"That's good. How is your new movie? Why do you have time to come here? I watched your "Lover" and I really like it." He Yimei said with a smile.

"My father has been ill, and now I do all the things at home. This time I came to Dongjiang to invest in a movie. Zhang Yue and I have been friends for many years, and we are temporarily staying at her house. I heard that you celebrated your birthday. We came together. Because I came in a hurry, I didn’t prepare a birthday present, I hope Sister He will not be angry." Although Ni Ni looks weak, she speaks crisply.

"Well, I heard from Zhang Yue that your father was a shareholder of Huanyu Film and Television City back then, and participated in the investment of "The Lover". After a few days of filming, the heroine had a car accident. You went to visit the set instead of your sick father, and was rejected by the director and the producer. Fancy, in order to avoid your father's investment in vain, you have to rush the duck to the shelves. Who knew that you would become a blockbuster, and you would hit the right track and sweep the Chinese film industry. I have to say that sometimes life is full of surprises." He Yimei sighed softly, watching Glancing at Liu Xu, his eyes were full of gratitude.

Only then did Liu Xu suddenly realize that it was not because Ni Ni was taken care of by the big boss that she became popular.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1461 Don't brag about Master Liu...

Ni Ni sighed softly and said: "Actually, I didn't want to continue acting in movies, but my father is sick and the family situation is getting worse and worse. People in the family say that if I go this way in the future, I will be worth as much as my father in the future." .In fact, I have no management skills, and I was said to have acting talent, so I had to bite the bullet and do this line of work.”

Zhang Yue said with a smile: "Don't listen to what Ni Ni said, in fact, she is very strong in her heart. She heard that last year's most powerful female star earned more than [-] million yuan a year, and she immediately became motivated. Oh, my lovely little Ni Ni , has now completely become a small money fan."

"Where is it?" Ni Ni smiled lightly, not ashamed. Obviously, her weakness is only natural, but her personality is different from her appearance.

Alluring smile, full of brilliance.

"It's so beautiful!" He Yimei couldn't help but say what everyone was thinking.

"Actually, Sister He is pretty. I fell in love with her at first sight. If Sister He was in the entertainment industry, I would quit right away. With you, how can we have a chance to have dinner?" Ni Ni said.

"You can really talk." He Yimei smiled and took a sip of wine, she was very happy to be praised by Ni Ni, a beautiful movie star.

He Yimei likes drinking white grape wine very much. No matter how determined she is, she is still a gluttonous woman, so she drank half a bottle in a while.

Yu Zhen was very happy, and said with a smile: "Yimei, if you like this wine, I will give you a bottle every month from now on."

Although He Yimei didn't know the specific price of this wine, she also knew that it must be very expensive, so she drank it on her birthday today, but when she heard Yu Zhen say that, she didn't want to continue drinking it.

She drank the last of the wine in the glass, changed a glass, grabbed Liu Xu's Pu Tao wine, and poured herself half a glass.

Yu Zhen sighed helplessly, he didn't expect He Yimei to be so stubborn.

He Yimei shook the Portuguese wine in the glass, sniffed it with her nose, showing surprise, and asked: "You are very good at picking wine? The smell of this wine is really good. I have never encountered such a smell. Just let me drink red grape wine."

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but joked: "Sister Yimei, don't brag about Master Liu... I know Master Liu has real skills, but you have been praising him since you came here today. Now you don't even buy a bottle of wine. Play for him, don't you have an idea about him?"


Liu Xu almost spit out.

Some of the other people were talking in low voices, but now they all turned their heads together and looked at He Yimei curiously.

"Damn girl! Dare to arrange me? Believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart?" He Yimei glared at Xiao Xiao, unable to bear the temptation of the aroma of the wine, took a sip of the Portuguese wine, and then slowly tasted it in her mouth.

"It's delicious! It's a hundred times better than the white grape wine I just bought! Liu Xu, you are too bad. You keep such a good wine privately and drink it secretly. No, this is a gift from you, and it belongs to me. Already!" He Yimei finished speaking and put the bottle of Portuguese wine in front of her.

Yu Zhen didn't expect that he was also shot while lying down, and somehow he was outcompeted by Liu Xu.

He didn't want to compete with Liu Xu for a bottle of wine, but he still smiled and said: "Latour 1990 is indeed good, but wine, although it has a reputation, is still worth what you pay for. Of course, maybe Liu Xu The master has a unique vision and chose the best bottle, and I want to taste it when you say that." Yu Zhen asked with a smile: "Yimei, can you give me a cup?"

