After Liu Xu followed He Jing to the kitchen, he asked, "Where is the pot?"

In the end, He Jing turned over and tapped his nose, and said, "Where do you think it is?"

Liu Xu didn't understand, but squatted down.


Liu Xu looked down and saw that He Jing had taken off his pants.

"Do you want to play so big?"

He Jing ignored him.


As the saying goes, a woman in love has a negative IQ; but as the saying goes, a woman who catches an adulterer has an IQ second only to Sherlock Holmes; but Liu Xu also said that when a tinfoil woman is jealous, she is the craziest and dares to do anything.

He Jing did it when she thought of it, and never gave herself a chance to regret and be soft-hearted.

Liu Yan, who was sitting in the living room, was dumbfounded when she saw this scene.

She swallowed a mouthful of spit, blushed and heartbeat, and lowered her head.

After Miss He and a certain animal came out of the kitchen, Liu Xu lowered his head and felt ashamed, while He Jing's face was radiant.

She looked at a girl with colorful flags who she understood as provocative, and said, "Liu Yan, there is no rice at home, and I can't find the pot. Let me invite you out for dinner!"

Liu Yan raised her head and looked at He Damei, especially He Jing's lips, her face turned even redder.

But Liu Yan turned to look at Liu Xu, revealing a hint of slyness in her eyes, and said, "Okay, but I'll invite you! This time I came here in a hurry, and I didn't bring you any decent presents."

He Jing was taken aback. According to the logic theory of He Damei, she performed a live toon palace in front of other women. How could this woman stay in her home shamelessly?

As everyone knows, it is shameless enough for her to be able to play a live toon palace regardless of her face.

Really shameless?

Obviously not.

Women, always think of a couple for life in their hearts.

Why not in He Jing's mind?

But what about Liu Yan?

In fact, a smart woman plus a wise woman is equal to a pair.

And Liu Xu, is that life.


He Jing has always believed that red flags and colorful flags are like water and fire, not to mention letting her, the red flag and the colorful flags, sit at the same table for dinner, but the thing is so dramatic that Liu Yan, a shameless colorful flag, actually wants to invite her to dinner ?

And it was she who proposed it on her own initiative, He Damei gasped, gave Liu Xu a hard look, and was too embarrassed to refuse.

After all, He Damei played a live toon palace for Liu Yan!

In the end, He Jing could only take a deep breath, and said with a sweet smile, "Okay, sister Liu Yan, you wait, I'll go change clothes."

As a beast, Liu Xu could only keep silent.

After He Jing went to the bedroom to change clothes and prepare to compete with Liu Yan, he raised his head and glanced at Liu Yan, only to see that the anchor Liu still had a pretty face.

"Liu Yan, I'm sorry."

Liu Yan glanced at Liu Xu secretly, her face became more feverish, but she is a journalist, what weird things haven't she seen?

And you have to have a good attitude to do news, so anchor Liu took a deep breath and said, "Stop talking, isn't she just jealous?"

Liu Xu was silent.

He Jing can be jealous, why can't Liu Yan be jealous?

Seeing Liu Xu's silence, Liu Yan blinked her eyes and said wisely, "You want to make it up to me?"

Liu Xu looked into her eyes, more playful and wise than He Jing, and slowly nodded.

Liu Yan sat on the sofa and said, "Okay, since you want to make it up to me, then if I don't compete with her, then I'm sorry for you."

"I'm so stupid..." Hearing Liu Yan's words, Liu Xu decisively swears, quickly pulls her aside, and asks in a low voice: "What are you doing here today? If you come to compete for beauty, I will immediately Just go, let the two of you fight, as long as you don't fight, I don't care, anyway, if you are made to cry by her, I don't care, if you can make her cry, you are awesome, anyway, in the end I have to coax each other."

Liu Yan pinched Liu Xu, her face darkened, and she said: "Bah, you are indeed a beast and a hooligan, you can say such shameless things, besides, we are not mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, why should we fight? Oh, I forgot , you have drank my milk, you are considered half a son, oh, so, she really became my daughter-in-law?"

Tong Liya became Liu Yan's daughter-in-law?

Liu Xu stood there dumbfounded, looking at Liu Yan in front of him, he didn't know what to say.

Poor milk, isn't it just drinking two sips of your breast milk and becoming your son?

Besides, did Xiang Jin's fat cat drink your breast milk?Could it be that the fat cat has become your son too?

Bah bah, now that I'm talking about it, I'm going to be brothers with that fat cat, shit!

Liu Xu didn't know what to say.

Liu Yan coughed lightly, and said solemnly: "Well, since it's a relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, why don't we fight? Are you right?"

