"Here we are, okay, send someone to pick you up right away, and wait in the lobby!" Xia Zhengsong's voice was light, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad.

About five minutes later, a middle-aged Chinese man and a black man in a suit walked into the lobby, and fixed their eyes on Liu Xu.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Liu Xu Liu?" The Chinese man walked up to Liu Xu and asked.

"I am." Liu Xu nodded.

"I'm Mr. Xia's assistant. Mr. Liu, please follow me." The assistant didn't tell Liu Xu what his name was, and he didn't take Liu Xu into the elevator. Instead, he walked up to the second floor. People walked through a passage and seemed to enter another special area of ​​the hotel.

In another area, the three entered the elevator, and then the black man said something to the assistant in English, and the assistant nodded slightly.

The elevator seemed to go up to the sixth floor. When the door opened, Liu Xu frowned even though he was mentally prepared.

Because outside the elevator, there were more than a dozen people in the corridor, including Chinese, whites and blacks. They all wore suits and headsets, and they were all bodyguards at first glance.

Seeing the three of Liu Xu walking out, one of the white men guarding the two gates said something in English.

"Mr. Liu, please cooperate. We need security checks. You know that there is an accident now, so please forgive me." The assistant looked at Liu Xu apologetically.

"Okay." Liu Xu nodded lightly. Xia Zhengsong really lived a decent life. Of course, he is too rich and lives in a foreign country, so it doesn't matter if he has a higher security level.

The black man who went upstairs with Liu Xu began to search, from top to bottom, even the inner thighs were patted, and then he swept Liu Xu's body with something like a badminton racket.

Fortunately, Liu Xu doesn't even have a key on him now, so he didn't find anything.

"Mr. Liu, wait a moment." The assistant knocked on the door and went in, turned around and came out after ten seconds, opened the door, and made a gesture of please.

Liu Xu took a deep breath and strode in.

This is a very large living room with floor-to-ceiling windows and a desk. The whole living room is simple, yet upscale. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows is a person who is not tall, only [-] meters tall. Wearing a white shirt and black leather shoes, there are three men and two women standing on both sides behind him.

The only person sitting was an old man in Tang suit, in his fifties, wearing a pair of glasses.

Among the two women, one was in her forties, and the other was in her twenties. The three men were also in their thirties and forties, all wearing suits.

When Liu Xu came in, the only sitting man in Tang suit glanced at him lazily, and then stopped paying attention, but the three men and two women looked at him more curiously.

The white shirt standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, that is, Xia Zhengsong finally turned around. He is not good-looking, has no special features, and is very ordinary. Except for the clean clothes and shoes on his body, if he wears dirty clothes, he looks like a migrant worker.

"You are Liu Xu, right? You are a good-looking talent. Please sit down." Xia Zhengsong looked Liu Xu carefully for a few times, and then motioned Liu Xu to sit on the sofa. At the same time, he also walked over and sat down.

"Hello, Uncle Xia, I want to know about You Shan's recent situation. Is there any news about her?" Liu Xu smiled at Xia Zhengsong calmly and routinely.

He didn't want Xia Zhengsong to think that he was going to curry favor with him, or that he was very nervous about Xia Youyan's appearance. He didn't come to her because of Xia Zhengsong.

Also, there is a dangerous aura here, and this aura comes from the old man in Tang suit sitting on the sofa beside him.

Taoist people.

"First of all, thank you for your concern for my daughter, and thank you for coming to help me from afar. The friends you make are really good. Uncle is very happy that you can come, but there is no news from her..."

"It's been a few days." Liu Xu frowned.

"More than four days, nearly five days." Xia Zhengsong took a deep breath, then shook his head bitterly.

In five days, he knew that Xia Youshan was more ominous than good, because if it was kidnapping, he would have to call him anyway, but no one called him, so it was not kidnapping, not kidnapping, it could only be murder .

Xia Zhengsong has already made some psychological preparations.

"It's been five days." Liu Xu also muttered to himself, five days, is Xia Youshan still alive?

"Okay, since you're here, let's take a rest first, uncle doesn't have time to accompany you!" Xia Zhengsong didn't say any more, but turned his head to one of the women and said, "Open a room for Liu Xu and let him stay first." Go down and rest."

"Yes, Mr. Xia, Mr. Liu, please follow me." The woman nodded respectfully to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu got up, he didn't plan to live here, so he shook his head and said, "Uncle Xia, I want to go around..."

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Before Liu Xu finished speaking, his phone rang suddenly.

Liu Xu glanced at Xia Zhengsong apologetically, and then took out his cell phone to see that it was Ye Zhiqiang calling.


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Chapter 1441 Five Hundred Million Ransom

Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang were separated for a little more than half an hour, so he didn't know what Ye Zhiqiang was calling at this time, but he answered it immediately.

"I have some news, I think it's related." As soon as the call was connected, Ye Zhiqiang immediately said: "I checked the Internet just now, about seven or eight days ago, a group of mercenary organizations that are very active in the world came Indonesia also came to Jakarta. After I learned about it through special channels, they have not left. As for their purpose of coming here, it is not very clear..."

With a "huh", just as Ye Zhiqiang finished speaking on the phone, the old man in Tang suit sitting on the sofa on the other side suddenly stood up, and Xia Zhengsong was shocked by the old man, and the others were also inexplicable. .

Liu Xu's eyebrows raised sharply. The old man was indeed a master. He could hear Ye Zhiqiang's voice on the phone. His ears were so good.

"Continue to investigate, I need definite information." Liu Xu glanced at the old man, and then said to Ye Zhiqiang.

"Grass, you think I'm a god, but I'll try my best. Also, ask that woman's father to send someone to check it out. He has money and should have contacts. If you check it carefully, it may be more useful than me... ..." After Ye Zhiqiang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"What's the matter, Uncle Tang?" At this moment, Xia Zhengsong looked at the old man in Tang suit with a puzzled expression.

