However, he is certainly not someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, and tuition fees still have to be paid.

Liu Xu started to walk on the street, observing the target while walking.

Yes, he was going to rob.

In this period of Hong Kong, fish and dragons were mixed together and the atmosphere was smoky. The targets Liu Xu was going to rob were foreigners. Those foreigners who occupied Hong Kong, Liu Xu did not have any psychological burden when he robbed them.


Chapter 1467 Please advise

Liu Xu said that there was no pressure at all to rob foreigners.

Liu Xu walked for several blocks, but couldn't find a suitable target, and felt a little annoyed.

Suddenly, Liu Xu spotted a foreigner in a suit and leather shoes in the distance, who was drunkenly waving goodbye to Yifeng on the first floor. He rubbed his chin and smiled wickedly.

"You are the one."

Liu Xu followed this drunken foreigner carefully, for fear of being noticed his intentions.

It wasn't until the foreigner turned into an alley that Liu Xu quickly stepped forward, stood at the entrance of the alley, looked around, and found that no one was paying attention, then took out a rag from his pocket, covered his face, Swaggeringly followed in.

"Hey hey, Mary, I'll come back to you next time, you made me very comfortable, don't worry, I have plenty of money, hey hey..."

The foreigner was completely drunk, and now he didn't know that he had gone the wrong way, and he would be robbed next, and he was still muttering about his own deeds in a daze.

Liu Xu stepped forward, patted the foreigner on the shoulder, and said, "Sir, sir, how are you? Can you help me?"

The foreigner opened his blurred eyes, looked at Liu Xu, and said with his tongue out, "You...who are you? You want me...what do you want me for?"

Seeing the state of this foreigner, Liu Xu chuckled in his heart, even God was helping me, and said: "Sir, I don't know you, but I need your help."

The foreigner waved his hand impatiently and said: "It turned out to be a yellow-skinned monkey, get out of here, I hate yellow-skinned monkeys the most."

Liu Xu was furious when he heard the foreigner's words: "Damn, I wanted to be polite and rob you, but now you dare to insult me, you are finished."

Thinking about it, he just punched the foreigner in the face with a straight fist, and cursed: "Why so much nonsense, how dare you engage in racial discrimination, robbery, and hand over all valuables on your body, or else it will be useless you."

The foreigner was punched, and immediately sobered up, and shouted, "Damn it, you yellow-skinned monkey, you dare to hit me. Do you know who I am? I want you to arrest you and torture you severely." you."

After hearing this, Liu Xu kicked the foreigner to the ground, cursing and saying, "Damn it, you still dare to be so arrogant at this time, and you dare to be so arrogant in our Chinese territory. I think you are alive!" Getting impatient."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and punched and kicked the foreigner.

"I dare not, please forgive me, I dare not, please forgive me!"

Liu Xu ignored the foreigner's yelling, until he knocked the foreigner unconscious before giving up.

I rummaged through the foreigner's pockets and took out a bulging wallet. Hey, it's really good, with hundreds of pounds and thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Thank you for this era without credit cards, otherwise you wouldn't be able to get so much money!

The next day, Liu Xu took the money from the robbery and paid the tuition fee. Now, Ye Wen became more energetic in teaching boxing.

Don't underestimate the money that Liu Xu robbed, the current Hong Kong is not like the future generations, the current Hong Kong dollars and British pounds are very valuable, the money Liu Xu robbed is enough for Liu Xu to live comfortably for a few months up.

In the next few days, every afternoon Liu Xu would come to Ye Wen to learn boxing.

Although Liu Xu has mastered Wing Chun now, the difference is only actual combat experience, but for the normal development of the plot, he still has to stay by Ye Wen's side.

Liu Xu didn't reveal his strength, so he could only carefully hide his strength, revealing it a little every day, step by step.

But it was this exposed point that made Ye Wen feel Liu Xu's rapid progress, and shouted that he is a martial arts wizard, and he should have learned boxing from him long ago.

Liu Xu can't always say: "I'm not that good at all, I'm not a martial arts prodigy, these are all thanks to the protagonist's halo!"

Today, in the evening, the twilight is approaching.

After a day of practice, Liu Xu was about to say goodbye and leave when suddenly a young and energetic young man rushed in.

Liu Xu took a closer look and immediately realized that this was Huangliang, and the plot really started.

"Which of you two is Ye Wen?" Huang Liang stood at the stairs and asked provocatively.

Seeing him, Ye Wen stopped Liu Xu, who wanted to go forward, and clasped his fists and said, "I'm Ye Wen next to you, what can I ask this little brother for?"

Huang Liang rubbed his nose, and continued to be provocative: "I have long heard that a man named Ye Wen opened a gym here to teach boxing, but you want to teach boxing here, have you asked me?"

Now Liu Xu quit. Although he only knew Ye Wen for a few days, he felt Ye Wen's love for him very much, and said immediately: "I said you boy, why are you talking so much nonsense, are you here to kick the hall?" Yes!"

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Huang Liang nodded immediately and said, "That's right, I have never heard of Wing Chun. If you want to open a museum here to teach boxing, you must first ask about my fist. If you are an embroidered pillow, I will I advise you to close this place as soon as possible, get out of here quickly, and don't bring shame on yourself."

