Everyone immediately smiled, as if what happened just now did not exist.

"Now serve the cake and light the candles!" He Yimei said.

Xiao Xiao immediately shouted: "Turn off the lights, light the candles, and serve the cake!" Then she ran to turn off the lights.

It was around [-]:[-] in the evening, the sky had not yet completely darkened, there was still light in the sky, the room was hazy, and the atmosphere was very good.

The door on one side opened, and a maid came slowly pushing a white three-tiered cake, with a ring of burning candles inserted in each cake.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you..."

Everyone sang together, and the candlelight shone on He Yimei's smiling face, as if happiness was blooming.

After singing the birthday song, Xiao Xiao smiled and said, "Sister Yimei, blow out the candles!"

He Yimei took a deep breath, blew out the candles on the top layer, and said to several women who were eager to try, "Come on, let's blow it out together."

So several women excitedly blow out the candles together.

Blowing out the candle, He Yimei said: "After eating the cake, it's not right to eat other tastes, especially sweet vegetables or sweet drinks, the taste will change completely, so eat the cake at the end."

"Got it." Xiao Xiao said.

Putting the cake aside, Xiao Xiao took out a jewelry box and handed it to He Yimei.

"Sister Yimei, this is my birthday present to you."

He Yimei opened it and saw the diamond Yuexiong needle, thanked her immediately, and put it on Qian Yuexiong's clothes.


Chapter 1459 Master Liu is not a persimmon

Liu Xu couldn't help but whispered to He Changxiong beside him: "The Yuexiong needle is useless if worn on Sister Yimei."

Although Liu Xu's voice was low, everyone around could hear it, everyone showed a very reasonable look, Xiao Xiao said angrily, "Yes, I forgot that."

He Yimei gave Liu Xu a white look.

Several other people also sent gifts one after another. The gifts of these people were not too low, but they did not exceed [-].

Although He Yimei said thank you, everyone could see that she didn't want to accept such an expensive thing. They also knew that she was an official with a sensitive status. She would hand over the gift to the Commission for Discipline Inspection or return it later, but this gift cannot be saved. .

The gift from big star Ni Ni was relatively cheap, a silk scarf bought in Paris, and she came in a hurry just like Liu Xu.

Finally, Yu Zhen took out a wooden gift box, opened the box, and revealed an emerald green bracelet, transparent and bright, with faint rays of light flowing on the surface.

"Wow, it's so beautiful! Is it a real jade bracelet?" A woman stared at it with wide eyes, and the eyes of other women were also shining. No woman can resist this kind of beautiful jewelry.

"Fake, imitation, worth one or two thousand dollars. Yimei, this thing is not expensive, you can accept it!" Yu Zhen held the gift box in both hands and handed it to He Yimei.

"You don't have to lie to me, Zhang Yue, you know this, please help me to see." He Yimei was unmoved.

Zhang Yue showed helplessness, took the gift box, looked at it carefully and gave it to Yu Zhen, saying: "It should be the real old pit glass, it seems to be old, and the value will not be less than one million. "

Yu Zhen smiled wryly and said: "Yi Mei, this is a gift that I have been looking for for a long time to find for you, so you can accept it! No one present will report it, or you can just put the bracelet at Xiao Xiao's house and wear it if you want to wear it." wear it at any time."

"Sorry, I can't accept such an expensive gift." He Yimei shook her head slightly and said.

Yu Zhen had expected this result a long time ago, and said: "How about you and I take a step back, and today is your birthday, so you can wear it. When you leave here, you can give me the jade bracelet. When do you want to wear it?" Dai, just go and get it from me, anytime, how about it?"

"This bracelet is so beautiful, especially with Mei. Yimei, you can wear it! It's nothing if you return it to him." A woman didn't want the banquet to be too tense, so she came out to be a peacemaker.

He Yimei looked at the jade bracelet, she was also a woman, she obviously liked such a beautiful jewelry, but she really didn't want Yu Zhen's gift.

If Yu Zhenqiang sent her off, He Yimei could simply refuse, but Yu Zhen's request was very low, and she only wore it for a few hours, which made it difficult for her.

Liu Xu kept staring at the jade bracelet with vigilance in his eyes.

Because from the moment the box was opened, Liu Xu felt that the bracelet exuded an aura that made him very uncomfortable.