"I don't give it to anyone, I want to take it home to drink." He Yimei has always been a forceful person, and she can't give it to others when she encounters good things.

Xiao Xiao said desperately, "Besides, I don't believe it! Sister Yimei, just lie to us!"

"I don't care." He Yimei said.

Several other people laughed and watched, feeling that the two sides were joking.

However, He Changxiong came back and said, "Liu Xu, I think you have such a good relationship with the third sister-in-law. Since you know that it's her birthday, it's impossible to send a bottle of wine as a gift. In this wine, is it for me? Was the water the same that day?"

Liu Xu glanced at him, nodded with a smile.

Zhang Yue asked: "Brother Changxiong, what charades are you playing?"

"You don't understand!" After He Changxiong finished speaking, he quickly took an empty cup, stood up and bent down, and handed it to He Yimei.

"Sister-in-law, please tell me a word of conscience. I, He Changxiong, treat you well, right? If you don't even give me a glass of wine, it will really chill me. Sister-in-law, if you don't give me a glass, I will always be like this Hold up... If you think it would be a pity for a handsome guy like me to die, you don't have to give me the wine." He Changxiong said with a playful smile, but everyone could see that he was really greedy for the bottle of wine.

"Don't give me a hippie smile! If you don't give it, you won't give it." He Yimei took another sip, showing a satisfied expression.This wine is full of vitality, it is simply a Shiquan Dabu pill that can cure all diseases, how comfortable it is after drinking it.

"Sister-in-law three, I beg you, give me a drink!" He Changxiong begged bitterly, pretending to wipe his saliva on purpose.

Liu Xu smiled and watched them play.

There was nothing wrong with laughing and playing at the wine table, but He Changxiong was begging, He Yimei hesitated for a moment, and said, "Then I'll pour you a glass, no more, do you hear me?"

"Okay!" He Changxiong said hastily.

He Yimei filled one-third of He Changxiong's glass, and then quickly took back the bottle.

"Ah? Why is it so small?" He Changxiong was not happy.

"Nonsense, who pours so much Portuguese wine? One-third is the standard amount of Portuguese wine!" He Yimei said.

"Okay!" He Changxiong sat back in his seat helplessly, then took a sip of wine, and immediately closed his eyes, his face full of intoxication.

At first everyone thought that He Changxiong and He Yimei were playing around, but now everyone is a little curious and dubious about the bottle of Portuguese wine.

Zhang Yue, who was next to He Changxiong, came closer and sniffed, and said, "This aroma is not right! I have drunk the wine of Chateau Latour, and they all have the aroma of black currant and cedar, but these two aromas of this wine Very light, with a unique fragrance, I have never smelled such a special red wine."

He Changxiong took Putao Wine to his side as a form of protection, and said: "Ordinary wine tasting methods can't touch the soul and essence of Fang's famous wine, and no words can describe the taste of Fang's fine wine."


Chapter 1462 Is this acting as the spirit of eating halberds?

Liu Xu laughed, He Changxiong really knows how to talk nonsense.

On the other side, Xiao Xiao clasped her hands together and begged: "Sister Yimei, please, pour me a glass, no, half a glass, a flat bottom! A flat bottom, right?"

He Yimei hesitated, her intuition told her that this kind of wine was unusual, and if she gave it to others, she would suffer a great loss.

"Yimei, you can't be so stingy, so many good sisters are watching!" A woman older than He Yimei was dissatisfied.

"He Yimei, don't force us to reveal your past embarrassing stories!"

"If you eat alone, you must die!"

Unexpectedly, it would turn out like this, Liu Xu smiled and said: "Sister Yimei, let's divide the remaining half bottle of wine equally! I will give you another bottle in a few days, and it is your favorite white grape wine. Drink enough."

"Really?" He Yimei's eyes were full of joy.

"Really." Liu Xu nodded.

Then He Yimei said: "Come on, pass the cup over, each of you has a cup, use a small cup, if anyone wants to drink after drinking, be careful, I will turn my face."

This bottle of red grape wine is 750ml, and Liu Xu drank nearly [-]ml by himself.

Generally speaking, a large glass of normal Portuguese wine is about 120ml, but He Yimei is not willing to pour too much when seeing the crowds. One person pours about 30ml and can drink it up in two or three sips.

