"It's nothing to help or not to help, just advance and retreat together. My club is located in Qinglong County, and I must find a reliable official to cooperate. Besides you, do I have any other candidates? I will not seek far away." Liu Xu looked serious. Said: "Can you stop adding a small letter in front of my name?"

"I really don't understand why you value a small club so much." He Yimei shook her head.

Liu Xu opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end. He can't say, once the brother's club is opened, using the aura of heaven and earth in Qinglong Lake, he can create something that makes people reborn and prolongs life every year!

If you really say that, I'm afraid it will be regarded as crazy immediately, but when the club opens, the facts will speak louder than words.

At this moment, He Yimei's cell phone rang.

Chapter 1453 I Can't Tell The Truth

Liu Xu sat aside, waiting for He Yimei to end the call.

As the acting county magistrate, He Yimei had a lot of phone calls, one after another, and Liu Xu didn't even have a chance to speak.

Liu Xu didn't listen deliberately, but he could hear all the conversations clearly, some of them didn't understand, but judging by He Yimei's tone and expression, some things were very bad.

According to the conversation he heard, Liu Xu knew that tomorrow was the day when the county's congress was held to elect the county magistrate. Even though He Yimei tried her best to maintain her image as a strong woman, she still couldn't hide the fact that she was under great pressure.

No matter how busy she was, He Yimei had no intention of returning and insisted on going to Qinglong Lake.

At the foot of Qinglong Mountain, the two cars stopped.

He Yimei turned to the female secretary and said, "Bai Jie, you stay here."

"Yes." Bai Jie nodded.

Liu Xu and He Yimei walked forward, there was a big iron gate in front, and behind the iron gate was the road leading to the mountain.

Liu Xu called Lu Zhan, and he opened the door and walked out after a while.

Let Lu Zhan guard the door here, and then Liu Xu and He Yimei enter the door together.

The stone steps were a bit slippery, He Yimei subconsciously grabbed Liu Xu's arm and walked up slowly.

Climbing up the stone steps is an open space in the valley with many wooden houses in the middle.

The two continued to walk forward, and soon came to the exit, and saw Qinglong Lake, which was inlaid in the valley like azure blue and clear gems.

"It's so beautiful." He Yimei took a deep breath, the melancholy on her face faded, her eyes widened, and she greedily looked at the beautiful lake.

Since no one has visited Qinglong Lake for many days, it is well protected, the surrounding scenery is even more beautiful, and the lake is crystal clear. People can't help but want to live in this beautiful place for a long time.

"Is it possible to swim here? I am a good swimmer!" He Yimei raised her head proudly, as if she felt that being able to swim was more proud than being a county magistrate.

"Yes, but when you used to swim, the swimming pool was overcrowded!" Liu Xu said with a smile, even though he knew that He Yimei was a strong female county magistrate, and seeing her unhappy, he still treated her as a woman.

He Yimei gave Liu Xu a white look, and said, "Later, I grew too fast, so I stopped going to the swimming pool. I only went to the swimming pool at my friend's house. Everything is in the house? Let's go."

The two walked into the wooden house and began to choose a swimsuit for He Yimei.

However, the swimsuit is stretchable, and you can't tell the size just by looking at it, so Liu Xu had no choice but to leave, leaving He Yimei to choose by herself.

Not long after, He Yimei came out wearing a set of powder-based petal bikini swimsuit, as if she was only wearing a bra and underwear.

She held her head up a little, and walked confidently. Every step she took, Liu Xu felt that she had suffered ten thousand points of damage.

To be honest, this bikini Yuexiong suit is a bit small, which makes Liu Xu's heart beat wildly.

Liu Xu couldn't use any words to describe the beautiful scenery in front of him. It was impossible to describe the beauty of the female body alone. It could only be said that it was a fetish that shocked the soul.

"There is no suitable one, this is the biggest..." He Yimei said to herself.


"The conjoined ones are too thin, and more are squeezed out." He Yimei frowned, "Little Liu Xu, have you seen enough?"