Liu Xu's head turned black, and Liu Yan smiled lightly.

Just at this moment, He Jing changed into the clothes that she vowed to fight Liu Yan to the end, looked at the two of them, smiled like a flower and said, "Let's go!"

After speaking, she came over and held Liu Xu's left arm, Liu Yan also smiled and said, "Okay."

After speaking, Liu Yan took Liu Xu's right arm.

Liu Xu only felt the soft touch from the two arms, but the two women looked at each other and smiled with a tacit understanding, but only Liu Xu knew how much comparison and beauty were contained in these smiles ah?

How could Liu Xu feel comfortable being sandwiched between two women?

He Jing is wearing a low-necked sweater with a small jacket on the outside, flesh-colored stockings and a one-step skirt underneath, which looks like a light mature woman, and a small leather shoe on her feet. Although it is not as hot as the ones worn in summer, it looks very With an intellectual taste.

Liu Yan wears a lady's suit with a knee-length skirt and black silk, which is also a light mature dress.

Obviously, He Jing deliberately dressed like this, in order to beat Liu Yan while walking on the street.

It's just that the two beauties don't know that it's Liu Xu who is the most popular on the street.

Two big beauties are holding his arms, and they are also two urban beauties and young mature women, and both women are as white and tender as peeled eggs, can they not attract hatred?


Chapter 2026 The shoes are too slippery

Liu Xu was really afraid that the two of them would fight, so he just found a nice hotel and went in.

After being seated, Liu Xu knew that silence is golden, and sat next to He Jing without saying a word after ordering.

He Jing glanced at Liu Yan who was opposite, and was going to show off the beauty of being a red flag, and talk about private conversations with Liu Xu in bed every night.

But Liu Yan smiled and said to He Jing: "Sister Tong, I'm actually not here to find Liu Xu, I'm here to find you, and I only found out about things on the Internet today, I'm a media person, maybe I can help What's busy, there's no malice, after all, we are a family!"

"What did you call me?"

"Sister He!"

"Sister Tong!"

"You heard wrong."


"Do you have video and recordings?"


He Jing looked at Liu Yan who was sitting there in disbelief, and didn't know whether to say what she had prepared.

But Liu Xu still lowered his head, seeming very impatient.

Under the heavy tablecloth, Anchor Liu took off his shoes and stretched out one foot towards Liu Xu.

Liu Xu doesn't have a foot fetish, but Liu Xu knows that anchor Liu's jade feet are very beautiful.

But he didn't dare to say anything, if He Jing knew about it, wouldn't he have stripped Liu Yan alive?

Liu Xu will be the most uncomfortable at that time, so it's better to let Liu Yan look for excitement now.

On the surface, Liu Yan was not blushing or heartbeating, but still followed with a faint smile, and said to He Jing: "Sister Tong, can you tell me what happened? I feel that what is said on the Internet is not accurate. And I did a secret investigation, and the deceased seemed to be a leader of the Food and Drug Administration."

"You called me sister Tong again?"

"Have it?"


"Then remember to record or video next time."


How did He Jing know what Liu Yan was doing under the table, and seeing what she said was sincere, she explained the matter in detail.

Liu Yan tilted her head, took out a pen and a small notebook and wrote it down.

Only Liu Xu knew that Liu Yan's calmness on the surface did not mean that the pair of ballet dancing feet under the table would be peaceful.

After Liu Yan finished memorizing, she put on her shoes and stood up, and said, "Sister Tong, don't worry, I will definitely help you, they dare to frame you, hum, I want to make them notorious, I'll go to the next one first The bathroom."

After speaking, Liu Yan was about to take a step, but just as soon as she took a step, her foot slipped and she almost fell.

He Jing hurried up to support her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Yan smiled awkwardly and said, "It's okay, the inside of the shoe is too slippery."

He Jing said, "Be careful."


Watching Liu Yan go to the bathroom, He Jing's feelings towards her changed a lot, she turned to look at Liu Xu, and said, "Oh, Liu Xu, why do I feel like Liu Yan is coming to show love to me? It made me a little embarrassed for treating her like that at home just now."

Liu Xu came to his senses, glanced at He Jing, smiled awkwardly, and said, "That's right, I didn't want to do anything to you, I just came to help you."

He Jing nodded slightly, and said, "It makes sense."

Liu Xu took a deep breath, calmed down the throbbing and hotness in his heart, and thought: "This Liu Yan can be regarded as repaying her body in the same way, not only won He Jing's favor, but also secretly regained her own face. , but it’s hard for Liu Xu, it’s hard to describe it in words!”

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