"You!" Richard said with a sigh of anger, "People like you who rent in such a small apartment are so rude and uneducated!"

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm the landlord here!" Liu Xu said lightly.

"So what? Are you richer than my boyfriend?" Sun Jingya next to her also began to chime in, "Chad is in the diamond business in South Africa. Diamonds, have you seen them? Humph!"

Liu Xu said calmly: "I heard that a virus called 'Ebola' broke out in South Africa recently. Maybe your boyfriend has this disease!"

When Sun Jingya heard it, she was a little scared. It is said that the virus is very contagious, and she also let go of the hand that was holding Richard.

Li Chade was even more furious. Originally, he wanted to see Qin Yumo's downcast appearance after leaving him, but unexpectedly, he was pissed off by Liu Xu.

"Okay! Qin Yumo, you can do it!" Richard gritted his teeth and said, finally calming his emotions, and said, "Now that you have the skills, give me back the diamond ring I gave you before. what!"

Qin Yumo immediately took off the diamond ring on his hand and threw it into Richard's arms without a trace of nostalgia: "I have long wanted to return it to you!"

"It's okay, Yumo, I'll buy a bigger and more beautiful one tomorrow!" Liu Xu said softly beside him.

"Young man, don't talk big words. Cowhide is not for bragging, and trains are not for pushing. Just you, if you want to buy such a diamond ring, it will be enough for you to fight for half your life." Richard looked at Liu Xu with disdain and said, he said A diamond ring is worth millions.

"Don't worry, the last thing I need now is money."

As he spoke, Liu Xu took out a black bank card from his pocket.

The legendary black card.

It's when my national husband, brother Sicong, lost his wallet when he was on a flight, and it contained all kinds of black cards from major banks.

Although Liu Xu is not as rich as the boss of Wanda, his worth is definitely far higher than that of the national husband. The reason why he only has one black card is because he doesn't want to carry so many cards in his bag. Then I got double-digit black cards from major banks.

A person with a cash flow of [-] billion in the bank can easily borrow tens of billions from the bank. If the operation is proper, under ten times the leverage, they can even get out hundreds of billions.

Sun Jingya's eyes lit up when she saw this bank card. She was in the rich circle, how could she not know this card?

This kind of black card is issued in limited quantities, but it is extremely precious. It cannot be applied for with money, but with a background. Moreover, there is still no limit to the amount of his overdraft.

When Richard saw the black card in Liu Xu's hand, his face turned blue, and he pulled Sun Jingya away quickly, which was simply embarrassing.

Seeing Li Chade leaving angrily, Qin Yumo felt very relieved and relaxed a lot. He looked at Liu Xu and said with a slight smile, "Liu Xu, thank you!"

"No need!" Liu Xu also let go of his hand and said lightly.

"Yeah!" Qin Yumo lowered his head, his face was slightly red, his heartbeat accelerated, just when he was about to take the opportunity to say what was in his heart, Hu Yifei appeared.

"Who was it just now? Why didn't you come in and sit down?" Hu Yifei looked outside and asked.

Just now Hu Yifei's school called to ask Hu Yifei if she wanted to study for a Ph. D., so she went to the balcony to answer a call, not knowing Richard's arrival.

"Yifei, Liu Xu, I'm going back to my room first!" Qin Yumo hesitated for a moment, then quickly returned to his room.

Hu Yifei looked at Qin Yumo's back and asked, "Liu Xu, who came just now?"

"Who else? Richard!" Liu Xu told Hu Yifei what happened just now.

When Hu Yifei heard this, she immediately became furious, and said through gritted teeth: "If I knew it was Richard just now, I would have let him know that I, Hu, are very good at playing, hmph!"

"Okay, Yifei, don't be angry!" Seeing no one around, Liu Xu took the initiative to hug Hu Yifei, and said softly, "I will feel bad when I get angry!"

"Sweet mouth!" Hu Yifei rolled her eyes at Liu Xu, but her heart was still very sweet.

"Oh, yes, let me tell you something!" Hu Yifei thought for a while and said, "You know what? Yumo seems to fall in love with you at first sight!"

Of course I know!I have the aura of the protagonist!Qin Yumo definitely can't escape, not just her, as long as it's a woman he likes, Lin Wanyu, Tang Youyou or other women, it's hard to fly, sooner or later they will be dishes in the bowl.

"Ah? Really?" Although Liu Xu knew, he could only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Hu Yifei nodded heavily and said, "I really don't know what to do!"

Liu Xu put his arms around Hu Yifei and said, "No matter what happens in the future, my love for you will not change, don't worry!"

"En!" Hu Yifei snuggled into Liu Xu's arms like a bird.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1437 Bai Yanni's Transformation

I lived in the love apartment for a while, and it was too lively, so Liu Xu planned to go back to the villa for a few days to clean up.

Coincidentally, policewoman Bai Yanni is about to be discharged from the hospital.

Her injury was getting better and better, because Liu Xu's vitality helped, which surprised the attending doctor.

But when Vice President Duan spoke, no one dared to say anything more.

Bai Yanni is a strong athlete. She is very good at Sanda and fights. She exercises all day long. Now she is let to lie in the hospital for so long, and she is suffocated. After obtaining the consent of the doctor and Liu Xu, she decides to leave the hospital.

Everyone else went to work, and Liu Xu had the most leisure, so he went through the discharge procedures.

The discharge time was in the afternoon, just as she walked out of the building, Bai Yanni said, "Niannian will leave work soon, let's go home together when it rains!"

Liu Xu supported Bai Yanni and said, "Okay, go back to the car and wait, I'll pick her up."

