"Waste of bullets."

Seeing this scene, Wang Xiaoer curled his lips, because Liu Xu did not kill the female walking corpse with his "killing order", so he thought it was a fake, but in fact Liu Xu weakened his strength on purpose.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Manzi suddenly felt that his chance to pretend had come.

He stood up and said, "It's useless. Your attacks won't hurt her at all. When she gets hurt, she can use the yang energy in her body to heal her wounds, and she can recover in an instant."

Sure enough, while many police officers were stunned, the bullet holes on the walking corpse healed automatically, and the bullets in the body were forced out at the same time.

"What the hell is this?"

Their brains were dizzy for a while, which was really incredible.

"Master, what should we do now?" A police officer subconsciously asked Zhuge Manzi.

"If you want to kill her, you have to cut off the yang energy in her body first. Now let the old man cast a spell to cut off her yang energy. This is why the old man is called ghost ghost."

Zhuge Manzi said a word, and immediately, he moved his hand and wanted to cast a spell.

But at this time, the female walking corpse roared angrily: "You all have to die."

With a sway of her body, she appeared in front of Zhuge Manzi the next moment, and punched him violently.


Zhuge Manzi let out a scream and fell on his back.

Liu Xu saw that Zhuge Manzi hurt so much from this blow, the fist sank deeply into Zhuge Manzi's face, and he passed out as expected.

"Die, die, die, you all have to die."

The female walking corpse went crazy, she moved violently, only to see her arms shaking.

One by one, the policemen let out screams, and their bodies flew out from the blows.

None of the many police officers was a match for the female walking corpse.

"Bang, bang!"

Li Xue fired two shots and hit the walking corpse, but the walking corpse's body only paused for a moment before moving again.

At the same time, her body rushed towards Li Xue.

A ferocious smile appeared on her face, and the female walking corpse said with a grin, "None of you can escape this time!"

"is it?"

Liu Xu's voice appeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of the walking corpse.


With a punch, it directly collided with the attack of the walking corpse, and the walking corpse was immediately blown back and forth.

"Be careful yourself!"

At the same time, Liu Xu turned his head and glanced at Li Xue.

In the original book, Li Xue was injured here, and Liu Xu couldn't let this happen.


Li Xue was a little dazed.

"Who are you?" The female walking corpse looked at Liu Xu and roared.

"You don't need to know who I am, as long as you know that you are a dead person and you will die again today." Liu Xu said lightly.

"Hmph, boy, you think you are my opponent. I have seen your strength from your previous attack. You are not my opponent at all. I can kill you in three seconds." The female walking corpse looked at Liu Xu said coldly.

"Oh, what should I do? This guy seems very arrogant!"

"That's right, Master Zhuge was killed by her with one punch, can this kid be her opponent?"

"It's over, it's over, what should we do this time?"

Many police officers spoke one after another.

"Don't worry, I will use one trick to kill this thing." Liu Xu turned his head and said to the policemen.


Seeing that there was no panic expression on Liu Xu's face, they all calmed down a lot.

"One trick, hahahaha, it's better not to be too arrogant when you're just a fledgling kid." The female walking corpse said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense, I said that if I kill you with one move, I will kill you with one move."

Liu Xu sneered.


The female walking corpse roared, and her body rushed towards Liu Xu fiercely.

The red light in her eyes kept flickering, and Liu Xu had already been sentenced to death in her heart.

There are many high-level people in this world, and she didn't want to expose herself.

But now there is no other way, exposure is exposure, but before exposure, she must kill Liu Xu first.

The body rushed over fiercely, with roaring sounds, the speed of the female walking corpse was very fast, only a few shadows flashed, and she appeared not far in front of Liu Xu.

"Boy, I said if I'm going to kill you this time, I'm going to kill you. Hmph, I didn't want to get in touch with people like you, but now, I'm not being polite anymore."

