Chapter 1465 Did Zhang Jingying listen to my advice and join Supergirl?

Liu Xu rarely saw four people watching TV together, and asked with a smile, "What are you watching?"

He said while changing his shoes.

"Unscrupulous man!" Ran Jing said with a mocking tone.

Guo Haizao hurriedly stood up and poured water for Liu Xu.

"Ran Jing, chicken legs can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. How can I feel sorry for you because I haven't moved at all?" Liu Xu put on his shoes and walked in.

"Now that the top eight matches of the Demon City Host Competition are being broadcast live, just today, you say you don't know whether sister Xueqi can enter the top eight! I see through you!" Ran Jing was filled with righteous indignation.

"This program is recorded and broadcast, she has already told me." Liu Xu laughed.

"No spoilers! Don't go on!" Ran Jing immediately objected.

"Xueqi is very good, she must be in the top eight, and even be the champion!" Shen Meizhuang said while picking up grapes.

"Well, I am also optimistic about Sister Xueqi! She is so beautiful, has temperament, and has such a beautiful voice, I wish I could hold her in my arms and talk to me every day." Ran Jing showed a look of intoxication.

Guo Haizao, dressed in a black and white maid outfit, came over and handed water to Liu Xu.

"Brother Liu Xu, why don't you drink, drink a glass of water first." Guo Haizao said with a cute smile.

"Thank you for Niannian." Liu Xu took the water glass and drank it in one gulp.

Guo Haizao was thanked and satisfied. He took the cup and walked back with a blushing face. He held the cup in his hand for a long time before putting it down.

Liu Xu sat on the sofa and watched the host contest with them.

The four of them had no interest in the others at all, as long as Lu Xueqi appeared, they would immediately get excited, either cheering or praising.

After a while, Ran Jing twisted and came to Liu Xu's side, and asked in a low voice: "Landlord, did Miss Xueqi make it to the quarterfinals?"

"Didn't you let me tell the result?" Liu Xu asked her back with a smile.

"I was joking." Ran Jing immediately smiled, looking shameless.

"You will know when the time comes. In fact, the quarterfinals are easy. Whether you can enter the semifinals or even the championship and runner-up is the problem." Liu Xu said.

Shen Meizhuang put Pu Tao into a small bowl, handed it to Liu Xu, and said: "There are too many problems in the provincial competition. It is already good for Xueqi to enter the quarter-finals. Going up, personal strength only accounts for [-]%, and the backstage background is the only one." It's the most important thing. Of course, unless the strength is very strong, that's another matter. I think Xueqi is obviously better than them, but she is mainly strong in the two natural conditions of appearance and voice. In other aspects, she is quite satisfactory. Simple, unlike those people who are provocative and show off. But she reads a lot, and she often has a flash of inspiration and says something impressive, which is the key to determining how far she can go."

"Xueqi's dream is to be in the top eight, and tomorrow she will be in the top four. She said that she has no hope, as long as she works hard and is worthy of herself and the audience," Liu Xu said.

Liu Xu had to admit that Shen Meizhuang's judgment was very accurate. Lu Xueqi said in private that she would not be as sensational as other participating hosts. Others said that her family was miserable, she had dreams since she was a child, and she struggled for so and so. Lu Xueqi never Don't say, just say that I like being a host.

Ran Jing immediately said: "Nonsense! Sister Xueqi is definitely the champion! If she can't become the champion, I will go to the TV station the next day and put up a banner to expose their shady activities."

"It's Xueqi's turn to show off her talent, shut up and listen to the song!" Liu Xu said.

Ran Jing shut her mouth obediently.

Lu Xueqi sang an old song "Question" composed by Li Zongsheng, originally sung by Chen Shuhua, and later sung by Liang Jingru.

"Who makes your heart beat, who makes your heart ache, who makes you want to hold him in your arms occasionally..."

Whether it was the scene on TV or the living room of the villa, there was silence, and everyone was attracted by Lu Xueqi's voice.

It was the first time Liu Xu heard Lu Xueqi sing, and he didn't expect that Lu Xueqi could sing so well. The heavenly voice reinterpreted this melancholy song.

Liang Jingru's "Ask" is like a mature woman looking back on her life, while Lu Xueqi's "Ask" is more like an innocent girl's imagination of the future.

"...But a woman, love is her soul, she can dedicate her whole life to the one she loves."

Lu Xueqi on the TV slowly put down the microphone, her face was slightly coquettish, shy, expectant and worried.

After a brief pause, there was stormy applause.

The camera on the TV flashed across the audience, whether it was the audience, the judges, or even some staff members were applauding, which was far louder than the applause of any host before.

In the end, the camera gave a close-up, and Lu Xueqi showed a happy smile, pure and beautiful.

Except for Liu Xu, the four women in the living room applauded together.

"Sister Xueqi is awesome! I will be a fan of Sister Xueqi from now on! It sounds so good!" Ran Jing clapped her hands red excitedly.

A female judge on TV laughed and said: "The audience who watched this year's "Magic City Host Contest" are definitely the luckiest people, because we were watching the final scene of "Super Girl" at the same time just now."

"So you said that you took the advertising fee of "Super Girl"?" Another judge joked.

"Oh, I made a mistake. If I recommend Lu Xueqi to the "Super Girl" crew, I will definitely get a huge commission, because Lu Xueqi can greatly increase the ratings of Good Voice."

"Director, cut this paragraph quickly, there is a traitor among us!"

The audience burst into laughter.

"Is Supergirl on?"

Liu Xu vaguely remembered that after he seemed to have slept with Zhang Jingying, he asked her to join Supergirl when he left. I don't know if she listened to him.

After watching the host competition, Liu Xu went outside and called Lu Xueqi, saying that he had watched her match, and chatted for a while.

