"What's the matter?" Ni Ni asked curiously.

"During the meal just now, you said that you came to invest in a movie this time, and the money you invested should be between [-] million and [-] to [-] million?" Liu Xu asked.

"The upper limit is [-] million yuan. Nowadays, many movies are jointly invested to diversify risks, whether it is Hollywood or Huaguo." The drunkenness in Ni Ni's eyes disappeared completely, and she became very serious, like a capable professional woman .

"Well, I made a fortune for you just now. Your investment is very likely to fail, and it will have a negative impact on your family."

Ni Ni opened her eyes slightly, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, and asked, "How likely is it?"

"Ninety-nine percent!" Liu Xu said.


Chapter 1463 In fact, I am for your beauty

Ni Ni looked at Liu Xu seriously, and found that he did not have the slightest panic or uneasiness. She sighed softly, turned and walked back to the balcony, leaning on the edge, looking at the night, leaving Liu Xu a graceful back view.

"Everyone knows that my family is a shareholder of Huanyu Film and Television City, but most of my family's assets are real estate that is closely related to the film and television city. Now the higher-ups want to reduce the proportion of costume TV dramas, and the income of the film and television city has been decreasing. Fortunately, the tourism industry is getting more and more developed. There will be no problems. It is a pity that part of the family’s money cannot be recovered, and last year’s two consecutive investments have lost all their money. This time, I am persuading my family to gamble with everything I have. If I lose the bet, I will only I can give up running the family business and concentrate on being an actor."

From Ni Ni's words, Liu Xu heard a deep resentment. Obviously, she didn't want to be a big star, because everyone knew that the entertainment circle looked glamorous, but it was actually not easy to mess with.

If Ni Ni hadn't been the boss of a shareholder of the film and television city, she would have been polluted by the big dye vat of the entertainment industry.

"Since you are putting all your eggs in one basket, then I hope you reconsider this investment." Liu Xu said.

"I have discussed with senior people in the industry. This book is excellent. The director, producer, and most of the actors are above the standard. The key is that Chen Gangsheng, the number one action star in China, participated in the performance, and there are two first-line The rivalry of martial arts stars is equivalent to the fight of three dragons, and it will definitely attract enough audiences." Ni Ni said.

"Brother Chen Gangsheng? He is also the number one Chinese movie star in Hollywood, but his reputation is a little bit bad. He is known as the devil in sex. None of the female stars who have worked with him has escaped his clutches. Of course, his appeal and strength are beyond compare. Lunbi, no one can deny it." Liu Xu once heard rumors about Chen Gangsheng at the wine table, because many of the movies in his head have no boundaries, so the so-called stars in this world are short people who pretend to be tall.

Ni Ni lowered her head with her back to Liu Xu, her body leaned forward slightly, her buttocks were more prominent, raised high, and the soft cheongsam stuck to it, outlining a beautiful curve.

"He has thoughts about me." Ni Ni said softly.

Liu Xu remained silent, but secretly said in his heart, "I also have thoughts about you."

Ni Ni sighed softly, and continued: "I'm an insider, and I know more about him than you. The reason why I hesitated was because I was afraid that after the investment, he would make unreasonable demands. If I didn't agree, he would walk away. Then no one can suppress those two martial arts stars. The two of them have been at odds for a long time. If there is a slight accident, the whole movie will have big problems. He is the big brother in the circle, and no agreement can restrain him, and the agreement It’s too much, and it’s tantamount to forcing him away in advance.”

"You have no other choice?" Liu Xu frowned and said, "Since the risk is uncontrollable, let it go!"

"But I'm not reconciled." Ni Ni said.

"Then when he makes a request, you will either see the investment go to waste, or sell yourself for [-] million, and you will be willing?" Liu Xu asked.

"You..." Ni Ni grabbed the edge of the balcony with both hands, but couldn't find any rebuttal.

"I'll introduce you to an entertainment company. They have a very good script in their hands. If you go to them, just tell them that I introduced you." Liu Xu said.

"Why did you help me?" Ni Ni asked.

"for money."

"Do not believe."

"Okay! I'm actually doing it for your beauty." Liu Xu shrugged and said helplessly.

"I don't believe it." Ni Ni couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Do you want to make this deal?" Liu Xu asked.

Ni Ni turned around slowly, with a grateful smile on her face, like a full moon rising in the house, illuminating the room brightly.

