"Yes, big brother, thanks to you this time." Huang Liang also thanked beside him.

"It turns out that this little brother is Master Ye's big disciple. He really is a young man born from a hero. If you know him, you can look for him in Xiajinshan." A man with a yellowish appearance next to him said politely.

"Master, I am your great disciple of Kaishan, why are you alienating me like this? This is what a disciple should do. Cough cough, let's go back quickly, we haven't alarmed the teacher's wife, before the teacher is not aware of it, go back quickly! "

Ever since Liu Xu rescued Ye Wen and Huang Liang from the police station, Ye Wen devoted himself even more to teaching Liu Xu, and taught him all the unique skills of Wing Chun, as if he had taught Liu Xu as his direct disciple.

Although Liu Xu has completely mastered Wing Chun, but the stones of other mountains can attack jade, not to mention Ye Wen, the master of Wing Chun, who taught him personally, so Liu Xu also feels his own Wing Chun these days Punches have improved again.

After Liu Xu rescued Huang Liang, he established his majesty among his juniors.

In the past, all the juniors only admired Liu Xu's skills, but now they worship him as his own elder brother.

Of course, Liu Xu's greatest achievement is getting acquainted with Jinshan Zhao.


Because Liu Xu was with Ye Wen, he had to hide his strength every time he practiced, and he seemed restrained, for fear that one of them would show his flaws, which would arouse Ye Wen's suspicion and cause a gap between the two of them.

But don't be afraid of facing Jinshan, Jinshan is a master in itself, such a good opponent, Ye Wen and Liu Xu may let it go.

Therefore, after getting acquainted with Jinshanzhao, every day Liu Xu came back from practice with Ye Wen, he would discuss with him to increase his actual combat experience.


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Chapter 1469 Rescue Hong Zhennan with a stick of incense contest

In this way, another month passed.

During this period, Ye Wen followed the rules and participated in the "Yixiang Contest" in the Hong Kong martial arts circle, and obtained the permission to open a gymnasium to accept disciples.

However, Ip Man believed that Hong Kong Martial Arts Association's forced collection of membership fees was tantamount to extortion. He asserted that he refused to pay the membership dues to the Wushu Association.

This is not the worst consequence.

Later, one day, when Hong Zhennan was having breakfast with his family at the fish farm, he suddenly saw "A Stick of Incense Contest" serialized in a leaflet with pictures and text.

Hung Fist was written to be on par with Wing Chun, and it was sold out as soon as it was published in newspapers, and the whole town was buzzing.

Hong Zhennan felt resentful, so he ordered his apprentice Zheng Weiji to disrupt Ip Man's rooftop martial arts gym.

Ip Man's good friend Liang Gen couldn't bear the pressure from the neighbors, so he had no choice but to ask Ip Man to move out of the rooftop.

When everyone was sad, Ye Wen asked Liu Xu and others to move the wooden dummy back home, and decided to continue teaching Wing Chun in the community.

After this incident, Liu Xu wanted to help Ye Wen buy a venue to start a martial arts gym, but after asking, he found out that although the prices in Hong Kong are not as high as in later generations, he wanted to buy a venue for starting a martial arts gym. The venue costs at least a hundred thousand.

Liu Xu's tens of thousands of yuan is not enough at all, and if he wants to rent the venue, and because Ye Wen offended the Hong Kong martial arts circle, no one would dare to rent it to Ye Wen and his party.

In desperation, even if Liu Xu could fight, he couldn't rob a bank in this world where Taoism, magical powers and superpowers were restricted.

Therefore, Liu Xu had no choice but to double buy things for Ye Wen's family, because no matter how poor Ye Wen was, he still had the integrity of a warrior, and he was determined not to accept Liu Xu's money.

The next best thing, Liu Xu had no choice but to go to Ye Wen's house to buy some food and daily necessities to improve the living conditions of Ye Wen's family.

Now, Ye Wen had no reason to refuse, and his wife was pregnant, so he really needed these things, so he accepted them.

In this way, Ye Wen's family also completely regarded Liu Xu as their own family, and Ye Wen's wife Zhang Yongcheng even regarded him as his own son. The first time I taught him to stay away from home.


On this day, Ye Wen called Liu Xu and asked him to take a few juniors to watch a Western boxing match with him.

In the arena, Tornado was in a brave state, defeated his opponents, and finally took off the throne of Western boxing champion.

After the competition, Hong Zhennan's apprentice Zheng Weiji and other juniors performed routines on stage to celebrate.

