked up at Liu Xu and said, "Huh?"

Liu Xu stopped in his tracks, looked at Hu Yifei's face affectionately and said, "I have something to tell you!"

Hu Yifei seemed to have noticed something, lowered her head and blushed and said, "What do you want to say?"

If he wants to confess, should I agree?

Liu Xushen stretched out his hands and pulled Hu Yifei's tender body into his arms, leaning on her ear and whispering, "Yifei, I like you, I love you!"

Hu Yifei was unprepared, and was pulled into Liu Xu's arms, her face turned red immediately.

She was about to push Liu Xu away, but when she heard his bold confession, she suddenly collapsed into Liu Xu's arms as if all her strength had been drained.

When you enter the world of iPartment, you will definitely encounter Hu Yifei.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1432 Yifei, are you encouraging me to step on several boats with one foot?

Hu Yifei was hugged by Liu Xu, feeling his heartbeat, there was a feeling of happiness knocking on the door suddenly, and she didn't know what to do.

She lowered her head and asked, "Liu Xu, is what you said true?"

Liu Xu took Hu Yifei's hand and put it on his mouth, and said affectionately: "Of course, you see, my heart is beating for you!"

Feeling Hu Yifei's tender body, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Of course!"

When Hu Yifei heard Liu Xu's answer, his heart was suddenly surrounded by a sense of happiness, and he said softly: "Liu Xu, in fact, I have liked you for a long time! But I didn't say it out loud. Since the first time you...helped I……"

"While helping you exorcise ghosts?"


"Liu Xu, I can also tell that Meijia and Wanyu usually look at you differently, and they also have a crush on you, but I just want to stay by your side, don't let me down, okay?"

"Yeah!" Liu Xu nodded and said, "Yifei, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down!"

Hearing Liu Xu's return, Hu Yifei's heart slowly filled with sweetness and happiness.

She snuggled into his arms, feeling Liu Xu's heartbeat and the broad arms of the moon.

"Liu Xu!"


"Will you promise me one thing?"

"what's up?"

"Don't tell the people in the apartment about the matter between us, okay?" Hu Yifei raised his head, looked at Liu Xu and said.

Yifei, are you encouraging me to step on several boats with one foot?

Liu Xu nodded and said, "No problem! I'll do whatever you want!"

As he spoke, he kissed Hu Yifei lightly on the forehead.

Hu Yifei's cheeks immediately turned red.

The two stood on the street and hugged each other.

After a long time.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back!" Liu Xu said to Hu Yifei in his arms.

"En!" Hu Yifei nodded obediently.

Sure enough, love can change a woman. At this time, Hu Yifei no longer has the aggressiveness of the big sister before, but has more of the gentleness of a little woman.

When Liu Xu and Hu Yifei returned to the bar, they found that everyone was still in the carnival, and the two began to join in.

The next morning, when Liu Xu woke up, there was no one in the apartment, and Hu Yifei was busy in the kitchen.

Hu Yifei saw that Liu Xu was up, so she smiled and said, "Liu Xu, you're up, I made egg fried rice, try it!"

"Okay!" Liu Xu sat down, looked at the hot egg fried rice in front of him, and started eating with a smile.

"How does it taste?" Hu Yifei asked expectantly.

"Well, it's okay!" Liu Xu said seriously.

"Ah? Not bad!" Hu Yifei was obviously not dissatisfied with this evaluation.

"I'm lying to you, it's delicious!" Liu Xu smiled and pulled Hu Yifei and said, "Of course the egg fried rice made by my Yifei is delicious!"

"Poor mouth!" Hu Yifei said angrily, but she was still very happy.

"Well, next time you remember to fry more, switch the ratio of eggs to rice."



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