When Liu Xu woke up the next morning, he saw He Jing sitting in front of the window with bare feet and a nightgown, but his face was full of exhaustion.

Liu Xu couldn't help being surprised, and said, "Did you sleep all night?"


"Aren't you sleepy?" Liu Xu said.

He Jing ignored Liu Xu, and after a while she said quietly, "I'm wondering whether BMW or Land Rover is better?"

"I X!"

Liu Xu cursed, rushed over and threw He Damei on her shoulders, directly threw it on the big soft mattress, and said viciously: "Hmph, since my wife is restless, I have decided to treat you, husband. Corporal punishment."

He Jingqiao blushed and covered her face with her hands.

Liu Xu reached out and took her hand off, saying, "Don't close your eyes."

He Jing blushed and nodded.

Half an hour later, He Damei touched Liu Xu's back with a smile and said, "This is my husband, a little animal."


In a real sense, Liu Xu hadn't gone to work for more than half of the time, so after he went to work again this time, his outpatient room was completely blocked.

There is no other reason, these are patients with intractable diseases who have been registered in the past two months.

Most of these patients suffer from major or minor ailments, but they all have one problem, that is, these ailments are very stubborn, and basically they are not cured all year round, or they have been transferred to many places.

Hearing that Liu Xu was good at returning to Chun, I came here to let him have a try.

From the morning when Liu Xu accompanied He Jing to work until the afternoon when he got off work, he almost didn't catch his breath, and he didn't even eat lunch.

He treats people like a horse watching a flower.

However, what comforted Liu Xu a little was that the hospital also had a high commission in addition to the salary when the patient was cured.

He is no longer afraid that Ho Ching will fill up his shopping cart.

Finally, when it was time to leave work, the illness was finally cured and treated.

Liu Xu dragged his tired body to go to He Jing's department to have a meal with her, but as soon as he walked downstairs, he saw that the door of He Jing's department was full of people, and the patients around were talking about it.

Liu Xu squeezed into the crowd, and at a glance he saw a family of three in the crowd, an old woman and two young men, a man and a woman, but these three were all dressed in mourning.

These three people surrounded He Jing at the door of the outpatient room, and the old woman cried bitterly: "Doctor He, is it possible that my husband is about to die out of nowhere? He was just hospitalized with a fever and sickness, and you all need an operation. After the surgery, he died before the stitches were removed, isn't it your hospital's fault?"

The young man glared at He Jing, supported the old woman and said, "Mom, don't talk nonsense to her. If she doesn't give an explanation today, we will sue her to the medical malpractice picket committee."

Facing the aggressive three people, He Jing took a deep breath and said calmly: "First of all, your husband suffers from acute gastroenteritis, and his fever is caused by acute gastroenteritis. Secondly, I have asked you to sign the surgery before the operation. In the risk-taking statement, I have made it very clear at the time that the operation may cause the patient's stomach to sclerosis, resulting in sudden death."

"The operation went well, but on the third day after the operation, the patient suddenly suffered from lung sclerosis. At that time, I had already carried out all-out rescue efforts. This was already a month ago. Is it interesting for you to make trouble every day? If this is true It is my responsibility, I will take it, and I don't mind apologizing to you, but it is indeed the patient's organ weakness that caused the patient's death. The Medical Malpractice Committee has made an appraisal, the patient was excessively smoking and drinking, indulged in life, stomach, heart and lungs It’s not good, it’s a natural death, if you want to file a complaint, please go to the Medical Malpractice Committee, I didn’t stop it, and I didn’t get in the way.”

He Jing's words were extremely tough, and there was no such thing as a coquettish girl hiding in Liu Xu's arms at home.

And this thing has happened for a while, Liu Xu didn't know until now.

Looking at the family members of the patients who were so flawed, Liu Xu squeezed through the crowd and walked in, directly blocking He Jing, and said in a firm tone: "If you have something to do, go to the medical malpractice picket committee."

The three members of this family looked at the strong Liu Xu with weird expressions. The man stared blankly, stood in front of the old woman, opened his eyes wide and asked, "Who are you?"

Liu Xu said, "I'm her boyfriend."

He Jing tugged at the corner of Liu Xu's clothes, signaling him not to meddle in other people's business.

But if she doesn't show up at this time, then Liu Xu won't be called Liu Xu anymore. In her words: "Only I can bully my woman."

When the old woman heard that Liu Xu was He Jing's boyfriend, she burst into tears, saying that her husband's death was caused by He Jing. Her words were so ugly that she almost scolded He Jing. It's the dead star.

Liu Xu stepped forward and grabbed the old woman's son by the collar, and said with bright eyes: "Shut up for him? , I don’t mind asking the hospital’s security to come over.”

That man was not a good person at all, and now that Liu Xu grabbed his collar, he subconsciously wanted to do it, but he suddenly realized that he was being picked up by the man in front of him, with his feet more than ten centimeters off the ground, even Can't even move.

Seeing that her son was being grabbed, the old woman was about to throw a tantrum, but Liu Xu slapped the man in the face, threw him down, held He Jing's hand and said, "I keep my word." , I don’t mind fighting with you, if you are not convinced, you can go to the medical malpractice picket.”

Leaving this sentence aside, Liu Xu took He Jing and left the hospital, ignoring a group of dumbfounded patients around him.

After leaving the hospital, He Jing followed Liu Xu obediently like a little girl who had done something wrong, and was led by him.

"Liu Xu!"

He Jing called out.


Chapter 2024 A Family Cannot Allow Two Wives

Liu Xu turned his head, looked at the pouting He Jing, knocked her on the head, and said, "What's wrong? You didn't tell me about this kind of thing."

He Jing dropped Liu Xu's hand and said, "No, this matter is a bit special."

Liu Xu questioned, "What's wrong?"