"I can't tell the truth." Liu Xu hurriedly looked away.

"Put on your swimming trunks and let's swim together for a while!" He Yimei said calmly.

Liu Xu suddenly felt that He Yimei's charm had soared. If ordinary people had such a figure, they would be very proud, or even if they were calm on the surface, they would be flustered inside.

He Yimei was different, she was neither proud nor shy, she was extremely calm, as if standing in front of Liu Xu with her clothes off, she would not have any strange emotions.

However, the more this is the case, the more Liu Xu feels that He Yimei is different, she is fragrant in the empty valley, and will not bloom for anyone.

"Ahem, I have drowned in swimming before, and my swimming skills are not good, so I won't make a fool of myself. I will go catch some fish and have grilled fish at noon. The fish here are delicious." Liu Xu moved forward together with the fishing gear Let's go, it's not because of his poor swimming skills, but because he is afraid that his body will not be able to withstand the temptation and react to the temptation to make a fool of himself.

He Yimei was wearing a three-point swimsuit and was barefoot, walking side by side with Liu Xu.

She has no high heels, no height advantage, but she still has the charm that other women do not have, as if the grass, flowers and everything she passes by should be bowed down.

"Drowning? I often have leg cramps. I drowned several times because of this, but every time someone rescued me. Since you are not good at swimming, I'd better swim in shallow water!" He Yimei said.

Liu Xu tried his best to look forward and tried not to look at He Yimei, but her murder weapon always used the abominable way of jumping and attacking, constantly appearing in Liu Xu's peripheral vision, making it difficult for him to calm down.

"Little Liu Xu, I like this place. I was almost out of breath just now. Once I got here, my breathing became easier immediately. If I hadn't been kicked out of Qinglong County, I would definitely come here once a month! Will this place not be open to the public in the future?"

"No, it's only open to female members, men should stay at the foot of the mountain!"

As soon as Liu Xu spoke, He Yimei started to run in small steps.

"I want to warm up, don't look around!" He Yimei snorted softly, exuding the power of a female county magistrate, and then ran lightly.

Liu Xu only took one look and his heart beat faster. He finally understood what earthquakes and turbulent waves are. They are simply a reminder for heart patients. The strong visual impact can definitely kill any man in seconds.

He Yimei ran to the beach by the lake, and began to do various warm-up exercises, such as raising her legs, lowering her waist, stretching her arms and so on.

After looking at it for a while, Liu Xu thought to himself: "God is really unfair forever. It's nothing more than giving He Yimei a peerless face, but also a pair of proud figures, which can almost be called the golden ratio."

Liu Xu silently walked to He Yimei's right front, put the bait and the like on his left front, then turned in her direction, and carefully selected the bait.

After picking the bait for a while, Liu Xu came to a conclusion that if He Yimei used a little more force, the swimsuit would definitely be broken.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1454

He Yimei is a typical tall, plump and fair woman, coupled with her strong personality, she is far from the image of classical Chinese women, she is like a mountain in the hearts of other men, she is usually in awe, but in a certain Sometimes, it will make a man have a strong desire to conquer.

Liu Xu felt turmoil in his heart, but unlike others, his first thought was that this He Yimei has a lot of charm, and she is definitely on the same level as Gong Xinliang, but slightly inferior to Zhang Zeling.

But He Yimei's own unique temperament, even if she stood with Zhang Zezhen, would never be inferior in any way. In terms of momentum, she was even unmatched.

He Yimei was naturally aware of Liu Xu's gaze, but she had been used to it for more than ten years. She hummed dissatisfiedly and walked slowly into the lake. Some small fish immediately gathered and touched He Yimei's big white legs with their fish mouths. .

A faint smile appeared on He Yimei's face, and then she entered the water and started swimming.

Liu Xu earnestly fished, and at the same time earnestly studied, comprehended and researched the swimming spirit of Mayor He Yimei.