She put her hands on her waist, then bent her knees sideways, and performed a Wanfu salute.

Liu Xu's heart skipped a beat. This ceremony of hers was like Chang'e stepping on the moon, the beauty transcended the mortal world.

"Thank you Master Liu, Ni Ni will always remember your great kindness." Ni Ni looked at Liu Xu with gratitude in her eyes.

"Aren't you afraid that I will harm you?" Liu Xu asked with a smile.

"Even County Magistrate He respects you very much. If you harm me, then Ni Ni will bear it willingly and will never complain." Ni Ni's eyes showed a touch of worry. She was obviously very calm, but it made people feel that she had suffered endless pain. Wronged.

"You're acting in a costume drama next time, right?" Liu Xu couldn't help but say.

"Master Wang Haihan, I've memorized too many lines recently, and I've been affected unknowingly."

Ni Ni couldn't help covering her mouth with her slender jade hand and chuckling, like a beautiful lady walking down from a meticulous painting, which made people's heart skip a beat.

"What a goblin!" Liu Xu couldn't help thinking in his heart, coughed, and said sternly, "You should think about my proposal just now, but if the movie sells well by then, you will sign with that entertainment company."

With a smile in her eyes, Ni Ni raised her chest proudly and said, "Do you know how much the future actress Ms. Ni Ni's endorsement fee is?"

Liu Xu said calmly: "Then do you know how much Master Liu spends to help people with all his strength?"

"I don't believe it's more expensive than my endorsement fee." Ni Ni's eyes were full of confidence, faintly showing the demeanor of an actress.

"Let me do the math. I saved a person, but he gave me half of the property, about [-] million! Do you dare to say that your endorsement fee is higher than mine?" Liu Xu smiled confidently.

"Ah? So many?" Ni Ni opened her mouth in surprise, with a strange light in her eyes.

"If you don't believe me, ask He Changxiong!" Liu Xu said.

"Master Liu, teach me how to make money!" Excitement flashed across Ni Ni's face, she put her hands in front of Yuexiong, clenched a fist with one hand, and wrapped her fist with the other, showing a begging look.

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, recalling Zhang Yue's words just now, and said, "Could it be that you have really become a fan of small money?"

"I have a big family on my shoulders, why don't I want to make money?" Ni Ni said helplessly.

"The person chasing you must be a billionaire?" Liu Xu asked.

Ni Ni suppressed her smile and said slowly but forcefully: "I can sacrifice my career for my family, but I will never sacrifice myself for anyone."

Liu Xu couldn't help looking at Ni Ni again, and suddenly realized that the reason why she became the well-deserved newcomer queen in the film industry was not only her appearance, but also her talent, and perhaps because of her persistence.


Chapter 1464 Big chest and no brains, not a good person

"Yes, good girl, do you want to sign or not? Actually, let me tell you the truth, that company has my shares, and it was a joint venture between me and others. As long as you sign it, I guarantee that you will become popular all over the country and Asia. , Red through the world."

"No wonder you were kind enough to help me tell my fortune. It turns out that this is the real purpose! Well, I just have to read the script. If the script is really as good as you said, and if it can make money, then I, Ni Ni, will sign with your entertainment company." .”

"You subverted a famous saying." Liu Xu praised.

"What famous quote?" Ni Ni asked curiously.

"Yue Xiong has no brains." Liu Xu said.

A look of shame flashed across Ni Ni's face, and she gave Liu Xu a hard look.

"Master Liu is not a good person!" After Ni Ni finished speaking, she walked quickly. She walked gracefully, her waist and hips swayed slowly, and her beautiful legs were exposed, like a woman in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River dancing lightly under the willow branches.

"Oh, God is really unfair. He always likes to put all kinds of beauty on one person. Ni Ni is like this, Zhang Zeling is like this, and He Yimei is like this too." Liu Xu thought to himself.

Liu Xu stood on the balcony, carefully recalling Ni Ni's performance just now.

"I didn't rely on her beauty to seduce people. She just discussed the facts, judged well, and even resolutely promised the terms of the contract. It shows that she has a smart brain under her weak appearance. I made a joke on purpose, and I didn't get angry because of it, which shows that she has a good personality." .And now it’s just to help her, unlike Zhao Liying who is making a newcomer famous, this is a steady investment.” Of course Liu Xu would not admit that when he saw Ni Ni for the first time, he planned to throw her away. Sign in to your own entertainment company.

