"Don't move around, I'll treat you!" Liu Xu placed his right hand in front of He Yimei's Yuexiong, continuously sending in vitality.

He Yimei poured more water this time than Zhang Zeling did last time, so she had to be careful, as the cavity of the moon and the alveoli in the lungs were filled with water and it was difficult to give first aid, so professional doctors and equipment were needed to be safe.

Liu Xu's pressure there was strong, and a lot of vitality was input. He Yimei immediately felt a warm current flowing in her body.

Liu Xu quickly cleared the water from He Yimei's body, and reluctantly left the place of right and wrong with his right hand.

This let go, revealing the beautiful upper body of the beautiful county magistrate with crystal clear water droplets hanging on it.

The water is rippling and beautiful, enough to make any man lose his mind.

"It seems that looking for a woman from Yuexiong University can not only ensure the safety of breastfeeding for the next generation, but also save lives at critical moments. If she is like Brother Chun, she may not be caught even if she is caught a few times..." Liu Xu thought to himself. As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to touch He Yimei's beauty.


Chapter 1455 The Different He Yimei

He Yimei immediately widened her eyes and glared at Liu Xu.

Then, a warm current entered her beautiful legs, instantly relieving the pain caused by her cramps.

He Yimei showed shame on her face, Liu Xu patted her underwater in revenge, and said: "Why, you saved the life of the county magistrate, even if you touch your legs? You, a beautiful county magistrate, are just like that. Delicate?"

"Little wolf!" He Yimei couldn't help laughing, she was not an ordinary woman after all, she didn't care about such trivial matters, but felt that Liu Xu was acting like a younger brother.

Liu Xu didn't continue to do dirty things, he held He Yimei in one hand, and kept paddling with the other, swimming towards the shore.

He Yimei, who was like a mermaid just now, dared to hug Liu Xu as if her fins had been cut off.

He Yimei was faintly afraid, but she was extremely calm on the surface, she didn't look frightened at all, she just stared straight at Liu Xu, as if she wanted to see through Liu Xu when she met him for the first time.

He Yimei's whole body was almost attached to Liu Xu's body, she didn't feel anything, but he was a vigorous young man, especially He Yimei's figure was so hot.

Liu Xuyou was working very hard. Logically speaking, he wouldn't be so tired even if he was running with a car in his hands, but now his breath is heavy.

He Yimei has been an official for many years, her eyes are extremely vicious, and she immediately noticed the change in Liu Xu.

She snorted softly, lowered her face, leaned her body back, and separated her upper body from Liu Xu.

He Yimei hesitated, the scene was a bit unsightly, but she was afraid that her legs would cramp again, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

The problem soon came up again. When Liu Xu was swimming, no matter how careful he was, he would encounter it occasionally.

He Yimei took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and decided to endure it.

However, she, who had never been in close contact with a man, felt uncontrollable curiosity and shallow excitement in her heart.

"I didn't expect Ting to be comfortable." He Yimei's thoughts just flashed by, but she was quickly suppressed by reason, and she returned to the calm county magistrate He.

Liu Xu took He Yimei to swim out of the deep water area, stepped on the bottom of the lake, and walked towards the lake.

He Yimei's legs let go of Liu Xu, her arms also left Liu Xu, and she stood in front of Yue Xiong and walked forward.

"Thank you." She said few words, but her attitude was extremely solemn, but the gesture of protecting the moon with both arms slightly weakened this solemnity.

"It's easy to do." Liu Xu smiled.

After walking a few steps, He Yimei's feet softened and she suddenly fell into the water.

Now the water is only knee deep, and if she falls into the water, she may be injured, so He Yimei screamed involuntarily.

Liu Xu had sharp eyes and quick hands. Before He Yimei fell down, he stretched out his strong and powerful arms and hugged He Yimei directly.

"I'm a little dizzy." He Yimei lay in Liu Xu's arms, covering Su Yuexiong with her arms, and said softly.

"The suffocation was a bit long just now, and it may have a slight impact on your brain. I will treat you well in a while." Liu Xu laughed.

"En." He Yimei nodded slightly, her eyes were only grateful but not worried.

Until now, she has not shown any signs of weakness. Liu Xu thought to himself: "The iron lady of the devil city and the legendary female district chief are really extraordinary."

He Yimei in He Yi Sheng Xiao Mo is also a beautiful woman, but she is soft and weak, she is not Liu Xu's favorite, but this He Yi Mei in front of her makes Liu Xu full of desire to conquer.

Liu Xu hugged He Yimei and walked towards the wooden house. After He Yimei changed her clothes, he let her lie on the recliner, put his hands on He Yimei's head, and used his vitality to help treat her carefully.

"Sister Yimei, at the National People's Congress tomorrow, if the deputies to the National People's Congress want to elect you as county magistrate, do they have the right not to elect you?" Liu Xu asked.

"Yes." He Yimei's heart is heavy, she has been worrying about this matter recently.

"I just made a fortune for you. You will be in great trouble at the National People's Congress tomorrow!"

"What?" He Yimei finally couldn't keep calm, she stared at Liu Xu with wide eyes, and for the first time there was panic in her eyes, but it disappeared quickly and was replaced by a terrifying coldness.

"I can only calculate the approximate result." Liu Xu said.

"With the result, I already know the specific process! The county magistrate is elected by equal numbers. If I get no more than [-]% of the votes, then I will be re-elected, and my ability will be questioned in the eyes of the superiors; if I get the votes again If I can't exceed fifty, then I can only leave Qinglong County, and my career will be affected in the future. The deputy secretary Horn must be playing tricks!"