After hearing Huang Liang's words, Ye Wen wanted to persuade him a few more words, but was stopped by Liu Xu.

"Master, let me do it! To deal with this kind of person, you have to subdue him. We martial arts practitioners always want our subordinates to see the truth."

After listening to Liu Xu's words, Ye Wen also knew that this was the case, so he didn't stop him now, but only opened his mouth to persuade him to keep to the point.

Liu Xu stepped forward, put on a posture, and said, "Come on, Wing Chun, Liu Xu, please advise."

"What Wing Chun boxing, I have never heard of it, here I come."

As he said that, Huang Liang rushed forward with a combination of punches in a set of Western boxing.

What kind of character is Liu Xu? He travels across all planes and is just a yellow beam...

Although the dragon is now trapped in shallow water and has sealed [-]% of his abilities, he is proficient in Wing Chun, so his martial arts are not comparable to Huang Liang, so the result is self-evident.

Liu Xu just dodged his foot and dodged Huang Liang's fist, followed by a series of close-up quick bunts, followed by another kick, and kicked Huang Liang flying.

Huang Liang fell to the ground and wiped his face. It was unbelievable, but his character was also resolute. He immediately got up and rushed up again.

Chapter 1468 Eldest brother, it's not good...

Finally, after Huang Liang was beaten flying by Liu Xu for the third time, he became impatient and said, "Okay, kid, it's almost done, if you don't know what to do, I'm going to hit hard."

As he spoke, he picked up a bamboo pole for drying clothes on the ground, and chopped it off with a hand knife.

Seeing this, Huang Liang knew that Liu Xu had shown mercy just now, and felt that he was a master, so he stopped getting up and knelt down on the ground.

"I implore Master Ye to accept me as an apprentice."

With that said, he bowed down.

Seeing this, Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders, and hurriedly stepped aside. Now is the time of Ip Man's protagonist, so he can't steal the limelight.

Sneak into the village secretly, not those who shoot.

Then, it was Ye Wen who checked the school and accepted Huang Liang.

Because, Ye Wen needs money!

Liu Xu can get money, but he can't pay the tuition fees of several people by himself!

If Ye Wen asked where the money came from?

Liu Xu can't say that he came here to rob foreigners!

If that's the case, Ip Man will definitely clean up the house.

Huang Liang also paid homage to Liu Xu, a big brother, and everyone was very happy.


In the next few days, Huang Liang brought a few brothers who had learned boxing with him, and they worshiped Ye Wen as their teachers together.

As for Liu Xu, he still came to Ye Wen to practice here for an afternoon every day, and occasionally bought some supplements for Ye Wen.

At the beginning, Ye Wen was determined not to accept it, but Liu Xu used the excuse that his teacher Zhang Yongcheng was pregnant, so he wanted to give it away no matter what.

Ye Wen thought about it for a while, and had no choice but to agree, but he worked hard to teach Liu Xu. It can be said that he taught Liu Xu everything, and he naturally benefited a lot.

What else does Liu Xu do besides coming to Ye Wen's place every day?

Of course, it is to continue the great work of looting and looting.

Ever since Liu Xu tasted the sweetness of robbing foreigners, he was out of control and committed crimes one after another for several days.

It wasn't until one day that he realized something was wrong and realized that it was a trap to lure him, so he stopped doing it, but this also allowed Liu Xu to accumulate tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

But Liu Xu didn't know that it was he who made these few cases that hurt Chinese Inspector Fei Bo.

Since several incidents of robbing foreigners happened one after another, the chief ghost boss of this Chinese inspector gave him a death order, and he must solve the case, otherwise he, the Chinese inspector, would not have to do it.

Later, it was Feibo who handed over all the money he had embezzled in the past few years, and only then did he keep his current position.

But even if Liu Xu knew about it, he would just laugh it off, at worst, he would replace the target of robbery with bad guys and scum, and it would be Fei Bo who was scolded in the end.


On this day, after lunch, Liu Xu was strolling slowly towards Ye Wen's rooftop martial arts gym, when suddenly a little brother of his came running over in a panic.

"Eldest brother, it's not good!"

"Why is this line so familiar?"

"Eldest brother, it's not good."

"Are you going to say that the master was captured by a monster?"

"No, no, yes... yes..."

"Slow down, what's the point of being in a panic, stand still first, and then talk about what's going on?" Liu Xu immediately reprimanded the little junior when he saw his flustered look.

"Brother, something really happened. The master and the second brother were arrested by the police. Now let's go to the police station to redeem them! But we don't have any money now, what should we do?"

"Police station? As long as it wasn't captured by a monster." Liu Xu felt that he waved his hand to stop the junior brother's words, and said, "Don't panic, did you tell the teacher's wife?"

"Not yet, we don't dare, the teacher's wife is pregnant, so she can't be stimulated!"

"Well, that's right, leave the rest to me, and I can still afford the money. Hurry up and report the letter, don't let the brothers and sisters alarm the teacher's wife, I will go to the police station to rescue the master first Come out and talk. Okay, don’t panic, there is a senior brother for everything!"

Liu Xu reprimanded the little junior again, and when he saw that he had regained his composure, he immediately told him to go back, and he also went to the police station.


police station.

"Ah Xu, I'm going to trouble you again this time." Ye Wen was very embarrassed.

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