Hong Zhennan talked to Ye Wen again, then changed the subject and said to Liu Xu: "My friend Liu Xu, Mr. Hong heard that you signed a life-and-death contract with that foreigner Tornado, and plan to have a life-and-death competition, how about it? Are you sure? ?”

Liu Xu stood aside and said politely: "Master Hong, don't worry, the boy is still a little sure. Hmph, these ghosts dare to be so arrogant in our Chinese territory. This time, the boy will beat him until he even recognizes his mother." not come out."

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Ye Wen and Hong Zhennan all burst into laughter, even Huang Liang held back, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, his face flushed.


Chapter 1471 Hit so hard that even Tamar can't recognize it

Hong Zhennan finished laughing, and said loudly: "Okay, what a hitter even Tamar can't recognize, we martial arts people should have such arrogance. What a hero! Master Ye, congratulations, you have a successor!" .”

Ye Wen was polite from the side, saying that Liu Xu was still far behind.

Suddenly, Hong Zhennan changed the subject, frowned and said to Liu Xu: "My little friend Liu Xu, Mr. Hong still has a worry. It's not because Mr. Hong wants others to destroy his prestige. He is really a foreigner in this three-acre land in Hong Kong." In this world, it would be fine if it was an ordinary defeat. But in this life-and-death competition, if my friend really beat that foreigner to death, it will be difficult in the future!"

Hong Zhennan's words caused a moment of silence among Ye Wen and the others.

Seeing that the atmosphere turned cold, Liu Xu had no choice but to persuade: "Master, Master Hong, you two don't have to worry, I have a plan. Also, after this life-and-death fight, I plan to leave Hong Kong."

When Ye Wen heard that Liu Xu was going to leave Hong Kong, he became anxious for a while. He took Liu Xu as a successor, so he hurriedly asked: "A Xu, what's going on? Why did you think of leaving Hong Kong? We don't care about that life and death competition." Don’t worry if you get hit, with Master supporting you, no one will do anything to you.”

Huang Liang next to him also said anxiously: "Yes, senior brother, we have so many senior brothers, how could we be afraid of those ghosts!"

Liu Xu knew that Ye Wen was concerned about himself, so he quickly explained: "Master, it's not what you think. Master, you know that I fled from the mainland. Now the war over there is over, and New China has become a reality." I'm done, I plan to go back to the mainland to look for my relatives. I think that I will not come back in a short time after I leave, but this is also just to avoid the pressure of those foreigners. In addition to my plan, Those foreigners will not do anything to our Wing Chun gym."

Ye Wen listened to Liu Xu's explanation. Although he still felt uncomfortable, he accepted it. After all, China has always valued filial piety since ancient times. As a master, how could he stop his apprentice from finding his relatives.

"Okay, Axu, you are also an adult, Master respects your decision, but I hope that after you find your relatives, you can come back to Hong Kong to see me as a teacher."

Liu Xu felt Ye Wen's love for him, so he didn't say anything, but nodded vigorously.

After leaving Hong Zhennan, Liu Xu lived in Ye Wen's home. Firstly, Ye Wen wanted to treat him well during the last time, and secondly, it was convenient for Ye Wen to guide Liu Xu.

In the next two days, Liu Xu instigated Zhou Guangyao to secretly arouse the dissatisfaction of the Chinese in Hong Kong against the violent crimes of foreigners, and vigorously reported in newspapers, scolding the police for protecting foreigners and racial discrimination.

The newspaper reports aroused the anger of the public, and anti-foreigners continued to protest and demonstrate. The foreign police superintendent had no choice but to quell the dispute. He hastily held a press conference and announced that he would hold a "Huayang boxing match". Openly challenge Chinese martial arts and prove your own strength, so as to block the unfair accusations against foreigners in Hong Kong.

At the press conference, Liu Xu appeared and threatened to challenge Tornado surrounded by all the reporters, and had set a life-and-death fight with Tornado, vowing to regain national dignity in the ring!

The day after the life-and-death fight agreement, Ye Wen's home.

On this day, Ye Wen didn't call his other disciples, but just ordered Liu Xu to come to see him.

"A Xu, since you have made up your mind to fight that life-and-death fight, I respect your choice, but I also said that if you fail the test of being a teacher, no matter what I say, I will not let you I'm going to fight." Ye Wen stood in front of Liu Xu and said seriously.

Knowing that Ye Wen cared about him, Liu Xu had no choice but to persuade: "Master, these disciples understand, and they are still very confident. Otherwise, it will only take two days anyway, Master, you can test me now." , Let's fight each other, so that you can weigh me, and when you fully understand my strength, you won't be so worried."

