"She didn't say anything, she just said that today is a celebration banquet, and she probably didn't want me to spend money." Liu Xu didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, but some people invite friends over for their birthdays, and they don't say it in advance Birthday, avoid spending money from friends.

"Oh, then you don't need to bring it. If you can help the third sister-in-law to the position of county magistrate, it will be her biggest birthday present. No matter how many other people's gifts, it is not as big as this gift." He Changxiong said.

"Well, I'll try to find a way to see if I can get a present. After all, it's my birthday. It's inappropriate for you to bring me or not. Well, I'll hang up first, and you didn't say it earlier," Liu Xu complained.

"Third sister-in-law almost praised you to the sky, I thought you two had sex..." He Changxiong immediately countered, "Who would have thought that you didn't even know her birthday."

"Get out!" Liu Xu laughed and cursed to end the call, but he had to admit that it was definitely any man's dream to put a beautiful county magistrate under him.

"I have to buy something." Liu Xu hurriedly turned the steering wheel and parked the car in front of a liquor store.

Walking around inside, I found that this place is worthy of being adjacent to the villa area. There are many expensive things, and there are even more than [-] bottles of Felix mineral water. Liu Xu made no secret of his contempt for this kind of water. Water is too far behind.

Liquor and beer cannot be brought to this kind of banquet. Liu Xu went to the Putao wine area to have a look, and chose the most expensive bottle of wine, with a price tag of [-].

Liu Xu gave the credit card to the cashier, and the cashier swiped it lightly, and it was done.

After walking a few steps, Liu Xu felt that this bottle of wine was enough as a gift for ordinary people, but it seemed that he was not sincere enough to give it to He Yimei.

After all, this is the first time to give He Yimei a birthday present, and her friends are either rich or expensive, a gift of this level can only be said not to embarrass He Yimei.

Liu Xu looked around, there was really nothing to buy, so after thinking about it, he put a piece of true energy into the wine bottle.

Bringing the wine to the place He Yimei said, Liu Xu got out of the car and walked in with the wine.


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Chapter 1457 This Ni Ni is not that Ni Ni

The house of this villa is slightly larger than that of Azure Cartier. Fortunately, it is in a detached courtyard. Through the large floor-to-ceiling glass windows in the front hall, you can see the swimming pool in the backyard.

But now everyone was sitting in the living room, and seeing Liu Xu appear, He Yimei and He Changxiong immediately stood up to greet them.

Others also stood up and walked over.

Liu Xu took a cursory look and found that there were eleven people here, seven women and four men. It seemed that most of them were He Yimei's friends, so most of them were women.

However, Liu Xu found a very familiar woman, Ni Ni, a well-known female star in China.

However, this Ni Ni is not the same as Ni Ni. She is different from the Ni Ni who became famous in "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" in Liu Xu's memory. The Newcomer Award or Best New Actress Award caused a sensation in the film and television industry and even the whole country, because these are the three most important awards in Huaguo, and before that, no actor won three newcomer awards at the same time when he debuted.

Not only that, but she was also nominated for Best Actress in these three awards. If it weren't for her low qualifications and lack of acting skills, she might really become a new actress.

Ni Ni not only made a big splash in Huaguo, but even won the Best Newcomer Award at the Venice Film Festival, one of the three major film festivals.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of participating in the three major film festivals at the same time, Ni Ni would definitely sweep the three major film festivals.

The two major events in China's cultural and entertainment industry last year, the first was Mo Yan's Nobel Prize, and the second was Ni Ni sweeping the Chinese film industry as a newcomer.

Ni Ni is recognized as the most classically beautiful woman in Huaguo. She doesn't smile often, and her eyes often have a hint of melancholy, but once she smiles, she is bound to shine brightly. Both men and women will be conquered by her beauty.

Immediately after the screening of the movie "Lover" she acted in, she was voted by men online as the most suitable woman to be a wife.

After her fame reached its peak, there were naturally negative gossips, some said that she was taken care of by a big boss, some said that she had an affair with a certain director, etc., but the mainstream media remained consistent and there was no gossip.

Even the paparazzi-invincible Hong Kong tabloids found no evidence of her having an affair. There were rumors that she had a rich relative, but it was not verified.

Liu Xu took a look at Ni Ni, she was indeed a beauty of the level of disastrous to the country and the people, only Zhang Zeling could compare with her.

