"Scatter the oil! Bang!" Liu Xu played a sentence in Japanese, and when he pulled the trigger, the head of the mercenary was directly blasted.

At the same time, Liu Xu continued to roll on the spot, with a lot of bullets under his feet.

A sniper has climbed onto the roof.

"There are five more." Liu Xu quickly ran to one of the rooms, because there were still a man and a woman in that room, all hidden under the window of the room.

When he ran over, he fired a round of bullets across the board, and when the round was finished, the dog and the man also met Hades.

There are three more.

Liu Xu threw a gun and pulled out his own pistol. Suddenly, the mercenaries in two corners shouted loudly, and then walked out with their hands raised, still shouting something.

They surrendered, and they were really facing a ghost-like opponent. They knew that the end would be death, so they resolutely gave up resistance.

"Surrender or not kill?"

Liu Xu ignored the surrender of these two guys, shot them to death, and then quickly ran towards the periphery, because there were people lurking from the periphery, there were two of them, and one of them was the sentry he had met before.

Now that they are all back, let's destroy them.

"Bang bang!" When two gunshots sounded, the two sentinels who had just lurked fell directly in a pool of blood. Before they knew what happened, they were shot in the head by Liu Xu at close range.

Soon, he found a bunch of keys from the mercenary leader, and returned to Xia Youshan's room.

"Little cat, are you okay? Have you been bullied?"

Liu Xu opened the lock with a key, and Xia Youshan and Lin Zishu were rescued successfully.

"Liu Xu!"

The moment the chain and anklets were opened, Xia Youshan finally threw herself on Liu Xu excitedly, and kissed Liu Xu hard on the face, regardless of other things.

"I was serious just now, did you get caught by that?" Liu Xu suddenly asked the topic just now.

"I'll kill you!" Xia Youshan jumped down as if being stepped on by Liu Xu's tail, and beat Liu Xu with her small fist.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore, it's none of my business anyway, I won't marry you in the future. Lin Zishu, let's go." Liu Xu grabbed Xia Youshan's hand, regardless of whether she was angry or not. , drag and go.

Lin Zishu followed Liu Xu, and Xia Youshan calmed down, because through the light outside, they saw a lot of blood, a lot of dead people, and the most terrifying thing was in the middle of the covered bridge, where six or seven people were stacked together.

Xia Youshan couldn't bear the smell in the air, nor could he bear the strong visual impact, so he vomited directly.

Lin Zishu, on the other hand, had been trained. Although her complexion was still ugly, she was much better than Xia Youshan.

"I can't walk anymore, I can't walk anymore, I feel bad." After walking a few steps, Xia Youshan's legs trembled. Although she was relatively nervous, she was also extremely frightened at this time, her legs trembled so much that she couldn't walk up.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1447 I'm afraid to protect you on the bed

Liu Xu carried Xia Youshan up, and patted her butt hard, and said, "Aren't you fearless before? Why are you so scared now?"

"Oh, don't shoot..." Xia Youshan twisted her body, Liu Xu was too savage, but at this moment, she also felt an unprecedented sense of security.

In her eyes, Liu Xu became very tall and very pleasant.

"You... they said you were a devil, they couldn't see you, how did you do it? How did you kill them all by yourself..."

On the way back, Xia Youshan finally couldn't help asking.

And what she said was exactly what Lin Zishu wanted to ask, how did Liu Xu do it? Why can't those people see him and call him a ghost?

"Foreigners' eyes are full of farts. Their ass is on their buttocks. They are like blind people. I just have a faster speed. They just yell, but to me, what kind of mercenary killers don't even count as farts. You don't Do you know Laozi? Laozi is a super bodyguard!"

"Then you can be my bodyguard in the future. It doesn't matter how much money you want. I will give you [-] million a year. As long as you agree, I will give it to you." Xia Youshan shouted without losing the opportunity.

"I'm afraid I'll protect you on the bed." Liu Xu had a smirk on his face.

"Bastard, I'm serious." Xia You said angrily.

"Seriously? Do you seriously want to keep me or recruit me as your son-in-law?" Liu Xu chuckled, "I'll think about it!"


"I suspect that your dad has insiders from the Blue Eagle mercenaries." Liu Xu led Xia Youshan and Lin Zishu to meet Ye Zhiqiang, and after crossing the river quickly, a group of four walked along the river bank to the city, and at the same time Liu Xu also told the kitten his guess.

"I also suspect that someone leaked the whereabouts of my miss and me." Lin Zishu nodded immediately.

"Then go find my dad, my dad must be in danger!" Xia Youshan was so frightened that she almost jumped up, because there were bad guys around her dad.

"It's not dangerous. The other party should be doing it for money. Now that you have been rescued, sixteen Blue Eagle mercenaries are dead, so the insider should not jump out." Liu Xu squinted his eyes and continued: " In this way, use my mobile phone to call your dad, you said you ran out, and asked him to suspend the transaction with Blue Eagle."

"Yeah, what next?" Xia Youshan nodded again and again, now she completely listens to Liu Xu, she does whatever Liu Xu asks her to do.

"Then ask your father to issue passports for you and Lin Zishu. The most important thing is to return to China as soon as possible!" Liu Xu rolled his eyes and said.

"Oh, I'll call my dad." Xia Youshan said with a hand.

Liu Xu took out his cell phone, and after thinking about it, he dialed Xia Zhengsong's cell phone by himself.

