He Jing glanced at it, and it was indeed mighty and majestic.

At this time, nothing is more happiest than He Jing. As Liu Xu's woman, she naturally hopes that Liu Xu will be strong and strong. This will not only be good for him, but also bring her unparalleled happiness. He Jing was worried.

"Even though it's healed, we should go to the hospital." He Jing said cautiously.

Liu Xu rolled her eyes and said, "You forgot that I'm a doctor."


He Jing still wanted Liu Xu to go to the hospital, after all, she believed in instrument inspection and data reports more.

Liu Xu said, "Don't worry, I will be fine."

He Jing was still a little hesitant, and couldn't help saying: "That's fine, but don't do it for a few days, just observe for a few days, you are not allowed to mess with me, do you hear me?"

Hearing what He Jing said, Liu Xu hugged her and kissed her, saying: "My wife is so kind, she knows how to love my body, and she is no longer that hungry ghost who wants to eat seven times a night."

He Jing pinched him lightly, and cursed: "You're going to die, who's hungry."

This is how a woman's mood changes faster than a chameleon.

"Husband, tell me honestly, is Tong Liya an actress in an island country action movie?"

"Honey, you have a rich imagination."

"Well, I have a big brain."



After seven days of abstinence, Liu Xu felt that he was ready to establish a foundation, so he went to Wu Zhao's place, and she happened to be out of the customs, helping Liu Xu protect the law, allowing him to successfully advance to the foundation establishment stage.

An hour later, Liu Xu and Wu Zhao were standing at the gate of the community.

Wu Zhao didn't intend to leave. Liu Xu was a little embarrassed and thought to himself: "Sister Fairy, didn't you say that you want to go out and take me home on the way? So it wasn't! Could it be that you want me to take you to see the big vinegar jar at home?" ? It must be great to see you, but I'm going to suffer in the evening!"

Wu Zhao smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll go back with you."

"This..." Liu Xu just wanted to say no.

Wu Zhao said: "I just look at her in the name of Senior Sister, is there something wrong?"

"All right!"

Wu Zhao said so, and Liu Xu couldn't refute her face.


Since He Jing joined Liu Xu, a rogue and big rogue, she has stopped working so hard and never went to work if she could find a chance to rest.

It just so happened that this weekend, He Damei fell asleep until after ten o'clock, and when she woke up, she sat in front of the computer and opened Taobao Prodigal.

I just bought a set of silk pajamas, a bottle of premium essential oil of Olay and a BB cream of Pond's. I lost more than two thousand dollars in the morning, and I was about to cook something to eat, but at this moment I heard There was a knock on the door.

She was startled when she heard the knock on the door, and the thief smiled.

Before Liu Xu went to Wuling Mountain, she stopped Liu Xu and didn't want Liu Xu to go. In the end, Liu Xu told her to buy whatever she should buy, including clothes and cosmetics. When she came back, Liu Xu would reimburse her. What a beauty! I agreed with a wave.

In the past two days, she has bought two sets of pajamas, five sets of erotic lingerie, more than a dozen pieces of branded and non-branded clothing, five pairs of shoes, and some cosmetics. In total, Liu Xu has a month's salary.

He Jing opened the door, not even looking at who was standing outside, and said coquettishly, "Honey, I'll sort out the bills later, you're in charge of reimbursement, I'm in charge of being beautiful, and you're in charge of making money... "


Chapter 2020 Acacia Ring

Before the last word "family" was uttered, He Jing swallowed the word. She stared straight at the man with outstanding temperament standing next to Liu Xu.

He Jing boasted that her temperament was also very good, but compared with the woman in front of her, she was a little bit nothing.

He Jing has the temperament of a little woman, unruly and cute, perverse and coquettish, she has a way, but if she has a dusty temperament, she doesn't have it.

She is just a very vulgar little woman, at least she will feel uncomfortable when she sees this woman whose name she remembers is Wu Zhao standing beside Liu Xu.

She said in her heart, it's over, so this is Tong Liya!

Thinking of this, He Jing couldn't help looking at Wu Zhao and Liu Xu.

These thoughts of He Jing appeared in an instant.

A kind smile appeared on her face immediately, and she thought to herself: "No matter what, I can't let my husband lose face in front of outsiders. Anyway, I am his eldest wife. If he dares to wave colorful flags, I have to lock him up if I want to clean him up." Let's clean up the door."

So He Jing quickly smiled and said, "Honey, you didn't even call me when you came back, this is..."

"I am her senior sister."

After Wu Zhao said a word, he walked in with Liu Xu.

He Jing was angry. She gave Liu Xu some face in front of Wu Zhao, but that didn't mean she couldn't resist showing her affection in front of Wu Zhao.

As soon as the two came in, He Jing turned around and sat in Liu Xu's arms, talking about lovesickness, her voice was sweet and numb, and it was clear that she was acting for Wu Zhao.

Even though Wu Zhao had a firm mind and the ancient well was calm, he was also shocked by He Jing, and his face turned slightly red.

