And a certain anchor in the bathroom took out a paper towel and gently wiped the soles of his feet. After wiping it clean, he looked at himself in the mirror with the paper towel, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Can mother-in-law and daughter-in-law not fight? Ming Xiu The plank road, darkening Chen Cang. I like watching harem dramas the most."

After finishing speaking, a certain beauty anchor threw the wad of tissues into the trash can, and restored her usual smiling face.

If a woman is willing to be jealous for a man, then he really loves this man, at least Liu Yan and He Jing are like that.

It's just that it's obviously impossible for two urban beauties to live in harmony and calmness as they appear on the surface.

Faced with He Damei's "shamelessness", anchor Liu had no choice but to "cut his wrists".

Only the ankle was broken.

Liu Yan analyzed this matter this time, took care of everything, and said that she would definitely help He Jing get back to work.

Although He Jing didn't quite believe that Liu Yan would be so good, she didn't openly provoke her. Even though Liu Yan was holding Liu Xu's arm, in this society where people are casually called dear, it really doesn't matter.

Moreover, Liu Yan really wanted to help He Jing, so after Liu Yan's analysis, the atmosphere was very harmonious, and she no longer confronted him at home.

There are always endless topics to talk about between women, He Jing lost her guard and was able to chat with Liu Yan.

Both women are urban beauties, and they have unique opinions on clothes, cosmetics, and Korean dramas. When talking about which cosmetic brand is good, which hydrating products are good, or which Korean dramas are good, they are also suitable for their appetite.

After eating a meal, Liu Xu turned into a log. He looked at these two women who seemed to have become better in an instant in amazement, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, could they really get along like sisters?

At the entrance of the hotel, Liu Yan smiled and said to He Jing: "Sister He, I'm chatting another day, my ankles are sore!"

After speaking, he drove away.

Liu Xu sighed.

He Jing couldn't understand the deep meaning of Liu Yan's words, but Liu Xu could.

If you want two women to be sisters, especially if the relationship between the two women is red flags and colorful flags, the possibility is the same as Wan'er's size, almost zero.


Liu Yan is a high-achieving student who graduated from the Broadcasting University in the provincial capital. When she was in school, she was the host of a news column on the campus TV station.

After graduating, she was directly recruited into Modu TV Station and became the head of the news system.

Her contacts are not generally extensive, not only in traditional TV media, but also in the network hype team.

In fact, this incident was originally Zhang Gonglin's fault. Now it's just that netizens were blinded by the news written by Zhang Xuxue.

So when Liu Yan returned home, she contacted an online news hype team.


Chapter 2027 This girl 36d

Liu Yan published the real situation of the incident and the situation of Zhang Gonglin's misconduct in the Food and Drug Administration Bureau before his death, and she also explained the incident in detail through the Thirty Points column of Modu News hosted by her that night.

Of course, the traditional media has binding force. It is impossible for Liu Yan to expose Zhang Gonglin completely. That would be slapping the face of the municipal party committee. She just revealed some doubts, and it was just for He Jing to restore public opinion.

In fact, the most important breaking point of this incident was the video of Liu Xu beating someone. Zhang Xuxue took advantage of the spreading nature of the Internet to falsely accuse the beating video of them surrounding the victim.

As for their repeated harassment of He Jing, they didn't mention it at all. Now that Liu Yan stepped in and exposed Zhang Gonglin's matter, there was a stalemate on the Internet.


Han Xie is a pure home girl, but she doesn't like watching BL novels and cartoons like other girls, and she never plays games.

She is a pure technology nerd, and her geek is computer technology, and what she likes most is going to the forum to start a scolding battle with people.

Han Xie's most brilliant feat was to use his vast knowledge to scold a forum until it was forced to shut down.

However, Han Xie is not a troll in the traditional sense. Whenever she trolls something, she needs to find convincing evidence.

She has an online ID, which is called a rumor truth machine by netizens on the forum. The ID is called: Ben girl 36D!

Han Xie has been depressed for the past two days. She couldn't find Liu Xu in the hospital or school some time ago, and she couldn't even get through to call him. Han Xie was also embarrassed to use his father's information network to find Liu Xu , I can only be sullen all by myself, and have not surfed the Internet for several days.

Today, Han Xie slept until twelve o'clock in the noon before getting up. He was just about to eat when he received a call.

Without further ado, she put down her chopsticks and went to find her cell phone. When she saw that it was not a call from some beast, Han Xio answered the call with a mournful face, and said, "Hey, sister Liu Yan, what are you doing!"

"36D, go online quickly, my sister has a task for you." Liu Yan said.

"I don't want to do it." Han Yu said displeased.