Liu Xu went back to the room and fell asleep, but when he opened his eyes, he found that he had time-traveled.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1466 Wing Chun, Ip Man

When he woke up, Liu Xu found that he had time-traveled, but he was not surprised at all, because...

Already used to it!

Liu Xu sat up and saw that he was lying on an old bed.

He sat up, looked around, and found himself in a small room, where all kinds of messy old things were placed in a mess, which was enough to fully demonstrate the poverty and laziness of the owner.

At this time, Liu Xu received some information in his mind. He was a hard worker at the Hong Kong dock. He saw Hong Quan and Wing Chun fighting each other in a gang fight, so he decided to learn Hong Quan.

"It seems that I have traveled to Ip Man's world... What kind of Hong Quan is I learning! In Ip Man's world, of course I want to hug Ip Man's thighs!"

Liu Xu made up his mind to find Ye Wen to learn Wing Chun.

He simply tidied up his room, and found that he was really poor now, he was so poor.

There was only a change of clothes full of patches, and there was no reserve at home. After rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, I didn't have a dime, but I found a few rotten buns.

Well, Liu Xu has completely given up any hope for his identity, so let's go out for a stroll!

Liu Xu walked alone on the street, slowly looking for the rooftop where Ye Wen taught Wing Chun.

Finally, after going through mountains and rivers for a while, Liu Xu finally found the building in the movie in his memory.

After all, Ye Wen hadn't made a name for himself at this time, so it was not easy to find him.

"Hey! You! It's you! What are you doing!? Why are you so sneaky!?"

Liu Xu was standing in front of this building to check carefully to see if Ye Wen was giving punches here, when he suddenly heard someone shouting from the side.

Liu Xu looked back, and it turned out to be a middle-aged aunt.


Liu Xu had some impressions of her as a character in the movie. He couldn't pronounce her name, but he knew he had found the right place.

Immediately waving his hand, Liu Xu explained: "Auntie, you misunderstood. I heard that there is a master named Ye Wen who opens a martial arts gym here to teach boxing. I came here because of his reputation."

After listening to Liu Xu's explanation, the auntie said with a smile, "So I'm looking for Master Ye, okay, Master Ye is upstairs, come with me!"

Liu Xu followed the aunt upstairs, and when she was far away, the aunt yelled: "Master Ye, someone is looking for him. He is here to learn from the teacher. Come out and have a look!"

Following the voice, a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese-style black-gray robe and exuding a sense of elegance came out from the back room. But if you observe yourself, you will find that this middle-aged man reveals an air of demeanor , an air of a master.

Liu Xu took a closer look, and saw that Ye Wen looked like Zhen Bullet, but the energy and spirit of his whole body was a few blocks away from Zhen Bullet.

Ye Wen stepped forward, cupped his fists and saluted, "Thank you, Aunt Wang. Is this little brother wanting to learn from you? This is Wing Chun, Ye Wen."

Seeing this, Liu Xu would not let go of this good opportunity to complete the task, so he hurriedly bowed to him, "Master, disciple Liu Xu, I'm here to pay homage to my teacher." As he said that, he was about to pay homage to his teacher.

Ye Wen quickly helped Liu Xu up, and said politely: "No need to kowtow, no need to kowtow, I just open a martial arts gym, just be a boxer, no need to kowtow."

Of course he didn't really want to kowtow, so Liu Xu got up and stood behind Ye Wen obediently.

Seeing Ye Wen, he nodded with satisfaction, and then thanked Aunt Wang: "Thank you, Aunt Wang, I will definitely bring my wife to the door to thank you some other day."

Aunt Wang saw that Ye Wen knew her goodness, so she didn't stay for long, and after being polite to Ye Wen several times, she said goodbye and left.


On the roof terrace.

Ye Wen sat on a chair, and after drinking the apprenticeship tea brought by Liu Xujing, he pulled Liu Xu to sit down and asked, "Ah Xu, I have just come to Hong Kong for a few days as a teacher, although I opened a martial arts gym , but it seems that you haven't made a name yet, how could you think of coming to worship me as a teacher?"

Liu Xu thought: "Can I tell your brother is your fan?"

He said solemnly: "Master, I have also stayed in Foshan before, and I have heard of Master's name long ago, but didn't I meet this damned little devil? I fled to Hong Kong. I heard rumors a few days ago, There is a master surnamed Ye who teaches Wing Chun here, and he intends to see if it is you. No, when I saw it was really you, I immediately became a teacher."

After hearing Liu Xu's explanation, Ye Wen understood, so he didn't ask any more questions. In this day and age, it's hard for everyone.

What's more, Ip Man just arrived in Hong Kong, the economy is difficult, and he really needs money.

However, Ye Wen didn't know that Liu Xu was actually poorer than him.

Immediately, he began to pull Liu Xu up, and began to point out some basics of Liu Xu's Wing Chun.

After training for a whole morning, Liu Xu was about to say goodbye and leave. He happened to see Ye Wen's hesitant expression towards him, and he knew that it was Ye Wen who wanted to charge him some tuition fees, but he didn't have any now!

Immediately, Liu Xu shyly said: "Master, the apprentice came out in a hurry today and did not bring any money with him. Tomorrow, the apprentice must bring the tuition fee."

Seeing that Liu Xu expressed his intentions, Ye Wen was a little embarrassed, but he didn't refuse, after all, he also needed money now, so he persuaded him immediately: "It's okay, it's okay, there's no rush right now, you have to practice hard when you go back." Fist, I will test you again tomorrow."


Liu Xu walked out of Ip Man's martial arts gym. In fact, his physical fitness is there. Basically, after watching Ye Man fight Wing Chun once, he can follow the example.

In other words, Liu Xu didn't need to come to Ye Wen tomorrow at all, his current skill was no less than Ye Wen's.

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