Deadly, murderous, resentful, fighting...

He Yimei was hesitant, glanced at Liu Xu accidentally, and found that his expression was wrong, and asked, "Little Liu Xu, what's wrong?"

Liu Xu sighed softly and said, "It's Sister Yimei's birthday today, I don't want to spoil everyone's fun, but this bracelet does have some problems, it's not suitable for Sister Yimei to wear."

"What do you mean?" Yu Zhen stared at Liu Xu covetously, believing that he was taking revenge.

"Master Liu, do you know jade too? Tell me about it." Zhang Yue asked curiously.

"Liu Xu, if you have something to say, just say it, it's okay." He Changxiong immediately supported Liu Xu.

Liu Xu didn't want people to think that he was small, so he smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, if I'm not wrong, this jadeite bracelet was unearthed less than a year ago, right?"

"Yes, anyone who understands jade can see it." Yu Zhen did not deny it.

"Then if I'm not mistaken, the one unearthed with this jade bracelet should have a weapon, and the owner of the jade bracelet is either a general who led soldiers to kill people, or a family member of the general, right?" Liu Xu asked.

Yu Zhen's face changed slightly, he hesitated for a moment, then nodded helplessly, and said, "You are absolutely right, the owner of this bracelet should be the concubine of a Qing general."

Everyone in the living room looked at Liu Xu in surprise, even Ni Ni, who had always been calm and quiet, seemed very curious.

Liu Xu said with a smile: "It seems that my guess is correct, and this little concubine should have died in the burial, and she had struggled before she died."

Based on his resentment, he judged that the owner of the bracelet died unwillingly.

Yu Zhen's expression changed again, and he remained silent.

Those present knew at a glance that Yu Zhen had acquiesced, and couldn't help admiring Liu Xu even more.

"Liu Xu, you haven't seen this bracelet or the original owner before, have you?" He Changxiong knew that Liu Xu could cure diseases and predict disasters and fortunes, but he didn't expect to be able to calculate the history when he saw a bracelet.

"This is the first time I've seen it, because the cause of death of the bracelet's hostess was not good, and the general killed countless people. Anything unearthed from that tomb is not suitable for people to wear. Once you wear this jade bracelet, it will be as short as three years. One day, seven days at most, there will be problems." Liu Xu said.

"Is it really so mysterious?" Xiao Xiao asked curiously.

Zhang Yueze said mysteriously: "Really, although there is no clear scientific basis so far, some things are indeed unlucky for whoever wears them. It's not about ghosts or anything. For example, some antiques were contaminated with bacteria in the tomb. Once in contact with it, there will naturally be problems. In short, this kind of thing is better to be believed than not to be believed. Master Liu, my father likes to collect ancient jade. Can you help me someday? I sometimes feel that my father’s collection The room is gloomy."

"Okay!" Liu Xu nodded with a smile.

Yu Zhen couldn't help but said, "Mr. Liu, are you sure there must be something wrong with this jadeite bracelet? I don't mean anything else, I just feel unwilling to spend a million to buy this thing."

Liu Xu said with a smile: "If you believe it, you have it. If you don't believe it, you don't have it. Otherwise, if you don't believe me very much, you can just wear it yourself. If you don't wear it too much, just wear it for three days. Within three days, you will obviously feel the same as before. It's different. I won't harm you either, as long as you take it down in three days, everything will return to normal, how about it?"

Yu Zhen was suddenly in a dilemma.

He Yimei's friend couldn't help laughing secretly, thinking: "The person Yimei values ​​is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, and this Master Liu is not a soft persimmon."

Chapter 1460 You are the most precious

If Yu Zhen didn't dare to wear the jade bracelet, it would be tantamount to believing Liu Xu's words, but if he said that he didn't believe the efficacy of the water he sold before, it would be tantamount to slapping himself in the face.

If Yu Zhen wears it, it will be fine if nothing happens, but if something happens, he will suffer on his own, he deserves it, and Liu Xu is slightly better.

"This is a women's bracelet. It's not suitable for me to wear. I'll find a female friend to wear it tomorrow." Yu Zhen finally didn't dare to wear it himself.

Everyone didn't say anything, but they all felt that Yu Zhen's bearing was a bit off.

