Among the celebrities and gentry in Hong Kong, she has a nickname called Zhuyeqing, and Zhuyeqing is a kind of snake, and she is a snake, a poisonous snake, a poisonous snake that few people dare to provoke.

Of course, she is unmarried, does not have any male friends, and has no scandals.

In the presidential suite of the Sheraton, Liu Xu met Lin Yaling and saw her style.

More than a dozen bodyguards guarded her, and at first glance, these dozen of them were all practicing family members with kung fu. Is this woman a gangster?

After Lin Yaling only greeted Liu Xu, she took Xia Youshan to her newly opened room, and Liu Xu also took off her clothes and jumped into the big surfing pool.

When Lao Tzu was reimbursed, he opened the presidential suite. Liu Xu laughed and scolded Ye Zhiqiang for enjoying it.

"Haha, brother, I'm here." Ye Zhiqiang laughed loudly, took off his clothes and jumped in.

"You're so sick! Get out, get out, dead glass!" Liu Xu was dumbfounded by Ye Zhiqiang. Two big men were surfing in the same pool. What's the matter, so he grabbed Ye Zhi Just throw it out.

Of course Ye Zhiqiang couldn't let him throw it out, so the two fought naked in the whirlpool tub.

At the same time, in another room, Lin Zishu bowed and recounted everything she heard and saw tonight, and Xia Youshan interrupted from time to time to add.

Of course, most of her were praising Liu Xu for being unparalleled in martial arts.

Lin Yaling listened calmly, occasionally asking for some details.

"Okay, Zishu, you go out first too!"

After listening to Lin Zishu's retelling, Lin Yaling waved lightly, and Lin Zishu bowed and left.

"Little cat, are you scared?" As soon as Lin Zishu went out, Lin Yaling hugged Xia Youshan in her arms and comforted her softly.

"I was scared at the beginning, but I'm not afraid when Liu Xu comes. You don't even know that she killed all sixteen people by herself. It's awesome!" Xia Youshan said proudly.

"You said that this Liu Xu is Yang Ying's husband." Lin Yaling smiled and said.

"Yeah." Xia Youshan nodded repeatedly and said, "In the beginning, I didn't like him, and I was helping the baby to investigate him at that time!"

"Then is he really just a friendship between ordinary friends to you?" Lin Yaling looked at Xia Youshan with a smile and said, "It's rare for a man to come to save you from thousands of miles away in the rain of bullets!"

"He's like that. He heard about my accident from the baby, so he came here. Of course, I have a good relationship with him!" Xia Youshan said with a blushing face.

"Hehe." Lin Yaling is also a woman. After Xia Youshan praised her incoherently, she knew that the kitten had a strange affection for this Liu Xu. In other words, Liu Xu's relationship with Xia Youshan should not be an ordinary friend. .

"Take a bath and rest first, I'll go talk with him." Lin Yaling got up and said.

"What are you talking about with him!" Xia Youshan became nervous. Her aunt usually treats her very well, but she knows that her aunt's methods are high-handed. Many people who have been in contact with her aunt, Afraid of her aunt, and what's more, her aunt is not an ordinary person.

Lin Yaling smiled and said, "I'll talk to him and ask him to be your bodyguard!"

"Then don't go, he won't agree, it's not that I haven't told him, he doesn't agree!" Xia Youshan shook his head.

"Hehe, he will agree." Lin Yaling patted Xia Youshan, then turned and walked out.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1449 Baby, I'm not the man who robbed you!

Xia Youshan didn't stop her anymore. In fact, she was also looking forward to Liu Xu's personal protection for her. In that case, she would travel around the world without worrying about her own safety.

What's more, she is very happy with Liu Xu, and to be honest, she likes Liu Xu.

That's right, Xia Youshan liked Liu Xu in his heart, and this time he left the mainland in the middle of the night, but he was actually very troubled.

Liu Xu is indeed a rare person, and Xia Youshan is afraid that the more he gets in touch with him, the more he will fall in love with this rascal.

But this rascal was the man of her best friend, so she chose to avoid him.

Xia Youshan liked him a little bit, but she didn't dare to like him, so she left to stay away from him and prevent herself from getting deeper and deeper.

