Liu Yan smiled mischievously and asked, "Are you really not sick?"

Liu Xu rolled her eyes and said, "You hope I'm sick!"


Chapter 2018 Prison robbery is illegal

Taking a deep look at Liu Yan, a beautiful anchor, Liu Xuyu explained earnestly: "I'm really not sick, but I've been feeling a little unwell recently. Do you want me to crash my plane?"

"Well, I don't want you to be ruined."

"It's the machine of the plane."

"Chicken's chicken."

Liu Xu was completely gutted. He glanced at the beautiful anchor, went to her refrigerator, took out ten bottles of natural breast milk, and went home.

Speaking of which, this breast milk is a good thing, it actually contains true essence, and the breast milk is originally produced by the pregnancy reaction, it does not harm Liu Yan's body at all, and it is even more beneficial to Liu Xu's cultivation.

But it just made Liu Yan mistakenly think that she was a quick shooter, which was a bit painful.

Of course, Liu Xu also showed Liu Yan the hand of Kato Taka, which made her terrified and breathless.

Ahem, I don't need to introduce who Kato Takataka is!

Everyone is an old driver, if you are a novice, you can ask Du Niang by yourself.


When he went back, Liu Xu was still thinking, what if he said to He Jing, "My wife, I want to abstinence."

Will He Jing believe it?

Liu Xu thought about it for a long time, and didn't return home until after eight o'clock in the evening.

When I got home, I saw that He Jing was cooking. He had fried two dishes, Mapo Tofu, Stir-Fried Beans, and a pot of rice.

Liu Xu did not dare to compliment He Jing's cooking.

Seeing Liu Xu's return, He Jing smiled and said, "Honey, you're back, come and taste my cooking."

"Ah, this, what, my stomach hurts, I have to go to the toilet." Liu Xu said, clutching his stomach.

Although he has eaten, but a cultivator digests quickly, it is not impossible for him to eat more now, but the problem is that He Jing's craftsmanship...

He Jing rubbed her teeth and sat down. The little pout could tie a cow, threw the chopsticks on the table, and said, "I know I don't cook well, but when I was in the capital, I always Learn it well, you just learned these two ways, you don’t appreciate it, hum.”

Seeing that He Jing was angry, and knowing that she was secretly learning how to cook, Liu Xu couldn't help being a little moved. This woman who seems to like to bully her the most is actually always selfless to herself.

Liu Xu sat across from her, and said with a smile, "I used to have a stomachache, but after smelling the delicious food my wife cooked, it didn't hurt anymore. It's really amazing."

He Jing smiled through tears, patted Liu Xu and said, "I hate it, try this mapo tofu quickly and see if it tastes good. I have studied hard for a month."

Liu Xu looked at the mapo tofu on the plate. It looked delicious and smelled delicious, so he took a big bite and put it in his mouth. He just felt...

He Jing looked at Liu Xu anxiously, and said, "How is it? Husband, is it delicious?"

Liu Xu swallowed with difficulty, and said, "Hey, why do I suddenly feel a stomachache, I'm going to the toilet."

He always thought that cooking is actually very simple, but only now did Liu Xu realize that cooking also requires talent.

Liu Xu believes that He Jing must have practiced hard for a month, but her mapo tofu is really not flattering, because He Jing made mapo tofu into a fried tofu flower.

Hey, hey, your pretentious cooking skills are a gift from Time Traveling, right?

He Jing saw Liu Xu swaying the rudder according to the wind, so he pouted and glared at him.

Liu Xu had no choice but to restrain his frivolous look, picked up the chopsticks and said, "Okay, can I eat?"

He Jing said: "Is it really bad?"

Liu Xuyan said insincerely, "This, this, it's not too bad."

Seeing Liu Xu's insincere words, He Jing picked up a dish and threw it away in a fit of anger, then said to him, "You teach me how to cook, I don't believe I can't learn it."

Liu Xu was waiting for this sentence. He also cooked a mapo tofu like He Jing's.

After He Jing tasted it, she decided to make it according to Liu Xu's method. It turned out that she still didn't taste good, but she made some progress, at least it was not fried tofu.

Liu Xu laughed loudly and said, "It's important to make progress, wife, take your time."

Angrily, He Jing dropped the cooking spoon and picked up the frying pan to imitate Red Wolf and beat up Liu Xu, the big bad wolf.