But Zhang Zezhen is quiet and proud, and this Ni Ni is more like a woman from a water village in the south of the Yangtze River, slender and weak, with the lingering melancholy in her eyes.

At this time, Ni Ni was wearing a luxurious sleeveless cheongsam, which looked like blue and white porcelain, with blue patterns on a white background, completely outlining the curves of her body, showing the charm of oriental women even more.

The long cheongsam fell down to her ankles, and she walked with small steps. The large open plackets on both sides of the cheongsam vaguely exposed her snow-white legs, which made people's heart beat endlessly.

Liu Xu's first feeling was that this woman's charm was at least big. Leg level, but this time is not suitable for waiting, so he simply scanned the crowd with a smile, and left as soon as he made eye contact.

Except for He Yimei and Ni Ni, the other women are all average in appearance, but everyone's makeup and clothing are excellent, all of them have an upper-middle posture, and their temperament is obviously excellent.

The same goes for the four men, all of them have decent looks, but they all have unusual temperaments, and they all wear simple yet handsome clothes.

However, there was a man in his thirties who seemed to have a gentle smile, but concealed a slight hostility. Liu Xu paid attention to this man, and finally looked at He Changxiong.

He Changxiong said with a smile: "This is Master Liu Xu Liu, male, unmarried; hobby, female. How are you beauties, are you handsome?"

He Yimei smiled, and behind her a woman about twenty-three years old walked over quickly and said loudly: "Master Liu, I am your idol, please sign me!"

Everyone laughed, and the woman blushed, and hurriedly said: "I'm wrong, Master Liu, you are my idol, my name is Xiao Xiao, and I'm Sister Yimei's favorite little sister, please sign me, okay?" it is good?"

"Xiao Xiao? Aren't you Zhao Mosheng's girlfriend? How did you become someone from Yimei's side?" Liu Xu looked at her with a smile. She was an ordinary-looking woman, but because of her exquisite makeup, she had the potential to be half a goddess.

"The biggest star here is Ni Ni, but not me. You are looking for the wrong person to sign." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"I already have it." Xiao Xiao said proudly.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xiao, as the master, introduced everyone to Liu Xu except He Yimei and He Changxiong.

Liu Xu first handed the Putao wine to He Yimei, and then met and shook hands with these people one by one.

When they touched Ni Ni's hand, the two looked at each other, Liu Xu's heartbeat quickened, and he immediately used his vitality to control it, thinking that facing a woman with a lot of charm is completely incomprehensible.

Xiao Xiao didn't introduce the family background of these people, but only mentioned their names and some simple descriptions, and occasionally talked about their jobs, such as fashion designers, or managers, but Liu Xu knew that those who could sit here were from families that were either rich or expensive.

Liu Xu deliberately remembered the hostile man's name, Yu Zhen, and didn't understand why he was hostile to him.

After everyone knew each other, they sat down one after another.

He Yimei complained: "I told you not to let you buy anything, why did you buy it again? Isn't this bottle of wine cheap?"

"If it's just a celebration banquet, I definitely wouldn't buy anything, but since it's your birthday, I can't come empty-handed anyway. Besides, it's a bit expensive, and I've never bought such expensive wine before." Liu Xu smiled Said.

None of the people present laughed at him, but that Yu Zhen stared at Putaojiu, not knowing what he was thinking.

But He Changxiong said: "Don't listen to him crying about being poor. A bottle of water sold me [-] yuan, and I had to hold my nose to buy it! Also, there is no need to buy things at his house. Someone will give them away every now and then, and they often come to my place. Take what you see."

The crowd laughed.


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Chapter 1458 For Zhao Mosheng's sake...

Xiao Xiao asked curiously: "Master Liu, why is your water so expensive?"

"Everyone is sister Mei's friend, just call me Liu Xu. The water in my house is indeed a bit different." Liu Xu said: "Well, women drink it to beautify their skin, and men drink it to strengthen their bodies."

"Really?" Xiao Xiao said pleasantly, "Master Liu, I will also buy a bottle, but I don't have much pocket money, can it be cheaper?"

"I didn't sell it originally, but because you are Zhao Mosheng's best friend..."

"Zhao Mosheng? I wanted to ask just now, who is Zhao Mosheng?"

"Ahem, I mean, since Yimei is a friend, I can get a [-]% discount, [-] a bottle."

"Master Liu, you are so stingy!"

