Liu Xu took a deep breath and said, "The 4S shop has service items for car maintenance, such as cleaning the engine dust. I don't know much about this, but the charges should not be high. Have you never maintained it?"

Che Xiao nodded.

"All right!"

Liu Xu was speechless.

Liu Xu "repaired" it for a long time, got his hands full of motor oil, and found nothing wrong with it, but the car just couldn't be repaired.

He grinned, thinking of the dick's story, so Liu Xu said to Che Xiao: "I can't fix it either, so I might as well take you home, let someone come over and tow the car to a professional auto repair shop tomorrow for repairs. "

Che Xiao nodded, but Liu Xu stretched out two oily hands and said, "My hands are full of oil. Is there a place in your company to wash your hands?"

"Oh, the company has another bathroom, I'll take you there."

Che Xiao said and took Liu Xu to take the elevator, and he hurriedly followed behind her.

Looking at Che Xiao's swaying ass, Liu Xu couldn't help swallowing, and said to himself in his heart: "I'm not a computer repair idiot, I can't repair the car well, so I can do something else!"

Liu Xu followed Che Xiao up to the floor where the company was located, then opened the door of the company, and pointed him to the bathroom.

After dawdling in the bathroom for more than ten minutes, he washed his hands clean.

After Liu Xu came out, he found Che Xiao waiting for him standing at the door of the company.

Liu Xu felt a little cold, and secretly speculated in his heart: "Is she not intending to have a relationship in the company? Is she still planning to go to the hotel?"

Thinking of this in his heart, Liu Xu bumped into a desk inadvertently, knocking a stack of documents on it to the ground.

Liu Xu quickly squatted down to pick it up. Che Xiao came over and subconsciously picked it up. As a result, the two collided with each other with a "bang".

"it hurts."

Che Xiao covered his head and sat on the ground, making a coquettish cry.

Liu Xu quickly pulled her up, who would have thought that he would hold Che Xiao in his arms.

There was no one in the company, and when Che Xiao was held in Liu Xu's arms, her heartbeat suddenly increased a lot.

Che Xiao's car is usually impossible to break down, but today when she was the only one left in the company, the car broke down.

She knew that Liu Xu couldn't repair cars, but she still called Liu Xu.

Che Xiao just wanted to see Liu Xu. When he was washing his hands just now, she was still wondering if she should have a meal first before going home...

But now, she was directly held in Liu Xu's arms.

Liu Xu is not a fool, the atmosphere is extremely ambiguous.

If Liu Xusong drove Xiao Xiao at this time, it would be something that was not even as good as a beast.

The office is a great place, or at least exciting to be here.

"I can't fix the car, so let's do something else!"

"Okay, don't tease me, hurry up."

"Quick what?"



When everything was settled, Che Xiao was lying on the sofa in the company, covered with two clothes.

"The two of us can be regarded as sleeping together now. I won't let you be responsible for me. It's just that you can come and hurt when you are in a good mood. After all, I still have Xiaoshuang!"

Listening to Che Xiao's words, Liu Xu felt a ripple in his heart.

In fact, a woman like Che Xiao is also suffering, but now that she meets Liu Xu, her sexual life is coming.

Liu Xu showed a mean smile, and asked Che Xiao: "Why do you hurt me? Did it hurt you? Or did you call for help?"

Che Xiao propped up his arms and said to Liu Xu, "Then should I call you Daddy Yamei?"


Chapter 2037 Hong Chao, you are not in love with me, are you?

Che Xiao's flax drop sounded shocking, and it probably made even He Jing feel ashamed.

Looking at Che Xiao's confused eyes, Liu Xu couldn't help but think of her as those teachers from the island country.

Taking a breath, Liu Xuxin said, "I met another evildoer!"

After Liu Xu and Che Xiao rested for a while, they dressed each other and left the company.

After all, neither of them had eaten, and there was no place to sleep in the company, so staying in Che Xiao's company was not good.

The two went downstairs, left the company in Liu Xu's car, found a restaurant that was still open, and went in for a meal.

This meal was easy and enjoyable.

"Why did I eat for so long, I'm sleepy."

Che Xiao raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "I just happened to be sleepy too, so let's go to your house."

"Hmm." Che Xiao said shyly.

Zheng Shuang was not at home today, so after Liu Xu and Che Xiao returned home, they hugged each other as soon as they entered the door, then threw their clothes all over the room, and finally collapsed on the big bed...

After another sweet relationship, Liu Xu and Che Xiao lay down on the big soft bed to sleep. Che Xiao hugged Liu Xu like a kitten.

Liu Xu was happy physically and mentally, and slept very soundly.

The night passed without knowing it.

The next morning, after Liu Xu and Che Xiao woke up, they looked at each other and hugged each other again.

Che Xiao murmured, "You are such a little wolf dog, you can't get enough even if you feed it."

Liu Xu said: "Then you are also a bottomless pit, which cannot be filled."

Che Xiao pinched Liu Xu and said, "Go to hell, you asked for it on your own initiative!"

"In this world, there is no plowed land, but there are exhausted cows. In this matter, you women have inherent advantages, okay?"

Che Xiao sneered and said, "Little calf, come and plow my field."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes and said, "You're messing around again."

Che Xiao snorted, and said, "Why, you don't want me to do this?"

Liu Xu licked his lips and said, "Why don't you want to!"

The two became more and more affectionate.


Liu Xu came out of the bedroom with his clothes on, but unexpectedly saw Fei Cui sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee.

No, it should be the red tide.

"How did you come?"

"This world is over."

"I knew it."

Liu Xu was not surprised, because he also had a hunch that as long as Che Xiao was pushed, it would be time to open the door to a new world.

"are you ready?"

"Ready at all the time."

"it is good."

As soon as Hong Chao finished speaking, Liu Xu felt his world spinning.


"Everyone, the plane from BJ to SH is about to arrive, please get ready to get off the plane..."

"Nimma, this is too fast!"

Liu Xu couldn't help complaining, but he wasn't worried, because Hong Chao would definitely help her arrange the girls in that world properly.

In the world of iPartment, Hong Chao has already taken care of Liu Xu's identity for her.

A professional doctor, and especially emphasized not to write novels, release albums, make movies, enter the entertainment industry, these moths...

Because readers are bored.

Also, the most important thing is that as long as you marry Hu Yifei, this world is considered a strategy.

Liu Xu reluctantly agreed to the first one. After all, he has gradually fallen in love with the profession of a doctor, but the second one is unbearable. He has always followed the harem route, and now he suddenly changed it. The style of painting has changed too much. big.

However, Hong Chao didn't let go, and threatened that if Liu Xu didn't marry Hu Yifei, maybe this world would collapse early.

"Hong Chao, you are not in love with me, are you?"

"No, I'm just Hu Yifei's fan."



The plane slowly stopped at SH International Airport, and a young man wearing sunglasses, probably in his early twenties, came out of the airport dragging his suitcase.

Looking at the blue sky, the man took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of deep eyes, and wanted to look around, then walked towards a taxi not far away.

"Master, go to the love apartment."

As soon as Liu Xu got into the car, he told the driver why he was going.


As soon as the driver stepped on the accelerator, the car immediately started and drove forward.

"Brother, are you alone?"

The driver was obviously very chatty, finding topics to chat with Liu Xu along the way.

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