Now that she knew something would happen, He Yimei naturally didn't want to stay any longer, she left in a hurry, but when she left, Liu Xu took a look at her luck.



The next day, Liu Xu really got the license. Of course, it wasn't his arrogance that shocked the other party, but He Changxiong heard about it from somewhere, so he took the initiative to call there.

Originally, I didn't want to trouble He Changxiong, although the He family needed Liu Xu to stabilize Elder He's condition.

He Changxiong seemed to have said last time that he wanted Liu Xu to agree to do something for him, but then there was no more text, but since he didn't say anything, Liu Xu naturally wouldn't take the initiative to ask.

Liu Xu put away his ID and was about to call Lu Zhan when he received a call from He Yimei.

"They really have moths." He Yimei's voice sounded.

"Solved?" Liu Xu said.

"For sure, the Human Congress has been postponed until next week, so there will be no problems this time." He Yimei asked.

"That's good, then I can congratulate you, County Magistrate He." Liu Xu said.

"Well, by the way, I'm going to hold a small party at a friend's house this weekend. I'll find some acquaintances, not more than ten, all of whom are my friends. Changxiong will also be there. I hope you can come." He Yimei's voice suddenly rang A slight trembling, this is the first time she has taken the initiative to ask a man out since she grew up, and it is the first time she feels that there is something more in her heart.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1456 I thought you both had sex...

"Since sister Yimei made an appointment, I will definitely come. Are there any rules for the banquet? For example, bringing a bottle of wine or something, I don't know much about this." Liu Xu said.

"It's all my own, you don't need to bring anything. Besides, you have helped me so much, you are the hero of the banquet, if you still bring something, I will be angry." He Yimei said pretending to be angry.

"Well, I'll just take it with my mouth open to eat. If I want to bring it, it has to be a big dog like He Changxiong." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"I'll text you the address later."

"it is good."

He Yimei ended the call, sent Liu Xu the address of her friend's house, and then sat quietly for a while, with a hint of trouble in her eyes.

In fact, the weekend happened to be her birthday, and the celebration was celebrated with her birthday, but she didn't want Liu Xu to bring a gift, so she didn't talk about her birthday.

She quickly regained her composure, still the same county magistrate He Yimei.

When the phone rang, He Yimei looked at it, sighed, and showed trouble again.

"Hey, Yu Zhen, what's the matter?" He Yimei said with a businesslike attitude.

"Yimei, your birthday is on the weekend. I want to hold a birthday party for you. I don't know if you are willing to honor it."

"Thank you, but my birthday party has already been booked, so I don't need to trouble you." He Yimei said with a smile, trying to keep her tone soft to hide her impatience with Yu Zhen.

"Well, tell me the time and place, I'll go to your birthday party, that's fine, right?" Yu Zhen said.

"Well, at Xiao Xiao's house, you can come before six o'clock on Sunday afternoon." He Yimei didn't refuse, even if she refused, Yu Zhen still had a way to find her.

"Okay, I remember, I will prepare a birthday present for you that you like." Yu Zhen said.

"I don't want you to buy too expensive gifts." He Yimei said, "I'm an official, so I won't accept anything that's too expensive."

"It's not expensive, it's just an imitation handicraft, only a few hundred dollars."

"Okay, I'm busy, do you have anything else to do?"

"Yimei, I heard that your life in Qinglong County was unsatisfactory. Someone wanted to drive you away. In fact, my father was right. You are really not suitable for this road. You take it slowly in the provincial party committee. It may not be wide enough, but it will go smoothly, and other people will not deliberately target you, you are a woman after all." Yu Zhen said.

He Yimei was stunned for a moment, realizing that he didn't know what happened today, maybe his father Director Yu just knew about it.

"Let's talk about this later, I still have things to do." He Yimei said.

"Oh, well, see you on the weekend."


He Yimei frowned. Yu Zhen is the son of the director of the Provincial Public Security Department, and he has pursued her for more than three years.

After she married He Changge, she stopped attacking, and when she learned that He Yimei and He Changge were only married in name but not in reality, she started chasing her again.

He Yimei has clearly refused, but Yu Zhen has not let go.

Because of the relationship between director Yu and old secretary Yao, He Yimei couldn't turn her back on her, and Yu Zhen was also very sensible, and never did anything to make He Yimei angry, so He Yimei couldn't even find a reason to turn her back.

He Yimei sighed, and Liu Xu's appearance involuntarily appeared in her mind, she smiled slightly, her mood improved immediately, and she continued to work.

At [-]:[-] p.m. on weekends, Liu Xu took a car to the Wangjiangge luxury villa community in Xijiang District of the Magic City. Here are all river-view villas.

Back then, the Provincial Party Committee Villa was supposed to be built here, but it was too conspicuous, so it was changed to another place for fear of bad influence.

Liu Xugang's car was driving slowly in the Wangjiangge community. He was looking for He Yimei's friend's villa when he received a call from He Changxiong.

"Liu Xu, it's almost six o'clock, why haven't you arrived yet?"

"I've arrived at Jinwangjiang Pavilion, and I'm looking for the house number!"

"Oh, the third sister-in-law is celebrating her birthday today, plus sitting firmly on the throne of the county magistrate, double happiness. If the gift you bring is not good, I will not let you in. At least I have to give you two dragon fish." He Changxiong smiled Said.

"Huh? Sister Yimei's birthday is today?"

"You do not know?"

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