Ye Zhiqiang gave Liu Xu a weird look, and shook his head slightly. Liu Xu still didn't see through this kind of heart.

If all Blue Eagle mercenaries were dispatched to find Xia Zhengsong and threaten them with various means, Xia Zhengsong would definitely tell what happened today in order to protect himself, and Liu Xu would also be chased and killed by Lan Ying.

Being hunted down by a mercenary team is undoubtedly terrifying, even if you hide back in the country, it is not safe.

What's more, sixteen people died this time, and it will definitely cause a sensation in the world tomorrow. This major news will appear on the headlines of major media around the world, so Liu Xu is tantamount to inciting in front of the whole world. Lan Ying slapped him. In order to regain his dignity and face, Lan Ying would chase and kill Liu Xu.

"Did I lose more than I gained?" Liu Xu looked at Ye Zhiqiang. It's not that he doesn't know, but he just doesn't want to think about the worst.

"Little cat, you didn't get it. You spent nearly a million dollars on the money, and got a bloody debt. I haven't seen someone like you." Ye Zhiqiang didn't know Liu Xu's real net worth, and a million dollars would treat him like this. For veteran mercenaries, it is also a considerable sum.

"Pay attention to your quality." Liu Xu glared at Ye Zhiqiang and said.

"Quality ass, you didn't fuck her. If you fucked her, I wouldn't say anything. After all, you got the beauty back, but you just touch her twice, it's not worth it. ! So you say you are stupid..."

"I am willing," Liu Xu cursed.

"Well, I won't say anything, but where are we going!" Ye Zhiqiang also knows that Liu Xu is such a number one person, and he can do the same thing for Tian Erniu, which is why he is willing to help Liu Xu s reason.

Liu Xu took a deep breath and said, "Las Vegas, Las Vegas."

"Uh, what are you doing!" Ye Zhiqiang was stunned.

"Make money, go to gamble, go whoring, and fly with American chicks, I'm done, go brush my clothes, and live my chic life." Liu Xu got up and walked out.

"Yeah, this is my favorite." Ye Zhiqiang jumped up excitedly.

At the same time, Lin Yaling did not return to her presidential suite, but went to the room of two of the bodyguards and drove them away. She was on the phone with Xia Zhengsong.


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Chapter 1451 Do You Like Him?

"That's how it happened. All sixteen Blue Eagle mercenaries were killed by him, so it's a good thing, but it's also a bad thing. Are the people around you still not moving?"

"No, we can't find out who it is, but you're right. It's a good thing, but it's also a bad thing. We offended a mercenary organization. There will definitely be more troubles in the future..." Xia Zhengsong had a headache.

"If it really doesn't work, just abandon the pawn and save the car." Lin Yaling finally revealed her vicious side, this Zhuyeqing was very vicious.

"It's impossible to do this. First, it's too inhumane and let Liu Xu know that it will be bad for him to retaliate and be friendly." Xia Zhengsong immediately vetoed it.

Lin Yaling calmed down. Xia Zhengsong's worry was also her worry. If Liu Xu knew that they had betrayed him, would he attack the kitten? Once he did, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"There is another way, that is to invite another mercenary to completely kill Lan Ying and remove him from the world."

Since Lin Yaling lived on a different floor from Liu Xu, Lin Yaling and her team didn't notice when Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang left with their bags at two o'clock in the morning.

At the same time, after the two arrived at the airport by taxi, they also directly bought an international flight that was about to take off. This flight was not to the United States, but to Canada.

Fortunately, Canada and the United States are relatively close, and it is more convenient to go to the United States after arriving in Canada.

Soon, the two boarded the plane.

And when Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang got on the plane and began to take a nap, dozens of police cars parked on the shore outside the Coconut Grove River in Jakarta Bay, and a large number of military police entered the Coconut Grove.

After dawn, the local morning news immediately announced the tragedy that happened in Coconut Grove. Sixteen unidentified foreign militants were shot dead in Coconut Grove. Some local media commented that these sixteen people might belong to a mercenary organization. mercenary.

And within two hours after the local media reported it, all the media in the world knew about it through the Internet.

The cctv in mainland China inserted temporary news for a few seconds in the morning news, and the British, Japanese and other media also broadcast it immediately. At the same time, various parties also speculated who these people were and how The one who died was an official action in Jakarta, or there is a case in the case.

However, Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang didn't know all this, because they were sleeping soundly on the plane.

Xia Youshan in the hotel woke up very early, and she was also looking forward to the time for breakfast, because she was going to find Liu Xu. She was too tired and sleepy yesterday, so she didn't know what her aunt and Liu Xu said.

What's more, she suddenly realized that being with her aunt was not as safe as being with Liu Xu. Inexplicably, she thought that Liu Xu was the safest person in this world, and she also liked being with Liu Xu. together.

"Zishu, go ask Mr. Liu and the others to come over for breakfast!" Lin Yaling also got up early, and today she will leave with Lin Zishu and the kitten through a special channel and return to Hong Kong.

"Auntie, did Liu Xu agree yesterday?" Xia Youshan asked nervously.

"No, but my aunt made a fool of myself." Lin Yaling glared at her, "I asked him to be your security consultant with an annual salary of [-] million yuan, but he returned my favor. He didn't agree to give him [-] million yuan... ..."

"Uh..." The kitten's face turned red all of a sudden, and he also giggled, "How could he agree to tens of millions? You don't know, but he is actually rich, although he doesn't know What does he do, but Liu Xu has a black you only give him [-] million a year, it's no wonder he agrees!"

"Oh? He has a black card?" Lin Yaling was also taken aback. What Xia Youshan said was true or not. If it is true, then this Liu Xu is not easy!

"Well, it's true!" Xia Youshan nodded seriously.

"Hehe, you like him?"

Suddenly, Lin Yaling changed the topic all of a sudden. Whenever Liu Xu was mentioned, she was extremely excited. This was contrary to Xia Youshan's previous personality.

You know, Xia Youshan looks down on any man and thinks that no one is qualified to be her boyfriend.

But when she mentioned this Liu Xu, both her expression and her speech were completely in that high state of excitement.

This was something Xia Youshan didn't have before, and never would have. Lin Yaling was such a smart person, so how could she not see what the kitten was thinking.

"No way, don't talk nonsense." Xia Youshan said with averted eyes.

"Hehe, my brother-in-law and I have the same attitude. We don't care about your private emotional life. If you think it's good, we won't stop you even if you're a homeless man. Of course, on the premise, you have to appease your sister. Okay, you should know what my sister thinks, she wants you to find a man who is cultivated, educated, knowledgeable and stable."

"I haven't thought about finding a man, let alone getting married." Xia You said duplicity.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door, Lin Zishu walked in, and said in a panic, "Boss Lin, Miss, Liu Xu and his friends checked out. They checked out the room in the early hours of last night and left directly."

"What?" Hearing Lin Zishu's words, Xia Youshan stood up immediately, and Lin Yaling also raised her eyebrows.

"Phone, auntie, give me the phone number!" Xia Youshan ran to the sofa and checked her auntie's phone number.

Lin Yaling took out her mobile phone from her bag, handed it to Xia Youshan and said, "He left without saying goodbye, so at this time, the phone should be turned off, and you can't get through."

"But why did he leave without saying goodbye? Did you say something to him, did it..." Xia Youshan asked with red eyes.

Lin Yaling was stunned for a moment. This was the first time in history that Xia Youshan lost her temper with her.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1452 Can you stop adding small characters in front of my name?

"No, how can auntie say anything to him? Auntie hopes you are happy and well, so auntie really went to thank him yesterday and invited him sincerely..." Lin Yaling was not angry with her, but got up and said Xia Youshan held her in her arms.

Xia Youshan dialed Liu Xu's number, but Liu Xu's phone was turned off, and she cried in Lin Yaling's arms, sobbing.

"The kitten is good, don't cry. Through my contact with Liu Xu, I also think that this Liu Xu is a thoughtful young man. I am afraid he has something to do. Don't be sad. After all, he is going back to China, right? At that time, my aunt took you back to the country to find him to play..."

"Yeah, I want him to look good when I go back to China, and leave without saying hello. There is no such thing as him. When I left before, I left a note for him!" Xia Youshan said while wiping tears.

"Well, clean him up and bully my kitten." Lin Yaling said with a smile.

"Buzz..." At this time, the phone in Kitty's hand suddenly vibrated, and the caller ID also marked brother-in-law

"Looking for you!" Xia Youshan pouted, and handed the phone to Lin Yaling.