Bai Yanni said with a little begging look, "Let's go together. I've been lying in bed for so many days, so I just want to walk more. Besides, the hospital is full of elevators, so nothing will happen."

Liu Xu knew that Bai Yanni's injury was no longer in danger, and said, "Okay!"

"I didn't realize you were so nice before." Bai Yanni smiled and stared at Liu Xu with big eyes. Among all the tenants, her eyes were the biggest, and Ran Jing often envied her in various ways.

"I don't talk about the past. When you say that, I always think of you in the past." Liu Xu smiled.

"It's my fault! I will use everything to make it up to you!" Bai Yanni said firmly.

"No need, as long as you don't scold me and don't misunderstand me as a cesium wolf." Liu Xu really wanted to say something to make it up, but in the end he still didn't say the teasing words.

Bai Yanni joked in a rare way: "It's my fault for calling you a wolf, but it's true that you are a wolf! Ask Sister Shen Niannian and Ran Jing, which one won't say you are a wolf?"

"What, the policewoman wants to catch the wolf? How are you going to deal with it?" Liu Xu helped Bai Yanni walk slowly with small steps.

"If you don't catch me, you're a wolf, and I won't catch you either, because I owe you too much!" Bai Yanni said seriously.

"Isn't this in conflict with your ideas? I always thought you were a selfless policeman." Liu Xu laughed.

"Maybe it's a conflict, but I can't arrest you. At worst, I won't be a policeman. Actually, I don't know if I can still be a policeman after I leave the hospital. The doctor said that although I healed well, it might still be affected. "Bai Yanni lowered her head.

"I told you, I am Master Liu, and I will definitely let you continue to be a policeman, and your legs will definitely return to normal," Liu Xu said.

"I hope, thank you, I still want to say, sorry, you are the best person I have ever met!" Bai Yanni's big eyes were full of apology.

Liu Xu has always known the guilt in Bai Yanni's heart, even after so many days, she still hasn't abated.

He sighed secretly in his heart, before he always felt that Bai Yanni was too stubborn, too obstinate, and stubborn in doing things, but he didn't expect that this policewoman is still like this now, but from treating him as a bad person before to an absolute good person, she always felt that she had committed a crime. commit an unforgivable sin.

Liu Xu tried his best to persuade her these days, but now he basically doesn't persuade her, and it's useless to talk.

The two of them took the elevator to the place where Guo Haizao worked. After asking, they found out that she was participating in the operation, so they sat on a chair in the corridor and waited.

Not long after, the doctor walked out of the operating room, and then a nurse pushed the patient out of the operating room. Liu Xu took a look and found that the left eye of this person was wrapped.

Not long after, Guo Haizao, dressed as a nurse, came out holding a tray.

The fans' nurse cap, pink nurse skirt, plus the cute and innocent face and proud figure, a beautiful female nurse jumps in front of her eyes, and both men and women will look at her involuntarily.

When Ran Jing saw Liu Xu and Bai Yanni were there, her eyes lit up, and she walked quickly with her usual shyness.

"Brother Liu Xu, sister Yanni." Guo Haizao greeted with a smile.

"Did the operation go well?" Liu Xu said politely.

"Ting is troublesome. The metal needle stuck in the eye. The man is so pitiful. It's this thing." Guo Haizao said.

Liu Xu looked at the tray, which was an ordinary metal needle.There's a stump stuck.

"Firing pin! The firing pin of the pistol!" Bai Yanni suddenly lowered her voice.

Liu Xu and Guo Haizao glanced at each other. Even though the latter didn't know what the firing pin was, he immediately understood that there was a problem.

"Is that man a policeman?" Bai Yanni asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, he hit 120 alone." Guo Haizao shook his head.

Liu Xu said, "I'll call Director Qin and ask him to send someone, but you must be credited for the credit."

"Credit doesn't matter, let the criminal police come! If there is a problem with the police, they will definitely be accompanied by their colleagues, but he is alone, and the suspicion is very high."

Liu Xu called Director Qin, who said he would send someone right away.

"Nian Nian, you take us outside his ward, watch her, and don't let him escape!" Even though her legs were almost disabled, Bai Yanni still did not forget her duty.

"it is good!"

Under the leadership of Guo Haizao, Liu Xu and Bai Yanni walked out slowly.

Liu Xu asked in a low voice, "How could the firing pin go into the eye?"

"According to my experience, this person didn't know the correct way to disassemble the pistol. As a result, the firing pin was ejected by the firing pin spring, and it got into the eye by mistake!" Bai Yanni was faintly excited, obviously I stayed in the hospital bed for too long and wanted to solve the case myself.

Not long after, a criminal policeman named Lin Shenhe brought people to him, first controlled the injured person, conducted simple questioning, and then brought him to the police station.

Lin Shenhe came out to thank the doctors and nurses, and then said a few words to Bai Yanni, saying that the man admitted that he bought a pistol, and he might be able to dig out a private gun nest by following the clues.

The policeman obviously didn't know Liu Xu, he gave Liu Xu an envious look, and then left.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1438 Waiting for Promotion

"It seems that there are many people who like you!" Liu Xu said.

"But who knows if he really likes me, or just playing with me?" Bai Yanni laughed at herself, her eyes were firm, as if she had made up her mind.

In order to celebrate Bai Yanni's discharge from the hospital, this evening's meal was extraordinarily rich, and everyone was in a particularly good mood.

The next day, the news came that the police used the clues provided by the injured person to follow the clues and caught a gang of gun manufacturers and gun dealers, arresting seven people in total.

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