After dinner, He Jing went to take a bath, and Liu Xu was lucky for a little week. When she came out, what he originally wanted to say to He Jing, my husband, I want to abstinence tonight, was suddenly forgotten. .

It's so tempting!

I saw He Jing standing at the door with clear water coming out of hibiscus, wearing a pair of plastic slippers gracefully on her feet, without any clothes on her body.

The most beautiful body does not need any clothing to modify it. This kind of natural beauty without decoration is not something ordinary people can understand.

Fortunately, Liu Xu has already experienced many battles. If he waits until now, he will have a nosebleed.

He Jing walked up to Liu Xu generously and said, "Husband, where is my bath towel?"

"I...I don't know..." Liu Xu resisted the restlessness in his body and said.

He told himself in his heart that this was only temporary, as long as he practiced quickly, he would be able to stay and fly with the beautiful woman, fly together!

"what happened?"

He Jing noticed Liu Xu's strangeness, and it had to be said that women were equally sensitive in this regard.

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "It's nothing, just a sudden pain in the lower back."

"Oh, why can't you do it?" He Jing took a look and said in surprise: "Liu Xu, did I ask too much that day and broke your body?"

Liu Xu shook his head.

Seeing Liu Xu's painful expression, He Jing slipped into his arms and said softly, "Okay, I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow. Don't worry, it will be fine if you don't go to the provincial hospital."

"Wife, in fact, we must abstain from sexual desire." Liu Xu summoned up his "courage" and said.

"Prison robbery? No way!" He Jing shook her head, then said solemnly: "Prison robbery is against the law!"


"Okay, husband, stop joking, we'll see a doctor tomorrow." He Jing said as if coaxing a child.


Anyway, if he can see or not eat, Liu Xu will make a mistake.


Chapter 2019 Husband, is that Tong Liya an actress from an island country action movie?

"Honey, how about I call you Liliya from now on?"


"The English name is more foreign!"


"Of course it's true. It's a nice name for a Xibe girl."

Naturally, Liu Xu couldn't tell her that Liliya was Tong Liya's English name.

"They are Han Chinese!"

He Jing gave her a white look.

"I'm sorry, who told you that you have the face of a beautiful woman of mixed ethnicity."

"Same as that Tong Liya?"

"Ahem, what Tong Liyazi, I don't know at all."

Coughing, Liu Xu continued: "Honey, I even gave you a few aliases, Yaya, Meiya, Xiaowanzi, which one do you like?"



Early the next morning, He Jing asked Liu Xu to go to the hospital, but he sneaked away.

Liu Xu didn't want to be dragged by He Jing to see an old Chinese doctor, don't doubt, she definitely has more resources than Liu Yan.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the hospital office, Liu Xu received a call from He Jing.

On the phone, He Jing cried directly, and asked where Liu Xu was, don't think about doing stupid things, it's her fault, she shouldn't persecute him so capriciously.

Liu Xu heard that He Jing was crying so sadly, so he hurried back.

"Morning, Doctor Liu, where are you going in such a hurry?"

When the female nurse greeted him, Liu Xu basically didn't come to work on time, and often simply didn't come.

"Oh, I'm off work."



arrive home.

As soon as he opened the door, He Jing hugged Liu Xu and said in tears, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't persecute you like that, I shouldn't be so self-willed, husband, hit me, scold me, it's all my fault. "

Last night she didn't sleep well at all. He Jing thought it must be because she begged seven times in one night that caused something wrong with Liu Xu's body. Originally, she wanted to take Liu Xu to the hospital, but Liu Xu disappeared after waking up in the morning. up.

He Jing went to the Internet to check about men's psychological problems, but was frightened and cried by the shocking stories on the Internet, so she called Liu Xu.

Liu Xu quickly hugged her and said, "It's not your fault, really."

He Jing cried extremely sadly, hugged Liu Xu tightly, and said, "Honey, don't worry, I will never leave you, I will always be your Liliya, even if you want to call me Tong Liya, but You have to promise me that it doesn't matter if we go to the doctor, even if it doesn't look good, we will be happy for a lifetime."

Liu Xu had a sore nose, hugged her tightly, and said, "Honey, I'm really fine, if you don't believe me, look."


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