It's not that we can't get [-] billion, [-] will take time to prepare, but Zhang Ziqiang obviously doesn't want to wait. If you wait a second longer, the danger will be multiplied.

"Assistant Wang, you go to Singapore yourself, and call me anytime." Xia Zhengsong handed over the heavy responsibility to Assistant Wang, who was obviously the person he trusted the most.

"Understood the boss." Assistant Wang nodded, and then led people out.

"Uncle Tang, you're not dead, she's not dead, it's fine if you're not dead, it's fine if you're not dead!" After a series of orders were issued, Xia Zhengsong excitedly circled the room. It's really a kidnapping, it's just that I contacted you a few days late, and the other party is likely to be relocating Xia Youshan in these few days.

"Uncle Xia, can I watch that video?" Liu Xu got up and said.

"Yes, here." Without hesitation, Xia Zhengsong handed the phone to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu took the phone and clicked on the video, and then a picture appeared. In the picture, Xia Youshan's hands and feet were all chained and chained to an iron pipe. Not far from her, there was a middle-aged woman, It was Lin Ziyu who was also locked up, and what's more, their mouths were sealed with tape.

The video is very clear, and only the two of them were filmed.

Xia Youshan has lost weight, her face is dirty, her makeup is worn out, and her hair is a little messy.

After Liu Xu finished reading it, he was extremely worried and annoyed. At this moment, he even wanted to kill someone.

He felt a sudden suffocation in his heart.

"Uncle Xia, I'm going out for a walk." Liu Xu put the phone on Xia Zhengsong's table, turned around and walked out.

Xia Zhengsong did not persuade him to stay, and Mr. Tang did not say a word.

When Liu Xu reached the corridor, he took another look at the foreigners and Chinese bodyguards, and then went straight into the elevator.

At the same time, he also felt that something was wrong. There was something wrong with the people around Xia Zhengsong, because he suspected that someone was collaborating with the enemy, and it was very likely that the kidnapper's insider was beside Xia Zhengsong.

After leaving the hotel, Liu Xu walked blankly on the streets of Jakarta. Everything here was very strange, and the people passing by were not his kind.

To be honest, he doesn’t have any special impression of Indonesia. Apart from knowing that it is surrounded by the sea and has many tourist destinations, he also knows about Java Island, and ancient China called Indonesia the country of Java.

Of course, in his memory, there are many Chinese in Indonesia, and he has also seen in the news, the Indonesian Chinese exclusion incident, etc., so he has always had a kind of thinking, that is, people who are not my race, and their hearts must be different .

Liu Xu didn't like the people here.

He saw a Chinese restaurant and walked in.

It may be that it is time for dinner, there are many people eating, most of them are Chinese faces, but there are also some brown-skinned Indonesians.

The waiter is Chinese. After seeing Liu Xu enter the restaurant, he can't be said to be enthusiastic or indifferent. The restaurant is open to the outside world, and it is normal for Chinese to eat.

Liu Xu asked for a few bowls of rice and a dish of pork with preserved vegetables, which tasted similar to domestic ones, even better than the ones he had eaten in China.

Indonesia is a place where spices are produced. There are all kinds of spices for cooking here.

After dinner, the lights are on. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and the largest city in Southeast Asia, so it is very prosperous here.

When Liu Xu left the restaurant, it happened that Ye Zhiqiang called, and what he was looking forward to the most was Ye Zhiqiang's call.

Ye Zhiqiang walks in the dark world, he knows all kinds of killer organizations, mercenary organizations, etc., so Liu Xu places great hopes on him, because he can find some clues through special channels.

"Is it convenient to talk?" Ye Zhiqiang asked directly after the call was connected.

"I was outside, not in the hotel. Just now Xia Zhengsong received a call from the kidnappers, asking for [-] million US dollars, but he had to pay in Singapore, Jakarta releases people, and operates in both places at the same time!" Liu Xu told the latest situation. road.

"Whoa! Five hundred million, they really dare to open their mouths like a lion." Ye Zhiqiang gasped and said.

"Did you find anything else?" Liu Xu asked.