Liu Xu went downstairs and found that Yu Zhen and a man had left ahead of time, only Liu Xu and He Changxiong were left among the men, and none of the seven women left.

He Yimei has to go back to Qinglong County tomorrow, so she can't play too late, so the birthday party is officially over.

Everyone left one after another. Ni Ni came over and whispered in Liu Xu's ear: "Remember our agreement, you choose the script, I will come to you." After finishing speaking, she turned and left.

The others looked at Liu Xu in surprise, unable to figure out why the two of them were so close suddenly.

He Changxiong came over and asked, "Liu Xu, when did you hook up? I didn't see the two of you together? You can't achieve great feats. A golden cudgel is hidden in the crotch. If you want to be short, you can make it short. If you want to be long, you can grow it. Can you take thousands of virgins from thousands of miles away?"

He drank a lot of wine today, and he didn't keep his mouth shut.

"Don't uglify me, I think you are purely envious and jealous, did you strike up a conversation with her, and she ignored you?" Liu Xu said.

"She is beautiful, but not my type. I like Gao Baimei. Look at her, Baimei is enough, but she is not tall enough. As the name suggests, she looks soft and weak, and she walks beautifully, but It doesn't fit my aesthetics at all!" He Changxiong said.

"You like big ocean horses?"

"Liu Xu who knows me!"

"It seems that sister Yimei is also Gao Baimei, um, it should be Gao Baimei!" Liu Xu said in a low voice.

He Changxiong shook his head hastily: "You think I don't want to, I can't surrender her. When I see her now, I feel guilty. I guess, if you practice your magical skills for another seven or eight years, you can probably compete with her. She Here I go."

Liu Xu turned around and saw He Yimei approaching. She was always dignified and elegant, with a white blouse on her upper body and a black hip-wrapped skirt on her lower body. Her black hair was tied behind her, and she was capable and mature.

"What did you say about me just now?" He Yimei smiled.

"It's nothing, I praise you. I will go to Qinglong County in a few days and bring you the wine." Liu Xu said.

He Yimei hummed, reached out to help Liu Xu organize the short-sleeved shirt, buttoned the second button, and then looked into Liu Xu's eyes.

"On Airport Road that day, you saved my life; this time you reminded me about voting for the National People's Congress, which saved my political life. You know I'm not a mother-in-law, so I won't talk nonsense. In the future, you Just know that I, He Yimei, will help you with everything until there is nothing left."

He Yimei supported Liu Xu's shoulders with both hands, exerting great force. With a faint smile, she was so imposing, like a queen in charge of the world.

Liu Xu stepped forward and gently hugged He Yimei, without desire, just pure gratitude.

"I understand what you mean, don't forget my wine!" He Yimei patted him on the back lightly.

The two separated and looked at each other with a smile.

Watching He Yimei leave, Liu Xu got into the car, while Xiao Xiao ran over and knocked on the window.

"Master Liu, don't forget about our water and the antiques of Zhang Yue's family."

"Don't worry, I'll bring the water tomorrow." Liu Xu said.

Xiao Xiao glanced in the direction where He Yimei left, and said mysteriously: "Master Liu, work harder! Sister Yimei has never been attracted to other men since she was cheated by a boy in junior high school. I've never seen her treat a man like this to you! You work hard and strive to marry a female county magistrate or future female mayor, female governor or even a female leader!"

Liu Xu said curiously: "Tell me about Sister Yimei's first love."

Xiao Xiaoman said indifferently: "That's not considered first love. It's just a handsome, well-educated boy chasing her. She felt that the boy was good, so she was a little tempted. Who knew that this boy was still chasing another girl, and then she was sad. .Later she became an official fan and was single all the time, and you know what happened afterwards! Sister Yimei is so domineering! She is indeed my goddess!"

Liu Xu thought that you were also domineering, so he made an agreement with Xiao Xiao that someone would bring the water tomorrow, and he would come with him, and then go to Zhang Yue's house to help her look at her father's antiques.

It was past nine o'clock when I returned to Azure Cartier by car. When I opened the door, Liu Xu saw Shen Meizhuang, Ran Jing, Guo Haizao and Bai Yanni sitting on the sofa watching TV together.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

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