Like a proud big rooster, He Jing squeezed into Liu Xu's arms, and said softly, "My husband, when you are not at home at work, the baby is very good, you must love the baby!"

Liu Xu gasped, because He Jing's hand was secretly touching him...

He just felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles, and he didn't dare to get up rashly, maybe sister Fairy would find out by then.

However, Liu Xu is sitting here, doesn't sister Fairy know?

Wu Zhao's face was as red as an apple, from earlobe to neck, sitting there with his head bowed and silent.

Seeing that Wu Zhao was defeated by herself, He Jing touched the ground even more presumptuously...

Afraid of making a fool of himself, Liu Xu quickly pushed He Jing up.

He Jing also took advantage of the situation and withdrew her hand, her face was full of charming eyes.

Liu Xu blushed and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Seeing that the two finally got up, Wu Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at He Jing kindly, and He Jing also looked at Wu Zhao with a smile.

Wu Zhao smiled and said, "Sister He Jing, how long have you known Liu Xu?"

He Jing thought: "What does this care about you?"

However, she still flaunted softly: "Not much, only half a year, but I feel like we've known each other for a lifetime.

Wu Zhao sighed and didn't know what to say.

Liu Xu buried his face in the cold water for three minutes in the bathroom. Only then did he feel that the evil fire was suppressed. Fearing that the two women would fight, he hurried out of the bathroom.

Seeing the two women sitting there silently, Liu Xu was relieved.

At this moment, Wu Zhao stood up and said to Liu Xu, "I'm leaving, Wan'er is alone at home, and no one is taking care of her!"

Liu Xu didn't dare to keep him, fearing that He Jing was messing with something, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'll see you off."

He Jing was afraid that the two of them would speak ill of her in private downstairs, so she quickly stood up and said, "I'll go too."

Wu Zhao glanced at He Jing, blushed and said, "Don't worry, I'm just Liu Xu's senior sister. Your technique just now is already special enough, so you don't need to follow."

As soon as Wu Zhao said this, He Jing had already expected it in his heart, but he couldn't help but blush.

She is not a real prostitute, He Jing is just a little woman who likes to show off and holds her sea-fixing needle firmly in her hand.

When Wu Zhao said this, He Jing was too embarrassed to follow.

Liu Xu and Wu Zhao got into the elevator together. There were only the two of them in the elevator, and it was eerily quiet.

Liu Xu thought about it for a while and said, "Don't blame her, she's just like that, a little woman's temper, she won't allow me to get close to other women."

Wu Zhao nodded silently, and whispered, "Don't forget, I'm also a woman..."

Liu Xu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and couldn't help but feel a little sad, what does this fairy sister mean?Could it be that you have taken a fancy to me?Do you want to fight with He Jing in a battle of red flags and colorful flags, evil and justice?Be good, if that's the case, who am I going to help?

Wu Zhao seemed to know what Liu Xu was thinking, and couldn't help but blush.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed down, then took out an emerald ring from her pocket, handed it to Liu Xu and said, "This is left to you by the old man, Master, and asked you to give it to your daughter-in-law. I originally wanted to give it to you in person. He Jing, be friends with her, but I am too embarrassed to give it to her because of her appearance, so I have to give it to you."

Liu Xu scratched his head and said, "I'll compensate you for her, but she..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I understand." Wu Zhao said here, just when the elevator reached the first floor, she hurriedly said: "Liu Xu, even though you have broken through the foundation, you still don't want to have sex too much. Yuan is too important for a cultivator."

After finishing speaking, sister Fairy ran out in a hurry.

Liu Xu rubbed the emerald ring in his hand, his old face flushed.

He suddenly found three small words engraved on the inner ring of the ring: Acacia Ring!

This is probably the name of the ring!

It's just that the name...

Wicked enough, I like it.


I went upstairs with the ring in my pocket, and when I got home, I saw He Jing leaning against the kitchen door with her waist pinched. There was a kitchen knife on the dining table.

Only Liu Xu knows that He Jing's Jiao Didi just now was pretending in front of outsiders and in front of other women. Although He Jing is still sometimes coquettish and numb, that is normal time, and now Liu Xu is with other women Together, if He Jing can still be coquettish and numb, then she is not a little girl or a great beauty.


Chapter 2021 You should remove the word labor

He Jing stepped on the chair with one foot, and glared at Liu Xu with a pair of eyes, quite the demeanor of a master.

A breeze blows, and a battle between the husband and wife about the red flag and the colorful flag is about to be staged.

He Jing glanced at Liu Xu lightly, and said, "Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist."

Liu Xu replied bitterly: "She is my senior sister."

"What kind of sect, Shaolin Temple or Wudang Mountain? But Shaolin Temple is a monk, and Wudang Mountain is a Taoist priest, and they don't accept female disciples. Could it be Mount Emei? Ah, Liu Xu, have you changed your gender?" He Damei said disdainfully.

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