The phone rang four or five times before it was picked up. At the same time, Xia Zhengsong said in an impatient voice, "Liu Xu, what's the matter?"

"Is there anyone around Uncle Xia?" Liu Xu asked back.

"Just tell me what you have to do!" Xia Zhengsong didn't answer him.

Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "If there are people around you, I hope that Uncle Xia will let others go out first, because the next part is about friendship, and I suspect that Uncle Xia has an insider around him."

"You all go out." On the other side of the phone, Xia Zhengsong drove away the people around him.

After tens of seconds, Xia Zhengsong said calmly: "Can you talk now? What about friendship?"

"Xia, what tone are you talking to Liu Xu?" Xia Youshan snatched the phone and shouted loudly.

"What?" Hearing her daughter's words, Xia Zhengsong and old man Tang on the other side of the phone exclaimed at the same time.

"What, what, I have been tied up for four or five days, why don't you come and save me? If there is no Liu Xu, I will die, and I will never talk to you again!" Xia Youshan said with tears rolling down her face , She counted Xia Zhengsong in her drink, but after hearing Xia Zhengsong's voice, she still couldn't help shedding tears.

"You mean Liu Xu...he..." Xia Zhengsong said in disbelief.

"He what he, he just snatched me and Zishu back from those bad guys. Also, Liu Xu said that you have a ghost by your side, so he won't let me go by your side. I listen to him, not you, you You have to help me and Lin Zishu go to the embassy to reissue passports as soon as possible, and I want to go back to China with Liu Xu."

"Where are you? Dad will pick you up!" Xia Zhengsong said excitedly.

"Come on, you have to find out the ghost next to you. Now that Liu Xu is by my side, I'm very safe!"

"But...but..." Xia Zhengsong wanted to say something more, but he couldn't find anything to refute Xia Youshan. So Liu Xu could rescue her?How did he do it?

"It's nothing to worry about. Call me after you get your passport. Be careful yourself. Don't let Grandpa Tang out of your sight. I can't trust anyone else." Xia Youshan hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Liu Xu snatched the phone back, and at the same time said to Ye Zhiqiang: "Find a place to settle us down!"

"Hey, I opened a presidential suite before, and now it's nothing to take the two girls back. Let's go, go back to the hotel and take a hot bath!" Ye Zhiqiang waved his hand and stopped a taxi.


At the same time, Xia Zhengsong from Shangri-La also jumped up excitedly after hanging up the phone, while Mr. Tang nodded repeatedly, saying it was not simple, not simple!

"It's really not easy. This Liu Xu, how did he do it?" Xia Zhengsong asked after taking a deep breath.

"You ask me who should I ask?" Elder Tang glared at Xia Zhengsong and said, "However, when I first saw him, I knew that he was the same kind of person as me."

"Are you a Taoist?" Xia Zhengsong was surprised.

"Yes." Elder Tang nodded cautiously.

"Forget it, let's talk about friendship first." When Xia Zhengsong said this, he immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1448 My wife is a boss

The phone rang and was picked up, only to hear a woman's voice: "Brother-in-law, what's the matter?"

"Youyan was rescued. It was rescued by a friend of hers who just came to Jakarta. She just talked with me on the phone, but I'm not safe around me. You immediately organize your people and prepare to take the kitten away. I will let the kitten go away later. The cat called you!"

"Okay." The phone was hung up immediately.

After Xia Zhengsong hung up the phone, he dialed Liu Xu's number again. At this time, Liu Xu and the others were still in the taxi!

"What's the matter, Uncle Xia?" Liu Xu asked doubtfully.

"It's like this. Friendly's aunt is very worried about her safety. You ask You to call her aunt. His aunt is also in Jakarta." Xia Zhengsong said tactfully.

"Oh, okay." Liu Xu handed the phone to the kitten beside him.

And Xia Youshan happily dialed a number. She and her aunt seemed to have a good relationship.

As soon as the call was connected, her aunt asked where Xia Youshan was.

"I don't know where it is, but we will go to the Sheraton Hotel later!" Xia Youshan said her next stop without any precautions.

Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang cursed in a low voice, which exposed it, but fortunately, the other party was her aunt.

"Okay, I'll find you later." Her aunt didn't say much on the phone, and then hung up.

At this time, Lin Zishu looked at Liu Xu and said, "Mr. Liu, don't worry, I was also arranged by Mr. Lin by Miss's side. Mr. Lin is Miss's aunt."

"Oh!" Liu Xu shrugged, the kitten's aunt seemed to be very energetic.

Before the taxi of the four of Liu Xu arrived at the Sheraton, five black Mercedes-Benz cars had already arrived outside the Sheraton Hotel, and fifteen or sixteen Chinese men and women got off the five cars.

These people, men and women, all had suits and ties, and all of them had wireless intercoms.

At the same time, walking in the front was a slim woman in her thirties. This woman was wearing a red cheongsam with Chinese characteristics, with long hair, red lips and big eyes, and a tall figure.

She carried a kind of aloof temperament, and when she was walking forward, someone in front had already opened the door for her, and the people behind were also well-trained to walk on both sides of her.

Her name is Lin Yaling, which is the same name as Lin Yaling in My Wife is Big Brother Three. She is Xia Youshan's aunt and the boss of a listed company.

Of course, what few people know is that she is also engaged in some shady businesses.

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