"Brother-in-law." The phone was connected, and Lin Yaling called her brother-in-law.

"Get ready to take the kitten to the airport, the plane is ready." Xia Zhengsong ordered on the phone.


The imaginary time travel did not happen, and this time Liu Xu successfully changed planes twice, passed through Las Vegas, and finally successfully set foot on the land of mainland China.

One thing to mention smoothly is that Liu Xu and Ye Zhiqiang won [-] million US dollars in a Las Vegas casino. Of course, it is impossible for ordinary people to take away the money smoothly, but these two are not ordinary people. However, if Ye Zhiqiang was replaced by himself, it would be embarrassing.

Liu Xu made a move, almost bloodbathed a local underworld gang, and then returned home with [-] million US dollars. For Liu Xu, tens of millions of dollars is the cost of a supercar.


The seven days passed in a flash, and Liu Xu received the worst result. The materials were lost for unknown reasons, and he asked to submit another copy.

So Liu Xu got into the Land Rover and headed for Qinglong County.

At the Qinglong County Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Liu Xu didn't give anyone face, just patted the table, scolded the leaders in their office one by one, and finally threw down a sentence: "If I don't do it for me tomorrow, I will tell you all to go away .”

Just walked out of the gate of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, before getting into the car, a car parked beside it.

A tall and beautiful woman got out of the car and looked at Liu Xu with a faint tiredness in her eyes.

She was wearing flat shoes, unlike the high heels when they first met, and now she was a little shorter than Liu Xu.

"Sister Yimei, are you here to support me?" Liu Xu smiled.

"The Industrial and Commercial Bureau won't issue a license?" He Yimei asked.

"Well, but I can use my own means to solve it. I heard that you are busy now, so don't worry about me." Liu Xu said.

He Yimei glanced at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau building, opened the passenger door of the Land Rover, and said, "Get in the car and talk."

Liu Xu opened the car door and sat in, and immediately smelled a faint fragrance from He Yimei's body, not like perfume, but more like the natural fragrance from the body.

"I heard that your Qinglong Lake is good, so let's go to Qinglong Lake at noon and relax with me." He Yimei said.

"Qinglong Town, let's go!" Liu Xu laughed.

"Maybe I got you in trouble." He Yimei looked ahead and said calmly.

Liu Xu looked at He Yimei from the side, her tall nose was always so eye-catching, but what was more eye-catching was her more tall Yuexiongqian.

Even if Liu Xu didn't want to look at it, his peripheral vision would be occupied by those two groups of rich men.

"I also suspect that it has something to do with you." Liu Xu had never offended a big person in Qinglong County, and his enemies wanted to deal with him, not against clubs that didn't look special on the surface.

"The director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau belongs to Huo Enquan, who is the current deputy secretary of the county party committee and the third person in Qinglong County. He had a great chance of being promoted to the county magistrate. Cutting people's fortunes is like killing their parents, let alone seizing an official position. In the county standing committee At the meeting, he was targeted at me in every way. He has been in Qinglong County since he graduated, and he has come to today step by step, which can be said to be deeply rooted." He Yimei continued: "I came to Qinglong County and raised a few investments. , but your relationship with me is closer than others. Hitting you will not affect other big investments, which proves that he has not destroyed the development of Qinglong County for selfish desires, has a high degree of political consciousness, and will not be caught; at the same time, It can also damage my prestige and achieve his goal."

"His political awareness is high, but unfortunately, his IQ is low!" Liu Xu touched his nose. He didn't invest so much money, not because he didn't have money, but because he didn't want to cause ecological over-development of Qinglong Lake and make it worse. produce destruction.

"Dare to say that No. [-] in a county has a low IQ, where do you have the confidence?" He Yimei looked sideways at Liu Xu, with a slight smile on her face, without losing the majesty of the county magistrate.

"There are a lot of people who have a good relationship with you. He was the first to pick on me. Is it because of you or not? Since he dared to open his mouth to bite me, I will smash his dog teeth! Sister Mei, how about it, do you have the confidence to overthrow him!" Liu Xu's eyes were bright, and he stared into He Yimei's eyes.

A strange color flashed in He Yimei's eyes, and she said, "Little Liu Xu, are you really going to help me?"

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