"Don't worry, it's not easy to go there, Lan Ying and his group are smart enough." Ye Zhiqiang whispered as he walked, "There are many rivers in Jakarta City, and some areas are blocked by rivers. I want to go to those places , You have to rely on the local ferry to get there. The blue eagle is hidden in a place called Coconut Grove in the bay, and we will get a map to see it later.”

"You should also know that Jakarta is also called Yakarta. There are a lot of coconut trees here, and there are more places called Coconut Grove. Now we only know that they are in the Gulf Coconut Grove, but we don't know which coconut grove. , if you go there rashly, you will be found. Or if you search for a night, you may not be able to find them."

"The transaction will be made tomorrow. I'm afraid of accidents, so I have to go there at night." Liu Xu said in a deep voice.

"You're a lunatic, you're not afraid of death!" Ye Zhiqiang said angrily, "If you're like this, if you were to perform a mercenary mission, you would have been killed by someone long ago. You're too impulsive. To save people, you have to follow a strategy and deploy a plan. The retreat plan, how can you act rashly if you are not fully sure?"

"It's a pity that I'm not a mercenary. Let's not talk nonsense. You send me to the coconut forest in the bay, and I will find it myself." Liu Xu firmly held Ye Zhiqiang's arm, and pulled it out while talking.

"Nimma, you must be having an affair with that woman." Ye Zhiqiang cursed angrily, but he had no choice but to be dragged away by Liu Xu.


After the two arrived at the main street, Ye Zhiqiang had no choice but to bite the bullet and take a taxi and give the name of the place.

Liu Xu glanced at him gratefully. The fellow cursed and cursed, but he still compromised. He knew that his life was in danger, but he still accommodated him and jumped together.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I'm not dead glass, I'm so numb." Ye Zhiqiang moved his body in fright when he saw Liu Xu's eyes, and distanced himself from Liu Xu!

Liu Xu smiled and punched him on the shoulder, what is a brother?

This is brother!


Indonesia, Jakarta, Bay Area, a certain coconut grove.

Since you need a ferry to reach the coconut grove on the opposite side, and it is now late at night, the ferry has already rested.

After Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang came here, they did not cross the river in a hurry, but found a place where there was no one and started pressing bullets. Both of them had three clips.

"If we ferry over, I'm afraid the other side will find out immediately, and they will definitely find out. If they are on the other side, then they must have hidden secret sentries on the river bank." Ye Zhiqiang looked at the dark coconut grove on the other side and said: " Also, the opponent's firepower is strong, so the two of us will go over and act separately, each according to his own ability."

"You don't need to go there, you meet me..." Liu Xu interrupted Ye Zhiqiang suddenly.

"I'll take care of you, don't you need me?" Ye Zhiqiang suddenly shook his head, "I'll be with you, maybe there's still a glimmer of hope, if you're alone..."

"No, I'll go alone." Liu Xu looked at Ye Zhiqiang and said, "It's true, brother, but I can't jump into the fire pit, and I have to drag you. Also, I can get out alive, but you In the past, it may not be possible to come out alive."

"You underestimate me?" Ye Zhiqiang raised his eyebrows.

"It's not that I underestimate you. It's inconvenient for two people to go there. My purpose is to save people, not to die. After I save people, I will carry them out. If you don't meet me, how can I cross the river?"

"But..." Just as Ye Zhiqiang was about to speak, Liu Xu, who was squatting in front of him, suddenly disappeared, disappearing under his nose out of thin air.

In a daze, Ye Zhiqiang thought he was dreaming, or fell asleep, or had hallucinations, because Liu Xu really disappeared from under his nose for no reason.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1445 Let's rule the world from now on!

"Now you know what I'm capable of! Can you see me?" Liu Xu's voice appeared next to Ye Zhiqiang's ear.

"I... Nima, am I out of my mind? Liu Xu, are you a human or a ghost?" Ye Zhiqiang's hands trembled, and his body also trembled.