Hearing this, Ye Wen raised his head and looked at his big disciple. Although he didn't know where his confidence came from, he also knew that what Liu Xu said was right, and he had to test him. If he really had no chance of winning, he would completely Cut off Liu Xu's thoughts.

People can only have a future if they are alive, so Ye Wen naturally can't just watch his disciples die!

Without talking all the way, Liu Xu and Ye Wen came directly to the rooftop where he opened the martial arts gym.

The two stood facing each other. Liu Xu took off his coat, took a deep breath, and said, "Master, let's start! Today, let Master see the progress of the disciples in the past few months."

As he said that, he made a Wing Chun kick.

"Okay! Just by looking at this posture, you have a certain dignity. However, since I am testing you this time, I will not show mercy this time. You should be careful. Ah Xu, remember, there is nothing shameful in admitting defeat Yes, people can only have hope if they are alive." After Ye Wen finished speaking, his whole demeanor changed, he staggered his feet by half a step, raised his hands slightly, and also made a Wing Chun gesture.

"Wing Chun, Liu Xu!"

"Wing Chun, Ip Man!"

The master and apprentice approached slowly, their movements surprisingly similar.

Just like that, both of them slowly stretched out their right hands, and the moment they met, Liu Xu took the lead in attacking.

Ye Wen didn't show any weakness either, and fought against Liu Xu inextricably.

Both of them are masters of a generation of Wing Chun. Ip Man has rested from Wing Chun for many years and has experienced experience; while Liu Xu is gifted with supernatural powers and his consciousness is not bad.

Although Wing Chun's actual combat experience is poor, his physical fitness is far stronger than Ye Wen.

Therefore, for a while, the two sides can be said to be evenly matched, and it is difficult to tell the winner.

Because Liu Xu's knowledge of Wing Chun boxing was forcibly instilled, although it is not worse than Ye Wen, but it is all dead knowledge after all.

Often when seeing Ye Wen's attack approaching, he just wanted to see the move, but Ye Wen on the opposite side immediately changed his move, which made Liu Xu feel that he had punched cotton, making him feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

In addition, Ye Wen gradually became familiar with Liu Xu's moves and routines, gradually, Liu Xu began to fall into the disadvantaged.


Chapter 1472 Wing Chun Liu Xu vs Boxing Champion Tornado

As time went by, after the two exchanged dozens and hundreds of moves, Liu Xu relied on his physical fitness to be far stronger than Ye Wen, and he had the upper hand in both speed and strength. His experience suppressed Liu Xu for a while, but Liu Xu's own consciousness was no worse than Ye Wen's.

After Liu Xu continued to compete with Ye Wen and gradually integrated the knowledge in his mind, he also began to become as false as Ye Wen, with changeable moves, and gradually moved back to the disadvantage.

For a while, the two of them fought inseparably, and the confrontation and splitting of each other's moves became faster and faster.

If there was an ordinary person standing on the side, they would find that the two of them were fighting faster and faster, and now they could no longer see their fists and feet clearly.

You can only see two people constantly tossing and turning in the arena, the fists and feet are chaotic and invisible, and you can only hear the sound of fists and feet hitting each other.

Suddenly, the two people who were still fighting in the arena separated instantly. If you look carefully, you will find that there are two gray palm prints on the shoulder of Liu Xu on one side; and Ye Wen on the other side. There is also a big footprint imprinted on the dantian of his abdomen.

Liu Xu moved his body, and then made a wrong step, and was about to charge up again, but at this moment, Ye Wen, who was opposite him, waved his hand and said, "There's no need to compete, you won."

Liu Xu was stunned when he heard this, and immediately said: "Master, you haven't..."

Ye Wen shook his head with a smile, interrupted Liu Xu with a wave of his hand, and said, "I'm old, I'm old, I can't take it anymore just now, look at your boy, you don't blush and you don't breathe, Alright, you're qualified, and I won't stop you anymore."

As he said that, his face was a little sad.

Seeing this, Liu Xu hurriedly persuaded with a smile, "Master, that's not the case. You are old but not old at all. Besides, I will have a junior brother born soon. How can I say I am old?"

When Ye Wen heard this, he slapped Liu Xu with a smile, and scolded, "You, you, you are so old, but you are still so naughty."

As he spoke, his expression straightened, and he looked at Liu Xu seriously.

When Liu Xu saw him, he knew that Ye Wen had something serious to say, so he wasn't laughing, and his expression was all fixed, and he was also staring at Ye Wen seriously.