What He Yimei said is right. She really has swimming experience. Her movements were a little stiff at first, but she quickly became very graceful. She is proficient in diving, butterfly, breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke. mermaid.

The strange thing is that many small fish also swim with her, as if they want to play and play with her.

Soon, He Yimei was a little tired, and she was able to float on the water on her back without doing anything, without sinking.

After a while, He Yimei started backstroke with the least effort. She had a slight smile on her face, calm and quiet, as if she really became a mermaid, blending in with the natural environment here.

He Yimei became more and more interested, and waved to Liu Xu from tens of meters away, asking Liu Xu to swim with her.

Liu Xu shook his head.

He Yimei continued to wave, but Liu Xu refused to go.

He Yimei shook her head helplessly and played by herself.

After a while, Liu Xu caught two fish, but the biggest one was the size of a palm, and there was no meat to eat at all, so Liu Xu threw it back into the lake casually.

At the same time that the little fish fell into the water, Liu Xu suddenly heard a louder sound of slapping the lake water in front of him, his heart skipped a beat, and he looked up to where He Yimei was.

I saw He Yimei struggling and waving her hands while calling for help.

"Her legs are cramping!" Liu Xu recalled what He Yimei said before.

Liu Xu quickly took off his short-sleeved shirt and shorts, and rushed into the water wearing only his underwear.

He Yimei kept ups and downs in the water, kicking her legs wildly and waving her arms. Unfortunately, her right leg was cramped.

"He doesn't know how to swim, and he's far away from the shore. Could it be that God is going to kill me? Tomorrow, I'm going to hold a general meeting. I don't know whether it will be successful or not. Could it be that God doesn't even give me a chance to fail? "

He Yimei's eyes gradually became blurred, and her body became heavier and heavier, but she did not lose her will to survive, and poked her head out suddenly, preparing to call for help to Liu Xu for the last time.

He Yimei opened her eyes, because her eyes were blurry in the water, but the moment her head came out of the water, everything suddenly became clear, and she saw an unbelievable scene.

Liu Xu was rushing towards him at a terrifying speed. It couldn't be called swimming, because Liu Xu's legs were like the propellers of a [-]-ton giant wheel. The high-altitude lasing, and every time Liu Xu swung his arms, the water on both sides was shot extremely high, as long as two or three meters.

It's hard for He Yimei to imagine that a person's speed is comparable to that of a speedboat, flying towards her like an arrow.

"Little Liu Xu is really extraordinary." He Yimei looked at Liu Xu's anxious face, showing a faint smile, her body no longer had the strength to support her, and she sank into the water.

Liu Xu was in a hurry, and poured his vitality into his legs and feet again, and accelerated his speed again. After rushing to He Yimei's approach, he plunged into the water and stretched out his hand to grab He Yimei.

Liu Xu was anxious, his eyes were covered with water bubbles and blurred by his strength, and he grasped it entirely by feeling.

Feeling that he was caught on the fabric, Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief, and then lifted it hard.


There was a slight tearing sound, Liu Xu took a closer look, and tore He Yimei's Yuexiong clothes, and hurriedly grabbed it again.

As a result, I made a mistake in my busy schedule and grabbed a soft palm.

At this critical juncture, Liu Xu didn't let go even though he knew what he was holding onto.

He reached out with the other hand, grabbed He Yimei's body, and lifted her out of the lake with both hands.

Liu Xu hugged He Yimei with his left arm, and sent vitality with his right hand.

He had the experience of saving Zhang Zezhen last time, and this time he had enough vitality in Qinglong Lake. When a large amount of vitality was sent lightly, water gushed out of He Yimei's nose and mouth.

"Cough, cough, cough..." He Yimei coughed violently, and slowly woke up.

Even if she was the head of a county, He Yimei still couldn't keep her composure just after she came back from the death line. Her survival instinct made her put her legs around Liu Xu's waist, and put her arms around his neck.

He Yimei slowly opened her eyes.

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