Xia Youshan is still looking forward to her aunt being able to take the initiative to talk to Liu Xu and let Liu Xu be her bodyguard. Her aunt has a lot of means, and she might be able to get Liu Xu to agree!

"Sin, sin, baby, I'm not the man who robbed you! I just want him to be my bodyguard, sin, sin, baby, don't blame me!" Xia Youshan prayed in her heart, finding a reason for herself.

When Lin Yaling knocked on Liu Xu's door, Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang also happened to come out of the bathtub.

Both of them were wearing bath towels, and they were also sitting on the bar counter in the suite drinking red wine.

"Who is it?" Hearing the knock on the door, Ye Zhiqiang asked.

"I'm a friendly aunt." Lin Yaling replied outside.

"Sleep, come back tomorrow!" Ye Zhiqiang and Liu Xu were both naked, and Xia Youshan's aunt was considered an elder. Although she was charming, the two had to meet her without wearing clothes, so Might as well not see.

"I have something to do with Mr. Liu." Lin Yaling said flatly.

"Wait a minute, I'll be here soon." This time it was Liu Xu who came back, and at the same time he signaled Ye Zhiqiang to get dressed.

Ye Zhiqiang cursed in a low voice, and said, "I'm going to sleep inside."

After finishing speaking, he didn't put on any clothes, and went directly into the suite to sleep.

Liu Xu put on his clothes before opening the door.

Lin Yaling sprayed on perfume, a very weak kind of perfume, so the moment she opened the door, Liu Xu smelled the fragrance, and also, this Xia Youshan's aunt looks exactly like the heroine in My Wife is the Big Brother [-], she is just like a banshee,

In particular, her red lips are very sexy, and she is very tall and stylish, and her temperament is like a queen.

"Sorry, I was taking a shower just now." Liu Xu made a gesture of invitation.

"Hehe, I'm sorry to bother Mr. Liu." Lin Yaling said with a stylized smile at Liu Xu.

The two sat down on the sofa and sat down facing each other. Liu Xu also unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to Lin Yaling, saying, "You are a friendly aunt, so I should call you aunt too, but I don't know if auntie has anything to ask me ?”

"It's Mr. Liu. Since you and Youshan are good friends, I also see that she has a good relationship with you, so I'll cut to the chase."

"Tell me." Liu Xu nodded.

"Apart from some external factors, personal factors also accounted for a large part of the reason why Youshan had an accident this time. If she hadn't run around willfully, this incident might not have happened. What's more, I equipped her with Although Mama He and Ziyu have skills, they still cannot deal with emergencies decisively and effectively, so I would like to ask Mr. Liu to be her safety consultant."

"Security consultant?" Liu Xu raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, security consultant." Lin Yaling nodded: "Security consultants are different from bodyguards or guards in the ordinary sense, but are fully responsible for friendly security matters, including recruiting security teams, etc. On security issues, you can help her call the shots."

"Of course, in terms of salary, I will say a figure. If you think it is inappropriate, we can still talk about it."

Liu Xu didn't speak.

"One year, [-] million yuan." Lin Yaling thinks that [-] million yuan is a lot, and it's just a bodyguard. Is there any bodyguard in the world who can earn [-] million yuan a year?

So she felt that this number should be astronomical for Liu Xu.

"Well, the little cat said before that it would give me [-] million a year, but I didn't agree. Didn't she tell you that?" Liu Xu looked at Lin Yaling strangely and said, "I didn't come to save her this time for money. It's not for making her money in the future, because I don't think the friendship between friends can be measured by money."

"You may believe me, think I'm hypocritical, think I want to raise the price and so on, but what I want to tell you is that I'm not short of money, so I'm sorry, Ms. Lin, I won't be the safety consultant of the kitten. "

Although Liu Xu is very polite, his words are also a soft nail. You, Lin Yaling, want to make Lao Tzu sell your life for [-] million. Before that, Kitty made a promise of [-] million, but he didn't agree, so Liu Xu was very polite. There is also a hint of sarcasm.

