Director Qin called Liu Xu himself to tell Liu Xu about this, and said that he would give Bai Yanni credit this time and change the application materials, but the chances of getting first-class credit were still slim.

In the afternoon, Director Wu came to the villa in person and said that he had something to discuss with Bai Yanni and Liu Xu.

It turned out that the father of You Zehua who was chasing Bai Yanni contacted Director Wu, saying that You Zehua would accept punishment and resign, but hoped that Bai Yanni would give up pursuing You Zehua's criminal responsibility. As long as Bai Yanni did it, Director You would help Bai Yanni get a Wait for the merits, and then as long as there is a vacancy, give Bai Yanni a deputy director of the branch within three years.

"This Director You is really willing to give it up. A deputy director will give it away if he wants to." Liu Xu said.

"Actually, Director You is afraid that his son's incident will affect his promotion to deputy director. However, because You Zehua has already accepted administrative punishment and resigned, even if he is sued, he will not be able to sit in prison for a few years. At most, he will be sentenced for two or three years. Qian Nong's performance of a few meritorious service and early release from prison have no real meaning for You Zehua." Director Wu said.

"Bai Yanni, what do you think?" Liu Xu asked.

Bai Yanni hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't know, you saved me, so you have the final say."

Liu Xu could tell that Bai Yanni did not have any feelings for You Zehua, and wanted him to be unlucky, but the problem was that she now suspected that she would not be able to be a policeman, and would be forced to resign due to injury. If she got first-class merit, she would have fewer regrets Some.

Bai Yanni attaches great importance to her honor, and Liu Xu often sees her wiping various medals and certificates.

Others may think that Bai Yanni is vain, but Liu Xu understands that she is suppressed by that leader and needs recognition very much, and the medal certificate is the only way for Bai Yanni to be recognized, and it is the sustenance of her heart.

Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "You Zehua was beaten like that by me, and he lost his job. He won't be able to be an official again in the future. It doesn't make much sense to punish him again. It's better to exchange for real things. Let's do it. We have to pay for first-class merit." .Deputy chief we want right away, as long as Bai Yanni recovers from her injury, she will be the deputy chief of the branch in charge of the criminal police team. And within three years, let her be the chief of the branch!"

Bai Yanni's role as the chief of the police station is definitely more reliable than most of the chiefs.

"You really dare to ask for it, I'll call and ask." Director Wu said, picked up the phone and walked away.

Not long after, Director Wu came back and said, "Director You said yes, but if Bai Yanni wants to be the director of the branch, we must wait until he becomes the deputy director."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Is he afraid that I will trip you up?"

"He has to be afraid." Director Wu said Director You's heartfelt thoughts. Now the police system in the magic city is completely afraid of Liu Xu, and his relationship with the He family is already on the surface.

"Then let's do this, I hope he won't have any accidents." Liu Xu said.

"He is most afraid of accidents for you." Director Wu said half-jokingly.

After seeing Director Wu off, Bai Yanni slowly sat back on the sofa.

"Liu Xu, can you really cure my illness? You should know that if I'm crippled, I can't be the director of the bureau if I'm only a deputy. " Bai Yanni said.

"I've said it so many times, but you still don't believe me. What do you want me to say? You have to strive for first-class merit, and you can't get better too soon. After the first-class merit is finished, I promise to make you alive and kicking. Don't worry too much." Think about it."

"Well, thank you." Bai Yanni bent her head slightly, still half-believing in her heart. After all, she only knew that Master Liu was wise enough to harm the police, and she didn't know much about Liu Xu's treatment.

Bai Yanni walked upstairs slowly, she was not Guo Haizao, she would not accept Liu Xu carrying her up and down the stairs, she preferred to walk slowly by herself.

Just as Liu Xu sat for a while, he received a call from Lu Zhan, the mayor of Qinglong Town.

"Boss Liu, something is wrong."

"what happened?"

"Several people in the town are spreading news, saying that the clubhouse you have chosen is ruining the town's feng shui."

"and then?"