Tornado felt that Chinese martial arts are extremely child's play, so he went on stage to tease Zheng Weiji and others, which caused dissatisfaction among all the Chinese martial arts masters in the audience, and rushed to the ring to help.

Hong Zhennan repeatedly wanted to rush to the ring, but was stopped by Superintendent Fei Bo and Yang.

But seeing that the crowd was invincible, he and Ip Man came to the stage to dissuade him. After being hit, the tornado fought back angrily with his fists.

Huang Liang was punched until he fell off the stage and fell unconscious.

Ye Wen and Liu Xu saw each other, and hurried forward to check Huang Liang's injuries.

Hong Zhennan was so angry that he wanted Tornado to apologize in public, but Tornado didn't care, and refused to apologize to the loser, unless Master Hong could defeat him, and boasted three punches to kill Hong Zhennan.

Hong Zhennan took up the challenge resolutely. Although he was old and weak, he still fought to the end.

Boxing champion Tornado saw that he could not stop fighting for a long time, and the more he fought, the more he fought, but Hong Zhennan gradually lost his strength because of his old age and asthma, and everyone was worried about him.

Seeing that Hong Zhennan was seriously injured, Ye Wen wanted to throw down the white towel and surrender for him, but was blocked by Hong Zhennan.

Hong Zhennan gasped and said, "For the sake of living, I can bear it; however, I can't bear it when they insult Chinese martial arts."

Seeing this, Ye Wen didn't want to say anything, he could only watch Hong Zhennan charge into the ring again.

Liu Xu looked at Hong Zhennan as in the original plot, and was forced to be hit hard by the tornado. He sighed in his heart. To be honest, he didn't like Hong Zhennan very much, because after watching the movie, Liu Xu From the bottom of my heart, I think Hong Zhennan is not a good person.

Because when Hong Zhennan first appeared on the stage, he had always been the role of oppressing Ip Man, and later it was revealed that Hong Zhennan was a foreigner's thug, which made Liu Xu even more resentful.

Although Hong Zhennan completed self-salvation later, it only made Liu Xu no longer have bad feelings for him, but he also has no good feelings.

But now, seeing that Hong Zhennan was about to be beaten to death by a tornado just like in the original plot, how could Liu Xu see it.

After these few months of life, Liu Xu deeply felt the sadness of the life of Chinese in Hong Kong in this era.

Hateful people must be pitiful. If Liu Xu himself was born in this era, he might not have done better than Hong Zhennan in order to make a living. What's more, now that Hong Zhennan has completed self-salvation, how could Liu Xu stand by? Watching Hong Zhennan being beaten to death?

Immediately, Liu Xu jumped onto the ring with a white towel, kicked the tornado away, threw the white towel on the ring, and shouted: "Enough, we surrender."

When Hong Zhennan saw this, how could he just admit defeat, struggling to get up, Liu Xu quickly stepped forward to help him: "Master Hong, that's enough, you've done enough. I'm sorry for Master Hong's performance this time, the previous grievances, On behalf of my master, I, Liu Xu, have decided that we will write it off once, and let's see mine next!"

After listening to Liu Xu's persuasion, Hong Zhennan let go of the breath he was holding in his heart, and immediately passed out.

Seeing this, Liu Xu hurriedly carried Hong Zhennan off the ring and handed it over to his disciples, but he came to Ye Wen's side to plead guilty: "Master, this disciple is reckless this time, and I mentioned that Master has made a decision without authorization, please Master punishes. However, apprentice promises that if Hong Zhennan comes to trouble us again, apprentice will never let him go."


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Chapter 1470

Ye Wen waved his hand, shook his head and said, "You've done a good job. Besides, I've settled the feud with Master Hong. It's better to resolve the enemy than to end it! As martial arts practitioners, although we practice martial arts, we must be kind and gentle. live in harmony with others.”

"White-skinned monkeys, do you still dare to come to the stage? I knew that you yellow-skinned monkeys can't do it, bah!"

Liu Xu was about to continue talking to Ye Wen, when the provocative sound of a tornado came from his ear.

Both Ye Wen and Liu Xu were furious. Ye Wen was about to come on stage, but Liu Xu held him back.

"The master has something to do, and the disciple will do his best, so let me go! Besides, when I fail, the master will step in. We can't lose our status, can't we?"

Ye Wen wanted to dissuade him again, but when he saw Liu Xu's firm eyes, he knew that he couldn't stop him, so he had no choice but to nod in agreement, and after saying carefully, he stopped talking.

Liu Xu jumped onto the ring and challenged the tornado: "Ghost, don't be complacent, let the young master come and meet you."