Xiao Xiao glanced at her watch and said, "Okay, everyone, let's have dinner. Sister Mei will cut the cake after dinner."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xiao smiled and told the maid at home, and then the maid began to serve food and wine, and ordered He Yimei's favorite white grape wine to be served first.

Xiao Xiao had a very good attitude towards the two maids, she yelled at each other, and the maid also seemed very calm, without the humility of a servant at all, but her words and deeds were very well-behaved, at first glance she looked like a distant relative of the family.

When the dinner table was arranged, He Yimei was the birthday star and naturally sat in the main seat, and then she asked Xiao Xiao to be on her right and Liu Xu to be on the left.

Yu Zhen's face remained unchanged, but everyone could see that he was not happy.

One person serves the food, and another maid pushes the wine cart over, pouring wine for whoever wants it.

There is no spirits, but low-alcohol alcohol such as beer, champagne and various Portuguese wines.

When the maid poured He Yimei a glass of sweet white wine, Yu Zhen smiled and said, "Yimei, try it, I specially chose this wine for you."

Liu Xu glanced at the bottle of light golden wine, and remembered that he drank it at a meal before, about one hundred thousand bottles.

He Yimei took a sip and said with a smile, "Not bad."

Yu Zhen showed a relaxed look, although He Yimei almost annoyed him just now, but as long as He Yimei likes his wine, this time is not in vain.

Liu Xu glanced at the wine trolley that was pushed over, and found that his wine was not here, vaguely understood Xiao Xiao's kindness, that bottle of wine was mediocre, not as good as Yu Zhen's wine, so it's better not to bring it up.

However, although the wine is ordinary, he has injected a lot of vitality into it.

So, Liu Xu whispered to the maid: "Aunt Sun, can you take the bottle of wine I sent?"

The maid didn't expect Liu Xu to remember her last name once she came, but since the guest asked her not to refuse, she nodded, then opened the red grape wine that Liu Xu gave to He Yimei, brought it over, and poured Liu Xu a glass .

After everyone talked for a while, He Yimei raised the cup containing the white grape wine, scanned the crowd, and finally her eyes fell on Liu Xu's face.

Because she drank a little wine, her face was rosier than usual, her eyes were full of coquettishness, and the majesty of the female county magistrate was only a little bit left, making her look even more feminine.

"Today's first glass of wine, I respect the lovely and handsome Liu Xu. There are some things I can't say, but I want to tell you that now I can sit in the seat of the county magistrate of Qinglong County, completely relying on him! Without him, how could I I'm afraid that Mei will make wounds alone in some corner, instead of joking and laughing with everyone at the birthday party. Come, Liu Xu, my sister toasts you."

Liu Xu really didn't want to be treated as a younger brother by He Yimei, but He Yimei was several years older than him, and it was more intimate to call him that, so he raised his glass and clinked glasses with He Yimei.

He Yimei continued: "No matter what you gave me today, but I want to say that Liu Xu gave me this 'county magistrate', which is the most precious, and none of you can compare."

"Can I understand this sentence as 'you are the most precious'?" Liu Xu smiled to himself.

Everyone smiled and nodded, recognizing Liu Xu's contribution.

When the maid came over to pour the wine, He Yimei thanked herself for taking the bottle, while Liu Xu left her own Portuguese wine on the table, which made people feel bad.

Then, He Yimei raised her glass again and toasted everyone.

Eleven people were drinking and eating, chatting and laughing, Yu Zhen didn't find fault again, Liu Xu didn't make trouble, and the atmosphere finally returned to normal.

Liu Xu's wine is not the best, and in addition, people here choose the wine they usually like to drink, and no one wants to drink his wine. Liu Xu always drinks by himself.

Several people were talking, and He Yimei took on the posture of an official drinking again, held up the white grape wine as white wine, and said to Ni Ni: "Star Ni, I really didn't expect you to come to celebrate my birthday. I am very touched. When you leave, be sure to sign for me, come, I will toast you, future actress."

Ni Ni hurriedly raised her glass and said, "It's my honor to be able to attend the birthday party of County Mayor He."

As he spoke, he drank the wine in the glass with He Yimei.

"What's the county magistrate and the county magistrate, we are all friends here, don't call me the county magistrate, do you hear me?" He Yimei pretended to be unhappy.

"Okay, Sister He." Ni Ni said.

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