He was telling Lin Yaling that human life and friendship cannot be measured by money. He can save the kitten's life without money, because the kitten is his friend, not because the kitten is rich.

However, Liu Xu's soft nails didn't seem to embarrass Lin Yaling, she didn't seem to realize it, she just smiled and said: "It seems that Mr. Liu's ambition is no longer here, but I must thank Mr. Liu, this time brother-in-law and I was almost scared to death, so if Mr. Liu has any request, feel free to ask. Of course, we have no other intentions. We also hope to become business partners or friends with Mr. Liu, and we also hope for the friendship between Mr. Liu and the kitten Live."

This woman speaks well and does things without revealing anything. At the same time, she can see that this Liu Xu has means and skills, and such a capable person would rather make friends than offend.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1450 If she betrays me, she will pay!

"I don't have any requests, and I don't need any help." Liu Xu shook his head immediately. If he made a request, then what he said about friendship before would be tantamount to farting.

A man's spittle is a nail, how can he go back on his word.

Of course, if Lin Yaling wanted to sleep with him, he would probably not be accepted!

"If that's the case, then I won't bother Mr. Liu. If Mr. Liu goes to Hong Kong, you must inform me. Then I will treat Mr. Liu to dinner, and..." Lin Yaling said as she stood up, "From now on , the friendly safety is handed over to me, after she rests overnight, we will leave Jakarta early tomorrow morning."

"Oh!" Liu Xu suddenly realized that this woman came here today to take Xia Youshan away. Now that she is by anyone's side, Lin Yaling is worried.

"Okay, tell the kitten to be safe in the future!" Liu Xu nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Liu for your help, thank you." Lin Yaling bowed slightly to Liu Xu, then turned and left.

Liu Xu politely sent her to the door. When he opened the door, he also saw four or five murderous men or women standing outside the corridor.

Lin Yaling brought these people, and they all seemed like killers.

"What is this woman doing?"

After closing the door, Liu Xu narrowed his eyes. This woman looked like a gangster, not the boss of any company, and the people she raised were obviously not ordinary bodyguards, because ordinary bodyguards would not have this kind of bodyguard. A taste of iron and blood.

What's more, Liu Xu could tell that these bodyguards were very nervous about this woman.

Could it be that he is really a boss!

"Ye, get dressed." Liu Xu sat back on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and asked Ye Zhiqiang to get dressed.

"I've already said, my surname is not Ye." Ye Zhiqiang opened a gap in the bedroom and said.

"Let's go, set off overnight." Liu Xu stubbed out the cigarette butt that he had only smoked twice, and said, "I can't stay here any longer."

"Why can't you just stay? That Fengsao woman threatened you?" Ye Zhiqiang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"That's right, but I just don't want to live here. The kitten was picked up by her, so our task is considered complete. It's meaningless to stay any longer, and it's even more meaningless, and the more I get in touch with them, the more I will The more we are exposed. Don't forget that I just killed sixteen Blue Eagle mercenaries. This is a deep hatred! Now they don't know who did it, but if we contact Xia Zhengsong or Kitty and her aunt again, They will lock us, so they left overnight..." Liu Xu was not afraid, but he didn't want to bring danger to the people around him.

"That's right, that's right, I said don't get in touch with them, I'll get dressed, and we'll leave in a while." Ye Zhiqiang nodded repeatedly, he just got a blood debt, so he must not show up.

"Well, Xia Zhengsong or this female fairy won't betray us!" Ye Zhiqiang said while putting on his clothes.

"Probably not! If they betrayed us, it would be too inhumane." Liu Xu's mouth turned up slightly, "Those who betrayed me, hehe..."

"In this world, you are the only one who values ​​benevolence and righteousness. How can other people value benevolence and righteousness? There is no business and no adultery, and women are also villains. Whether it's Xia Zhengsong or this female fairy, neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp!"

"I hope not." Liu Xu breathed out. If one day in the future, the Blue Eagle mercenaries really came after him and hunted him down all over the world, then Xia Zhengsong and Lin Yaling must have betrayed him.

And when that time really came, even with Xia Youshan's relationship, Xia Zhengsong would be dead. As for Lin Yaling, let's pay with flesh!

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