Liu Xu gave He Jing a white look, and said: "Miss He, we are just a small sect, and she is just my senior sister. Really, there are some things that are inconvenient for you to tell you, because they will affect your worldview too much. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it by then." .”

"Why? Is it possible that your sect can make people live forever?" He Jing said.

"It's possible." Liu Xu said seriously.

He Jing didn't believe Liu Xu's nonsense, slapped the table and cursed angrily: "Liu Xu, don't lie to me, tell me, who is she?"

Speaking of He Damei, she was about to wipe her tears, and seeing this scene, Liu Xu quickly disarmed and surrendered.

The reason why he didn't quarrel with He Jing was because he was afraid that Beauty He would wipe her tears!

A woman's tears, this shit is too lethal.

Liu Xu quickly took out the emerald ring, handed it to He Jing and said, "We are really a small sect, and she is indeed my senior sister, but it involves some private matters, which are internal affairs of the sect, so I dare not tell you, you also know that I study Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine is divided into sects, I just want to give you this ring."

He Jing looked at Liu Xu vigilantly, and asked tentatively, "Really?"

"It's absolutely true." Liu Xu said piously.

He Jing looked eagerly at the jadeite ring in Liu Xu's hand, only to see that the jadeite jasper was transparent, the light could be seen, and it was quite charming.

All beauties love jewelry, this has never changed, and what Liu Xu said also makes sense. After all, it was He Jing who believed that he could cure so many female patients without any precautions. Liu Xu really cured it with an unusual method.

Thinking about it this way, He Damei's heart became smoother, and she said coquettishly, "Really? Is she really just your senior sister?"

"It's just Senior Sister." Liu Xu gritted his teeth and said.

He Damei smiled and said, "I don't want something to happen? Such a beautiful beauty? Thanks for being only a senior sister."

Liu Xu knew that the time had come to show his loyalty.

He coughed lightly, looked at He Jing's face with ambiguous eyes, and said: "Honey, you know, in this world, all the beautiful beauties are scum in my eyes, only you are the shameful woman with a closed moon." Only the peerless and alluring beauty can make me fascinated and unable to control myself."

"What about Tong Liya?"

"In my whole life, I just want to do what I love to do with you."

"Death!" He Jing cursed with a smile on her face, "Bastard."

Although what Liu Xu said was false, He Jing could hear it, but she was not the kind of stupid woman who would be unreasonable.

He Jing is so smart, she knows that a man's heart can only be regained by one piece and one relaxation. If he continues to be self-willed and savage, it will be meaningless.

He Jing took the emerald ring from Liu Xu's hand, put it on her own hand, glanced at Liu Xu, and said, "She is still in the court! Let her come to my house for dinner some other day, and I will cook myself."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes at He Jing, and said, "When you cook, people think you are murdering for money!"

"What did you say?"

"I said, it wasn't you who drove him away just now."

He Jing punched Liu Xu and scolded: "Then did you enjoy it just now? Your reaction just now is something I have never seen before! Hmph, when I did it with me, I didn't have such a big reaction."

"I X!"

Liu Xu didn't know what to say.

"Husband, your baby spent [-] yuan on Alipay, and bought a lot of see-through clothes for you to wear, as well as a lot of cosmetics that touch the face, and some things that are not allowed outside. Peeking at your wife's traditional clothes with a proud figure is all to be responsible for her beautiful appearance and make outsiders envy you for having such a delicate and charming wife..." He Jing slipped into Liu Xu's arms and automatically switched to the coquettish mode , "How is it? Husband, you can praise the baby!"

"Can I speak in dialect?" Liu Xu asked.

"Speak!" He Jingjiao Didi said.

"Prodigal bitch."


"Honey, I'm joking. Forget it, I'll speak Mandarin!" Liu Xu thought for a while and said.

He Jing squeezed in Liu Xu's arms, and said, "Oh, my husband, tell me quickly, the baby is waiting to hear!"

Liu Xu said solemnly: "Given that my wife has made outstanding contributions to our family's eye-catching level, our family's eye-catching level has increased by one percentage point, which is about to counteract the rise in my country's GDP. My husband approves my baby. It is my little daughter-in-law, and also my beautiful He Damei. Of course, she can also be called He Jing's lesbian. All these things bought by her husband, that is, the man she calls a jerk, is a man named Liu Xu guy, pay."

He Jing looked at Liu Xu with winking eyes, put a smudge on Liu Xu's face, and said, "My husband is so kind, the baby just bought a set of sexy underwear from the policewoman series, and the baby will change into it for my husband to have a look at, okay?" OK?"


This is a secret rivalry with Li Xue!

Liu Xu patted He Jing's ass, and said, "Eat first, do you have the heart to make your husband work hard while hungry?"

He Jingjiao smiled and stood up, frowning frivolously, glanced at Liu Xu and said, "You should remove the word Lao."

"I'll wipe it!" Liu Xu was in pain, looked at He Jing in shock, and said, "Daughter-in-law, when did you become so volatile?"

He Jing pinched her waist and rushed over to take the kitchen knife from the table. She resumed her shrewd look, put the kitchen knife in front of Liu Xu, pointed at him and said, "What's wrong? It's not all because of you, you men Don’t we all think that we women are like daughter-in-laws when we go out, mothers at home, and Ivy action movie actresses when we go to bed.”


Chapter 2022 Daughter-in-law, your breasts are exposed


Liu Xu said silently: "But I still want my daughter-in-law to live in peace with other women, just like Han Han, who was caught having sex with mistress, and I also hope that mistress and daughter-in-law can live in peace."

