After speaking, Liu Xu walked past the apartment next to him, while Lu Ziqiao and others looked at Liu Xu's back, lowered their heads, and mourned for him for three minutes.

Can you survive after knocking down Hu Yifei's anger?

"Boom boom boom!"

Liu Xu knocked on the door of the apartment next door.


The door opened, only to hear Hu Yifei's angry voice saying: "Ban Yi..."

When Hu Yifei saw that Liu Xu was standing outside the door, she stopped her bullets for a moment, and looked at Liu Xu with some resentment: "You guys are all good things!"

Liu Xu smiled awkwardly and walked into 3601.

"Yifei, you can't overturn a boatload of people!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

When Liu Xu walked into the apartment, he saw a beautiful woman in a dress sitting on the sofa, her head bowed and sobbing. After a closer look, it was Qin Yumo.

"My good sister Yu Mo was hurt by you heartless men!" Hu Yifei said angrily, holding her arms in front of Yue Xiong.

Qin Yumo was sobbing at first, but when he saw Liu Xu coming in, his sobbing stopped immediately, and he looked at Liu Xu with tears in his eyes, isn't this the man I met downstairs?

"So it's you!" Qin Yumo looked at Liu Xu and said shyly.

"It's me!" Liu Xu nodded.

The two looked at each other like this, Chen Meijia came over, looked at the two, and asked weakly, "Do you know each other?"

"We met once in the supermarket downstairs!" Liu Xu looked at Qin Yumo on the sofa and said, "Yumo, don't be sad, three-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged men are everywhere. Is it worth being sad for a man like that?"

"That's right, Yumo, based on your conditions, what kind of man do you want?" Hu Yifei also said.

"En!" Qin Yumo nodded heavily, wiped away his tears, and said softly, "Yes, isn't it just a man? Will I, Qin Yumo, be short of men?" He subconsciously glanced at Liu Xu glance.

Seeing that Qin Yumo had finally figured it out, Hu Yifei felt relieved, and gave Liu Xu a thumbs up. You still have a trick, and you can explain it to Yumo in a few words.

As expected of my Hu Yifei's man!

Liu Xu saw that Qin Yumo stopped crying, so he went to Qin Yumo's side, and said softly, "Yu Mo, you don't have that scumbag Richard, you still have Yifei and me!"

When Qin Yumo heard what Liu Xu said, he looked at him with a guilty conscience. Although he was not young, Qin Yumo had a girlish heart, and he felt very good about Liu Xu.

"By the way, why did Richard break up with you?" Liu Xu asked suspiciously.

"You men are animals that think from the lower body!" Hu Yifei said angrily from the side, and at the same time she was thinking in her heart, if Liu Xu made such a request, would she agree or not?

Liu Xu was not stupid, and instantly understood why Li Chade broke up with Qin Yumo. He must have wanted to get her body before getting married, but Qin Yumo refused, so he proposed to break up.

Hmph, Qin Yumo is my woman.

"I really can't have this kind of man!" Liu Xu said solemnly: "Okay, don't be sad!"

"En!" Qin Yumo nodded, "I see."


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Chapter 1435 High school classmate and best friend became rival in love

After Liu Xu left, Qin Yumo grabbed Hu Yifei and asked, "Liu Xu has been living in the love apartment?"

"I just moved in some time ago!" Hu Yifei said, suddenly remembered something, looked at Qin Yumo and said, "Yu Mo, how did you and Liu Xu know each other?"

"We had a relationship in the supermarket downstairs!" Qin Yumo said a little shyly, blushing and bowing his head.

Seeing Qin Yumo's gesture, Hu Yifei thought inwardly: "Didn't Yumo fall in love with Liu Xu at first sight?"

After a long while, Qin Yumo stabilized the beating deer in his heart, looked up at Hu Yifei and said, "Yifei, does this Liu Xu have a girlfriend?"

After saying the words, Qin Yumo realized that it was too straightforward, and immediately lowered his head even lower, really wishing to find a crack in the ground to get in.

When Hu Yifei heard Qin Yumo's question, she immediately proved her guess. She must have fallen in love with Liu Xu. What should she do? She has a rival in love so soon, and she is also her high school classmate and best friend.

"Yumo, don't you like Liu Xu?" Hu Yifei asked weakly.

Qin Yumo raised his head, without avoiding Hu Yifei's gaze: "Yifei, do you believe there is a feeling called love at first sight?"


Hu Yifei felt that she had suffered ten thousand points of damage.

It really is!

"Yu Mo, you may be emotionally frustrated and want to find someone to rely on, so that's why you fell in love with Liu Xu!" Hu Yifei asked unwillingly.

Qin Yumo shook his head gently, and said in a tone full of nostalgia and sweetness: "There is a kind of encounter called love at first sight. On that day, I met Liu Xu downstairs..."