Seeing the tornado, another yellow-skinned monkey jumped up, and it was the one that kicked him. He was so angry that he was about to rush up to finish Liu Xu.

"Wait!" Liu Xu waved his hand to signal a pause.

"What? Yellow-skinned monkey, are you afraid? Let me tell you, it's useless. Once you get into the arena, it's not that simple if you think about it. Let me beat you to death in the arena!"

After hearing this, Liu Xu shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm scared, ghost, but that I think our current arena is too childish. In this way, I won't take advantage of you. The two of us will sign a life-and-death certificate, and we will meet again in three days. There is a life-and-death battle in the arena, and only one side can die, how about that? Dare you?"

"Hmph, yellow-skinned monkey, why don't I dare, just wait to die!" Tornado was furious, and agreed without thinking, "In three days, I will beat you to death one by one! "

The news spread that Liu Xu and Tornado were going to have a life-and-death battle, which directly caused an uproar.

On the first day after the appointment, Ye Wen's home.

"Ah Xu, you are too impulsive, you shouldn't be so impulsive, how can you make a life-and-death battle with someone casually!" Ye Wen sat on the chair and looked at Liu Xu quietly, his face was full of Worried look.

"Master, don't worry, I'm sure." Liu Xu didn't take it seriously in his heart, he couldn't tell Ye Wen, Master, your apprentice is already out of blue!

After listening to his answer, Ye Wen shook his head. Based on his understanding of this apprentice, he knew that he would not be able to persuade Liu Xu.

"Well, you are also an adult, and I can't force you to do anything. How about this, you and I will go to the hospital to see Master Hong in a while, and then in the next few days, I will be your training partner in person, If you don't get my approval, even if you are ashamed and ridiculed by the world, as a teacher, you will not let you fight to the death."

After listening to Ye Wen's words, Liu Xu felt the deep love and determination contained in Ye Wen's words, wanted to be moved, and immediately nodded in agreement.


Hong Kong public hospitals.

Ye Wen brought Liu Xu and Huang Liang, who had recovered, to the Hong Kong public hospital to visit Hong Zhennan.

At this time, Hong Zhennan was no longer as vigorous as before, and now he was just a very old man.

Ye Wen took two apprentices, Liu Xu and Huang Liang, and pushed open the door of Hong Zhennan's ward. Seeing only Hong Zhennan lying on the hospital bed, he immediately said, "Master Hong, I brought my two inferiors with me. The apprentice came to see you. Master Hong, how is your recovery? Do you feel better?"

Hong Zhennan saw that it was Ye Wen who came to see him, and immediately struggled to get up, Ye Wen hurried forward to stop him.

"Master Hong, you don't need to do this, your body is important, your body is important."

Seeing this, Hong Zhennan no longer persisted, but said decadently: "Oh, I'm still old, but Master Ye laughed at me. I'm recovering well now, I can't die, but I won't be able to use force in the future. Thank you, Master Ye, for watching My former enemy!"

Ye Wen was sitting by the hospital bed, and after listening to Hong Zhennan's words, he quickly stood up and said, "Master Hong, you are being polite, and we don't know each other. Besides, this time, Master Hong really showed the prestige of our countrymen. Ye Wen is very happy." It’s admiration, Master Hong is still a hero.”

Hong Zhennan knew that Ye Wen was complimenting him, but he still had a look on his face, but when he thought that he was defeated after all, if Liu Xu hadn't rescued him in time, he would have really confessed to being in that ring, and he felt depressed for a while.

"Master Ye, don't put gold on my face. I know my weight. If I lose, I lose. I have nothing to say. This time I really want to thank your apprentice, Liu Xu, right? Thank you for your kindness, I owe you my life this time."

After hearing this, Ye Wen persuaded Hong Zhennan again and again: "Master Hong, you are being polite. These are what bad guys should do. We are all Chinese. In this place ruled by foreigners, we should unite and help each other. It’s all about making a living, and living is not easy.”

Liu Xu nodded again and again, saying that Hong Zhennan didn't need to be so polite.

Hong Zhennan immediately apologized and said: "Master Ye, it was Hong who made a mistake in the past, and he offended me so much. I implore Master Ye to forgive me."

Ye Wen waved his hands again and again and said, "What did Master Hong say? It's better to resolve the enemy than to end it. Ye Mou has long since ignored it. Besides, the villain said yesterday that our grievances have been written off."

After hearing this, Hong Zhennan laughed loudly: "Master Ye is so gracious, he smiles when he meets each other, and Hong admires it! Admires him!"

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