The smile on the female walking corpse's face became more and more ferocious. Although the risk is not small after being exposed, the rewards are also great. As long as the people here are eliminated, her strength will be improved to a higher level.

"Your role is enough, watch me destroy you."

Liu Xu shouted loudly, and at the same time, the power in his body boiled violently, and in an instant, the explosive power in his body erupted like a volcano.


Chapter 2011 Don't post to Moments!

The blood vessels in his hands swelled, and there was a powerful aura in Liu Xu's body at this moment.

"He didn't use his full strength just now?" Wang Xiaoer felt Liu Xu's aura and said to himself.

The surrounding police officers felt that their breathing was uncomfortable, as if they were being crushed by a mountain.

"If this guy takes care of this zombie, I forgive her."

A strange look flashed across Li Xue's eyes, and if Liu Xu knew what she was thinking, he would definitely spit out a mouthful of old blood, and the object of begging for forgiveness was completely reversed.


The female walking corpse also felt the aura from Liu Xu's body, and a trace of panic suddenly appeared.

This guy is so powerful, can she be T's opponent?

"Are you afraid?"

Liu Xu smiled again, his fingers lit up with a bright light, and a sharp breath came out from his fingers, which made people feel slightly chilled.

"Hmph, I'm fighting with you."

The female walking corpse was furious, she speeded up her speed recklessly, and at the same time, a burst of yang energy erupted from her body, which greatly improved her strength.

The next moment, she grabbed Liu Xu's neck with a claw, and the air was torn apart, making a sharp whistling sound.

This blow was so powerful that even a steel plate would be torn apart by this blow.

"Break the killing order!"

Liu Xu pointed out with his finger. At this moment, the sword finger was raised, forming a beautiful and deadly arc, and slashed at the female walking corpse.

The golden light soared, and the sharp aura above the fingers was transmitted from it, which was extremely astonishing.

Before the killing order actually collided with the body of the female walking corpse, the golden light made her body emit a puff of white smoke, and the female walking corpse also screamed.


Finally, the attacks of the two came into contact. The arm grabbed by the female walking corpse touched the smashing order, and it was cut apart instantly.


The female walking corpse uttered a scream that had never been seen before, as if a sow had been raped by a behemoth, and it was extremely painful.

However, Liu Xu's killing order did not stop at all, and continued to slash down, directly cutting across the body of the female walking corpse.


The female walking corpse stopped suddenly. She looked at Liu Xu with incredulous eyes, unable to believe that all this was true.

In her previous contact with Liu Xu, she clearly found that his strength is not very strong, and how much strength can Liu Xu have at such a young age?

That's why she said the words of killing Liu Xu in three minutes. These were not lies, they were all true, and they were conservative estimates.

Under normal circumstances, she felt that if she was serious, she might be able to kill Liu Xu in a few moves. How could it take three minutes?


Liu Xu has a dual-strength system, and the cultivation that others can see is the result of his hard work, just like Wang Xiaoer and the female walking corpse think that Liu Xu's cultivation is limited, but what can't be seen is the supernatural powers bestowed by God, such as The Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts!


The female walking corpse raised her head, and a golden light swept across her body, as if the female walking corpse's body was cut in half.

At the same time, an incomparably ferocious force exploded in her body, and with a "boom", the walking corpse turned into a handful of fly ash.

At this moment, a flash of "Kach, Kacha..." appeared, and many police officers present took pictures of this scene in stunned silence.

"Don't post on Moments!" Liu Xu said.

After the female walking corpse disappeared completely, they started discussing one after another.

"Win, really won, killed this walking corpse with one move?"

"It's amazing. I didn't quite believe that he could really do it before, but I didn't expect..."

"Don't talk about you. Before, I believed him on the surface, but I also felt that he was pretending in my heart, but now...he is my idol."

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable, the walking corpse was so fierce before, Master Zhuge was killed in one move, but he actually killed the walking corpse in one move."

Zhuge Manzi was slowly waking up at this time, just after waking up and looking around, he passed out again.

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