"Ah, this, how is this possible?"

Zhuge Manzi looked at Liu Xu blankly.


Chapter 2009 It's hard to lose!

He suddenly remembered how elated he was when he was pretending to be aggressive before, and how much he was hurt at this moment because of how hard he was pretending to be aggressive.

Ten thousand points of damage, start!

His face was hot, as if he had been slapped dozens of times by a big man over two meters tall with a palm the size of a palm fan.

"Ah, he is Liu Xu who competed with the master to find the evil thing!"

"Why did he arrive before us? Didn't Master Zhuge say that he is the most powerful?"

"Yeah, it's really strange. Could it be that Master Zhuge is bragging, or is this guy already better than Master Zhuge?"

Many policemen started talking.

Zhuge Manzi, who had already been critically hit, heard these words of making up the knife at this time, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood in anger.

Nima, can you speak?

"Master, you are the winner!" Liu Xu smiled and said, "Looking at you like this, you don't seem to have anything valuable, so just give me the compass in your hand! As a generation of celestial masters, you won't deny it, right? "

"you you you……"

Zhuge Manzi flushed with anger.

It is unforgivable that Liu Xu actually set his sights on his ancestral magic weapon.

But at this point, everyone was staring at him blankly.

In the heartache, he gritted his teeth and handed over the compass with trembling hands.

Liu Xu reached out to pick up the compass, but he found that the compass seemed to have taken root in Zhuge Manzi's hands.

"This is from my ancestors, I..."

Zhuge Manzi's eyes were red, and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Forget it, forget it, let me study for a few days, I don't really want your stuff."

Liu Xu couldn't bear to look at Zhuge Manzi.

This guy is not young, and he relies entirely on this thing for a living, and it is something passed down from his family.

If he really wanted Zhuge Manzi, he would give it to him no matter how reluctant he was, but...

Didn't you see Li Xue looking at you with weird eyes?

Although I used to be the master of punching Nanshan Nursing Home and kicking Beihai Kindergarten, I must maintain my demeanor in front of beautiful women.

"Thank you, thank you, you can study for a few days, as long as you don't break it!" Zhuge Manzi handed the compass to Liu Xu.

"Okay, okay, isn't it just a joke? Let's get down to business first!"

Team Bull said a word.

Li Xue looked at Liu Xu from the side. In her perception, Liu Xu was such a "good guy" with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

"What the hell is this?" Li Xue asked Liu Xu.

"Compass, I'm looking for evil things. I really didn't expect that I could use this thing to study. I'm so lucky. I happened to see this walking corpse on our way to the police station. Thank you so much She, otherwise how would I have the opportunity to study this thing?" Liu Xu continued to study with a compass in his hand, and whispered to Li Xue at the same time.

The sound was very small, but it was well controlled, and it just reached Zhuge Manzi's ears.

Hearing this, the corner of Zhuge Manzi's mouth twitched violently. He had already suffered at least [-] points of severe damage.

Seeing Zhuge Manzi's expression, Liu Xu smiled triumphantly. As for how he was able to find the walking corpse, I'm afraid no one but him would know.

Familiar with such things as the plot, if you tell it, who will believe it?

So, bet or something, he's...

It's hard to lose!

A group of people continued to move forward, and soon came to a house outside.

As soon as I came here, I heard voices coming from inside, as if someone was arguing about something.

"Attention everyone, go in and control the situation immediately." Dui Niu took out his pistol and said to the police officers.

"Yes!" The police officers did the same, and they responded murderously one by one.

Liu Xu didn't stop him either. At this point, there was nothing to be afraid of.

And the walking corpse is not very strong.

"Don't move!"

The door was flung open, and the police rushed inside.


"Ah, don't catch me, I didn't have sex activities?" A man inside was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"Raise your hands!" Team Bull shouted.

A group of policemen behind him stared at everything in this room.

There are only three people in the whole room, one of them is Wang Xiaoer, and there are a man and a woman in addition, they must be the legendary net names called crotch and young lotus.

This screen name really beeps the dog!

The police led by the cattle team didn't care too much, and rushed straight to the woman.

As Zhuge Manzi said earlier, most of the walking corpses are women.

There is only one woman in this room, and it must be the one in front of me.

"Are you sure she is the murderer?" Dui Niu asked Zhuge Manzi.

"That's right, now, it seems that I have to let her show her original shape." Zhuge Manzi said.

As he said that, he was about to pretend to be aggressive, but he suddenly became embarrassed.

His only magic weapon is the gossip mirror, but now the gossip mirror is in Liu Xu's hands.

Liu Xu took a look at Zhuge Manzi, this guy really does not forget to pretend all the time!

However, Liu Xu suddenly remembered that in the original book, Zhuge Manzi seemed to have been smashed into the gossip mirror in this plot, so why does this guy still have the gossip mirror?

Could it be that this guy fixed it?

Of course, there is no need to think too much now, dealing with the walking corpse in front of me is the right way.

"What do you want to do?" the female walking corpse asked pitifully.

She was also a little dumbfounded, but now she can only pretend.

"Hey, you..."

Looking at these policemen, Wang Xiaoer was also very puzzled, why did the policemen suddenly appear here?

"Stop talking nonsense, stay at ease and don't move!"

Li Xue glared at Wang Xiaoer, she didn't have a good look at the "suspect".

"Master Zhuge, do you want a gossip mirror?" Liu Xu smiled and said to Zhuge Barbarian.

"Uh, this female walking corpse's disguise is not bad, I..."

Zhuge Manzi was a little embarrassed, he was only a half-baked man, without a magic weapon, he was nothing.

"Hehe, a little walking corpse, let's see how I make her appear."

Liu Xu moved his hand, and a little golden light appeared at that moment.

Runes can be vaguely seen flashing across it.


Chapter 2010 The ultimate in Taoism, the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts!

"Break the killing order!"

Liu Xu roared angrily, and the golden light erupted immediately, turning into a beam of light and directly impacting on the body of the female walking corpse.


At this moment, the female walking corpse screamed, and puffs of white smoke rose from her body.

The seven killing orders of gods and ghosts, the first form, the killing order.

"A unique skill in Taoism, the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts!"

Wang Xiaoer was taken aback when he saw Liu Xu's Taoism. He sensed the power of the Seven Killing Order of Gods and Ghosts, but he didn't see the other party chanting the spell.

And the rest of the policemen looked at this scene dumbfounded. It turned out that this young man is the real master!

"Take it away, what is this thing, ah, it hurts!"

The female walking corpse struggled, but soon she couldn't bear it anymore.

With a roar, she suddenly changed into a humanoid corpse with bloody eyes.

"You guys, all be damned!"

After the female walking corpse swayed, dodging the golden light in Liu Xu's hand, she roared and wanted to explode.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Seeing that this thing showed its prototype, many police officers were not polite.

At this moment, bullets spun and bombarded the walking corpse.

Their marksmanship was not bad, almost every moment the bullets accurately hit the walking corpse's body, making bullet holes one by one.

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