Ye Zhiqiang thought for a while and said, "Personally, I feel that it is basically certain that Lan Ying did it, and Lan Ying is still in Jakarta!"

"Lan Ying? Is it a person or an organization?" Liu Xu asked.

"The mercenary organization mentioned earlier, the Blue Eagle Mercenary, is very active all over the world. Its founder is a person called 'hunter'. Well, he is the helmsman of the Blue Eagle and also a hunter, so usually the outside world Everyone calls him 'Falcon'. Most of its members are retired soldiers from various countries, most of them are American soldiers, there are also British, Korean, French, and even Chinese. There are probably less than a hundred members. They are so active because they take all kinds of jobs, kidnapping and murdering bodyguards, etc. They make money when they have money, and their reputation is not very good, but no one dares to offend them."

Chapter 1443 Actually My Surname Is Not Ye

"I don't want to hear what they are doing, can you find out where they are staying in Jakarta?" Liu Xu asked anxiously.

"Yes, but..." Ye Zhiqiang shook his head on the phone and said: "Brother, save it, in front of these people, those who don't pay attention to heroism, the personal heroes in those blockbuster American movies are all fictional, so I Even if you know where they are, they won’t take you there to save the beauty.”

"You should know that they are all people who have come down from the battlefield. They have a lot of experience in the battlefield, and their individual soldiers are well-equipped. Even if we have two guns, there is no chance of winning against them..."

"Ye Zhiqiang, I don't want to joke with you, I have to save my friend in advance, because I suspect that there are mercenary ghosts around Xia Zhengsong, so Xia Youshan is not safe, you may think that I am dying, but I What I want to say is that no one in this world can kill me, so help me find the whereabouts of Lan Ying now." Liu Xu said to Ye Zhiqiang for the first time in a serious manner.

"No, even if you are a god, you will die if you hit your head with a gun, so I can't let you die because you are my brother." Ye Zhiqiang hung up the phone with a "snap".

Liu Xu cursed and immediately called Ye Zhiqiang.

When the phone was connected, Ye Zhiqiang said angrily, "What are you doing?"

"Where are you? I'll show you something. When you look over it, you'll know that I won't die." Liu Xu plans to show Ye Zhiqiang a hand and prevent him from seeing his own abilities. Ye Zhiqiang is afraid I really won't help myself find that blue eagle mercenary again.

"Hehehe, I'm not interested!" Ye Zhiqiang said with a chuckle.

"Your surname is Ye, a man has to take responsibility, do you know that?" Liu Xu asked loudly.

"Actually, my surname is not Ye." Ye Zhiqiang asked with a smile, "Isn't she your woman? You haven't slept with her, have you?"

Damn, forgot he used a pseudonym.

"Crap!" Liu Xu scolded, and said, "Some women don't have to have been fucked to be your woman. There is a special emotional element between me and the kitten. This kind of relationship may not be a relationship between a man and a woman. Love, but she already has a certain weight in my heart, if you don't help me today, then I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"I think I understand a little bit. You just want to curry favor with my father. They will pay for ransom. It's none of your business!" Ye Zhiqiang said dissatisfied.

"You should know how I am. I think that no matter how much money there is, no one is important. I am the kind of person who values ​​people more than anything else. This is true for Kitty, Er Niu, and you. No matter what happens to any of you, I will give up my life to save you! So you must help me."

"I can't beat you..." Ye Zhiqiang muttered in a low voice, and Liu Xu's last few words moved him.

"Where are you, I'll look for you. Also, I may need money later. I may not have enough dollars." Ye Zhiqiang compromised, and he wanted to take Liu Xu to inquire about the news.

"How much, I'll pay!" Liu Xu smiled happily with the corners of his mouth raised.


There are dark and damp corners in the bustling international city. Behind the bright world, there are also deep alleyways, dirty sewage, and poor people.

Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang were wearing the same windbreaker-like gowns, walking in a deep alleyway, there was sewage in the alleyway, and there were people who couldn't sleep at night and sat outside the door to cool off or play cards.

Liu Xu was carrying a canvas bag in his hand, and the canvas bag was filled with money, except for a part of US dollars, which was the local currency of Indonesia.