"There is a problem with the operating license."

"what is the problem?"

"They said that the handwriting on the submitted materials was illegible and couldn't be read clearly, so they sent them back and filled them out again. That's not counted. At that time, in order to pass the review as soon as possible to build a good relationship, I sent money to the deputy director of the palace, but it was returned just now." Lu Zhan's The voice was anxious, "There is something tricky in it!"

"Is there any problem with the data itself?"

"Absolutely not. The previous procedures have all been completed. All we need is a nod from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau."

"Have you kept the evidence?" Liu Xu said.

"They said it was destroyed, let's resubmit the application, what a fucking thing!"

"The authorities have a clear time limit for this kind of approval. How many days are required?"

"Qinglong County's regulation is to give a reply within seven days." Zhuang Zheng replied.

"Submit it again and see if there is any result within seven days. Are there any other problems?"

"It's hard to say. Fortunately, some certificates have been obtained, and the decoration is almost coming to an end now. I'm afraid that when it officially opens, someone will make trouble."

"Did Bai Jie call the people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau?" Liu Xu confirmed again, if even He Yimei's secretary's phone is not working, it proves that the other party's strength in Qinglong County is not ordinary.

"I did. At that time, I invited people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to have dinner, and my sister was also with me. I didn't expect things to change."

"Continue to submit the application. If it is not successful next week, I will go to Qinglong County in person!" Liu Xu said.

"it is good."

After closing the line, Liu Xu looked out the window and said in a deep voice, "No matter who you are, if you want to mess with me, you will regret it for the rest of your life! No one can stop me!"


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1439 Xia Youshan Has Disappeared

In the evening, when Liu Xu was having dinner with a few girls in the villa, everyone had already arrived at the table, and when he was about to move his chopsticks to start eating, Liu Xu's phone rang, and the caller ID was Yang Ying's number from South Korea.

Liu Xu picked up the phone and went upstairs while answering.

"Liu Xu, something happened, the kitten is missing." Yang Ying cried on the phone.

"The kitten is missing?" Liu Xu was taken aback. Xia Youshan hadn't contacted him for a while, and she didn't even reply to his text messages several times.

"What's going on??" Liu Xu said in a deep voice.

"The last time Kitty contacted me was three days ago. She claimed to be in Jakarta, Indonesia, and was about to fly to Australia. After I knew her itinerary, I didn't pay much attention to it. Her father also knew about her itinerary, but when the first The next day, her father called me, because after his father sent someone to pick up the plane, the kitten was not on the pre-arranged flight. After his father searched through the relationship, the kitten bought it with two bodyguards. ticket, but did not board the plane. Then, when her father tried to contact her, the mobile phones of the two bodyguards were all turned off. Until this morning, her father found the body of one of the female bodyguards through the local police , was shot, but the kitten and another female bodyguard disappeared."

"A bodyguard was shot?" Liu Xu's hairs stood on end. Was it Mama He who was killed or Lin Ziyu who was killed? Liu Xu felt a chill down his spine. Something must have happened to Xia Youshan.

"Liu Xu, I... I'm so worried!" On the phone, Yang Ying was sobbing. Xia Youshan was her best friend. She was afraid that something would happen to the kitten, and that Xia Youshan would disappear forever.

"Don't worry, don't worry, she will be fine." Liu Xu knew that Yang Ying's call to herself was just to talk to him, and she never thought of asking him for help.

After all, the kitten is abroad, not at home. Even if Liu Xu wanted to help, there was nothing he could do.

"Well, she will be fine, for sure, Liu Xu, I'm afraid of her..." Yang Ying continued to cry on the phone.

"Yes, she will be fine, and I will think of a way." Liu Xu said anxiously: "If you do this, give me the phone number of Kitten's father."

"How can you help? She is in Indonesia, not in China..." Yang Ying said aggrievedly.

"Give me her father's phone number. I'll contact you first." Liu Xu continued.

"Okay!" Yang Ying said a phone number, and Liu Xu memorized it carefully, and then wrote it down.