Hu Yifei listened to Qin Yumo's narration, but she was struggling in her heart. Should she tell Yumo that she was Liu Xu's girlfriend?

But once told, what kind of stupid things could Yu Mo, who was hit again, do?

She just fell out of love!

Hu Yifei thought about it, but decided not to tell Qin Yumo so quickly!

When Liu Xu returned to 3602, Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao and others immediately surrounded him and looked Liu Xu up and down, only to find that there was no scar on his body.

"This is unreasonable!" Zhang Wei looked at the intact Liu Xu and said, "According to Yifei's current anger, how could Liu Xu be fine?"

Liu Xu was speechless, do they want to be beaten so much?

"Could it be that Yifei's bullets and flashes have dropped?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously.


Lu Ziqiao patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the head and said, "Teacher Zeng, you can tell that Yifei's flicking skills have increased just by looking at me being beaten so hard! Is your mind muddled?"

"Hehe!" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled cheaply.

"Why did Yifei beat me for no reason!" Liu Xu said with a smile, "You must have made her angry, so you were beaten!"

"We are all good!" Everyone said in unison.

Anyway, Qin Yumo is living in the love apartment, and now there is another beautiful woman in the love apartment.

In order to celebrate Qin Yumo's stay, everyone went to a big restaurant for a meal. This time, of course, Liu Xu, the super rich man, paid the bill. Anyway, he is not short of money.

And Qin Yumo now also knows that Liu Xu is the author of "Fights Break the Sphere", and also the singer of the two Internet divine songs "Mouse Loves Rice" and "The Most Dazzling National Style", and his affection for him has skyrocketed.

After eating, everyone started to busy with their own affairs, and Liu Xu, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo went back to the apartment.

The three were bored and began to play flying chess in the living room.

"Ding dong!"

Doorbell rang.

"Liu Xu, open the door!" Hu Yifei shouted.

"Why me?" Liu Xu said with a face full of reluctance.

Seeing Liu Xu's reluctance, Qin Yumo stood up and said, "I'll go and open the door!"

With that, she ran to open the door.


The door opened, and when Qin Yumo saw the two people outside the door, the smile on his face suddenly stiffened.

There were two people standing outside the door, a man and a woman. The man had a square face, a mustache, and was wearing a blue sweater and a scarf. The woman was youthful and beautiful, with a touch of charm, and her image was like a fox spirit.

Qin Yumo squinted at the current girlfriend next to his ex-boyfriend, twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain, and thought to himself: "Fuck, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Is this a lost orangutan in the zoo? Is it the one who got dumped by me?" The brain is stimulated or the head is squeezed by the door?"

The two are really scumbag Richard and his current girlfriend, Sun Jingya, who is a tender model.

"Why are you here?" Qin Yumo said coldly.

"Haha!" Richard glanced at Qin Yumo, then deliberately hugged Sun Jingya next to him, and said with a chuckle, "I'm here to tell you that you need to pack up your things in my villa, and Jingya wants to Live in!"

When she said this, Sun Jingya next to her looked at Qin Yumo proudly, as if she was provoking her.

Qin Yumo was so angry, this scumbag Richard obviously brought her to be angry with him, seeing how downhearted he was.

"Yumo, what's the matter?" Liu Xu saw Qin Yumo standing at the door for so long and didn't come in, so he walked over to take a look.

Hey, isn't this that scumbag Richard?

There is also a vixen-like woman next to her. Is this to provoke Yu Mo?

"Yumo, your new boyfriend?" Richard asked when he saw Liu Xu.

Qin Yumo was stunned for a while, took the initiative to take Liu Xu's arm, and said, "Yes, this is my new boyfriend!"

"Don't lie to me!" Richard didn't believe that Qin Yumo really found a new boyfriend so quickly. The reason why he broke up with her was because Qin Yumo didn't want to have sex with him before getting married.

In Richard's view, as long as he proposes to break up, Qin Yumo will propose to get back together in a few days, but the plot does not develop according to his imagination.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1436 The Legendary Black Card


As soon as Qin Yumo turned around, he kissed Liu Xu on the cheek, then looked at Richard, and said, "This time you believe it! Richard, don't think that I, Qin Yumo, cannot live without you!"

Qin Yumo already had a crush on Liu Xu, and this kiss was not a simple kiss!

Liu Xu stood there blankly, the happiness came too suddenly, and the faint fragrance of Qin Yumo still remained on his face.

Li Chade was slightly startled, then laughed, and said with a sarcasm: "Yu Mo, even though you broke up with me, you don't need to find such a man! Would you like me to introduce you to the rich second generation? "

When Qin Yumo heard this, his face was immediately annoyed, but Liu Xu took the initiative to say: "Hehe, I heard that Yumo's ex-boyfriend was a scumbag when I was looking for him. I saw it today, and it really is like that!"

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