At this time, the door of the apartment opened, Hu Yifei hurriedly let go of the hand he held with Liu Xu, and saw Lu Zhanbo sitting on the sofa dejectedly.

"Zhanbo, what's the matter with you?" Hu Yifei asked when Lu Zhanbo looked weak.

Lu Zhanbo first brewed his emotions, and then he said with a look of tears: "Sister. I was fired!"

"Ah? You've been fired?" Hu Yifei stood up angrily, glared at Lu Zhanbo and said, "As my brother of Hu Yifei, how can you be fired? If you want to fire, you will fire the boss!"

"Sister, it's none of my business!" Lu Zhanbo said sadly, "It's all because of that fat man Zhao Wuli. I don't know what he said to the boss, and then the boss fired me!"

"It's really maddening!" Hu Yifei said angrily while cuffing her sleeves: "This Zhao Wuqian is so hateful, I'll go and beat him up for you!"

Lu Zhanbo hurriedly stopped Hu Yifei and said, "Sister, forget it, if you lose your job, you will lose your job. With your brother and my skills, are you afraid that you won't be able to find a job?"

"Yes!" Hu Yifei nodded, feeling that what Lu Zhanbo said also made sense.

At this moment, Liu Xu, who had finished eating fried rice with eggs, came over, sat across from Lu Zhanbo and said, "I thought it was a big deal, so I was fired by the boss?"

"Isn't this a big deal?" Hu Yifei said anxiously: "Do you know how fierce the competition is now? There are millions of college students a year, and it's not that easy to find a good job!"

"Zhanbo, you have lost your job, so you can be your own boss!" Liu Xu said.

"Be your own boss?" Both Hu Yifei and Lu Zhanbo looked at Liu Xu with doubts on their faces: "It's not so easy to be a boss now, and the pressure is also great!"

"How about this, Zhanbo, I will provide the project and money, and you will provide the technology, how about it?" Liu Xu has already planned to make the game League of Legends, anyway, there is no such game in this world now.

"Tell me about your project? What are you doing specifically?" Lu Zhanbo asked immediately when he heard that Liu Xu had more resources in his hands.

"Make a game!" Liu Xu said.

"What specific game?" Lu Zhanbo asked.

"What? I can't explain it for a while!" Although Liu Xu knows that lol is fun, how to explain it is really a problem.

Lu Zhanbo stared at Liu Xu's face for a long time, and asked tentatively, "Liu Xu, you won't cheat me, will you?"

"How could it be? If I cheat anyone, I won't cheat you!" While speaking, Liu Xu glanced at Hu Yifei who was next to him, and Hu Yifei hurriedly turned his head away, not looking at Liu Xu.

Brother usually only cheats his father-in-law, not his brother-in-law!


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1433 Lu Zhanbo is also on the hook

"I can give you an idea, and I will rely on you for the rest. You can't wait for me to get everything done, you can be the boss directly! So..." Liu Xu patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder and said: "Program Member, practice hard! One day you will become a beast."

"No problem!" Lu Zhanbo said with a smile, the previous haze had been swept away.

In the afternoon, Liu Xu went back to his room directly after eating, and then began to write about the League of Legends in his memory. Of course, he didn't know the code of the game, but he mainly came up with an idea for Lu Zhanbo. Whether it can be done or not is not his concern.

After it was done, Liu Xu walked out to the living room, just in time to see Lu Zhanbo playing a game, so he said, "Zhanbo, how about the game I designed?"

"Oh, good!" Lu Zhanbo took Liu Xu's USB flash drive, then opened the folder of League of Legends, opened the game, carefully looked at the rules and layout of the whole game, etc., and gradually became fascinated.

"Zhanbo, what are you looking at? Are you so engrossed?" Hu Yifei walked over and asked.

Lu Zhanbo didn't react at all, his eyes were still staring at the screen.


Lu Zhanbo's eyes lit up and he shouted.

"Zhanbo, what are you doing?" Hu Yifei stared at Lu Zhanbo and asked.

Lu Zhanbo didn't look at Hu Yifei, but at Liu Xu: "Liu Xu, did you really design this game?"

Liu Xu nodded heavily, and said, "As long as you develop according to my idea, I guarantee that you will become a game tycoon in China in the future."

"It's really a perfect game!" Lu Zhanbo couldn't help sighing, "It's much more fun than Immortal Sword!"

Fairy Sword is a classic, but there is nothing comparable between a single player and an online game.

After Liu Xu discussed the League of Legends game with Lu Zhanbo, Lu Zhanbo ran into the room full of energy and started developing the game.

According to Lu Zhanbo, the game can be perfected in at least a week and at most a month.

It seems that Lu Zhanbo is also on the hook, League of Legends game, but the team's accumulated achievements, he can finish it in a month at most, and even said that the time is as short as a week, which is completely unreasonable.

He affirmed that he had the glory of being the protagonist.

As soon as Lu Zhanbo left, Liu Xu and Hu Yifei were left in the living room.

Liu Xu stood up, walked to Hu Yifei's side, and sat down, his anger suddenly became ambiguous.

Liu Xu gently held Hu Yifei's jade hand, while Hu Yifei leaned on Liu Xu's shoulder, and the two cuddled like this.


The door of the apartment opened immediately, Liu Xu and Hu Yifei hurriedly separated, and when they turned around, they saw Zeng Xiaoxian rushing in.