Ye Wen looked at Liu Xu carefully for a long time before sighing softly: "Okay, prepare well. In the arena, especially in the life-and-death competition, you must be very careful. This is a matter of life and death. Everyone will You must pay attention to everything. Save it for dinner tonight! Don’t use it to find me tomorrow, recharge your energy, and I will go to see it the day after tomorrow. Remember, people only live, There is hope."

Liu Xu nodded solemnly when he heard this, and said, "I see, Master, I will pay attention, so don't worry if you are old. Don't you know me yet? How could I fight an uncertain battle?"

"Hey! You boy, when will you let me not worry..."

"Master, I will always be Master's closest disciple, right? Hahaha..."

"You boy, ask for a fight! Hahahaha..."


On the appointed day, early in the morning, Liu Xu put on his clothes and came to the venue of the life-and-death competition alone.

When Liu Xu arrived, before entering the door, he heard the clamor of the tornado inside the venue.

"In order to defend my honor, I am willing to accept any Chinese challenge. This time I will not show mercy. That yellow-skinned monkey dared to challenge me, the great boxing champion Tornado. This time, I will definitely entertain him well." Yes, or to put it another way, before the stick of incense was burned, he was completely solved. Don’t you Chinese just like to burn incense? Just gave it to the yellow-skinned monkey.”

At this moment, Liu Xu pushed open the door and walked in slowly.

"We Chinese burn incense not just to count the time. In addition to timing, the most important thing about our Chinese custom of burning incense is that it contains our humility! It is our culture!"

With that said, Liu Xu walked up to the tornado and stared at him coldly.

"Okay, well said, A Xu, you're here!"

At this time, from the venue, Ye Wen came out with a kind of apprentice, followed by a kind of martial artist from the Hong Kong martial arts circle.

"Eldest brother, you are right, I will definitely win this time!"

"Mr. Liu, you are here! Come on!"

"Boy Liu, don't worry, we have tens of thousands of compatriots supporting you!"


At this time, a ghost referee came over, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

"At this time, the life and death certificate, now you two can sign. I once again solemnly remind the two of you, as long as you sign your name and enter the ring, you are opponents, regardless of life or death, even if you are beaten to death, no one will hold you accountable. You should think about it."

"Come on!" Liu Xu picked up a pen, scribbled on his name, and handed the certificate of life and death to the tornado.

"Hmph! Yellow-skinned monkey, let's wait and see!" Tornado sneered, took the certificate of life and death, and signed his name in a hurry.

After both Liu Xu and Tornado signed their names on the certificate of life and death, they entered the ring one after another.

Since this is a life-and-death competition, there is not even a referee in this competition. Both sides of the competition can use any means in the ring, even if they kill each other, no one will be held accountable.

The two stood face to face on the ring.

The tornado took the lead in provoking: "Yellow Monkey, I will make you regret living in this world. I will torture you first and then kill you! Hahaha..."

Liu Xu shook his head and said irrefutably: "Okay, ghost, don't talk nonsense, today I will show you what Chinese people's anger is."

At this time, the referee under the ring shouted to the two people: "You two, please listen carefully. Since the two of you have signed the life and death certificate, there will be no referee for the game in a while, and there will be no rules and time." Restriction, when I say start, the two of you can fight to your heart's content, do you understand!?"

Seeing that both of them nodded their heads to express their understanding, the referee immediately stepped aside after shouting "Start" from the audience.


Chapter 1473 Even if you inject the t-virus, it's useless...

Liu Xu twisted his body, took a deep breath, staggered his feet, and made a Wing Chun fist, and said lightly to the tornado: "Wing Chun, Liu Xu!"

And what about the tornado?

Although the tornado yelled fiercely, but in his heart, he didn't dare to underestimate Liu Xu. After all, this was a life-and-death fight, and it was a matter of his own life and death. If Liu Xu didn't have two brushes, it would be impossible for him to ask himself Competition.

Therefore, the tornado focused on Liu Xu's every move, jumped up and down, and kept throwing punches at Liu Xu to test him, using the western boxing techniques he had learned to the extreme.

The tornado probed for a while, and saw that although Liu Xu stood motionless, it seemed that an aura began to lock on to him. This was the aura of a master that he could only feel in boxing championships, and he knew in his heart that he could not If it goes on like this, it will be a fast break immediately, he suddenly jumps forward, and a set of combined punches goes straight to Liu Xu's face.

When Liu Xu saw the tornado attacking, he was not in a hurry. The moment the tornado's fist was about to hit him, he dodged the tornado's heavy punch with a slight dodge of his body. Then he leaned forward and faced the tornado's fist. There was a series of blows under the left rib, and only heard three "papa.pa", the tornado had already covered the left rib, and bent over and retreated.

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