"Don't worry, I'll ask my friend to go over and see what's going on. The kitten is auspicious and will be fine. I'll hang up first and ask someone to ask." Liu Xu didn't talk to Yang Ying on the phone. Thousands of miles away, no matter how much he persuaded, Yang Ying couldn't stop worrying.

And Liu Xu, who hung up the phone, called Ye Zhiqiang directly and asked, "Do you have any passports? Is it convenient to go to Indonesia?" Liu Xu asked.

"Visa-free, you can go there by buying a plane ticket." Ye Zhiqiang said.

"Okay, a friend of mine had an accident." Liu Xu immediately told Ye Zhiqiang about Xia Youshan's situation, and after hearing this, he frowned and asked, "Who is this kitten from you?"

"My wife's good friend has a very good relationship with me." Liu Xu said solemnly.

"There can only be two situations for her. One is that she is dead and her body is hidden somewhere, and the other is that she was kidnapped. Well, does she have money?" Ye Zhiqiang asked.

"Very rich, Fuyou Group belongs to her family."

"Fuyou Group?" Ye Zhiqiang's eyes suddenly widened. Of course he had heard of Fuyou Group, it was a super big company.

"Okay, I'll go there. I've been to Jakarta before, and I'm quite familiar with it. However, my brother is clear about the account, and all expenses will be charged to you."

"Okay, we'll meet in Jakarta."

After speaking, Liu Xu hung up the phone. He wanted to clean up and set off overnight.


Nearly nine hours later, when the plane landed, Ye Zhiqiang walked out with the passengers holding the boarding pass.

Liu Xu was already waiting for him at the exit.

As a last resort, he lost his relationship with Mr. He. Although it is impossible to use military aircraft, it is no problem to open an emergency flight route for private jets through the relationship.

After the two reconciled, they hailed a taxi and left. At the same time, Ye Zhiqiang began to chat with the taxi driver in English.

English is an international language, and the taxi drivers of Indonesian monkeys can speak it well.

"Liu Xu, the taxi driver didn't hear about the kidnapping. I'll check on the Internet when I get to the hotel later!" After chatting with the taxi driver for a while, Ye Zhiqiang shook his head at Liu Xu.

This person who often runs to the airport has never heard of the kidnapping of a Chinese woman.

"Wait a minute, let me contact the kitten's father. Her father should know the latest situation of the kitten. If we search for it randomly, we may not be able to find it." Liu Xu took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang Ying to him. phone number.

The phone rang twice before being picked up, and the voice was still full of anger: "I'm Xia Zhengsong, who are you?"

"Hello, Uncle Xia. My name is Liu Xu. I'm a friend of Youshan and Yang Ying. I heard about Youshan from Yang Ying, so I arrived in Jakarta. Is there any news about Youshan?"

Xia Zhengsong was stunned for a moment, because he didn't expect that Liu Xu would go to Jakarta himself, and said, "When you arrive in Jakarta, come to Shangri-La, and call me when you get here, and I will send someone to pick you up."

Half an hour later, Liu Xu arrived at the Shangri-La Hotel in the central area of ​​Jakarta, looking at the [-]-story Shangri-La Hotel.

Liu Xu had an unreal feeling in a trance, as if he was still at home a few hours ago, enjoying the warmth of his relatives around him, but when the picture flashed, he came to this strange city where he was not familiar.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1440

Ye Zhiqiang was not by his side, and he got off the car halfway. In Ye Zhiqiang's words, only Liu Xu knew about his existence. more convenient.

What's more, Ye Zhiqiang doesn't trust anyone except Liu Xu, including the so-called Xia Zhengsong. He doesn't want to have contact with such rich people. He said that such people are often more dangerous than snakes and scorpions.

Liu Xu knows that Ye Zhiqiang has his own rules of survival, he can trust himself, but it doesn't mean he will trust everyone.

Empty-handed, Liu Xu walked into the hotel lobby without even a piece of luggage, and called Xia Zhengsong again.

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