But Liu Yan is not that kind of stupid woman, seeing Wan'er has a bad temper, she doesn't go to greet her to please him, and after taking the menu and ordering, she chatted with Liu Xu happily.

Seeing the two kissing me, Wan'er completely regarded her as air, and flames could be sprayed out of her nostrils, she thought: "I am also this guy's senior sister after all, and she ignored me because of a woman. It's a loss of the dignity of a senior sister! It's true that my uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't bear it."

And she was even more worried about Liu Xu calling her an idiot, thinking: "We must find a chance to let him see my aunt's IQ."

It just so happens that there is a children's area in this restaurant, which looks like a small castle made of inflatable plastic, and there are five three- and four-year-old children playing in it.

At this time, a waiter walked over with eight apples, looked at the five children, and said, "Children, we have eight apples here, and you five, how do you divide them up to be completely fair?" ?”

This is actually an intellectual test. In order to enlighten children's mathematics, of course there is also the taste of Kong Rongrang pears. Many restaurants will have such programs.

Generally speaking, each child will get an apple at the end.

But after seeing all this, Wan'er, who had been depressed for a long time, secretly rejoiced in her heart, jumped onto the chair suddenly, and said excitedly: "I know, I know."

The five children, the waiters, and everyone in the restaurant all cast their gazes at her.

With an excited smile on Wan'er's face, she pointed at the fattest boy among the five children and said, "The eight apples belong to him, he can beat everyone, and no one else can get a single apple. "

Everyone was dumbfounded. Looking at Wan'er who was standing on the chair, after a short period of silence, burst into laughter.

The waiter holding the apple twitched twice, not knowing what to say.

Liu Xu and Liu Yan were dumbfounded, and finally Liu Yan sneered.

Liu Xu blushed, pulled Wan'er who was still standing on the chair, and said angrily, "Sit down."

Wan'er glanced at Liu Xu and said, "Hmph, I'm smart!"

Liu Xu glanced at Wan'er, didn't know what to say, and said in a low voice, "Idiot."


Wan'er was also angry, she was right!

In the world of comprehension, it is impossible for five people to calmly share the magic weapons together. They all fight first, and whoever is the strongest will take away all the magic weapons, and the weak can only watch.

Wan'er glanced at Liu Xu, and snorted coldly, "Hmph, let's see how I let my senior sister deal with you when I look back."

"Let's talk about the matter later, now, you feed me." Liu Xu ordered.

Wan'er was furious at being scolded by Liu Xu, she was not the kind of little girl who would cry when she was scolded, she belonged to the kind of Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death.

Liu Yan smiled, looked at Wan'er who was pouting her lips, and took a piece of ribs for her, and said, "Your name is Wan'er, right? Haha, your answer just now was so funny."

Seeing that Liu Yan said that, Wan'er immediately turned her face [-] degrees, and said excitedly: "Really? You think I'm smart too."

Liu Yan nodded and said: "Well, we all know that the weak are preying on the strong, so why aren't you smart?"

Hearing this, Wan'er showed an innocent smile.

Liu Xu's face twitched twice, why did he look so hard when he looked at Liu Yan, Nima, this little senior sister is so full of moths, it hurt his heart too much.

After Wan'er made such a fuss, Liu Xu was ashamed to continue eating, and left with Liu Yan after eating in a hurry.


Chapter 2017 Save the world with your hands?

Sending Wan'er back to Dongcheng District, when sending her in, Liu Xu asked her how long Wu Zhao would be in retreat, and the little girl said in a burst of fire, theft, and junior: "This is a secret. If the senior sister comes out of the retreat in ten days, you know that I will leave you." If I tell you about this, she will definitely scold me."


"By the way, when practicing, remember to abstinence!"

"This is what my sister asked me to tell you."

"What did the senior sister say?"

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, he finally knew why Wan'er came back to find him, the reason for his feelings was to talk about this matter.

Probably because Wu Zhao was too embarrassed to say it in the Flying Pigeon legend, so she sent Wan'er to pass on the message, but she didn't say it until she sent her home, so she probably forgot it at all!

When I got home and entered the door, I remembered it again.

If this is the case, I am also drunk!

However, this is not acceptable!

Liu Xu had to pay He Jing public rations every night, but if he failed to pay, he would be executed by knives!

Wan'er smiled and said, "Is that really that interesting?"

"You are young."

Liu Xu wanted to cry, and couldn't help but think of countless reasons to go home and say to He Jing: "My wife, I made up a reason when I want to abstain."

Unfortunately, after repeated scrutiny, the possibility of passing is basically zero.

And it's not just He Jing!