Ye Zhiqiang led him into a grocery store deep in the alleyway. The store was dimly lit and sold a variety of things, not only food, but also some electrical accessories, bicycle accessories and so on.

In the innermost part of the grocery store, there is a counter, and sitting on the counter is a dozing Indonesian man, who looks to be in his fifties.

Using the dim light, Liu Xu suddenly discovered that this dozing Indonesian was blind in one eye, because the eyelids were covered with scars, as if they had been sewn shut.

When Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang walked to the counter, the one-eyed eye who was dozing off also opened his eye, and looked at Ye Zhiqiang and Liu Xu curiously.

Ye Zhiqiang said something in English, and the one-eyed man replied in English.

Ye Zhiqiang snatched the canvas bag from Liu Xu, threw it on the counter, and opened the zipper to reveal the US dollars and Indonesian currency inside. The money, if converted into RMB, is about [-] yuan.

The one-eyed eye lit up, and he babbled, and Ye Zhiqiang tilted his neck.

And Cyclops seemed to know that he had said the wrong thing. What he said just now was in Indonesian, so he repeated it in English.

Ye Zhiqiang shook his head after hearing this, and then said a few more words.

One-eyed nodded, and after thinking about it, he said a word.

Liu Xu stood aside, like a duck listening to thunder. He didn't know what the two were talking about, but he also knew that this one-eyed man was like a middleman. Ye Zhiqiang had come to Jakarta to perform missions before, so he knew about the one-eyed man. identity of.

When Ye Zhiqiang nodded, Duoyan put away the canvas bag and walked towards the back hall with the bag.

Ye Zhiqiang and Liu Xu followed. The back hall was a narrow road, very dark, and there was a smell of chicken excrement inside.

After walking about seven or eight meters, Cyclops turned on the light inside, and then there was a basement with wooden stairs, and more than three people entered together.

The basement is extremely messy, and most of it is piled up with various goods.

One Eye moved one of the cargo boxes away, and when he pushed hard on the wall, the wall behind the box was pushed out of a gap.

As soon as the gap came out, the bright incandescent light inside also shone out, and accompanied by the incandescent light was a black hole muzzle.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1444 You must have had an affair with that woman

That's right, there were people inside. As soon as the gap opened, the people inside stretched out their guns and aimed at Ye Zhiqiang and Liu Xu.

Liu Xu had a cold face.

At this moment, Cyclops said a few birdsong, and then slowly retracted the muzzle of the gun. A fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl in a blue vest and hot pants appeared in front of Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang.

The girl wears very little, only a vest and trousers, so the two protrusions are particularly obvious for her who has just developed.

Of course, she was really small, about fourteen or fifteen years old, but her eyes were extremely cold, revealing infinite murderous intent.

Cyclops said something else, and then Ye Zhiqiang and Liu Xu followed in.

The girl in the vest stared at Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang, as if she would shoot if they moved.

Liu Xu saw everything in this dark room clearly. There was a bed in it with a small TV on top of it.

There is a mobile phone and an Apple tablet on the bed, and a variety of black guns are hung on the wall opposite the bed.

That's right, this darkroom turned out to be a small arsenal.

One-eyed turned around, chattered again to Ye Zhiqiang, and Ye Zhiqiang continued to talk with him in English, and pointed to the pistol on the wall.

One-eyed took off the two pistols from the wall, and took out several square cardboard boxes from the box below, which contained fresh bullets.

Ye Zhiqiang picked up the gun and checked it rattlingly, and at the same time he was talking while checking.

Cyclops took out several empty magazines from below and put them on the table.

Ye Zhiqiang laughed in satisfaction, threw the gun to Liu Xu, put away the cartridges, whistled and walked out.

Liu Xu put the two magazines of the gun on his waist, and when he walked into the alley, he finally couldn't help asking, "You came here to buy a gun? You spent so much money?"

"One-eyed is a local 'line head'. This man used to be a killer and walked with me. Now he works as a middleman and sells weapons. The location is known, but he doesn't know how many people there are. He only told me that Blue Eagle is in Bay, coconut grove."

"Bay? Coconut grove? Where is it? Let's go there overnight!" Liu Xu immediately excitedly said.

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