Liu Xu disappeared, he became invisible, and Ye Zhiqiang felt that this scene was too unreal.

"Hehe, if you say I'm hiding, who can see me?" Liu Xu touched Ye Zhiqiang's face with a smile, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

"I go in this way, one shot at a time, so what if there are a hundred of them?" Liu Xu's Taoist supernatural powers have many restrictions when dealing with ordinary people, but it is not up to ordinary people to bully him .

"Don't touch me, I'm peeing, I'm scared." Ye Zhiqiang swallowed hard and said.

"So, you can accept me. This is my secret, and no one in the world knows this secret except you, so I hope you will keep this secret for me." Liu Xu knows the truth, Of course Ye Zhiqiang is not the only one who knows, but most of them are people from the Taoist sect, and outsiders really don't know much.

"Not conservative, I will report you, and I will send you to the laboratory as a guinea pig." Ye Zhiqiang protested.

"Don't talk nonsense, my invisibility time is limited, send me across the river immediately, and after I pass, don't worry about me, just wait for me here." Liu Xu jumped down like the wind with an approach run, because There are empty ferries on the banks of the river.

Although the invisibility charm can be invisible, it is indeed time-sensitive.

Ye Zhiqiang saw the ferry boat swaying and making noises, but there was no sign of Liu Xu.

After all, he was a killer, so he calmed down quickly and took a deep breath. Ye Zhiqiang knew that Liu Xu was not easy, but he didn't expect him to be invisible?

A person who can be invisible, let alone Blue Eagle, even the White House in the United States is a fart!

Ye Zhiqiang no longer hesitated, this time he could only be a ferryman, just be a receptionist.

Liu Xu has kung fu, can be invisible, and has bullets in his hands, so he doesn't worry about safety.

If this is the case, if Liu Xu can't save anyone, then he can find a piece of tofu and kill him.

"Hehe, hehehe..." Ye Zhiqiang, who was anchored, seemed to be dazed, and laughed foolishly.

"What are you laughing at?" Liu Xu's voice appeared next to his ear.

"You have such awesome abilities, let's rule the world in the future!" Ye Zhiqiang said whimsically.

"You're crazy." Liu Xu didn't bother to answer him, this guy was crazy.

"Hehe, after you rescued your kitten, let's think about it together. You have such amazing skills, why do you want to do something big! You are still living in the magic capital, a part-time mercenary, You must be sick!"

"What's the big deal?" Liu Xu asked.

"The World Bank, the Swiss Bank, the Bank of Great Britain, all the banks in the world, let's rob, steal, and then you will be the richest?" Ye Zhiqiang really did what Liu Xu said, Already crazy.

"Stop it, I still want to live a few more days, and I'm serious, about my invisibility, even if you marry a wife and give birth to a son in the future, you can't tell it." Although Liu Xu is awesome, but That was when the seal was fully opened. Although this world is in the Dharma-ending era, there are still hidden old monsters. This is also the reason why he has always kept a low profile in Taoism.

"Understood, I have a sense of propriety, how can I talk about this matter." Ye Zhiqiang said impatiently.

"Here, I'm leaving, you pay attention to safety, wait for me here."

The river was only tens of meters wide, so Ye Zhiqiang had already rowed the boat to the other side while the two were talking.

What's more, someone on the opposite side of the boat began to shine a flashlight on this side, and shouted something, obviously the owner of the boat came out.

The ferry calmed down after a while, and Ye Zhiqiang also turned the bow and rushed to the other side. He had to appease the owner of the boat, otherwise he would call the police soon.

At the same time, Liu Xu, who landed on the shore, quickly ran along a forest path to the inside.

Of course, his thoughts have already spread out.

When he ran into the coconut grove for about tens of meters, suddenly, he suddenly saw a person in his mind.

A man with night vision binoculars looking out towards the river.

The man did not hide, but stood on the pavilion of a wooden house, and the wooden house was also built in the middle of several coconut trees, suspended in mid-air.