He Jing swung the kitchen knife horizontally and said, "I forgot to say, your wife looks like a noble lady when I go out, a good wife at home, and an actress in bed, but when I meet a man at home with colorful flags outside, It is definitely Hua Mulan among women, Sherlock Holmes and Bruce Lee among men, you better be careful, be careful that you can't even raise my red flag."

Liu Xu swallowed his saliva and said, "Daughter-in-law, your breasts are exposed."

He Jing looked down and saw that the button was broken due to too much movement, she hurriedly dropped the kitchen knife, resumed the coquettish mode, slipped into Liu Xu's arms, and said, "Oh, my husband, the baby is so embarrassing!"


Afterwards, He Jing went to the kitchen naked to cook. Halfway through, she came out and stood at the kitchen door, looking at Liu Xu lying on the sofa, her face turned red.

After looking at the time, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and said with a blushing face, "With your Dinghaishen needle, even though they are all monsters and ghosts, I am also the monkey king Sun Wukong, hmph."


After the shocking ups and downs of Liu Xu's abstinence last time, this time when Miss He Damei saw Liu Da hooligan brought fairy sister back, she finally didn't ask him seven times in one night in an attempt to squeeze Liu Xu dry.

Instead, let Liu Xu make up for her prodigal record in the past two days, a total of [-] oceans.

Liu Xu sat in front of the computer, looked at the bill on Alipay, felt distressed for a while, and finally logged into his bank card and clicked to pay.

Sitting in Liu Xu's arms, He Jing said softly, "Honey, how is the baby?"

"Okay, very good." Liu Xu said without the slightest hesitation.

But He Jing said: "Then the baby is going to buy a small windbreaker that I have been looking for for a long time! It's only [-] yuan."


Liu Xu's face twitched twice, and he resolutely kept silent.

He Jing coquettishly said, "Are you okay? Husband."

Liu Xu looked up at the sky at forty-five degrees, looked at the dark night sky with melancholy eyes, and said: "[-] yuan, you can buy hundreds of condoms, enough for several years; [-] yuan, you can buy If you buy dozens of pairs of underwear, you can wear them for several years; for [-] yuan, you can buy a small windbreaker, which your wife can wear for a month."

He Jing still said softly: "Then husband is not willing to let the baby buy it?"

Liu Xu still looked up to the sky at forty-five degrees, and said, "No, my wife wants to be as beautiful as a flower, and I am so happy."

He Jing snorted coldly, turned her face and said, "You don't dare not let me buy it, but your wife and I are not the kind of prodigal old ladies. This time you brought me back such a beautiful senior sister, I will not let you buy it." When I’m in a good mood, I’ll spend you [-] yuan. Next time you bring me a female anchor, maybe I’ll buy a car when I’m in a good mood. I think it’s a BMW, or How about Land Rover!"

As he said that, He Jing said to himself: "The BMW has become a small car, and the Land Rover is still good, but it burns too much oil, but husband, you can bring back such a beautiful woman, and this little oil can still burn So husband, I believe in you, work hard and make money!"


Liu Xu's tears were filled with bitterness, and He Jing's shock was too much for him to hurt.

But Liu Xu is not a fool, of course he knows that He Jing is warning him tactfully, don't go out and put up colorful flags for her everywhere, she is the main house, be careful when she spends all his money, Liu Xu can't even afford to wear underwear, he still Go out to find anger for He Jing.

After all, He Jing is not the kind of prodigal old woman in the true sense.

I'm afraid Liu Xu won't believe it, but He Jing has been wearing a set of SpongeBob SquarePants underwear for four or five years!

A big hooligan and a little woman worked hand in hand to set up such a rule. The red flag and the colorful flag are absolutely incompatible. Once the colorful flag wants to occupy the magpie's nest, the red flag will make the person who planted the flag so poor that he doesn't even have pants Wear, until then, see how you still fluttering flags?

Faced with such an unruly and willful little wife, Liu Xu was in tears!

However, this feeling is really good, because in Liu Xu's long life, he doesn't seem to have met such a beautiful wife with personality, so he doesn't mind being a strict wife during this "alone" time. .

He Jing slipped into Liu Xu's arms, and said coquettishly, "Honey, do you like babies?"

"I like it, I like it."

He Jing said coquettishly again: "Then what did the baby do right?"

Liu Xu spoke a few words, and said: "My wife, any decision you make is an order from the highest command of my family. My husband must implement it conscientiously and resolutely, and will never deceive others or conceal the truth."


"It's true, after death."

"Okay, then tell me who is that woman? I never believe that she is your senior sister, and I took this jade ring for appraisal. They said it must be at least a million, and it was hundreds of years old. Moreover, your meticulous wife also discovered that that woman is definitely not a Chinese medicine doctor, and she does not smell of herbs."

Careful as a hair, this is a woman!

Liu Xu was about to collapse. He Jing still didn't believe his nonsense lies, but what she said was true. He couldn't get over his old temper and almost choked to death.

He Jing got into Liu Xu's arms like a good baby, patted his chest and said, "It's all about the baby's fault, which made my husband angry."

Liu Xu knew that he had to show his loyalty at this time, otherwise he would not be able to sleep tonight.

"Wife, since you don't believe your husband and me, I decided to tell you the facts. Wu Zhao, the woman my wife said is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. After your husband got it last night and was squeezed dry by you overnight, he was raped by her." It was cured, that’s why I joined their Chinese medicine sect, it’s absolutely true.”

Liu Xu's words were true and false, and it just happened to mention the matter of He Jing squeezing Liu Xu dry. Even though He Jing was so careful, he just felt that something was wrong, and there was no reason to force him.


Chapter 2023 I'm wondering whether BMW or Land Rover is better?

Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and said to He Damei, "Honey, go to sleep!"

"it is good!"

He Jing agreed.

Liu Xu lay on the bed, sleeping happily all night holding He Jingmei.

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