"Teacher Zeng, what's wrong with you?" Seeing this, Liu Xu asked suspiciously.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, Laura is here!" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at a loss, "I saw Laura coming to me at the bar just now, so I ran back quickly!"

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the apartment.

"It must be that Laura is here, so you just say I'm not here!" Zeng Xiaoxian ran back to the room to hide, while Liu Xu went to open the door, and saw a woman in a sexy dress standing outside.

Isn't that Laura?

"Where's Zeng Xiaoxian?" Laura asked as soon as she saw Liu Xu.

"He's not here!" Liu Xu bit the bullet and lied.

"Don't lie to me, I saw Zeng Xiaoxian enter the apartment!" Laura said with her arms around Yue Xiong.

"Laura, I think you have to give Teacher Zeng some time, right? You are in such a hurry to marry him, and he is not ready, is he?" Liu Xu persuaded patiently, "You just need to give Zeng Xiaoxian some time , he will definitely accept you. You look so beautiful and sexy, how could he not like it?"

After hearing this, Laura nodded. It seemed that what Liu Xu said made sense. She looked up at him and said, "Hey, why haven't I seen you? Are you?"

"I'm a new tenant, and I'm also the landlord here, my name is Liu Xu!" Liu Xu replied with a smile: "Laura, you can go back, Zeng Xiaoxian has figured it out, and will definitely look for you when he is ready. "

"En!" Laura nodded, and then shouted towards the apartment: "Zeng Xiaoxian, I will definitely wait for you!"

After speaking, he left.

After Laura left, Zeng Xiaoxian came out of the room, gave Liu Xu a thumbs up, and said, "Liu Xu, that's fine! Laura was so difficult that you drove her away!"

"Teacher Zeng, are you really planning to continue like this?" Liu Xu sat next to Zeng Xiaoxian and said earnestly, "A man should have a sense of responsibility. If you really get along, getting married is not a big deal!"

"The most important thing is that I'm not ready yet?" Zeng Xiaoxian said weakly.

Liu Xu and Hu Yifei shook their heads helplessly after hearing this.

At this time, Guan Gu miraculously ran out of the room, saw Liu Xu, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "Liu Xu, I have good news for you, the manga of Fighting the Sky will be released tomorrow."

"Really, that's really great." Liu Xu also expects his novels to be transformed into comics, and making money is secondary, but he wants to see Chinese comics gain a place in the world, and don't want to fill the world with Japanese comics , or Liu Xu has never heard of it.

"I believe this comic will be a big hit!" Guan Gu said with confidence.

"En! Thank you for your hard work!" Liu Xu patted Guan Gu on the shoulder and said, "Take a good rest for a few days, and I will give you a new comic book then!"

"Really?" Guan Gu's miraculous eyes shone brightly with excitement on his face, "That's great!"


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1434 Hmph, Qin Yumo is my woman

"Well, this new comic is called "One Piece." Liu Xu intends to produce all the three major comics for migrant workers. The previous "Fights Break Sphere" can be said to be for Guan Gu to practice his skills. Only the drawing skills are enough. In order to truly restore the three great gods.

Liu Xu waved his arms again that night, and went to the bar downstairs to have fun with his friends from iPartment.

When he arrived at the bar, Liu Xu was also very generous. In today's words, he is rich and self-willed.

He yelled at his friends in the bar: "I'm treating you today, and all your consumption at the bar is mine!"

"Hoo! Yay!"

Everyone was excited for a while and began to revel.

They were all crazy until they got back to the apartment very late, because they were all tired from playing, so they all fell out of bed and went to sleep.

The next day, Liu Xu was in a drowsy sleep when he heard an angry voice outside, and besides the angry voice, he could faintly hear the sound of sobbing.

"This kind of scumbag is just a waste of air, a waste of land, and a waste of RMB if he's not alive!" Hu Yifei's furious voice resounded throughout the apartment.

Liu Xu couldn't sleep anymore, walked out of the room, and saw Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, Guan Gu Miracle, Zhang Wei, and Lu Zhanbo all curled up on the sofa with earplugs on.

Liu Xu walked over and asked, "Teacher Zeng, what's wrong with Yifei? What happened to her so early in the morning? Who of you offended her? So angry?"

"It's not me!" Zeng Xiaoxian quickly waved his hand and said.

"Forget it, let me go and have a look!" Liu Xu wanted to go to the apartment next door, but was stopped by Lu Ziqiao.

"Zi Qiao, who hit you?" Liu Xu was startled when he saw Lu Ziqiao with a bruised nose and swollen face, "It couldn't be Yifei, could it?"

"It's Yifei!" Lu Ziqiao touched her face and said with a bitter face, "She is a man who hates the whole world now, I just walked over and was hit by her bullet, so don't go over there. !"

"Hey, what happened?" Liu Xu said anxiously.

"My old sister's high school classmate was dumped by her boyfriend and came to join my old sister, so she is very angry now!" Lu Zhanbo said.

Hu Yifei's high school classmate?

Wouldn't it be Qin Yumo?

Liu Xu remembered that the last time he met Qin Yumo in the supermarket downstairs, she even gave him a box of Yida!

She was dumped by her boyfriend. Could it be that scumbag Richard?

"No, then I have to go and have a look!"

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