This kind of wooden house should be a place for tourists to rest, but it was occupied at night, and the people who occupied the wooden house were the Blue Eagle Mercenary Group that Liu Xu was looking for.

Since Liu Xu was invisible, the man did not see Liu Xu.In fact, it was less than fifteen meters away from him, on his right side.

Liu Xu quickly leaned against a coconut tree and carefully observed the man with his mind.

He was a white man, wearing a beige camouflage uniform, boots, a pistol at his waist, a long gun at his feet, and a saber on his boots.

Liu Xu took a thorough look at this person with his mind, how many bullets he had on his body, all appeared in his mind.

"Little cat, don't worry, I'm coming." Liu Xu didn't make a move, because if he made a move now, he would only startle the snake, so he moved slowly, bowed his waist and continued walking inside.

It was pitch black in the coconut forest. Although the weather was good, the coconut trees were too tall and dense, so the coconut trees blocked the moonlight and starlight.

Liu Xu walked forward cautiously. Of course, his thoughts went first, and his sight could not see more than ten meters away, but his thoughts could cover everything within fifteen meters.

After walking for about seven or eight minutes, lights and voices appeared in front of him, and Liu Xu also slowed down, trying to find the place with obstacles to move forward.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1446 Did you get caught by that?


After walking another twenty or thirty meters, Liu Xu saw the source of the light in front of him. It was a wooden ridge house with more than a dozen rooms. The lights illuminate everything around.

The voices came from the covered bridge. Several white and black people were grilling and drinking beer on the covered bridge.

Their guns were all tied together, and this small group of seven people all wore standard camouflage uniforms, no different from military uniforms.

Liu Xu continued to move forward, and at the same time, because of the incandescent light, he also crawled forward on the ground.

At this time, he still didn't use the second stealth, because he didn't want to waste it.

It might be because of the guard posts on the outside. These people were not very vigilant, and Liu Xu was extremely careful, so he quickly climbed under the covered bridge.

And as soon as he got under the covered bridge, his thoughts scattered again.

"Have it!"

Liu Xu found that Xia Youshan and Lin Zishu in one of the wooden houses were both chained hands and feet, and the chain was also connected to a large steel pipe that ran through the house. The water pipe needs to be thick, and both of them are locked on it.

There was no one else in their house except them, but there was a woman outside the house, a brown-skinned woman, smoking a cigarette while lying on the railing.

In addition, Liu Xu also found that there were people in several other rooms. Among them, a man and a woman were doing primitive sports, and another person was on the phone. Adding seven people eating barbecue, there were fourteen people in total.

That's right, there are a total of fourteen people here. If you add the sentry outside, there are fifteen. There may be sentries in other directions, but Liu Xu thinks that these people do not exceed twenty.

"No more than twenty people..." Liu Xu didn't move anymore. Xia Youshan really wanted to save him, but he couldn't rush to save them directly. He had to get rid of the surrounding area, otherwise if he ran to the room and was found, He was not afraid of the other party's bullets, but it would be bad if Xia Youshan and Lin Zishu were hurt.

"Fourteen, kill these fourteen first!" Liu Xu breathed out lightly, since he came today, he was already ready to kill, besides, these people should be killed, because they are not good bird.

"Fourteen people." Liu Xu quickly made a plan in his mind, a plan to kill all fourteen people.

"Well, kill the seven first, so that the number of enemies will be reduced by half." Liu Xu quickly decided to kill the seven above.

He closed his eyes slightly, chanted the spell, and his body disappeared out of thin air again, and the moment his body disappeared out of thin air, Liu Xu put his hands together, and he flipped onto the bridge with a flip.

No one saw him, no one noticed anything unusual.

At the same time, Liu Xu, who had jumped onto the covered bridge, also quickly walked to the gun rack next to the fire, picked up one of the long guns, opened the safety, and fired.

A voice came from the opposite side, distorted in the dark night, it seemed to be begging for mercy.

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