It's a pity that Han Xie couldn't bear Liu Yan's begging, so he had no choice but to agree, saying that he would go online after dinner.

After hanging up the phone, Han Xie lazily took two mouthfuls of food, ignored his mother Pei Lian's concern, went back to the room and turned on the computer to go online and read the information Liu Yan sent.

There is a video in the information, Han Xie habitually opens the video first.

As soon as the video was clicked on, Han Xie's originally listless expression suddenly turned bloody, it was him, it turned out to be this bastard.

Han Xie bit her lip and punched the keyboard, knocking out the space bar, but she still finished watching the video and all the materials.

After reading it, Han Xie clenched his fists again, smashed the space bar back on the keyboard, and cursed: "Hmph, brother Liu Xu was so wronged? No, I have to Figure out a way."

Han Xie turned his eyes and called Liu Yan directly, saying: "I will help you run this matter without charging any money."

Han Xie went to the forum not only to start a scolding war with others, but also a powerful behind-the-scenes promoter.

As a media person, Liu Yan needed such a pusher, so the two of them communicated by phone.

Generally speaking, Liu Yan will pay Han Xie a certain amount of commission for anything she needs to hype up. For example, Liu Yan once asked Han Xie to hype her up as a house goddess, and she paid tens of thousands!

Han Xie is not short of money, but he likes the feeling of earning money with his hobbies.

But later, Liu Yan earned several million because of her title of house goddess.

Liu Yan estimates that this matter will cost [-] to [-] yuan!

But it never occurred to Han Xie that he didn't want money?

Liu Yan couldn't help asking: "36D, are you kidding me?"

Liu Yan and Han Xie have known each other for three years, but they have always kept in touch online. The video has never been played, and they only know that they are in the same city.

Speaking of which, the only time the two of them wanted to meet was when they went to a restaurant for dinner, but when they got there, the two of them were poisoned and sent to the hospital before they could find each other, so Liu Yan still doesn't know Han Xie's real name has always called her 36D. In fact, Han Xie's arrogant little lettuce really doesn't have 36D!

Han Xie also lazily explained to Liu Yan, saying: "Just watch it!"

Han Xie re-edited this matter, and then used the network resources she had treasured for many years to publish it through all channels, so that this matter directly entered the eyes of the lowest-level netizens in the capital.

Especially her girl's 36D ID, as soon as this matter was posted, there were countless comments below, and many of them were admirers.

And most of the replies are very wretched, touch. Touch the 36D goddess!

Han Xie was not surprised. When she saw her post appeared on the homepage of Sina, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and raised her head. It was already late at night outside.


"How could this be?"

As soon as Zhang Xuxue woke up in the morning, she saw that the public opinion on the Internet was all one-sided, and she was completely passive.

It's not that she doesn't understand, it's that the world is changing fast.


He Jing's original job.

"Thank you all for your help this time."


"By the way, husband, then I want to ask, when are you going to let me meet that Tang Wei, and that woman who owns a company, drives a Maserati, and the daughter of the municipal party secretary, and There are other women you have hidden that I don't know about..."

"How do you know about them?"

"Isn't it for the plot?"


"Honey, I have a question for you."

"go ahead!"

"How many flags do you have outside!"


He Jing glanced at him and said, "Hmph, I have cultivated evil fate for three lifetimes before I cultivated on you!"

Liu Xu was bored and didn't speak, He Jing pouted, pinched her waist and said, "You look like you've lost your soul, tell me, do you have a crush on some girl and plan to catch her as a housekeeper? Don't worry. , your wife and I are very reasonable, if you have the ability to let someone be a housekeeper, I will definitely not stop you."


Chapter 2028 Be my boyfriend!

Liu Xu was amused by He Jing's words, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said, "Okay, you give me a daughter to be my housekeeper."

He Jing sharpened his knife and said furiously, "The beast, even my daughter will not be spared."

"Really?" Liu Xu hugged He Jing and said, "My daughter-in-law, you have a big ass and can bear a son."

He Damei laughed very ungraciously.

Liu Xu has always believed that every event has its own laws. What you do now may not determine where you will sit ten years from now, but at least there is a connection between them.

So if you can't figure something out, there's no need to think so much, just like Forrest Gump in the movie Forrest Gump.

You do everything, you don't have to think about how much you can get, you just need to do things the best.

You can think about things that you don't understand, and then you may understand.

and so……


So Liu Xu, a beast, began to spoil He Damei again.


The next day is the weekend, Liu Xu is going to treat Zheng Shuang's illness, and take a look at the beautiful Che Xiao by the way.

And because it was the weekend, He Jing didn't have to go to work, so she slept until after ten o'clock in the morning, very comfortable.

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