This old man in Tang suit is still surnamed Tang.

"The others go out, you stay." The old man in Tang suit pointed to Liu Xu.

The three men and two women froze for a moment, then turned and left.

And just after the five people went out, the old man in Tang suit laughed loudly: "Zhengsong, Zhengsong, who are you looking for? Those people you are looking for are not as good as friendly friends. Your name is Liu Xu, right?" , Repeat the phone call just now, and tell it to your Uncle Xia."

"A group of internationally active mercenary organizations came to Jakarta a few days before the friendly incident..."

After listening to Liu Xu's retelling, the shrewd Xia Zhengsong also immediately felt that it was unusual. Why did the international mercenary organization come to Jakarta? They came together when Xia Youshan came to Jakarta.

"Liu Xu, where can you recommend this friend of yours?" Xia Zhengsong asked expectantly.

Liu Xu shook his head and said with a smile: "He is a lone traveler. I don't even know where he is. Before I came here, I asked him to help me find the whereabouts of the kitten. He also just found it."

He did not intend to introduce Ye Zhiqiang to Xia Zhengsong, and Ye Zhiqiang would not meet him either.

"Then trouble your friend. You tell him that I will bear all the expenses incurred. If he can really find out the clues of the kitten, I will definitely reward him." Xia Zhengsong promised.

"Uncle Xia, it's too early for this, and what's more, I want to ask Uncle Xia, who are those foreigners in the corridor?" Liu Xu asked curiously.

"This is the security team hired by the company, which belongs to the Blackwater security company. Since I am often abroad, I hand over all security aspects to Blackwater, and signed an agreement with Blackwater." Xia Zhengsong replied.

"Oh!" Liu Xu nodded. Of course he has heard of the Blackwater Security Company. This company was established by some veterans of the US Marine Corps. It has also undertaken security tasks for many important occasions, and even has a relationship with the US government. Cooperation, they are a group of people who are really active on the battlefield, and they are all present in the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Then Uncle Xia, besides you, who else knows that Youshan has come to Jakarta?" Liu Xu suddenly raised his own doubts.

If that group of mercenaries really did it, then that group of mercenaries knew about Xia Youshan's whereabouts beforehand, but who would know the whereabouts of the kitten?

"Who else knows?" Xia Zhengsong and the old man in Tang suit immediately gave Liu Xu a high look. This Liu Xu is not simple, and he can catch the key point of the problem.

"My assistants and drivers." Xia Zhengsong replied truthfully.

"Oh!" Liu Xu didn't ask any more questions. Xia Zhengsong is extremely smart, and it's impossible for him not to think of this question, so he must have done some research or something.

With a "buzz", just as the three of them were silent one after another, Liu Xu suddenly heard a vibration from Xia Zhengsong's mobile phone. There was no ringtone, but only a vibration.

Xia Zhengsong took out his mobile phone and tapped it quickly.

However, as soon as he opened it, he sat up straight suddenly, and at the same time, both Liu Xu and the old man in Tang suit heard the rustling sound coming from his hand.

It was a video message, someone sent a video to Xia Zhengsong.

Xia Zhengsong's body trembled, his eyes widened.

The old man in Tang suit quickly approached behind Xia Zhengsong, and followed him to watch.

"Xia Youshan." The old man in Tang suit exclaimed.

Liu Xu also sat up straight, but did not run over to watch.

The video lasted less than one minute, and after one minute, Xia Zhengsong's cell phone rang on time.

Xia Zhengsong took a deep breath and picked it up slowly.

"Hello, Mr. Xia Zhengsong?" On the phone, there was a foreigner's voice with a big tongue. Although the voice was in Chinese, it was not standard at all.

"I am." Xia Zhengsong said in a deep voice.

"You see, your daughter is still alive. With [-] million US dollars, we can bring your daughter back to you safely and reunite your father and daughter." The foreigner on the phone continued to speak with his tongue out.

"Cash or transfer? Where is the transaction place?" Xia Zhengsong asked without thinking.

"Cash, the transaction location is in Singapore, but your daughter will be reunited with you in Jakarta. I believe Mr. Xia's ability can raise [-] million in cash within [-] hours. Then, we will give you [-] hours later." Your call."

With a "snap", the phone was hung up, and Xia Zhengsong immediately got up and shouted, "Assistant Wang, come in."


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Chapter 1442 Blue Eagle Mercenary


Six people came in from outside, Xia Zhengsong had six personal assistants.

"Contact the accountant right away. I want [-] million U.S. dollars in cash, which must be withdrawn in Singapore within [-] hours." Xia Zhengsong gave the order directly.

He didn't care about money, even if he handed over everything, as long as he could get Xia Youshan back, he would agree.

Although he called the police, he did not believe the police here. Indonesia is a country that excludes Chinese. How many Chinese died in the anti-Chinese riots?

So even if his daughter was kidnapped, even if Xia Zhengsong called the police, the Indonesian police only filed a report. Although he was rich, he couldn't make the police here work for him.

Another point is that he has not invested in Indonesia, probably because Indonesia is relatively anti-Chinese, so he has strategic deployment or investment in many Southeast Asian countries, but not in Indonesia.

Because of this, Xia Zhengsong didn't invest in Indonesia, so he didn't meet any high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Indonesia. It was impossible for the Indonesian monkey to find his daughter with all his heart and soul.

"Yes." The six assistants nodded at the same time. To collect [-] million cash in [-] hours, even for the huge Fuyou Group, is a nerve-wracking matter.

Zhang Ziqiang, the king of thieves in Asia, kidnapped Li Ka-shing's son and asked for two billion in cash, but in the end he only got one billion.

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