He Changxiong immediately said: "Liu Xu, you are not mean enough. We have such a good relationship. You sell me a bottle of [-]. Now when the little beauty Xiao Xiao opens her mouth, you will get a [-]% discount. You are really ungrateful."

"Ah? Even Brother Changxiong didn't get a discount? Then I'm mentally balanced. Do you want to buy it? It's all [-]% off. Even Brother Changxiong can't enjoy the treatment." Xiao Xiao immediately said with a smile.

Several people expressed their willingness to buy, and Liu Xu agreed one by one. He sold it to He Changxiong because He Changxiong could use this vitality water to deal with it. Of course, the concentration of vitality water must be different for Xiao Xiao and the others.

"Master Liu, I will also buy a bottle. My father is getting old. If this water is really effective, it will be good for him." Ni Ni said softly.

"Okay, then I'll send the water to Xiao Xiao." Liu Xu smiled.

A few people who had been observing Liu Xu secretly nodded. He didn't take the opportunity to ask for Ni Ni's address or mobile phone number, which at least proved that Liu Xu was very measured.

"Brother Yu Zhen, you are the only one left who didn't buy it." Xiao Xiao said.

Yu Zhen smiled and said, "Forget it, I don't really believe in these things."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly changed slightly.

Not everyone here believes in the efficacy of vitality water, but for the sake of He Yimei's face, they will spend money to buy it. After all, no one is short of [-] yuan, but Yu Zhen's attitude is obvious when he says this.

Just not to give you Master Liu face.

Liu Xu took a look with his qi-watching technique, and saw that Yu Zhen's luck was supported by a large number of rings of official aura, the most striking of which was a department-level official aura, which was equivalent to the mayor of a magic city, and this official aura It is similar to his father's longevity breath.

"No wonder you are so arrogant, so there is a father of a high-ranking official." Liu Xu still didn't understand why this Yu Zhen was hostile to him, and then carefully looked at the official aura circle that supported his luck, and vaguely thought of a possibility.

He looked at Yu Zhen's charm carefully again, and found that his charm was contaminated with the charm of many women, and at the same time, his charm flowed faster.

After a little calculation, Liu Xu suddenly realized that Yu Zhen liked He Yimei very much, and it was probably what He Yimei said before that caused Yu Zhen to regard herself as a rival in love.

He Changxiong didn't expect Yu Zhen to say such a thing, but this is He Yimei's birthday party and celebration party, so he glanced at Yu Zhen coldly.

"Since Yu Zhen won't buy it, Liu Xu, give me that bottle of water!" He Changxiong smiled.

Everyone was surprised. Just now, the young He Changxiong had called Yu Zhen politely Brother Yu, but now he called him by his first name. This meant that He Changxiong did not hesitate to draw a line with Yu Zhen!

Xiao Xiao and the others wanted to make friends with everyone, and suddenly felt a headache. They didn't expect that they would show their attitudes after they met for more than ten minutes. Needless to say, the atmosphere would be very strange.

However, they value He Yimei's attitude more.

He Yimei raised her chin lightly, and the mountain in front of Yuexiong involuntarily stood up, she slowly scanned everyone, and said: "Today is my birthday, and it is also my celebration banquet, I hope everyone will be happy and happy Let's go, if anyone doesn't want to make me He Yimei happy, get out immediately!"

"Domineering!" Liu Xu gave He Yimei a thumbs up in his heart.

Others have known He Yimei's character for a long time, and they are not surprised at all, because they have seen more powerful people who have been pushed down by He Yimei's words, but they can't refute and leave angrily.

He Yimei's domineering declaration is equivalent to saying that in her heart, Master Liu Xu's status is higher than that of Yu Zhen!

The one who gets out immediately can only be Yu Zhen.

The women who have a good relationship with He Yimei know in their hearts that He Yimei has never been able to find an excuse to drive Yu Zhen away, and today it was Yu Zhen who shot herself at the gunpoint.

They believed that Yu Zhen was playing with fire and set himself on fire. If he said something like "I haven't thought about it yet", both parties knew it well and left a step, but if they came up and said "I don't believe these things", then the words are over.

Yu Zhen didn't seem to understand He Yimei's words, so he smiled and didn't speak, but there was a chill deep in his eyes.

Xiao Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, although it would be easier for Yu Zhen to leave, but if Yu Zhen stays, it means that there is still room for relaxation, so she said: "Sister Yimei, when will you eat cake? I'm starving to death. "

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