He Jing said: "The person who died was a leader of the Food and Drug Administration. He smoked and drank excessively and indulged in life, so his various organs failed, and he died after the operation. After the medical malpractice inspection committee intervened, the organs were given The conclusion of exhaustion, but if this conclusion is established, it will not be possible to give this leader the title of death in the line of duty, which will affect the future of their family, so they come to me again and again to trouble me."

Liu Xu frowned and said, "How do you know this?"

He Jing said: "President Hao told me that you were not cured when you went to 'illness' at that time. I didn't want you to worry about it. ..."

Liu Xu knew that the matter of feelings had been revealed by himself again, so he couldn't help crying.

But He Jing suddenly burst into tears, hugged Liu Xu, and said, "Husband, you were such a man just now!"

"I'm X!" Liu Xu cursed, hugged He Jing and said, "Aren't you afraid that because of me, I will make this matter worse and cause you to lose your job?"

He Jing shook her head and said, "What are you afraid of? Isn't it just a job, the worst thing is not to do it, and I will be a full-time wife for you at home every day from now on."

Liu Xu took a deep breath and thought: "He Jing can't be at home. In that case, he will lose his personal life completely. With the care of beautiful woman He, he still wants colorful flags to flutter? What is the possibility? It's like Pandora's box really exists."

Facts have proved that this matter is indeed superfluous for Liu Xu.

The person who died was Zhang Gonglin, who was a deputy director of the Food and Drug Administration during his lifetime. After his death, it stands to reason that his son Zhang Xudong should be able to enter the system of the Food and Drug Administration with his prestige, or at least be a section chief.

It's a pity that after the medical malpractice inspection committee intervened in this matter, it was discovered that Zhang Gonglin was in love with his life, so Zhang Xudong expected that the leadership position at the middle division level would also disappear.

They had nowhere to vent their anger, so they came to the hospital every day in sackcloth and mourning to harass He Jing.

He Jing is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, even though they cry and mourn every day, they still come to work with a very good attitude.

It's a pity that Liu Xu has made such a fuss now, and the matter that was about to fade out of people's sight was immediately made a big deal, because Zhang Xudong's younger sister, Zhang Xuxue, took advantage of her right to post the bar owner's right to post the video and made up text to online...

As a result, the Food and Drug Administration intervened, and He Jing was asked to suspend her job for investigation.

For Liu Xu, this is a matter of good and bad.

The good thing is that Beauty He can be with him all day and get bored, but the bad thing is that Liu Xu can't go out to be chic.

Although He Jing didn't say that he followed Liu Xu step by step all day long, he was finally free and had more time.

He can also grasp Liu Xu's movements. If Liu Xu goes out to mess up the flowers, the meticulous He Damei will definitely find out.

The two of them were calm, and the Zhang family was in a hurry. Now that the fast food culture, if the attention of the whole people decreases after a while, then he will definitely not get the desired result, but they are not in a hurry at all!

Suspend, suspend!

Think of it as a long vacation.


When the Zhang family was impatient, Liu Xu's family unexpectedly ushered in a character that made Liu Xu tremble.

Liu Yan.

Yes, anchor Liu came to Liu Xu and He Jing's nest.

At that time Liu Xu was scared to pee, he wished he could immediately use a bull fork spell to send Liu Yan to her own home, but he knew that He Jing was a big jealous!

He Jing had heard about the ambiguous relationship between the two, but she kept turning a blind eye to it, because Liu Xu had a bottom line, and Liu Yan did not openly challenge her position .

But now Liu Yan came to the door openly, isn't this a challenge to He Dajeong?

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and one family cannot accommodate two wives.

Three wives and four concubines, or a rich local turtle keeping a canary, not everyone can do it.

Liu Xu was able to step on a few boats because of He Jing's bottom line.

As long as you don't provoke her position of the red flag, no matter how Liu Xu's colorful flag is flying, it is also a colorful flag.

What He Jing holds in her hand is the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. How can you, a bunting brat, compare to her Red Flag Huaguoshan Thirteenth Taibao?

She took two watermelon knives in her hand and chopped from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road. You are a bunting kid, can you compare?

Therefore, after He Damei saw Liu Yan coming to the door, she immediately became very happy.

Pulling Liu Yan, let Liu Yan walk in, then sat in Liu Xu's arms, hugged him whole, and said coquettishly: "Liu Yan, I don't know if your illness is getting better, but I just listen to us. Liu Xu often talks about you!"

Here you go, show your love.

Liu Xu mourned in his heart, and looked at Liu Yan bitterly, but in the end He Jing pinched his lower back severely.

Liu Yan didn't think too much about it, she is a woman who I can understand once she recognizes something, no matter what you do.

She has identified Liu Xu, and she has even seen the red tide after He Jing and Liu Xu have sex, let alone sitting in her arms now?

Liu Yan looked at He Jing with a sweet smile, and she was not in a hurry to say anything, she just smiled and said, "Really? I don't believe he talks about me a lot, he hasn't seen me for a long time, you are a heartless person!"

Liu Yan's words were easy-going, and when he heard Liu Xu's ear was like a bomb, he hurriedly gave Liu Yan a wink, but unfortunately she couldn't understand at all, and Liu Yan had never had any contact with He Jing, how could he know her little girl temper?

And when these words reached He Jing's ears, it was a blatant provocation.

He Damei frowned, and thought of a clever plan, pulled Liu Xu and said, "Husband, Liu Yan is here, let's cook for others! Come with me to the kitchen and take off the pot from the cupboard. no."

Liu Xu didn't think much about it, and when he heard what He Jing said, he followed He Jing to the kitchen.

The living room is connected to the kitchen, and there is a glass wall in the middle, which is transparent and very transparent.


Chapter 2025 Red Flag vs Colorful Flag

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