And Li Sisi, no, I'm used to it, it should be Liu Yan now, is she willing?

And what about Tang Wei?

The proprietress who just ate her mouth?

Che Xiao?

Seeing that Liu Xu was silent, Wan'er rolled her eyes wildly, and said, "Hmph, you must be thinking about something bad."

Liu Xu glanced at her and ignored her.

Wan'er said, "Actually, you can consider satisfying them with your hands."

"Save the world with your hands?"

As soon as Wan'er said that, Liu Xu was taken aback, Nani?

Is this a joke?With both hands?Could it be the hand of Kato Hawk God?

Damn, isn't it that such a small loli is practicing kneading, isn't she!

Liu Xu remained skeptical.

"Look what I'm doing, that's what my senior sister said." Wan'er seemed to know what Liu Xu was thinking, blushing pretty, and said, "You can stimulate the acupuncture points on their waists, so as to achieve the same purpose."


Liu Xu was speechless. It turned out that it was to stimulate the acupuncture points, but he thought it was to let Liu Xu satisfy the whole world with his hands!


Liu Xu drove Liu Yan home, and Liu Yan, who was sitting on the co-pilot, looked at the surrounding houses and said, "It's a bit strange that there is such a simple house here."

Liu Xu said: "It's nothing unusual, rich people like this tune!"

But Liu Yan smiled coquettishly, glanced at Liu Xu and said, "Hey, who the hell is that little girl? The talk is so funny, and she lives in such an expensive but dilapidated house. There are waves!"

Liu Xu's face twitched twice, and he said, "No comment."

Liu Yan patted Liu Xu and said, "I hate it."

Liu Xu really has nothing to say, the next time this nima takes Shangguan Wan'er out for dinner, he will chop off his own hands.

But having said that, Liu Xu firmly believed in the method of practicing breast milk that Wan'er said.

So when sending Liu Yan home, Liu Xu followed her upstairs and began to taste pure natural food without any additives.

However, this time Liu Xu had a feeling that was different from before, a faint heat passed over and flooded his body.

After this heat entered his body, it was slowly absorbed by the real energy in Liu Xu's body, and then the real energy expanded bigger and bigger.

After Liu Xu drank a half full, he felt a sense of anxiety.

Liu Yan's cheeks were flushed even more, her starry eyes were dotted with water, and she slowly took off her clothes...

Liu Xu quickly stopped her.

Liu Yan said softly: "What's wrong?"

Liu Xu hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'm not feeling well recently."

He couldn't directly say that he wanted to abstinence, in that case Liu Yan would have to kill her.

Liu Yan was stunned, and said, "What's uncomfortable?"

Liu Xu was extremely embarrassed, and finally pointed down.

Liu Yan pushed Liu Xu away with some disappointment, and said, "I know a few old Chinese doctors, let me introduce one to you!"


Liu Xu was dumbfounded. Could it be that she thought brother was going to die?

Liu Yan said earnestly: "Liu Xu, don't worry, we will treat you if you are sick, and you will definitely be cured."


Liu Xu wanted to cry but had no tears in his heart.

Liu Xu looked at Liu Yan, who was charmingly eyed, turned over and pressed her under him, and said viciously: "Brother, let you know what a man is, hmph."

After speaking, he stripped Liu Yan naked.


Half an hour later, looking at Liu Yan who was lying powerlessly on the bed, Liu Xu said domineeringly, "Do you know what Kato Taka is the hand of God?"

Liu Yan took a breath, supported half of her body, and said: "Liu Xu, I really need to be treated when I'm sick. Although your hands are also very good, let me introduce you to an old Chinese doctor! I'm doing news. Yes, I have a wide network of contacts, this is definitely not wrong, maybe it can be cured. I have a friend named Dapeng, he has this problem, but he is congenital, there is no way to cure it..."

"Dapeng? Xiantian? No wonder you can become 'best friends', uh, no..." Liu Xu's egg hurts, and he roared angrily, "I'm not sick."

Liu Yan glanced at the bottom of Liu Xu's trousers, and said, "If you are sick, you must be treated, and you can't delay it, especially that kind of illness."

"I..." Liu Xu didn't know what to say, so he stretched out his hand and said, "I see you want me to teach you a lesson again."

Liu Yan quickly shrank back, with a flattering smile on her face, "Forget it, but Liu Xu is sick..."

"I'm not sick!" Liu Xu roared angrily.

Liu Yan sighed, and said quietly: "To be a man, you must learn from a certain hurdler. Even if it is only [-] seconds, you must fall beautifully. He is a hero of the motherland and a strong man in front of women."

"Go away, don't blackmail me, Brother Xiang."

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