Because there were so many people, there were not many left after the seven people had been poured, so He Yimei poured all the wine into her cup in one go.

"It's gone!" He Yimei said.

Yu Zhen silently put away the wine glass he was holding, with a gloomy face. There were eleven people at the table, and he was the only one who didn't taste the bottle of Portuguese wine.

No one cared about Yu Zhen's resentful expression anymore. They first raised their glasses to observe the color of Putao wine, then smelled it, then swished the glass to let the aroma of the wine radiate, and sniffed again.

Everyone was happy, it was the first time they smelled this kind of wine in their life.

Everyone took a sip, closed their eyes, and let the wine linger on their tongues.

"It's so delicious. I can't describe it. It seems that there is a magical power that unifies all the tastes. When I tasted it for the first time, it was just one taste. As the wine continued to stay on the tongue, those tastes seemed to gradually fade away. Scattered, stimulating the taste buds in an orderly manner, and each taste is so clear and unambiguous." Xiao Xiao praised softly.

"Yes, it really seems that there is a taste or power far higher than wine that is changing this bottle of wine. Normal Portuguese wine will never have this taste." Zhang Yue said.

Ni Ni sighed, "I've never had such a delicious Portuguese wine."

Everyone is full of praise.

"Is it so exaggerated?" Liu Xu chuckled, talking about a stalk that only he understood, "Or...is this acting as the spirit of the halberd eater?

They are not afraid of ignorance, but they are afraid of comparing goods. They all drank their favorite wines, which are the best in the world, but when compared with Liu Xu's wines, they immediately felt a huge gap.

"Believe it now!" He Changxiong had slightly more wine than others, and he sipped happily.

"it's a pity."

A bottle of Portuguese wine that everyone didn't like at first brought the atmosphere to its peak. After drinking Liu Xu's Portuguese wine, they drank their favorite wine, and they immediately felt dull.

It's not a level thing at all.

Then, He Yimei started to cut the cake, Xiao Xiao played tricks, stretched out her hand to spread the cake cream on her face, He Yimei immediately fought back, and then several women began to spread cream on each other, chasing and fighting in the living room, filling the villa with Laughter.

After the quarrel was over, several people took turns going upstairs for a simple cleaning, and then went downstairs to drink tea and chat.

At around [-]:[-], the banquet was in a free state, and everyone dispersed to talk about their own affairs.

Liu Xu listened attentively and realized that Ni Ni was alone on the balcony on the third floor, so he left He Changxiong and walked to the third floor.

Before she got close, Ni Ni turned around, showed a faint smile, and nodded slightly.

Ni Ni is really beautiful, her whole body seems to exude a faint light at any time, attracting people's attention.

Her face is exquisite and indescribable. The long eyelashes make the black and white eyes look like a dream. Whether it is the nose, lips or teeth, they are all flawless, which is completely like the end point of the evolution of female appearance.

Looking at Ni Ni's eyes, Liu Xu couldn't help but compare them. Zhang Zezhen's eyes are as clear as the sky, Gong Xinliang's is more attractive than a vixen and full of desire temptation, and He Yimei's eyes are more beautiful than others. It is a queen-like majesty.

However, Ni Ni's eyes have a kind of power that makes people obsessed. It doesn't involve sex, but is deeply attractive, making people want to look into her eyes forever.

She is still wearing a sleeveless and close-fitting cheongsam at the moment, which best reflects the female body curve.A head of soft long hair hangs behind her back, two white jade-like arms stick to the sides of the cheongsam, the front of the moon is a beautiful arc supported by a standard hemisphere, her lower abdomen is smooth, she stands slightly sideways, the side of the cheongsam with high slits Showing off her beautiful white legs.

Whether it is appearance, dress, or standing posture, Ni Ni is impeccable.

She is not tall, just reaching Liu Xu's chin.

"Master Liu is also an ordinary person." Compared with the first meeting, the melancholy in Ni Ni's eyes is much lighter, and there is more drunken charm and a little bit of playfulness.

"You are so beautiful, whoever sees it is vulgar." Liu Xu did not hide it. It is impossible for any man to meet Ni Ni and not to see her.

"Thank you Master Liu for your compliment." Ni Ni smiled.

Liu Xu cut to the chase and said, "I came up here just to find you, and to tell you a little thing."

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